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A new thread for anything ancient Egyptian related (after what happened).

Only rule:
>No futa
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me and OP made the same thread at the same time lol. Deleted mine so they wouldn't compete
Don't worry about it. Like I said, great minds think alike. You wouldn't mind reposting your stuff in this thread?
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Yep, lemme migrate 'em.
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I said this in the last thread, but actual historical accuracy aside there's something about the specific combo of Black African women + Ancient Egypt that fucking cooks my brain like popcorn. One look at a picture like this and it activates some ancestral memory that shouldn't exist that I NEED to be this ebony egyptian goddess's sex slave.

The white man was never meant to build civilizations, his proper place is forever under the pale soles of black, beautiful, ancient egyptian queens like these as their slaves. Something broke in the universe somewhere.
Wasn't there an Anon writing a story in the last thread?
I believe it was a story about Cleopatra being on a barge in the river and striking Sobek's fancy, who then has his way with her. Some another anon volunteered to write that scenario, I think.

I'm not that anon, but I'm sort of tempted to write it myself, but it's like 3AM here so I'm about to conk out. Might see what I can do tomorrow, or if the original requester is around, maybe ask them how long they actually wanted the story to be.
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I'm the anon who was writing that, and I'm only really starting today because work has been a bitch lately. I don't recall there being a barge in the request though, and there's definitely none in my idea for the story.
>I'm not that anon, but I'm sort of tempted to write it myself
the more the merrier, it's not like I claimed it
>how long they actually wanted the story to be
my goal was ~2.5k words, If you want to go longer then I definitely want to see your version
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NTA that originally requested, but I believe this image was to also serve as inspiration.

>Posting link in case image violates rules:
Is this an OC?
Artist is popthesnowman. r34 says it's supposed to be Cleopatra?
pretty sure people just tag every ancient egyptian girl as Cleopatra unless they know otherwise. I've seen Cleopatras that range from the darkest ebony ladies to the woman equivalent of that white pharaoh from that one slot machine game

Cleopatra was ptolemaic greek. Light skin, dark curly hair
Legend of Queen Opala is the game that first awoke this fetish in me.
Can recommend.
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Osira is my solid hentaifu.

Anyway, I'd recommend everyone to check out Osamu Tezuka's Cleopatra (1970).
They were never black, schizo
For me is Princess Daisy x futa Rosalina
Does anyone have some throat stuff or ear sucking/nibbling, Please.
>throat stuff
Can you be more specific? Are we talking deepthoat or necking?
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I'm the Anon who requested the Sobek/Cleopatra story.

How's it coming along? I know you've been busy, so there's no rush.

Have you started writing as well? Feel free to attempt your own version.

Yeah, that image was to serve as inspiration for anyone trying to write a story.
Nice reading comprehension, retard
I am not racist when I'm horny, the thread.
>How's it coming along? I know you've been busy, so there's no rush.
Honestly I'm not THAT busy, I should have been done with it a while ago, but I'm a procrastinating little bitch. I'll try to post it this week, and if I don't then I'm a useless fuck.
more like deepthroating/facefucking
based accuracy.

they were black until the later stages of their empire, anon. even the egyptologists are turning around on the idea, albeit way too slowly given the evidence.
>they were black until the later stages of their empire, anon. even the egyptologists are turning around on the idea, albeit way too slowly given the evidence.
Bullshit. The same people that claim that the Egyptians were all, swarthy blacks are the same ones who talk about being kangz, and believe in Yakub.
Yakub-related ancient blacks lived in the Arabian peninsula, Mecca was their capital.
Sounds easy enough to find
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What makes ancient Egyptian women so exciting to you guys?

For me it is their raciness. Their looks, the very simpy clothing (especially in the old kingdom), make up, black hair... so hot! Also, they had more rights than women in other civilizations (except Minoan who were also had really sexy clothes) so they probably were very strong in character.
I'm crazy into ancient Egypt in general, and since I'm into women too it's only a logical combination. As far as the appearance goes, I really dig the outfits Egyptians are usually depicted in - simple one color dresses, elaborate headdresses and jewelry, Udjat Eye makeup, all that shit. White and gold also goes great with darker skin color (exact shade debate aside), and there's something about black hair with the stereotypical Egyptian hairstyle (picrel) that turns me into a coom goblin instantly.
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Yes! It is amazing how powerfuly sexual these women were. Same goes for most of their Goddesses.
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I don't know any serious scholar who would claim that any Egyptian society, let alone one well into antiquity, was ethnically homogenous. You'd see a fairly diverse collection of features given the high genetic diversity of Africa + Egypt's role as a trading and learning mecca.

Perhaps because you don't know any?
Either way, look at the frescos and you will see predominantly tanned and white Egyptians plus a few black ones. The majority will however have been Mediterranean type.
Very nice
Cleopatra was not black u retard
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I presume that it's still being worked on?
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all I can say that is that it does exist, it's not done yet, and I am indeed a useless fuck
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>all I can say that is that
and also a retard apparently
>they were black until the later stages of their empire, anon. even the egyptologists are turning around on the idea, albeit way too slowly given the evidence.
This is totally not true. You know they have mummies right? Egypt in particular is the dumbest possible ancient place to try to blackwash.
It's alright Anon, I suppose I was expecting too much. Although I've got to say, what you've written so far looks pretty good.
Nope abandoned
Thoughts on Queen Opala?
Big titty mommy
Always wanted to play the games but never cared enough to download them.
It's a game?
What game

There's no game
Simple times back then.
>They were never black
It's very bold to use the word "never" about Egypt, it's a civilization that existed for longer than any current nation has. It's almost certainly the case that the ethnic make up of the nation experienced significant drift and variation through its history.
I like how it's cloudy and thus looks somewhat ominous. Most artists portray Egypt with the sun always beating down on your back simply because it's a "hot place."
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I miss them too
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there is game, three of them
ackshually 2.5, the third one is still far from completed, although not in the typical /weg/ vaporware manner, it's just fucking huge (but probably smaller than 2 at the moment)
I just wish that they were more egyptian than high fantasy in term of setting of action. Also they need more Osira content.
True, there was barely any Egypt in the first game, pretty much just a cameo in the second, and fucking nothing in the third. That's still more than anything else in the market, so I'll take even the boob abomination that Farah has become if it scratches my Egyptian itch just a little. Carnal Instinct is also coming (at a glacial pace), though its setting is a weird mix of a few select things from Egyptian culture and "totally original fantasy world donut steele", so I'm not sure how it will turn out.
I was Egypt was real bros...
beautiful desu
>ywn chill by the Nile with your cute priestess gf to help her wind down after a complicated ceremony
why even live
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somehow this game doesn't work on windows 10/11
it absolutely does, make sure you have installed rpg maker xp rtp
I do but it still doesn't work for me and others. It used to work years ago
skill issue, or microshit fucked something up in recent versions
I'm literally playing it right now on w10 1909, just stop updooting
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Egypt usually had more sexual freedom, even after the Muslim conquest
She's so ready.
Thick ass thighs :)
Body looks amazing but the face...
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Is skyrim slop allowed?
Art is hard Anon.
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Sure why not
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>ancient civilization with black statues and niggerish features
>"they weren't black"

ok buddy retard.
They always depicted themselves as distinct from, say, nubians. Their depictions sere very consistent so it's easy to tell whether they meant to depict africans (nigh black), themselves (brown, though the women were often stylistically depicted as lighter probably owning to their relative lack of a tan), or middle-easterners (yellow). Nubians did during some dynasties have high influence and positions of power in egypt, though so did semitic middle-easterners at times. Would that make egypt asian by your logic?
don't talk to stupid, post pretty
>captcha: HNGHH
Any movie recommendations for the theme? I feel like there's hardly anything in that department besides Gods of Egypt and fucking Asterix & Obelix of all things.
none that I can recall
>they were black until the later stages of their empire, anon. even the egyptologists are turning around on the idea, albeit way too slowly given the evidence.
So why is all the dna taken from the mummies (from every dynasty/era) testing the same as that of what the modern day people from north africa/the levant have?
Cleopatra 1963
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looks nice, thanks, I'll definitely give it a go
It is nice, very nice actually.
Weird anatomy
I like this thread!
Egyptians didn't like clothes much, did they? Maybe a historian anon could fill me in.
egypt is kind of a very hot place, anon
just like the women there haha ain't that crazy
haha weird bro, what a coincidence
I love Egyptian style so much.
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Too much of a cuck fetish going on in those games. The first one was ok, but then it went off the rails.
I mean, yeah, Opala might have taken kilometers of monster cock and enjoyed it, but I'm the one who married her twice and gets a poorly made asmr blowjob from her every night, so who's the real winner in the end?
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I always thought it was weird how hard people pushed for ancient Egyptians to be black when the Egyptians themselves went out of their way to distinguish themselves from other black tribes. People were even getting on board with the idea in the past two decades, then netflix shit out the cleopatra docudrama and effectively killed any public consideration for the possibility.
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did you draw this?
You know the saying that you can't have something done well, fast, and cheap all at once, you need to choose just 2 of these? Yeah, the only choice I give is cheap, so go figure:

It's fucking pathetic it took me over 3 months, but I kinda like how it turned out. In case this thread dies or a janny goes full retard and decides I'm breaking rule 3, I'm also posting this over at /trash/ in /wfg/, so I'll also take feedback there. I have no idea if rentry takes down NSFW shit, but if it happens, poke me either here or in /wfg/ and I'll reupload somewhere else.

Also, a soundtrack for reading this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_y8ITF2EpY
These guys have tons of great Egyptian-sounding songs, (including ones literally named "Cleopatra" and "Sobek"), so check out the rest of the channel if you're into that.
Very nice!
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Artist? Looks kinda familiar.
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Egyptians where the ancient coomers, every day we get more proof
Looks like Mossa (@mossacannibalis)
What is egyptian culture like nowadays?
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it's dead, Jim, people living in Egypt are muslims, some of which are larpers who think they have any kind of Egyptian heritage
are you saying there are no more egyptians anymore or what?
I'm saying so, yes. Modern day Egyptians share nothing in common with the ancient ones besides territory. Egyptian culture is only cultivated by those who became interested in it, rather than those who have been passing it on for generations. I would argue there are no more Romans or Persians too, despite Italy and Iran inheriting a lot from these empires, but Egypt is more dead than that. Egyptians are as dead as Aztecs, their culture only exists in what they physically left and what others have said about them. By 18th century there was nobody left alive who knew how to read hieroglyphs, and they would have never been deciphered without example sentences being written in Egyptian and in Greek. Even Coptic, the language which was a fusion of the two and which was adopted because Egyptians were utterly conquered, went extinct centuries ago.
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I am more a Minoan type fan!
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yeah? what do you want?
'fuck outta 10
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Bumping the story to hopefully get some feedback. The anon who requested it doesn't seem to be around anymore, though maybe someone else would be interested in reading it but missed it among other posts (not in copium mode btw).
She is such a lewd woman
Pretty good smut, I stroked to it
Good to hear you liked it, it was fun to write as well
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Hey there Anon. I'm the one who requested the Sobek/Cleopatra story. I'm genuinely surprised you actually saw it through to completion. I thought it had been abandoned completely, hence the reason I haven't been very active on this thread lately.

Nevertheless, it was a great read and actually exceeded my expectations. For a first time writer, you were better than some others I've seen. For example, you don't write run on sentences which is good. Some constructive criticism I can give you is what some others have said on /wfg/ which is to give some more context on what leads the characters to the situation. Another critique is I wish there was more dialogue between Sobek and Cleopatra, during the actual sex or even the lead up to it. Cleopatra only had one or two lines I believe. Also, I'm thinking a title would be nice since "Unnamed Cleopatra Story" doesn't do it much justice. All in all though, it was great.

Now, I'm wondering if you're willing to write a sequel. I was thinking:
Cleopatra is back at her palace, about to take her weekly milk bath. This happens some time after her encounter with Sobek and her mind and body are still reeling. She's ranting to her attendants who are about to fill the pool/basin with milk about how good it felt. Her attendants are unsure what to say but are curious. Suddenly, the Queen gets an idea and commands her attendants to get water from the Nile, to fill up her bath with that instead of the usual milk. Then, she dismisses her attendants, takes a dip, and then Sobek eventually appears, pleased that Cleopatra couldn't resist his charm. It then leads onto the usual fucking and whatnot. Unbeknownst to them, Hathor is watching around a corner, jealous of Sobek's tryst with the Queen of Egypt.
And there it is, ending on a bit of a cliffhanger. Apologies if this is too detailed of a description. Hopefully it could be longer than the last one, but I'll leave that up to you and whatever you're comfortable with.
Funnily enough, I was going to post this very image ( >>8650112 ) as inspiration for the story but it looks like someone beat me to it.
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Glad you liked it, and thanks for the tons of feedback.

> For a first time writer
I've been writing for a while actually, but the only stories I've shared were SFW to the bone. I did write NSFW too, but these have never seen the light of day. I'd still consider myself to be on an "amateur writefag" level, though.
>give some more context
Yeah, the other anon already made me think about it, and I agree that wanting to keep it so short hindered me in this regard.
>Cleopatra only had one or two lines
Pretty much the same problem as above - I made lead-up too short, which didn't give her enough "screen time".
>more dialogue [...] during the actual sex
As a permavirgin I struggle with believable sex talk, and I don't want to write cheesy hentai dialogue, so I tend to avoid it altogether. I guess this is for the worse, and I could try to do it more.
I immensely suck at these, so I usually don't give one at all. Helps that I only publish shit here and not on ao3 or whatever.

>the sequel idea
I'm always down to write some more Egyptian stuff. I'll see if I can get around to doing it, but I won't give myself any deadlines this time to avoid feeling like shit for missing them. Also, I definitely prefer more detailed request, makes it easier to plan where the story goes, and to meet the requester's expectations.
What do you guys have against futa.
it might be hard to believe, but some of us here on /aco/ are straight
Futafaggots are mentally ill and deserve the rope
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By Lipatov, same artist as >>8629572
Just to add insult to Injury, Rigid3d made a 2 minute clip of Cleopatra getting fucked by a futa. You can search it on rule34xxx
why the fuck would I do that, I literally said I'm not interested
1. casual nudity
2. tan skin
3. fancy accessories that embellish the body
4. exotic
5. kinda cool pantheon
Come out to your parents not us
you never know until you try it, anon
I love egyptian queens
I am only aware of it through DevilHS
Is this from Assassin's Creed?
it looks like it anyway
How dark was Cleopatra really?
there's no longer a consensus on that one
Incredibly inbred Greek. What do you think?
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how dark is that?
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Page 10 bumping with Egypt-adjacent page from Nefesis: T01 - Resurrections by Camboni and Filippi. Translated blurb:
>When she was very young, unbeknownst to anyone, Margot welcomed the spirit of Nemes, the great fallen pharaoh. She grew up secretly developing the powers conferred by this powerful host. Only her uncle seems to know about her second life: the one in which, as Nefesis, she helps the police fight 'deviants'. But living with two spirits often takes you to the edge of madness. When her lifelong friend and confidante, the psychiatrist MĂ©lyne, is murdered, Nefesis takes it personally.
thought the triangle was part of her hair from just the thumbnail
MENAs are just hot and exotic
God I love that hair on a woman
Liking the ankh womb tattoo
it's kino
Who's this character?
Cleopatra from SMT
thanks kind anon
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not bad

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