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Immortal Goddess Edition
A thread to post blonde haired blue eyed women. Other eye colors also allowed
>Bonus for Queen Marika the Eternal
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males, at least one girl in the picture
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
Of course other hot aryan women also welcome
I want Queen Marika to give me a foot job and cum all over her godly feet!
I would love her to dom me!
Is this masturbation?
She went to fuck herself
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My Goddess
She was told to go fuck herself~
I love her so much. I want to fix her!
My Goddess!
An elden lord's reward
Imagine being manly enough to make an aryan goddess submit!
She's so fucking perfect!
A true goddess
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Samus or Marika? Who is hotter?
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Needs more Fia
>thread devolves into dyke shit
Hope you faggots burn in hell.
No seething allowed.
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My Aryan Babe Tier List based on my own personal taste. Go on, tell me where I'm wrong. I know you want to

You see someone you like not on here? Put her forward, tell me where you think she'd be and I'll show you where I'd rank her
Beautiful. To me it would probably be Samus > Zelda > Marika > Nova > the rest
Post pics of what you want to see, otherwise fuck off
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Samus is peak aryan
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Sakimichan with his inhuman faces can truly make someone otherworldly like Marika seem possible.
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Queen Marika is fucking perfect!
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FDAU bump.
Queen Marika the Eternally Smug
Her smug fills me with life!
Was Marika a good person?
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She's so beautiful
definitely, at least a 7/10
Who would make a 10/10 or higher?
Queen Marika the Eternal
I want Marika to mommydom me!
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Breeding Marika!
I love Marika so much. I want to worship her!
My Goddess
Sauce? Any more with this model?
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who is the artist?
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Queen Marika is the hottest
Such a perfect woman
she's alright, yeh
What's with all the AI itt?
What about it?
She's such a perfect Godess. Both muscular and powerful or soft and motherly, Marika is amazing and I want to mate with her
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I fucking love this woman!
Now this is what a real woman looks like
agree to disagree
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I want to worship her so much, anon!
Life is unbearable without a Marika goddess-wife!
luckily I already have one
Lucky you!
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This looks like she's shitting cum out of her vagina
I'd love to impregnate an aryan Goddess!
She just got fucked that good!
The Immortal Bumpa
Thank you anon!
You just know she's fucking perfect
I wish I could be reborn as Marika's good little boy and pleasure her as she mommydoms me
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does anyone know of more narrative porn that kind of fetishises this more from a raceplay perspective? like a white man wanting to fuck and breed a aryan ideal woman, specifically?
maybe? I dunno
Ah that brings back memories
I love Marika so much
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I love my Goddess with all my being
What do you mean by this, anon? I'm halfway decent at art so could give whatever this is a go if I end up being into it.
what's her name?
Queen Marika: the Eternal
basically raceplay porn but the goal is fetishising racial purity. The idea that an aryan ideal of a woman gets of on being fucked and bred by an aryan man. That she wants to be fucked by an aryan man above all else. That she prefers white, aryan cock and men above all else. If this makes sense to you.

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