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>half the board wiped out
After such devastation, /aco/ could use a pick-me-up.

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and 9/9
That reminds me, does anyone have a alt for zizki.com?
It's 404 on my end
I don't get it
She's a woman who has the intelligence to be anything she wants but chooses to be a prostitute
The ending is a pun
That's what I meant, I don't get the ending,the pun. I don't see it
Stroke refers to the motion one would do to a cock
Stroke of luck means she was lucky to get a job as a prostitute
I appreciate you trying to help, but I'm sorry, to me it feels like you don't get it either and just try to come up with an explanation. As that "pun" makes no sense in context whatsoever.
Hey I explained it the best I can, I get the joke
It's just alright
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dude holy shit this is wildest blast from the past that i have ever seen in my life
i still rember my friend told me that wrong hole joke pretty much word for word years ago
i never knew its origin
guess the wipe wasnt all bad
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OP here, I wouldn't say "origin" (it's an old joke indeed) but it's a particular good retelling

Have a silly Jucika
The joke is unwanted arousal?
It's not the joke's origin, the whole pitch for that series was "those jokes you always hear, drawn by that guy who draws hot babes"
Anyone else remember how all early Rule 34 had some kind of half-assed joke in it, like the artist felt they had to apologize for drawing porn of cartoon characters fucking?
Rather weak joke from VDM (Vie de Merde = Life of Shit)
French: A chaque fois que je t'attrappe la queue, tu laisses des poils partout!
(la queue also means cock or dick.)
Today my kitty is all cuddly...
Today I'm meeting my future in-laws for the first time...
That stuffs dates back all the way to the 70s and before, porn was technically illegal due to obscenity laws and obscenity was defined as something without artistic value. To get around this people made porn with a "plot" and thats why almost every old porno had some sort of story.
These were unironically the good times (regarding that ONLY, the 70s were a bad time otherwise)
I always enjoy these kind of toony comic women.

Strangely look hot to me, especially if theyre bbw and drawn by French artists.
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Is Condorito allowed or do I need to translate it first?
Either way, go for it
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One variant of this meme I enjoyed was one where after seeing his horny drawing of her she says "... do you do commissions? "
I don't get it either. It must be a joke lost in translation, I think the original is French.
vid related

You know, this used to be a whole social class. A RESPECTED social class even. High quality, high class, highly educated, highly talented prostitute.
We need to bring back courtesans/oiran/tawaif/qiyan/etc.

>loli artists be like
If someone posts the original, I might be able to better translate the joke
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IMO the pun is all those studies don't bring you money or lead anywhere while prostitution does
>I get the joke
no you don't. That double meaning exists just in English, not in the original French - which you may not have noticed to be a different language, Anon. Now shut up, the grown ups are talking.
Maybe it's just that she had to work hard for everything else but the sex. Being a prostitute is her dream job which is ironic for someone who has so many other options.
Less "lmao" and more "sensible chuckle".
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I always like it when an artist takes a scene from the canon and makes it goofily sexual.
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oglaf 8_legs_of_love.jpg 2010 for >>>/co/145249287
I like the Frisk x Miss Moffet version of this.
The joke is, that contrary to popular sentiment, she enjoys having sex for money more than the other, more intellectual professions that she would be qualified for.
Popular opinion would be, that she is wasting her talents, but she doesn't see it that way and is pursuing her 'true passion'.
we all know that, she outright states it (panel 6). That's the set-up of the punchline. People ITT are wondering about the actual punchline (panel 10), which seems to have got lost in translation.
I don't know what's left to explain.
"Stroke of luck" is a pun, as explained by

I assume the original french version is also a pun along the lines of 'I'm lucky to be a prostitute'.
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Original French (100 Blagues Très Coquines) has "c'est un vrai coup de bol" which is "it's a stroke of luck": https://www.thelocal.fr/20190102/french-word-of-the-day-coup-de-bol
"coup" is most definitely NOT XX century's French slang for wanking. Even if "stroking" is on English. In case you didn't notice, they are separate languages.

And the actual joke is not a wank joke, you wanker. Is that being a prostitute usually is because of NOT being lucky, while having a fuckton of money through an inheritance (that allows one to get an exquisite education and high lifestyle) is what is usually considered lucky.
Why was the board wiped?
Some kind of mod fuckup wiped at least half of the boards on the whole site

The joke here is that the priest tells the maid to buy a chicken. The man tells her that he'll sell the chicken to her for one "waktebonne", which is what he screams as he fucks her, meaning something like "Waaah, it's so good". When the priest comes back, he tells her she's been tricked. She goes to confront the man. When she comes back, he tells the priest that she made the man take the chicken back, and got him to give her TWO waktebonnes as compensation!
I'd appreciate if anyone knows who made this. I know there's a name written there, but I haven't had any luck trying to google it.
it's neat how idiots don't understand how the cervix works
How does it work then?
It doesn't talk, for one
penetrating the cervix will result in your girl screaming and kicking you
https: twitter com/cheripi_/status/1595228776702550018

They're the pronouns in bio type of artist, if that matters to you at all
was there a caption in the OG version???
nit: Panel 6 is such a weird choreographed way to drop a towel that was draped over your arm waaay behind you.
was there a caption in OG version?
No, or I don't think so, at least. It's actually part of a set of zodiac-themed pictures. They're drawn by Tom Sargent, and I believe they're originally from a magazine called the Erotic Review, but I haven't been able to find any copies to check.
No idea.
they can't all be zingers
The music of the 70s was good
she shoved her feet up his ass as retaliation me thinks
yknow payback for him fucking her or something
Lol this one got me
Dude just wanted his cash
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>suddenly turns into Connie Maheswaran
where is the funny?
is this ace attorney? I kinda recognize these characters....
Yes it is, Sparrow did a whole set on the series a long time ago

>While you dress up the table, I will go to the market to buy a chicker, in honor of the abbot we will receive this lunch.
>Say, would you accept to give me that chicken? It is for our priest.
>Well, sure. I can give it to you, in exchange for a Damnyouresohot
>I do not know this currency. What is it?
>Not much, really. Let me show you.
>The chick is yours.
>No need to bother yourself, sir Priest. I got this chicken against a simple Damnyouresohot!
>Poor child! This evildoer scammed you!
>The wrong is corrected! I gave him his chicken back and he gave me TWO damnyouresohot for it!
great thread
Holy shit, thank you Anon! Been trying to find this gif for months.
You're welcome
Who TF makes this shit
I mean, the artist's name is right there
What's the answer here?
Hint 1: [spoiler]The answer might not be obvious at first[/spoiler]
Kinda miss when the majority of R34 contained humor
Adults love humor in their smut because they already have smut in their lives. Most of the R34 "artists" are youngsters who have just discovered smut and thing that's "adult" enough.
Most youngsters grew up with unsupervised internet and devices and have been weaned on porn. It's horrifying.
Holy shit, it's the "extra mild sauce for white people" guy.
First time reading Ennui Go? Binge it, Anon. 4chan may be full of assholes, but this is NOT trolling you.
Most of these I knew before, but not from the comic strips. I heard them told as jokes by people of my grandma's age (they'd be over 70 now and were around 45 back then).
A few years ago I was talking to my teammate from Spain and we compared our contries' jokes. It turns out that the vast majority are the same few stories, told again and again. They must be hundreds of years old.
What I'm trying to say is: the author didn't create anything new, he just illustrated old ideas.
OP here, that's what jokes are, my friend. The last man to tell a joke owns it and that's okay.

By the way, proud of you guys.
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Le Petit Derriere de l'Histoire
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jago does funny porn
not as much as years ago but still
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stormtroopers and their aim :)
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this one i don't get
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links because too many

i don't get that one
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theres more on the kemono but that's enough from me
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Jérôme Moucherot (Les Aventures de) - T02 - Sus à l'imprévu
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I'm guessing the punchline is a funnier pun in French.
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french here
from the original text posted elsewhere in the thread, i don't get it either
I guess the joke is just that she enjoys fucking so much she considers it to be lucky that she gets paid to do what she loves.
Yeah thats what I figured too.
Just showing a world of blessed and successful life, and she's excited for fucking strangers for money.
>Uncensored Ennui GO comics
Fucking based. I used to love reading those comics. It's a shame that Doc Glasgow stopped making lewd comics with Izzy, and there's next to no rule 34 of her or any of the other characters. She's one of the most underrated waifus ever if you ask me.

I've been looking for the uncensored Ennui Go and Black Hole comics, and I don't want to pay for them because I'm broke as shit, so if you know of another way, I'd appreciate it
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Arthur de Pins
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I remember I bought the integrale of this off amazon and got it sent to my mum's work since I knew I wouldn't be in. She opened it in the office and got mad at me that I'd make her colleagues think she was a weirdo since it came in like a pleather zip-up cover thing.
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short segment from This Romantic Life
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I always bust a gut at the font change. Good establishment for character tone
>This Romantic Life
Couldn't find this googling, turns out it's This Romantic World
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Clara After Dark, by Bernet and Trillo, btw
>Clara After Dark
ah, a man of culture...
I think they just take their sexual fantasies too seriously and can't laugh at themselves.
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Relieta and Data were very based for scanlating it. It's a shame he's no longer really active.
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I can't remember where I downloaded these, but here you go
who's joinin in on the D&D campaign
Holy shit, this is just what I was looking for. Thank you based anon
Earmuffs. I get it.
Just he was getting in the lane, with the right style... He fucks up his life like that. It's unbelievable dude.
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Some self insert doodles x Nimoy as a submarine captain <3
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I've been told that my grandmother was walking alone in the park one night when a flasher approached her and opened his coat
she just replied "doesn't it get bigger?"
That's cute.
Came here to say this

Wait a second, are you the girl who was making AI Nimoy stuff?

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