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shared Interests Edition

>No futa
>No gay shit or single males but lesbians allowed
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama

Previous thread
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Fuck forgot the title, this is the elf thread
>no futa
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how long should it take to break in a elf princess until she's completely loyal to her master, always ready to fuck and no long needs restraints?
I think it depends on her personal power and how she's broken, but it can take centuries for queens. Unless you know her weakness, like its quite known that Drows are weak to anal
What is this position called?
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When she gets conquered by the dick
Orc dick, not even once!
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>honey... pussy again?
I'm just glad to see people still care about Lodoss, Marfa bless this thread
Drows love anal
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I'd still finish balls deep in their pussies as often as possible
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One interesting detail from the Drizzt novels is that enchanted armor from the Underdark tends to slowly disintegrate in daylight. Eilistraee surely takes advantage of the fact...
Goes by "cooperative_grinding" on Danbooru / Gelbooru
it also means you can capture a drow and leave her out in the sunlight and watch her clothes disintegrate which is hot
>make hentai about sluts getting raped
>make the elves so cute you don't want to see them raped

tender loving sex with Chloe!
This picture is just beautiful, anon. What a cute drow!
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Curvy for >>>/co/145328716
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Read the comment ^
Love elves, fuck elves!
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Elf princesses lost into the wilderness for ages and becoming shameless naturists is my fetish.
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Some elves are mainly vegetarian but this one definitely has a predator's dentition.
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don't forget to mark your territory
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why do elves love being glazed by cum so much?
They love the idea of being dominated by a superior male
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Glazing a girl already feels amazing, how would glazing an elf feel?
even better. Laying claim on an elf slut has to be unbeatable
Footfag here, how would elf feet compare to human feet?
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Elric_of_Melnibone_n01_p10 for >>>/co/145412907
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Do elves like sharing?
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The original wasn't even 4 MB I don't know why it kept saying it was too large.
Any fans of classical art here?
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This is my favorite elf
I like it! What a beautiful soft body
4chan rounds up
>beautiful elves
>amazing feet
>big booba
>fine art references

How is Kairu so amazing?
>big booba
That's the exception, Kairu tends to draw more reasonable sizes. Which is a plus in my book, I can see the appeal of big boobs but when it's all big all the time it just gets a bit much.
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It's how the boobs fit the whole of the body that counts in the end.
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I love Pirotess!
Piro is the best
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Chloe ear rubs
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Shart is my favorite elf
Isn't this the guy who got canceled because he was so egregiously racist even Elon's Xitter wanted nothing to do with him
(And for completely fucking shamelessly ripping off Calm's artstyle)
what? Evulchibi got canceled? I love his stuff
He drew a character with a lighter skintone than canon, someone pointed it out, and he responded by drawing them as a monkey. He also drew Black Panther as a blonde, blue-eyed white dude, voiced support for Brenton Tarrant and more recently has gone full Putin fanboy.
hmm, bit unhinged. Now that you mention it I have wondered why I stopped seeing new stuff from him
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I love girls who share!
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What do you think about undead elves?
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cold dead pussy
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is it morally wrong to fuck your heavily pregnant dark elf thrall and finishing by cumming all over her face?

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