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Seriously, what the hell happened edition

No futa
No drama
Slop is allowed, but in moderation
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I had asked last thread but the board got deleted, how much should a standard 6-7 foot amazonian fitgirl weigh? Not hypermuscle shit.
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I'd average about the 170-200 pound range depending on the level of bulk.
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How far along, /aco/?
3 to 6, nothing out of that range
80kg/180lbs to 90kg/200lbs depending on how you feel about muscle/bone density.
Shaq is 7'1" and weighs (or probably weighed when he played) 325lbs/147kg.
So maybe round down a bit to 140-145kg/310-320lbs.
Also remember that weight won't scale linearly with height, but almost no one is going to call out your 6'6" amazon for only weighing 260lbs.
2-5. Rarely 8, if they're not completely roided out.
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1 through 4, 2 or 3 being the sweet spot.
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It is 3 to me, at the most 4 if the girl is sexy enough
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Sister thread: >>8479788
>Sister thread:
Nothing involving futa is a 'sister' thread.
>futa have pussy
You know nothing moron
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3 to 6.
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filthy stuff involving musclegirls is always fucking hot
3 with 4's legs
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Buff Korra... <3
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Up to 3, 4 at the very most.
I need her arms wrapped around me.
Same anon, she defintenly gives great hugs.
Those abs and biceps make me so hard...
I bet her muscles are harder than steel when she goes into the avatar state.
I need a kickass dark-skinned gf like her to worship her muscles every day.
I wonder how would she react if someone is growing an erection because of her looks
As do I. Maybe one day we'll both find a chick like her.
I'll be the happiest man in the world with a girlfriend like Korra
I'm sure just about all of us would be happy with a girl like her. She'd make a great wife and mother too.
But I don't wanna ruin her abs with a pregnancy...
I could see her teasing whoever it was that was attracted to her and also being proud of herself that her beefy body caused that.
They might be hidden, but they'll be there again eventually. Besides, making a muscular girl pregnant will most likely make her even more beefy afterward. The kids from a muscular chick would also be very healthy and strong too which is a thing thats needed more than ever these days.
>tfw you'll never give an oil massage to a hot muscled waifu
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Why is tall and muscular such a good combo bros?
2 of the most desirable things these days in 1 package. I love how beefy Marisa is, need to find me a Italian girl like her.
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Dumping some of my stuff
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Great stuff, I like your art style. You got any more pics your willing to share?
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Thanks! I appreciate it! In terms of fit/muscular girls, I have some older stuff that I feel like is kinda outdated but I can post them anyways
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some submissive zarya
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I used to draw a lot of overwatch but moved away from that lately
NICE! I especially love the way you drew Zarya in that first pic, makes her look extra beefy. Who's been your favorite muscle girl to draw so far?
Definitely zarya. It was a lot of fun to draw her in both dominant and submissive scenarios.
I kinda miss drawing Overwatch characters but ive just been trying to branch out after getting sick of that game lol. Been considering drawing some karlach from baldurs gate
I can tell you put your heart into those dominant and sumissive pics of her, keep up the good work! Karlach would look absolutely fantastic in your style, you should really give her a shot one day.
>tfw no gun show from Zarya
I really appreciate the kind words anon!
I've been enjoying drawing BG3 stuff lately, so i might include karlach in my next drawing
Karlach, my beloved
Looking forward to seeing it!
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I find it amusing that she's both the tallest and heaviest Street Fighter character
cant get enough of these two pics, best proportions imo
Its one of my favorite bodytypes for muscular girls.Thicc and beefy in all the places with a great pair of tits. I especially love the legs on that pic of Power Girl.
She's a beast and I fucking love her for that.
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Among the women, at least. She's 10th-tallest overall.
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If she's just fit strong ? 80-90 kg. If she's actually "strongman strong" with more bulk for max power? Easily over 100. "Minerva," the iconic Victorian Era strongwomen, was said to be around 6 foot 1 and 230 pounds
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1-3(4 maybe) I'm more into the female body being gorgeously toned and fit rather than pure muscle

Also, you lot may get a kick out of my worldbuilding art, aka, my barely disguised fetish:
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Don't take this the wrong way, but I'd prefer to read more of your world than just see the art of hot, toned women. I'm a sucker for alt-Roman history but most I've read don't go far enough and become Romans with different colored togas or shaped armor.
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Funny, as I removed the text from those images most of those as I figured that people wouldn't give a shit about the rest and just want the art of hot, toned women instead of the text, anyways enjoy:
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oh gods, it's post apoc
What’s Jotaro doing there?
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How much muscle is too much?

I say if makes a woman’s head look tiny then that’s way to far.
I like it, anon. Worldbuilding around lesbian behavior is always welcome.
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i'm at a point where i can accept a little bit of hyper but not too much
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What's with all the girls from Japanese IPs/artists itt? I thought Eastern art wasn't allowed?
eh, i don't really care so long as they're buff.
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I love this
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what's up with her ass?
I want a Gerudo waifu.
https://files.catbox.moe/ mnvned. mp4
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1-2 or you are faggot.
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that just isn't true
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I desperately need this!
4 is the ideal for me.
5 is starting to be a bit too much.
6 and up is way off.
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you and me both
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5 at most
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1, 2 and maybe 3
fucking hell, that's some good shading
Jebriodo is a gift we do not deserve
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I'm fucking dying of laughter over here.
Holy fuck this is hilarious.
>Brave enough to sit with one tit out and pussy open to the world but not enough to piss in front of other people.
>The disdain, the disdain again, the alarm! and finally the disgust on her companions face.
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Gotten some amazing deliveries from /co/ recently
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i made the waist slightly thicker and did some other minor tweaks.
That does look much better. Could use some adjustments to the proportions (unless she's supposed to be amazonian), but otherwise it looks good.
>Could use some adjustments to the proportions
if you could give some specifics, that would be nice.
the goal for my builds tend to be "semi-plausible fit / athletic." i'll admit that i do like my waist / hips / thigh ratios to be on the 'less-than-plausible' side.
the nice thing about fallout 4 is that i can just pretend that she's a synth and then all of the normal biological proportions go out the window.
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same variant as 8562146 but now with the shoulders more narrow.
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She deserves more fanart.
I wanna smooch her on the nose
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I was actually going to suggest shortening the waist and forearms, but I understand if that's your thing.
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