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Helltaker General #166

Resurrection From Death Edition
Welcome to /htg/, the Helltaker game general.
Post art, gameplay, tips, how much you want to [cuddle] a demon, autistic fanfic, whatever is related to the game.

>Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1289310/Helltaker/
>itch.io: https://vanripper.itch.io/helltaker

>"What is Helltaker?"
Helltaker is short, free to play puzzle game in which you control a man who journeys into the depths to Hell to make a dream of creating a harem of sharp dressed demon girls a reality.

>"Why /htg/ and not something shorter?"
Because "/hg/" is used by Halo General.

>"Why a general for an hour-long game?"
Apart from typical waifu autism, Vanripper, Helltaker's creator, had considered making the game open source, meaning fan-made content and expansions.
Fan projects are also on the table, such as spin-off games, mods, and dating sims!
Also every 20 threads, and on certain holidays, join us for Harem Hellfighters!

>Level Editor Mod

>Full game/achievements guide

>Helltaker Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iybUh3-WtfE [Open]

>Examtaker Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uGNdQLIUtw [Open]

>Vanripper's Twitter

>Vanripper HT comic archives

>Vanripper stream archives

>Helltaker Booru

>/htg/ Archives

>previous thread: >>8426937
Did the previous thread get flat-out deleted? Because the thread watchers redirects me to an off-site archive, not the official on-site one.
from what i've heard, several entire boards got wiped. just looking at the /aco/ catalog reinforces this as all the threads were made within the last few hours
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You can't keep a good demon girl down, but she always gets you up:
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What the hell happened to have that occur?!
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World's about to blow up.
Modeus is just trying to further the cause of science.
Why would she need that when Helltaker is available?
For when being queen is too stressful. It was either that or drinking.
I can help kickstart this.
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teh dogis r luud:
I'd bark for her.
And she'd bark for you: >>8470778
Translations please.
I don't know what the Japanese text says, but here's another with Lucy having a wardrobe malfunction and showing one of her luscious nipples
Tired Pandy is cute!
Tired bitch propaganda

I'd take a gander at what's behind that prop:
...oh, and new art by Noaharbre:

Lucy demon-strating she's the breast... I mean best as best succubus Morrigan Aensland in Capcom's Darkstalkers. She's pure Sex in that outfit.
Being the perfect beach beauty is Justice:
Love her bangs.
Needs more abs.
>judgement thread
We need a lot of Judgements.
This is the exact Judgement image I've always wanted, peak Amazon.

Ask, and you shall receive:
Participating in the 2024 Paris Paralympics is Justice:
She's not even part of the competition, she just rode onto the track by mistake

I'm not saying that Modeus is the town bike, but I hear she's sponsored by Shimano:
She's a hard ride, but a satisfying one.
Until she shatters your pelvis.
Is it really rape if I'm all for it?
>tail wrapped around her lover
My dick is diamonds.
Those breasts are firm, good.
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I know you'll abs-olutely love this pic of Judgement:
Jesus Christ, anons, I want to lick her muscular body so much, and rub my face against those firm abs.
You're not the only one, lad.

Judgement is pure Sex in stockings & fuck-me heels:
A wild Astaroth appears!:
Perfection incarnate, she'll exposing herself to prove her superiority over mortal women.

Astaroth is pure Sex when she's clothed...:

I'd totally suck on her pointy nips too.
What do you think her fetish is?
What would be her reaction if you offered to go tandem biking with her?
She totally gets off of degrading men while fucking.
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>What do you think her fetish is?

Being the dominant sort, I reckon Astaroth likes wearing high heels...:

...especially while having sex.
There's no actual sex, she just dominates.
Bunnygirl Astaroth:

I bet she fucks like one as well.
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Lil' Azzy with wings brings blessings to all this Sunday
Thank you Lil' Azzy!
I volunteer to find out. Some of my balls or pelvis bones may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make.
I feel like both Zdrada and Astaroth are two different kinds of "bitches".
Zdrada is a "troll" bitch, one who deliberately stirs shits up just to see what kind of a reaction she's going to cause.
Astaroth is an "obnoxious" bitch, one is difficult to be near because she treats most people with scorn and as if they're beneath her.
Both of them can attract their own audience. Zdrada attracts "I can fix her" guys and guys who are attracted to "rebels" and punks, while Astaroth would probably be for guys who like to be degraded.
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>ywn cuddle with Malina after having sex with her
Why even live, bros? Just to suffer?
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On this Sunday, time for Michael the slutty archangle:
You know Taker is packing some serious stuff when even an archangel can get mindbroken by it.


...and being in this archangle, Taker does the deed.
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No way that Michael of all archangels could be hypnotized. That's like Sathanas wearing a dress, it's just not possible.
>It's just not possible

...nor is it possible for Shamsiel to obtain beer in Heaven, but there y'go:
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>That's like Sathanas wearing a dress, it's just not possible.
>there are other versions of various demons
Hey, you didn't say WHICH Sathanas!

As Judgement demon-strates here, there's a couple of reasons why it's fairly easy to hypnotise an angle:
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I mean the Viking girl, who is pure beauty.

I want her to tell me how best to slaughter my enemies and read poetry to me.
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As Sathanas is a fan of Klingon culture, it's you who would recite love poetry to her while she threw heavy objects at you: prior to extremely violent sex. To Klingons, the male suffering a broken collarbone is seen as a good omen for a successful relationship.

Sathanas knows the opera 'u' by heart, has a replica of the Sword of Kahless in her bedroom, and carries that axe guitar as - like Klingons - she considers single combat to be the most honourable of battles:

...and she admires Worf as he appeared in Star Trek: Picard. Especially when he killed Sneed.
One of her aliases is known as Odin.

A nickname more appropriate to Dommy Mommy Wolf Garmr, as she also lost an eye:

...and in a IDF uniform, she does a good impression of Moshe Dayan.
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She may only have one eye, but Garmr does a really good Dandy Hell Dance!:
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Garmr, the Mother of Cerberus
"A mortal, caring for my daughter? I'm surprised he hasn't been eaten yet! Poor girls, all alone with such an owner!"
"I assure you, Sathanas, Asuka is the best girl. Don't bring out the axe, let me explain."
>Garmr is the mother of Cerberus, her only daughter
>She was interim High Prosecutor after Beelzebub's rebellion while Justice and Judgement recovered
>She made public examples of troublemakers, her methods so brutal that crime plummeted during her time in office
>She happily gave it to Judgement, however, citing how demanding the duty was
>She did find one interesting thing during that time
>the Infernal Flame is a unique magic, producing blue-hot flames that scorch body and soul
>With this power, she can burn just about anything to ash, making Sathanas' hellfire breath look like a Zippo in comparison
>She prefers to intimidate with it, ending fights before they begin by showing a single tongue of Infernal Flame on her finger
>Her fangs are much larger than a normal demon's, which allows her to bite through tanks, bunker doors, etc;
>Once in her grasp, pray that she shows mercy to you
>Or at least that your death is a quick one
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Same taste, good.
>She doesn't care for the politics of Hell, being friendly to Lucifer and Beelzebub in equal measure
>She is loyal to Lucifer first and foremost, however
>Sathanas is her second-favorite, sparring with and having fun in general with her
>It helps that they have the same accent and taste in food and drink
>She is sterile, a fact she is ashamed of
>She made a deal with Beelzebub before the Great Flood
>She would give her left eye in exchange for the opportunity to give birth just once
>Beelzebub accepted, and what followed was a beautiful, wonderful nine months for Garmr
>To this day, she will speak at length about it
>She gave birth to Cerberus, triplets with one soul between them
>Despite her tough/goth exterior, Garmr loves her daughter more than anything in Creation
>If Cerberus ever was in danger, absolutely nothing nothing would stop Garmr from coming to her rescue
>She doesn't like anybody knowing about her love of her daughter, nor her love of anime and cosplay
>Her favorites are Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion, but she usually watches the more moe stuff like Lucky Star
>That's Cerberus' favorite, and they watch it together
>Don't interrupt them for any reason, unless you want to be their dinner
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Hivemind taste, even better.

For Lorebro giving us a reminder, more Garmr in another... ahem... garmrment:
I want wolf mommy to step on me and call me names.

Here is Dommy Mommy Wolf Garmr standing on you in her heels and calling you her little bitchboy:
She seems more like the type that makes you drain your balls inside her every night just to try and get pregnant.
Having her hair down is Justice:
Two muscle girls are better than one, especially between their abs.
I definitely wouldn't complain about that either.
I legit love this guy's art style.

As demon-strated by this pic of Garmr, it's impossible to not like Anikikiart's stuff:

...and she's abs-olutely best Dommy Mommy wolf.
I want to
>lick her muscles
>plant my face between those breasts
>grate my face on those abs
in literally any order.
I want to scratch her ears and make her blush.
What's she drinking in the center image?
It's Cherry Ice, the flavor by Gamersupps made for Zentreya: Garmr is even drinking it from a waifu cup featuring Sinder the Hell Wolf.
Garmr subs to Buffpup.
Mixed with a protein shake, I presume?
Bunnywolfgirl Garmr
Or just for hydration
Those are some long legs.

She's a big girl:
For you.
I see that Lorebro keeps his interpretations close to the originals.
>215 cm
Big bad wolf, I'd let her blow me down.
He an autist with respect.

For those trips, the last Garmr pic I have:
They then proceeded to have fun for hours together.
Magic Dog Wisdom is only filled with spells about dogs; I'm surprised that Cerberus forgot that.
teh dogis r luud:
And squishy.
I want more lewd Doggies.

As(s)k, and you shall receive:
>Butt squish
How can I tell if they're in heat?
They can't stop rubbing themselves against furniture and others.
Good, let them get pent up.
>rubbing themselves against others

The Doggies bulli Azazel with Love:
She prefers that Azazel walk her because of how she reacts to her shenanigans.
As it's Sunday, time for Lil' Azzy to bless this thread:

...with extra Smols at no extra cost.
Thank you Lil' Azzy, is there more to this comic?
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>is there more to this comic?

No, but there is more to this comic:
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Only one more page, but here is that more:
I love how deep everyone went into the
>Judgment loves dogs
rabbit hole.
It's a very important part of her character.
Serious Modeus is best Modeus.

I like how Ambris visualises Judgement:
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Here's Loremaster with acute angle:
Who's she?

No idea. Just an angle who's with Loremaster
Probably a kidnapped angel.
She looks like Felicia.
>She looks like Felicia.

Funny you should say that...!:
She's supposed to be a pre-fallen Judgement if memory serves me right

This is Abigail, pre-fall Judgement

Here's Azazel as Hsien-ko:
Who gave her that name?

As would Krampus be dressed as Qiqi in Genshin Impact.

But of course, best character in Darkstalkers could only be Lucy as Morrigan Aensland:
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Turns out that ChatGPT can do Neo-Khuzdul; this helps a lot with me showing the language of the demons.
To the tune of this:

ukhi Lûzikhûn Baraz-râki, Heia Hoho!
âkhurûn-farak zigil bûrzum, Heia Hoho!

Refrain X2:
Nadûn-zabar! Narûb aghâr!
Izub rashath tâdâmi.

Nârukhi âkhûn-khuzdul Ilbarul, Heia Hoho!
Amrûm-yûn khazgân-dâh sâru, Heia Hoho!

Lûzikhûn nûru-ruk Khazâd, Izub-ûn râkh!
Târak naru-barûr, tarâk izakh nadûn baraz, izâf ghâl-izûd.

Ibn-adûm râzim, tûtam gârim, Heia Hoho!
manzûn sarûn, izun khuzgâram? Heia Hoho!

Khazâd nârakûn iltânu, Heia Hoho!
Utûm-razim barûlim! Heia Hoho!

Ibûn-ibn âdum mâkhim, Heia Hoho!
Narugûn nûrun-izâmi âdumaz! Heia Hoho!

Akhulbât khazâd-dârum, Heia Hoho!
Idrâmukhûn Ilbarul-ûmbi, Heia Hoho!

Shâdâfâ Yavân-tûl ithradâmi, Heia Hoho!
Namîkânûm izâr kâthrûr! Heia Hoho!

Amrûkhi Izûrun-nak, Heia Hoho!
Narûk khazdâr izâr-lok, Heia Hoho!

Barzûl idrûmîkûn mâzirî! Heia Hoho!
nâkhûn nadûn barukh iz-zarîkhûn! Heia Hoho!

Bâtûl izâdur tâtârukhûn, Heia Hoho!
Shîrukhûn izâthâm i razîn tânûr! Heia Hoho!

Utâmukhûn naru-barakh, Heia Hoho!
Izbarâm nadûn-galukh! Heia Hoho!

Bruzdûn thurûm Hellûn, Heia Hoho!
Akhlâmûn barukhûn nadûn-dârîkhi! Heia Hoho!

For Lorebro, more Lucy in Armour:

I know you'll like that.

She's Smugifer. For two reasons:

1- Tits
2- Tits
...and a wild Generic appears!:
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Holy shit, you've taken a level in autism I didn't even know was possible in the best way.
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I want to bang Judgy and worship her firm, muscular body.
Judgement is strongest girl

More Muscular Judgement:
Behemoth has the thickest muscles.
You could grate Mount Everest into sand with those abs.
God, imagine licking those abs and rubbing your face against them. I get hard just thinking about it.
The inhumanly masculine urge to bust on Pandy's glasses

More Judgement displaying how she's abs-olutely perfect and being an absolute Sex Goddess:
I want those biceps in my hands right now.

Ask, and you shall receive:
Her eye, what happened?!

That was due to a staring contest with Lucy:
dear god
A rare Glasses Malina:
...and a wild (West) Yeehaw Bitch appears!:
I want Yeehaw Justice now.

Ask, and you shall receive:
Daily reminder Pandy has THE best ass in the harem
How does she cook her burgers?
>How does she cook her burgers?

With the heat of being Passionate about what she does, and with Justice being Awesome. And whatever she cooks tastes exquisite - just ask Lucy - because of an added ingredient: Love.
I see Beelzebub's enjoying herself as well.
There's many who would want to pleasure the Sex Goddess that is Judgement:
But what could possibly pleasure her enough?
>they will never crush your head with their firm, hard bodies
Why even live?

That should have been me, not him.
Judgement's enjoying what he's doing to her so far...!
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He's earned it through his blood, sweat, and tears.
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Azazel looking at the bill always makes me laugh.
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Here's Lil' Azzy to bless us all this Sunday:
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Thank you Lil' Azzy!
Imagine how comfy it would be to have one smol Azzy at home.

More Lil' Azzy and Mini-Mike:
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More Azzy!
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Maid Michael acute angle:
Here's an angle that gets all flustered when this catgirl demon has Krampus anywhere near her:
...and no, I don't know what her name is before anyone asks.
It's Tinen, IIRC
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Ah, thanks for the info. More Tinen, then:
Forgot the text.
Tínen (Lucrezia)
"I don't want to work! Too scary! Society is too scary!"—Hitori Gotoh
"If you push someone to their limit, you'll see a completely different person."
>Tínen is an incredibly shy and anxious angel, always stammering whenever she has to speak
>She's a good friend of Azazel, always worrying about her whenever she's gone
>Tínen went down to Earth so that she could find a quiet place to live
>Heaven's been getting too busy lately
>She was spotted by Baphomet one day and was invited to dinner, which she accepted
>She ended up being held hostage by Baphomet, after having a great dinner of course
>Over the course of a few weeks, she was corrupted by Baphomet
>Being forced to get a tattoo of a pentagram on her chest, wearing revealing clothing in public, and being humiliated in general with Baphomet laughing the whole time
>She was also forced to get an Italian accent, apparently just because it was entertaining to hear
>the final straw was when Baphomet took her halo right in front of a mirror, saying that "You're a new girl now, a demon girl. And a new demon needs a new name and look."
>Baphomet then named her "Lucrezia"
>When her halo was stolen, Tínen stared in abject horror at herself in the mirror
>She then felt something she's never felt before in her long life
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>She screamed in terror and rage, running away from Baphomet and jumping out of the window
>She unfurled her wings just in time to break her fall, running as fast as she could away from Baphomet's castle
>As soon as she stopped running, she made a promise to herself as she looked back at the tower
>She wasn't going to be pushed around by anybody anymore
>Never again will she be humiliated in front of people
>For the first time in her life, she was going to stand up for herself and get her halo back from Baphomet
>And God help anyone who stands in her way
>Lucrezia—no, Tínen—is coming back home uncorrupted

Thanks for the reminder. For Lorebro, more of that demon catgirl:

...and Baphomet is pure Sex in heels.
Like a Mafia dominatrix.
A sexy one.
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>what if a stereotypical hentai protagonist was a woman AND an angel?
I wonder what her fucked up fetishes are.
Cuddles and being publicly humiliated.

That's one of Generic's fetishes when she's drunk. And very 'aggressively':
So many would want to be in Taker's position here:
What's her favorite kind of alcohol?
It should have been me, not him.

Probably single malt whisky:

Laphroaig, Talisker or Jura.
i want to protect her smile
Imagine if she got her hands on the stuff Malina drinks.

Nah, Generic's too refined for that


...but unlike any of Generic, here's a pic of Malina being sexual:
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More of the absolutely magnificent Judgement:
Can we get up to ten?
God, I'd love it if she forcefully rubbed my face against her rock-hard abs. It'd make me cum buckets.
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>even Modeus is afraid
And her hearts are gone!
She's mad that she didn't get invited to the party.
any up and coming artists anyone would recommend for helltaker content
doesn't have to be porn
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Orouu is incredible, as is Krekkov.
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Don't forget the guys over at Second Circle:

A rare smiling Malina:
>smiling Malina
I like to think Malina is an angry drunk, and the only reason she's constantly angry is because she's constantly drunk. She'd probably get cheerful as fuck if she managed to spend two days without drinking.
I say two because during the first day, the hangover would probably be killing her too hard for any visible change to occur yet.
One way to find out; high risk, high reward.
But how in the hell do we keep her sober?!
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>But how in the hell do we keep her sober?!
Do her janitoring jobs and let Malina relax with games. That's sure to keep her distracted thus she lays off the sauce.
Here she's drinking watered-down vodka but doesn't know it is, so she thinks she still drinks but doesn't get drunk.
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Yes, I would like to sample smiling Malina:
Those stockings fit her well.
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More Malina being hot in hosiery:
Gamer Malina is best Malina.
How does one slow down the Cerb?
>Gamer Malina
Isn't that redundant?
Malinka is many things, such as a janitor.
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Like tech restorer on YouTube Cat and Andrew, Malina is very meticulous about cleaning computers:
Is Hell better than Dell?
>I'll strangle you
With a look like that, she probably would.
She has and worse to litterbugs.

I've had no problems with the Dell laptops I always use, so they're probably the same:

Yes, I'd like to sample Judgement:
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Imagine worshipping that body.
If only I had somebody to hold me like that.
Strong form, strong face, perfection.

'I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me. You know, when I left the house today I was thinking "Damn, I really hope some hot chick paints my brains all over some fucking hallway." And here we are. I mean really, just absolutely destroy me. I'm talkin' full on, watermelon-in-the-thighs level carnage. And I want it to scare the shit outta me. I mean I hope I piss myself. I hope I piss myself and you call me your little "peepee pisspiss boy." I want you to fuck me up. I mean I want you to make me your bitch. Your little peepee-piss-myself-bitch. I want it to get embarressing. I mean like... weirdly embarressing. Unsanitary, too. We should be entirely different people, by the end of the first eight hours. Do you understand what I'm trying to say here? I mean, l'm a real freak. I'm not normal. Ma'am... Please... You have to crush me.'

...and then it's Snu-Snu time for you, administered by Judgement:
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Meanwhile, here's Lil' Azzy to bless everyone on this Sunday...:

...and what's left of certain anons after Judgement's finished with them.
Literally me.
Thank you Lil' Azzy, I hope you can heal them all up!
>fresh off playing DOOM
So what's the consensus on the DOOM Marine running into the Helltaker Gals? Canonically he's been to EVERY version of Hell (including HDoom) so this wouldn't be all that far out for him really.
>So what's the consensus on the DOOM Marine running into the Helltaker Gals?
Oh, I dunno...:
...you tell me.
Doomguy's certainly been told by Lucy. Judgement will like Isabelle, though.
>Not me!
I don't see Lucy saying "y'all" unless she's been with Justice too long.
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>Canonically he's been to EVERY version of Hell (including HDoom)

Barbecue, in Yeehaw!'s case:
I want to get Lucifer drunk.
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Best I can do is angry Luci:
There's never any other Doomguy. No alternate versions, no one Marine and one Doomguy. Every single game in the franchise is always the same Slayer from start to Dark Ages.

Tom Hall confirms that every numbered entry into the series is him. And considering how many different forms of Hell exist throughout the entire series then the possibility of him being in all the modded versions as well was not just a possibility: it was outright fact.
Hell exists in every single form we can possibly imagine. And Doomguy has been to every single one. And he has utterly annihilated every single one.
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Here's Baphomet with the Icon of Sin:

Dr. Samuel Hayden: 'The longer Baphomet exists on Earth, the more 'Ara~ Ara~' she will become'

After a bit too much of the ol' El Vino Collapso, Lucy gets a bit too horny:

>from start to Dark Ages
Remember, the official timeline is
>Doom - Doom 2 - Doom 64 - Dark Ages - 2016 - Eternal
My headcanon is that 3 also belongs there. 3 takes place before Doom, maybe its second half overlapping with 1's first half, and the same for Resurrection of Evil and 64. Doom Guy in Doom 1 might be a part of the reinforcements you call in during Doom 3.
Hot demonettes:
I want to snuggle with Behemoth and kiss her gently.
If those three wanted to reverse gangbang me, I'd in fact be happy about it.
I really love this guy's art style.
Ziz is the one who has a stiletto, right? I wonder if she's into knife play.
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Correct. She also likes furry books & comics.
What's her favorite kind of furry?
What's her favorite kind of furry?

As so much about Ziz is '[REDACTED]', I know the answer to that question: Yes.
Why is everything about her redacted?
>Why is everything about her redacted?

Because of [REDACTED]
I love Behemoth and Ziz's faces.
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You'll love Behemoth's expression here, then:

...and not only that aspect of her, methinks!
What's her fetish?
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Looking down on you
I want to give this big girl a big hug.
>I want to give this big girl a big hug

Behemoth would more than want you to do so...!:
I’m legitimately curious: why do these threads contain so few images with actual sex? I’ve lurked in a few of these threads and I’m always surprised by how many pics are fully clothed/mild lewds.
Well, there's plenty of threads you can be curious about in /d/ if there isn't enough of what you're actually curious about in this thread
It's had the opposite effect of other fandoms: while other fandoms start out wholesome and then get weird, Helltaker was made for the porn and got wholesome for the most part.
I wouldn't complain.
>"that's it?"
There are too many ways I would let down Behemoth. I’m not even worthy of a passing glance from her
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Don't worry, just being with her is more than many people have done.
Just have her in her big form, no problem then.
honestly if this is how a chick made me come to her place I'd genuinely not be able to get it up.
you promised me a kitty. do you know how much disappointment you caused by not showing me the fluffy creature?
all you had to do was not lie.
She's a demon. And she's referring to her pussy.
Fear is what makes it even hotter.
>t. jerked off to Alma Wade and Sadako
Wait a tick, Behemoth is supposed to be invincible. How am I gonna break her hymen?
>How am I gonna break her hymen?

You can't

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