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Idk where the last thread went but here we go

post sexy stick figures/simple art here!
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Shame the last thread got nuked. Anyways, bumping thread with OC pictogirl
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A bunch of boards got nuked by accident and /aco/ was one of them
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Hah, these are amazing! thanks!
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Fun fact Stacy's bro has been drawn as a girl/futa before.
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her outfit btw has pretty much always been beanie, zip hoodie, white turtleneck, and jeans.
hot, does she have a sports bra on underneath?
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nah, just gravity defying tits because toon physics.
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I fucking loved this show as a teen
amazing, also wow I didn't know I needed more deepthroat of her
More pictogirls
I’ll try drawing actual sticcs now
Thicc sticcs are a surprisingly hot item
she's amazing! I bet she can swallow a ton of cum in one go
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Requesting @s1lly_bimb0 art, her twitter is a gold mine of suggestive simples. Especially good shit if you appreciate bimbo and/or chubby
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I simply cannot put into words how much I like this, thank you man. Your animations are dope
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Artist? This is fantastic
neuron activated
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Would you a 90's clothing brand girl?
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Awesome shit anon thank you
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Do you guys know how hard it is to draw characters with no faces getting fucked when you only have like three colours to use?
I struggle to imagine how it would be more difficult than drawing it normally.
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Does this look like a woman's face upside down with a mouthful of cum to you?
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saw a youtuber avatar i liked and doodle it
I feel like side profiles are like one of the only work arounds to that and totally agree with your point. Also I wanna see her swallow all of that
fuck one unconcious, then the other
Excellent OC! Do you happen to have a Twitter account?
You too, this is some choice stuff! :D
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Nice, love the puffy pussy
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Bump for moar Stacy & pictogirls.
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o7 I'm having a fun time drawing her
So glad you like her!
*succs nipples*
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If Eigaka was into thicc sticcs
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she looks pregnant, and if she isn't alex probably knocked her up with a load that fat
Fuuuuuck that big belly of cum is so hot
Need more of her
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paint practice w/ an OC from the last thread
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alt with slight changes

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cum time.
Can you post the other parts?
Could you post it normally? Catbox times out for me.
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Yesss more
This is amazing!!
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Which one of you fuckers made this?
Anyone got more of these?
Does the creator of these have a twitter or anything
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I love these
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She's breaching containment!
Her cock lust knows no bounds
How are these for simple art girls?





I think they posted it a few threads ago.

I threw together this edit for an eslut I like to try to get her into hucow, and it turns out e sluts like fanart, even if its edits.

I need to get better at editing
Ironaclly that artist is one of the inspirations i think. some of the off screen porn thats on youtube is fucking gold, and fucking funny
That looks awesome. would love a follow up where they are hooked, or a knocked up follow up
I decided to make one, follow me at @n1_1ck if you’d like. Not gonna be all that active but I’ll eventually post most of what I’ve drawn for this thread
Gud shit
Decided to pay a small tribute to some of the sticc muses of this blessed thread, art style inspired by VoidAloe
[insert stick pun here]
Some OC monochromatic sticks
The best stick and the other best stick
Also apologies to the anons that were waiting on that state flag request of two months ago. I sort of dipped without saying anything and abandoned it, but I will probably finish it in the future
>DJ Exit
She’s the main reason why I’m into pictogirls in the first place so yeah, thanks minus
good shit lad
would love to see DJ Exit sucking cock
love your Cindy
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unsure what the plan for these were,but i dig the designs
Woah, nicely done
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Also,dropping my lil scientist stick girl
I might steal that for impregnating comics/PSAs
She accidentally shoots it into her mouth
What brand?!
Also did you make this?
I like this.

BTW, is there an archive or something with all the art of slave GF?

Because I can barely find most of the images, I mean I got this out of know your meme of all places
You could look on desuarchive or the like for previous /stick/ threads, she got reposted numerous times so she’s not difficult to find
Also historically accurate slave GF anyone?
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this is disturbing
what exactly is the appeal behind this fetish? i'm curious because I find this hot but can't seem to pin point why
what fetish exactly?.
>Stick figures = extreme boobs/waist ratio
>Pictograms = less detail means more is left up to imagination, filling in the blanks
>Simple mob faces = cute
>Pattern-recognizing brain perceives certain shapes and curvy/straight lines arranged in specific ways to resemble stylized human bodies and goes “Yep that’s hot”
>You are subconsciously very familiar to both stickmen and pictograms since they are stylized human bodies and you see them everywhere (road signs, warning signs...)
>Simple means easy to draw (but simple doesn’t necessarily mean low quality), also lots of animation Youtubers have stickmen avatars with loads of r34 of them
>Either cute or sexy or both
Any other questions?
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This is life; that's what it's like to have a slave gf.
Years of therapy undone in an instant
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It's fine. She's happy again!
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i love whoever made this, the art is so good
Am flattered, thanks man
of course! fuck this is so good, the swallow bulge and belly are amazing, would love to see more like this!
How 2 get own slave gf??????
Slave market ez
Would fill her mouth full of cum
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The Peach sprite trend has got some pretty good simple pixel art, thoughts?
Feels like there's tons of this stuff but it isn't properly tagged on boorus so you can't find it
Very nice. Is there more of these 8bit sprites type of stuff?
What were they thinking giving her that massive jaw?
Looke like the amerimutt meme
>remember, Reddit is weird not because Reddit is weird, but because Redditors are weird
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Hypnotism accident. :(
that sound like a win for morally bankrupt motherfuckers }:} , too bad i'm not one of these people :(
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love this a lot, makes me nostalgic - what brand specifically is this referencing?? it looks so familiar
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This gave me an idea
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this chick will always live in the back of my mind whenever i see stickfigure threads
I need more of her
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i think it was from a b or maybe trash drawthread
for all i know these are the only two pics of her
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i cant say why but shes always stuck with me
Anywhere else I can find more? Was never too into stick girls but I love these
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I decided to one in bondage
I hope to see much, much more of her and your stuff in general, good shit
You got a source for that one?
If anyone's up to it, requesting her taking a huge mouthful of cum and then swallowing it all whole with it bulging as it goes down. She looks like she wouldn't even struggle with it
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Only know it is from a drawthread, sorry.
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seconding, wouldnt mind seeing her get some love after all this time
missed this sexy lil angel
Do you have the exact source of this image? I know it's the continuation of harverstman's last pictogirls comic but I cannot for the love of me find it anywhere in his accounts. Do you know where has he posted it?
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>so anon
>would you?
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needs lashes
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Someone made a stick girl 3D model.
I posted it here, and I wanted to post them in groups of four on my socials so that's why they're not there because the others aren't done. Probably not a good decision.
Nah, it’s a good decision. The few good men in this thread get the privilege of seeing your stuff early
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I missed you too! Wanna make a request? I'll do it in POV just for you <3
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>Oh hey neat a talented arti-aaaaaaaaand they're into feet.
Is that really the worst thing you saw in there? That guy is pretty much into everything.
Feet albeit gross are still pretty tame considering everything else that artist has made, and even in general lol
oh damn uhh how bout a boobjob with a messy facial?
That guy has actual skill and then he puts the effort into making works akin to those deviantart circle tool fetish edits.
[spoiler]the fucking Starlow ones[/spoiler]
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I can't tell, is this stick considered hot by stick standards?
chess porn anyone?
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wish there was more
i have sexy nude of chess, just not enough sexy fucks for y'all.
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Thinking of the MGSV Quiet and Paz pictogirls
I like to think that they don't mind the streaking, it's the pawn moving diagonally for multiple squares that makes them all angry
Who is the artist?????
I still never found out
Wtf are there more images of these two pictos???
bubble n seed
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>be a pawn.
>guard the entrance of the black castle.
>get called by the emperor.
>give you list of who get in.
>told you who isn't in it and want in are "prohibited entry without his direct permission."
>emperor said he has "one more thing."
>he lifted his skirt.
>Got Royally Flashed.
>"meet me in my royal bedroom later, will ya?."

what would you do anon?.
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Where can i get one of these
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Not really
Still very cute
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She's totally mid! You should sleep with us instead, Anon!
Yeah, this. It's a big part of why these threads are so slow. Can't post art if you can't find it.
oop, not gonna let the thread go down.
Aw yiss, she bacc
IIRC I requested a sloppy titfuck with this character and a greenish bespectacled character last thread (due to you being open for reqs)
Would it be possible to ask again?
God, that's a shame
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This is fucking great but it’s ‘attire’. Still great
quit 'cause i'm not gay
>anon remove his helmet.
>turn around and walk toward the exit.
>got held back by the emperor.
>a sword went near the anon's throat.
>"as if you've got a say in that matter."
>emperor smack anon's head with sword's pommel.
>anon got knocked out.

sorry anon, no monarch in history would realistically let go of those who has their dirty secrets, especially the Christian ones.
So now he wake up bound and ready to be used I assume?
Nope, to the dungeon he goes, his execution date will be determined later, can't have some former soldier pest claiming that his boss "Flashed" him and throw suggestive comment about "being together in bed".

worse case scenario: those who oppose the emperor might use it against him and rekt his reputation harder than checkmating his white counterpart, but what do i know, i sucked at chess anyway.
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You seem to have forgotten some crucial details.
please feel free to go on....
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could be, but again, it was based on an old nsfw drawing from 2008 or so
original image: https://r34i.paheal-cdn.net/b0/de/b0de1f67ac883a343cd486c6e73b6620
and i doubt anyone within medieval would tolerate seeing a naked man running around and about.
>link don't uniformly fit and the text ugly

forgive my manner and wall texts, here's another pic.
Are there any more good dairy or hucow ideas that anyone has? I might try to edit a few together if I have some time
Girl walking on all fours dragging her massive breasts on the ground while nonchalantly munching grass
And then she starts sucking it
honestly that's like the most tame fetish that an artist can have these days next to BDSM.
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for cookie run
Sticking it to her
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Here ya go, sorry it took a bit, lost my job the day I made that posts so my priorities have shifted a bit...
Yeah, I'll get to it when I can, remind me what it was exactly?
OOH YEAH very nice that cute lil angel deserves all the sweet cum ropes all over her body (and in her as well), hope you have good luck with finding a new job!
New to this thread but I love this concept so tried to make an oc in this sort of style
nice office slut
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i started to sketch this and it made me hard in seconds. i figured nsfw artists are the ultimate gooners.
Take the horny and harness it into creativity
She looks like she's very comfortable under a desk!
its difficult when you want to wank every 10 seconds while drawing it
Looks like a Homestuck character
yeah my artstyle is very inspired by it, i just find it cool and simple
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Good shit anon
too much detail, cut back a little
She’s perfect. Very nice proportions
Now that’s a pretty cute office lady you made there Anon.
As long as the character’s head is round and face minimalist, The artist can make her have a body fit for a Greek goddess for all I care.
More of her pretty please
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Love this sticc agent!
A girl spontaneously mutating into a hucow in the middle of a crowd.
this character receiving a paizuri from a character of yours with glasses and big tits. Or was it the other way around, with big titty mobile giving a paizuri to the green character with glasses? i remember you posted a pic of them fucking iirc.
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>for all I care.
i do not recall asking (you) but okay
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love an idea of different body shapes means different bodily shapes, especially on penis and/or boobs
Damnnn yessss
It must have been a green character with glasses, cuz I don't have any OCs matching that description, do you have a reference of the character in question?
if I may ask, how long have you been around? feels like I've seen your character in /b/ from a long time ago
no, sorry. maybe the eyes were just big.
I can settle for mobile getting a paizuri from a taller simplified female with huge tits which happens to have a green outline and glasses (or large eyes, hard tp tell on stylized characters anyway) , if it matters.
I think I know that boy...I think I MADE that boy!
I made those pictures. I go by Zamoshvik. I created Stacy's Brother as a commission years ago!

Honestly I'm glad to see you guys still kicking. A stickfigure artist recently drew my Susan a few days back and it reminded me of you nerds.
Heh, nice. I’m “that stickman artist” btw, am very glad to have reminded you of this thread. You should visit more often! Love ur stuff brah
My first appearance in the draw threads was circa 2015.
Sounds like fun!
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and here's the female version of it, i tried, ok?.
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now with 3000% more brainrot

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