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Why does a sea based monstergirl make for the best giantess?
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There was already another thread but whatever.
Huh, I missed that when I checked the codex.
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Crawling into a giantess hellhound's mofu and then into the gates of hell, aka her mouth/anus
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Hell is much more fun than Heaven.
this but a manticore's tail
Getting near a giant hellhound's rear is suicide. It'd be so hot. A furnace. A hell you'd roast alive in. That's to say nothing of the overpowering smell from her beastwoman pheromones and sweat. Worst of all, if you try to escape she can just lower her fat shaggy tail and seal you in the stuffy, black darkness of her crack.
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>Why do giant hellhounds all seem to want to keep a human male constantly pressed intimately and firmly against their asshole? Can it be stopped?

>I'd really like to know as my village soothsayer foretold my death as a hellhounds ass slave. I told that old hag she was a fool who didn't know anything and refused to pay her. So she put a curse on me to assure it will happen and then told everyone in the village.

>All the girls in the village keep teasing and insulting me by calling me "dog shit breath" and "arse itch" They mock me with lewd and suggestive songs about me losing my virginity to a giant asshole. Quite a number have hold me I need to practice keeping my giant wife happy and have suggested I gain experience my sticking my tongue in a very rude place! I swear I will get my revenge on that gypsy witch for inflicting this curse on me if it's the last thing I do.

>Please offer wisdom and guidance as I wish to avoid this wretched fate in a foul beasts behind. I am saving myself for the priesthood and I am far to good to be used in such a low and disgraceful manner.
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That's even worse.
Imagine being surrounded by fleshy walls designed to rhythmically squeeze, pull and suck anything they come in contact to. That's not counting the myriad of protuberances with the solo purpose of rub their highly addictive mucus all over you. And there's the pungent smelly odor of higly concetrated pheromones.

All your energy will be drained and your mind enslaved. You'll be reduced to nothing more than a plesant distraction in her tailpussy.
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But anon, imagine being dropped into a manticore's tail as she encourages you to try and escape.
You have to try and climb out before she closes it entirely, but every movement you make just excites her more, making the fleshy walls more and more slick and unclimbable.
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>I decided to take fate into my own hands. If I don't save myself from a lifetime of frenching some giant dog girl's rubbery anus then who will? Surely greater things await me than huffing ass-musk and hellish gas, drinking sweat off her grey mounds and tributing inconsequential tributes of my seed that instantly disappear into the dark smelly depths of her greedy sphincter
>So I set off. A lone man against a world of cruel and teasing monster girls.
>I lasted three days
>A hellhound - a normal sized one mind you - way laid me on a forest path
>She pulled me into the undergrowths and had her way with me again and again
>And again...
>And again...
>Yet, this story doesn't end as you might expect. After all, she may have been bigger than me but only by a foot or so, and she seemed far more interested in wringing out my semen with more traditional methods than full body ass-jobs.
>Moreover, she was so friendly and charming after she'd had her way with me. The aftercare, face buried in her chest fluff, was heavenly. She peppered my cheeks with licks and kisses, hugging me tight and making me feel all was right in the world.
>She felt I was worried about something - worried about the smelly fate I was foretold by that bastard soothsayer
>And then... when my guard was down... I made the mistake of telling her what the soothsayer had said
>She got the most peculiar expression, and I swore I felt her tail wag just a little
>Not a lot more was said then, but she did start asking questions the day after
>And when she got hungry again, made the conscious decision to plant her sweaty rear on my face while milking me with her paws - grinding her musky essence into my skin with abnormal vigor
>Most worrying of all, she's asking if we can honeymoon in the pixie woods, or if we can stop off at a potion shop at some point for 'reasons'
>I can't help but feel that in trying to avoid my fate as a hellhound's asstoy and buttplug
>I've only sealed it
Huh, why did the thread get thrown here from /d/?
Nice anon. Got anymore?
There was already a Giant monster girl thread and faggotmod choose to kill this one.
There's also two competing Giantess vore threads, not sure what's going on this week
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Love me some giant monster girl booty. At that size difference, you could probably get drunk off her sweat.
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>Most normal people would be disgusted by shoving a tiny guy up their ass
>Or at least that's what I had thought
>Judging by her actions this week, she's obsessed with the idea
>Her eyes burst into literal flames when discussing what she'll do with me when I'm tiny
>How she'll pamper me in her chest fluff
>Embrace my whole body with her paw beans
>Lavish me with slobbery dog kisses
>And then, when she's in the mood... a tour of the inner circle of hell
>aka her big, fat, canine ass
>I object to that last one, obviously. My life-long ambition of not being a hellhound's ass-rag is probably the only thing stopping her from shrinking me first chance she gets.
>Hasn't stopped her from trying to convince me otherwise.
>She argues it's warm, and I'd be tucked away if anyone tried to attack me
>Not that anyone would attack a hellhound's partner
>Tries to convince me physically too
>Why else would I be consistently woken up to her charcoal buttcheeks on my face?
>Every morning in our travel tent, her huge, admittedly soft but swelteringly hot ass smothers me
>Right after vigorous sex and sleeping under thick furs the night prior - BEFORE she gets up to wash her ass in the river
>Apparently it's how dogs communicate their feelings
>If its heat or weight don't wake me, then the overwhelming, pheromone-packed, musky smell does
>It doesn't smell great
>In fact it smells like a sweaty unwashed hound-ass crack grinding into your nose
>And yet... and I curse my weak mind for it...
>I'm starting to kind of like her butt
>I have to do something
>It pains me to, because she seems so happy using me like a cushion, shaggy tail thwipping on my skull when she does so.
>But we're approaching an apothecary that will sell pixie dust tomorrow
>I've got to get this budding love for her ass out of my system
>If she gets any ideas about my brewing fetish...
>I can kiss any chances of seeing light that isn't filtered through her smelly, skull-patterned panties again goodbye.
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>Fuck it
>Tonight's the night
>Her teasing has become too much
>The intrusive thoughts too great
>I shut my eyes and think of her thick, plump ass
>My face goes red.
>It's not enough. I've just made the problem worse.
>I turn in our blankets to face her
>She's twisted away from me. I can't see her face past her mane of hair, but I assume she's asleep
>Give her a poke for good measure
>No reaction
>In the clear to go a step further
>Take a deep breath and wriggle under the covers
>It's hot and smells of sweat and sex
>Faint embers nestled in her body's fluff give me just enough light to navigate
>Carefully squirm down past her arms, past her chest, past her stomach and to the object of my morbid fascination
>Thanks to the embers in her tail, I can fully take in the glory of her butt
>Curvy and plush - far comfier looking than my own pillow
>Pants straining even harder now. Want, no - NEED to bury my face in her rear and huff
>Her tail is in the way, so I slowly lift its shaggy mass up and out of the way
>No reaction
>Lower my hands to my crotch to stroke
>Bring my face to kissing distance of her ass - her mammoth cheeks devouring her panties into its dark crack
>Feel the damp, warm fabric against my lips
>The addictive but corrosive stink of her ass worms into my mind
>Brain isn't thinking straight any more
>Carelessly hook a finger into the waistband and lower her panties, fighting against the mounds of fat on her legs and cheeks
>A wave of hot, smelly, steamy pent-up hellhound musk hits me in the face
>Loins are burning and I'm about to burst
>In a horny stupor, I nuzzle my face right into the sweaty crevice of her ass and lick her depths.
>It... tastes... fantastic?
>That revelation accompanies my climax. I shoot my seed into her thighs, voice thankfully muffled by her rear
>The taste is still in my mouth. It's grainier than I would have expected
>Place fingers on my tongue
>Stuck to their tips is a fine, golden powder
>It was a trap.
>Pixie dust.
anyone wanna share the Karbo MEGAs ?
Monster girl bet on sports like dog fights except it's a shrunk captured high level hero vs a level 1 succubus.
Good read, thank you
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>Body sears all over
>Vision goes blurry
>Head feels numb
>The pixie dust takes effect quickly, and I soon black out
>Wake up to glowing red sun hanging in the black night
>Wait, no, that's her eyes
>Her black, worried, ENORMOUS eyes
>"Oh thank god! I thought you died!"
>Before I can answer, she laps and slobbers my tiny body like the excited hound she is
>Her wet and warm tongue is twice my size, and eats up my entire vision
>In just a single lick I'm engulfed in her spit
>"Oops. Hah, sorry. Got kind of excited."
>*Thump thump thump thump thump*
>Hammering the ground behind her, her wagging tail create shockwaves of air that feel like storm winds
>I feel myself lose my footing
>Hurtle backwards
>Collide harmlessly with the soft pillows that are her paw beans, as her paws form a protective cup around my tiny body
>"You're just so small. So... vulnerable."
>I don't like the sound of that
>Can't run - her furry black mitts block every escape route
>Can't hide - those flaming eyes of hers look down on me like the sun above
>And that toothy canid grin of hers...
>And those muscles the size of cars...
>And the claws like knives...
>Fall to my knees in fear.
>"Oi..." she frowns. "what are you doing that for? Wait... are you scared?"
>Don't answer her
>Her gaze softens considerably, and she buries her wolfish smile into a loyal dog's grin
>"Hey... it's going to be okay. I'm not going to hurt you."
>Slowly crawl away from her
>Only to be scooped up, nuzzled into her cheek and then gently lowered into her chest fluff.
>"There. Nice and soft. Close enough that I can keep you safe, at least until you feel a bit more comfortable at your new size."
>It's like the world's largest dressing gown. A red and orange forest of soft, fluffy chestfurs that support and envelop my miniature body. It's warm too, self-heated like an electric blanket. A sleepy scent of sandalwood fills my sinuses.
>Pass out and dream of giant hellhounds
>Dreams end eventually
>Wake up and feel a lot more comfortable around her
>Maybe it's the pheromones, but she just feels... safe
>"So... about HOW exactly you shrank then."
>The dreaded question
>The one she already knows the answer too
>"I just can't imagine where you'd eveer find pixie dust around here. I'm dying to hear where you think it came from. Oh - and feel free to fill me in on any fantasies you've been hiding from me, not that would be at all relevant to how you shrank, right, Anon?"
>Bluster and bullshit some story about a pixie flying into the tent at night
>She's not interested
>So not interested, in fact, that she brazenly gets up mid-explanation to stretch
>"Oh... excuse me. Sorry I'm just so tired after last night. Had an itch I couldn't scratch on my butt."
>She stretches and, with that same smug canine grin, drops her panties right in front of me
>Lands with a thump that lifts me off my feet. It looks like a giant damp tarpolin.
>The thick, womanly smell hits like a truck
>"Ah. That's better. Should really change these into a fresh pair. Oh well. Sorry Anon, you were saying about the pixie? The asshole that shrunk you?"
>Her overwhelming phermones and looming womanhood above in the sky make it impossible to string a retort together
>A fog forms in my brain, and I stagger forward
>"Uh... anon. You know I'm gonna put those back on, right?"
>Keep moving, climbing onto the fabric of her panties
>"Your funeral I guess. Not that I mind having you tucked up against my crotch while I hike to the next-"
>Take a few more steps...
>to where the smell is strongest...
>"I knew it ~"
>right at the back
>"I fucking knew it." she smugs.
>Blush yourself. Can't look her in the eyes. Couldn't anyway, thanks to the giant, dark, soft mass of her cheeks rushing up to meet you
>"All that worrying for nothing. Guess you really liked the taste last night then? Well, strap yourself in back there. It's gonna be 100x times worse at that size."
>manticore huffs as she looked at the tiny human, wondering how the hell the tiny wizard had shrunk himself in his attempt to escape the mamono takeover of the city
>whatever, this is for some mage nerd to figure out later
>she’d just keep the little fool someplace safe for now
>she gives the tiny guy a smirk, and tosses him in the air
>catches him with her tail pussy, giggling at the absurd scene of the screaming tiny man falling into the writhing pit of grasping, hungering flesh
>giggles turn into a gasp as she realizes it feels pretty fucking good…
>especially once the spurts of spiritual energy start rolling in…
>the manticore clears her throat and adjusts her armor
>she… should really get back to securing the city with her fellow demon army warriors…
>many hours later
>the unicorn medic shoved the catatonic tiny man back into the manticore’s tail orifice a bit more roughly than necessary, giving the winged feline woman a dirty look
>“His condition is incurable due to the onset of incubusation. You… drenched him in your fluids and demonic energy. At his reduced size, he changed quickly. And as this was the form you subconsciously wanted him to remain as, and he was… coerced into wanting to remain as, he’ll be like this forever…” The matronly white horned woman watched the bulge in the manticore’s tail with a mix of pity and utter fascination in her eyes.
>“What’s more, the strange circumstances of his abnormally rapid transformation have left him… Ill suited for life anywhere outside of your… organs. He has become a part of you, similar to the husband of a Shoggoth or Atlach. He might not be able to survive for long outside of you and without the… stimulus… you provide him.” Her voice almost admired how the manticore had accidentally turned a human man into a parasite-husband.
>The manticore looked at her dumbly.
>A sigh. “Congratulations on your marriage. Keep it- him inside of you.”
>The manticore cheered.
>Tiny mouse of an anon can't go more than 24 hours without the warmth of her tail or a hit of her mofu or getting milked by her mouth and stomach.
>Permanent accessory of manticore wife
>Loves her more than anything in the world
>Having a human so utterly powerless yet completely enthralled with her makes her the smuggest batcat around
>The chuffs and purrs when he nuzzles into her fluff are thunderous
>Can literally be a man-eater, something manticores famously lie about to make themselves seem scary
>A single spine eased into his small body pumps him with enough aphrodisiac to mindbreak 10x over
>Though even the musk and smell of her tail pussy is enough to soft boil his tiny brain
>Still do normal couple things like dates or watching movies, just with him safely nuzzled in her cleavage
I'm in love with giant core. It's like they were made to tower over humans.
This is good, anon! She agreed, giant manufacturers are awesome
>No giant manufacturer gremlin/dwarf to stuff me in her sweaty cleavage while she makes things
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>Bully gremlin wife for being short
>Leave things on the top shelves out of reach. Sneak behind and pick her up when she isn't expecting it. Make every short joke that comes your way
>Although you love her to pieces, she is fun to annoy, and someone needs to keep the tomboy engineer on her toes
>"C'mon. Please? I just want ONE cookie."
>"There is no way I'm getting the cookie jar off the top of the fridge until you go shower and change. You reek. You've been slaving away in your workshop all day!"
>"Yeah, so I deserve a cookie don't I? And you try working on your knees all day without working up a sweat."
>"You work on your knees? Hard to tell with your size."
>"...Oh you little-"
>"The little one's you, Babe."
>Ruffle her hair as you walk past
>A laser hits you in the back, and you shrink to just a few inches tall - disappearing amongst your clothes
>The ground shakes
>"So... I'm the little one, am I?"
>She fishes around in your clothes until her gloved hand snatches you up
>"This has been a long fuckin' time coming. All you had to do was give me the cookie."
>She playfully bites the air next to you, scaring you stiff
>"Afraid of your barely 5' wife are you? Heh. Cute. I'll spare you from being my replacement snack. But I gotta punish you for being a smart ass. Hmm... what was it you said about my smell, Anon?"
>"T-that it was lovely?" Your tiny squeaks catch on her fluffy cat ears
>"Really? Well I guess you won't mind getting acquainted with my stuffy tits then huh?"
>She peels back her jumpsuit and overalls off her sweaty skin. A wave of feminine smell wafts up from the dark, pale depths of her cleavage.
>"Any more snide remarks before I drop you in?""
>"...Why build a shrink ray and not a growth ray to reach the top shelves?"
>She pauses
>Eyebrows furrow
>Her outburst is muffled when she unceremoniously slips off her boot to drop you into its hellishly hot and smelly depths before jamming her foot back in
Very nice anon. Good to see some of the underutilised monsters get some love.
>Your comment about growth rays only sends her into a scientific spin, and gremlins have limitless energy when it comes to inventing
>Whizzing around the basement, hopping on stools and ducking low under stations to tighten nuts and bolts
>Spending a great deal of time by her furnace to blow glass and melt metals
>The conditions in her thick boots go from bad to worse. You're glued to her sole with sweat. So boiling and stuffy it's like getting into an old car on a hot summer day.
>Ruthless footfalls grind your body into her foot
>Eventually, she withdraws her foot and upturns her boot, dropping you onto a workbench
>"So you learned your lesson yet, Tiny?"
>"What? That being short is a state of mind not physical? Or that you still need a shower?"
>She picks you up and flicks you playfully. "Careful, Wiseguy, or I won't let you use this growthray I'm building. And if anyone needs a shower it's you - unless you like wearing my sweat as a hairgel. You just wait there while I finish this up, 'kay?"
>Puts you back down right at the edge of the desk
>Before you can even move, a shadow's cast over you
>"Where's my wrench?"
>"Did I leave it over there...?"
>She leans over the desk. Her mammoth tits bury you in their doughy weight.
>"Where'd it go?"
>You can't move an inch. You try to open your mouth but it's immediately filled with boyant, pale underboob.
>"Hmm... over here?"
>Accidental or not you can't tell, but her rack drags to the side and smears you along with it.
>You push with all your might but barely make an indent in her tits. It's like lifting a beanbag the size of a meteor. As if mocking you, a streak of boob sweat rolls into your cubby and drowns your face in her essence. It's hard to belive you were fondling and groping the thing with a single hand the night prior.
>There's something humilating - and strangely arousing - about losing to your wife's tits like this
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>"Oh. Right. Duh."
>Finally, the weight is lifted
>"Anon why are you on your back and bright red - Oh- HAHAHAHA OH WOW!"
>Tomboy wife almost falls off her chair laughing. The sound of her giant guffaws wounds your ego, but you feel it might be deserved after all the bullying you did to her
>"Jeez... well... guess I can't leave you by yourself then?"
>She parts her tits. The ease that she moves what seem to you like colossal mounds evidences the difference in your size right now. It's like watching a white sea part.
>As her cleavage opens up, more of her feminine, work-inspired pheromones wash over you. Sexual and heady and sweet, luring you into the dark, steamy interior of her tits
>A sheen of sweat lines both sides of her damp tits. The raw feeling of sex blasting your senses fries your senses, and before you know it, you've walked all the way between them
>"Fucking idiot perv."
>She lets go of her boobs. They smash together, supple flesh rippling and reverberating your entire body.
>In an instant you are encased in a pale, fragrant darkness.
>It's difficult to even make out the shape of the freckles lining her inner boobs, let alone figure out exactly where the exit would be.
>Even then, you are suspended in her warm embrace and cannot move. Caught in an ocean of sweet, smelly flesh with no way out.
>Overwhelmed by the softness, the heat, and the pheromones, you become helplessly errect. Unfortunately, it's too tight to reach down and pleasure yourself
>"That ought to keep you out of trouble while I finish up."
>It goes from dark to pitch black. She just did up her overalls, sealing you inside to bake in her warmth.
>Entombed in a layer of titflesh and invisible, you wonder if maybe being nice to your wife would've avoided this
>But then she gets up, and the absentminded movement of her boobs is like a giant paizrui, easily bringing your overstimulated cock to orgasm
>...On second thought, maybe you should piss her off more often.
Some of these are borderline furry, just sayin'.
Which ones?
Sex with rather large monster women
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god imagine the sex when she's ontop of you..
The borderline ones with fur and almost-snouts
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That's a good friend to have.
Manlet fantasies.
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What does Wolverine have to do with this?
I'll buy that for a dollar.

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