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New thread for TF
Old thread: >>8363681
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What happened to the old thread and all the other threads on the board?
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>>8470597 >>8469596
Bro stop
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From webcomic: The Wotch
See this I can get into. The guro and cannibalism shit that tittydispenser produces on the other hand, not so much. It's obviously hotter if the transformation itself is smooth and silly, instead of violent and awful.
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who the fuck cares about what your into? this isnt your personal blog
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get fucked shit taste faggot
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I can't imagine why these threads aren't more popular, with one screamo dipshit policing them while not even posting anything
Uh huh. Anyway nah man the plant should be growing through her body and she should be screaming and shit that'd make the thread way more popular
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Say, is there a tag for this stuff?
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You'd think so, but no.
I checked but no
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Youtubers are barely public figures. This is creepy.
>1.27 million subscribers
>barely a public figure
creepy or not that's just untrue, there's cable TV shows that would kill for her numbers
Anyone have any fun in-universe inanimate TF concepts? A Star Wars example:

Powerful force users have the ability to dominate and condense/reshape other force users down into their constituent "force matter" in order to further augment their own abilities. Instead of killing an opponent like Rey, the ideal situation would be to capture her, then shrink her down into some little greeble to attach to your lightsaber or body armor.

This could be used by dark(er)-side force academies to ensure strong graduates. At the end of their training, the strongest students get to choose some of the weaker students to condense into useful items.

Bonus points if their consciousness still exists and is tied to the material, with their new "owner" being able to hear their tiny faint cries through the force.
>Youtubers are barely public figures.

How fucking elderly are you?
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Not a one, if you want to find pics like these you gotta get creative with your searches.
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Times have changed. Adaptation is key.
Who wished for that?
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Guess his girlfriend's a pothead now
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Who is this supposed to be?

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