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Uma Delicia. Finally some good fucking food.
This is a thread for sharing more of the newest Internet sensation
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I want my non-ugly miku back
have you tried not being gay?
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Sauce, brudder?
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Oh nice
this trend has been so good...brasileras are the best
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How long until brazilification becomes a fetish?
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>The world will enjoy Brazilian Miku on twitter, while Brazilians get banned from twitter
lol. lmao even.
Brazilbros, are you okay?
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>thread starts off good
>then someone starts posting cellulite and off model mikus
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not enough anal
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Why would american miku be a nigger, she would be white.
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Idk, looks accurate
Somebody give me the skinny on brazilian Miku. She is hot and all but why is she a thing?
someone on twitter wanted to draw miku as if she were from Brazil. simple as
this is stupid
you are gay
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anyone speak portuguese? what's the best way to say "give it a kiss?" i could use google translate but there's often a lack of taste or naturality
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Tou can try "dá um beijinho aqui" or "dá um beijinho vai".
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God I wanna racemix so much with her
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but he didn't eat her ass....
It's about the culture. So either she's black, texan, or mormon.
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"cum to brazil" is my favorite
considering how this popped up out of nowhere, I'd say it already is. No one simply cared until now.
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Brazilian Miku is giving me a fetish for tan feet and latina assholes.
i fucking love Brazilian Miku
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i fucking love this brazilian miku trend so much
she looks so fucking hot with her thicc ass, big tits, perfect body
i fucking love how great she looks
her ass creampied looks so good
she looks so fucking hot sucking that dick
the lipstick marks make it so much more fucking hotter
such a thicc ass
amazing tits too
i want that ass twerking on my dick
her tits pussy and body look so good
i love this trend so much
her ass looks so fucking GOOD
i love those thighs,tits, and tanlines
shes so fucking perfect
her tits look so fucking amazing
her pussy looks so good
i fucking love the peace pose sign
shes so fucking hot
her tits look so fucking good
perfect thicc ass the tanlines make it so much hotter
i fucking love how her ass looks in those booty short, so fucking thicc
i love her underboob too
she looks so great getting fucked
idk what shes saying but she looks so fucking good
her ass and tits look so amazing
i want that mexican ass on my dick so baddd
amazing tits i love the cum on her mouth
i fucking love this trend so much
her ass is so fucking amazing
her legs up and ahegao face while shes getting fucked is so good
her sweaty body is so fucking hot
her pussy looks so good
i love this trend so fucking much. her tits and body are just amazing
her legs and thighs too
so fucking hot riding me
great tits
i love that thicc ass
i wanna cum deep in her ass
perfect tits
so hot on her knees
her ass looks so fucking good
fuck the condom im fucking her raw
i wanna be deep in that brazilian pussy
nice ass view
not bad
her tits look so good getting titty fucked
her ass fucked from the back looks so fucking GOOD
i love her body so much

i love that pose so much
big ass, nice tits
bj motion
fuckkk this is so hot
perfect amazing tits
for real. this miku is so fucking hot
great body
lovely thighs and pussy
tan lines are great
sexy as fuck
sweaty ass perfect body and thighs i love it
great ass and creampie
this guy's stuff is so good
i love her smile and how her tits and body look
pussy looks so fucking good too
fuck yesss this pic is so good
her ass looks so fucking perfect
when i first saw this i kissed my phone then slapped my dick on that ass
i fucking love this trend so fucking much
she looks great!
even the sfw stuff is amazing i love it!
body looks incredible
i wanna titty fuck those tits
fuck yes i wanna leave her covered in cum
fucking hot full nelson her
i cant get enough of this trend
those tits and body are so good
nice ass
fuck yes more miku
i love that brazilian ass so much
i fucking love it
such a fucking great ass
shes so fucking HOT
perfect body i love it
great underboob and thighs
i love that look
her tits and pussy look great
the look in her eyes is so fucking hot
her brazilian pussy looks so fucking good
nice tits and pose
so fucking good
she looks amazing covered in cum
i wanna fuck that port so bad
i love that ass so fucking much
i fucking love this thread
so many great brazilian mikus
her ass and tits look good here
i love her face expression
i fucking love that perfect ass so fucking much
i wanna lick the sweat off of it
i fucking love brazilian miku
amazing tits i love her hypnotized eyes
i wanna do more than kiss it
i want to cum all over that ass so fucking bad
i love the tanlines
i love her figure here
i love those tits so much
what a great body
wonderful ass i love it when they bend over
bent over fucked from the back her ass looks so fucking good
i love the tan lines
her ass jiggling from getting fucked looks so good
her thong squeezing her ass is great
her tits look so fucking amazing
her hair being pulled is so fucking hot
her face is HOT AS FUCKKKK
i fucking wish she ws spitroasted
i love this so fucking much
same artist
the way they draw is fucking incredible
her body, tits, legs, thighs, pussy, ass hole all look fucking amazing
i love that shes covered in cum
the creampies are hot as fuck too
her face expression is hot as fuckk
i need those tits on my dick so badd
such a fucking great ass and underboob
so good
i love her posing on her knees
those tits and body are amazing
nice pussy
such great art of her
need more pics of her being fucked this is so good
perfect ass i wanna cum all over her back
nice ass
i need that ass on my dick
such great tits
literally perfect
her body, ass, tits
everything is perfect
i fucking love this trend
her pussy looks so fucking delicious i love it
i wanna fuck that ass so fucking badd
sweaty tits look so fucking GOOD fuck yess
that sweaty pussy looks so fucking delicious
her ass looks so good too
i fucking love the pose
this is such a fucking great pic
literal perfect body
her pussy and tits look so fucking delicious
i fucking love this trend so much
i fucking love this artist
they made these last 2 pics >>8484935 >>8484936
when i was searching for new brazilian miku stuff and saw this on rule34 i dropped everything else i was doing/looking at and beat the fuck out of my dick until i busted a fat nut
i fucking love this artist's style
brazilian miku looks so fucking HOT
her big tits are so fucking good, her face expression is hot as fuck
heart pupils looks like it
her sweaty body being grabbed
FUCK I LOVE THAT DETAIL OF THE 01 on her stomach
"Limited Brazilian Version"
thats so fucking genius
her pussy creampied looks so fucking good
i wouldn't pull out either
now the normal miku oh fuckk
i love her rolled eyes, biting lips facial exprssion
i fucking love it when girls are doing the peace sign as they're fucked
miku doing it while brazilian miku does her signature hand pose is hot as fuck
i fucking love that she kept her tie on
her tit being squeezed is hot too
her getting anal creampied makes her face expression so much more fucking hotter
her pussy spread as shes squirting and being cummed in is so fucking HOT
i love this so muchh
brazilian miku getting creampie'd and regular miku getting anal creampie'd
this is such a great art piece
fucking great body i love this trend so much
perfect pussy too
amazing thicc ass i love it
cute and sexy
that outfit is so fucking hot i love it
great whore this is so good
nice booty and tits
so fucking hot
amazing tits and body
her keeping those condoms is sexy as fuck
need those feet or tits on my dick
cute tits
this trend is fucking great i agree
such great fucking tits
i fucking love this thread holy fuck it's so good
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It depends how you want to write it. If it's more cute, more passionate, more direct, etc.
But as a rule of thumb:
little kiss or something cute = "beijinho"
kiss = "beijo"
to kiss = beijar (usually you will conjugate "me beija")
french kiss = "amasso" or "beijo de língua"

As >>8482253 said you can use both "dá um beijinho aqui" which means "give a kiss here". It points to an area, usually the cheeks of the face (or any area you want)
"dá um beijinho vai" is more akin to "give me a kiss, please"
If you want to say "you can kiss me" write: "você pode me dar um beijo"
Something very common with assertive girls is: "Para com isso" or "deixa disso" or "larga mão" and "me beija logo" which is "Stop that (from literal to slang) and kiss me now"
Or if you want more provocative "você não vai me beijar?" = "won't you kiss me?"

Anyway, hope it helps. Writing is something I truly like, so I've come out of the lurking for this. See ya.
you really didn't need to reply to every single one my nigga
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trashbros are a little enthusiastic sometimes, no biggie
My fault. I got carried away.
Retarded, you mean.
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i see the resident indian found the thread
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fuck yess please more i love fapping to this thread
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she looks so fucking hot sucking that dick
her tits look fucking great getting full nelson'd
pls post more if you have some im hard as fuckkk and love brazilian miku
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got this from the drawthread
such a fucking perfect body
i fucking love this trend so much
her ass and tits look so fucking GOOD holy fuckkkk
i love it when they bend over
i fucking love it when girls have their hands on their head like that
her ass and body looks so fucking good and her face looks sexy as fuck
she looks so fucking hot sucking that dick
the heart pupils are insanely hot
i love the saliva on it while she sucks it
shes so fucking hot i would not pull out if i fucked her
i fucking love how thicc that brazilian ass is
i love that pose while shes on her knees
thats fucking gooddd
could u ask for more? i might just ask for something i didn't even think of the drawthread thats smart
her ass and pussy looks so fucking goodddd
oh tysm! i know this is super late but i appreciate it anyway. if i draw something brazilian-related in the future i'm definitely going to go back to this
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love this trend. I hope the thread gets more traction
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damn this fucking slut is hot as fuck
Wonder how much longer the trend has.
might see another push if/when BR returns to xwitter. mostly procrastinators delivering rn
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hue miku soaring high
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Ain't she an /h/ character?
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>Officially, /jp/ & /mu/
If anything, it has outlasted most gooner art trends. Only Bowsetter went for longer.
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Good contribution.
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I wish mine was super long.
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Post more BR Mikus!!
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>EcchiOni made some Brazilian Miku
>It's not leaked,a dn never will be leaked
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