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How about a bedime story, /aco/ ?
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skipping the printer's marks and an ad page.
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meanwhile, in Florida
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this comic book page would be illegal in Canada.
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Anyone else remember the nipple-licking scene in Inception? Just me? Okay.
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Pleasant dreams, /aco/lytes.
Was a neat read. Thanks for sharing.
Great comic. It was very sexy and really captures Little Nemo's style. On the other hand, I was hoping there would be some sort of twist involving Ego's psychologist.
Good Stuff, reading.
Cute and sexy. Thanks for sharing.
>little nemo sex parody
This is the comic I would have created if I had both real talent and superb taste. Thanks OP
The progenitor to the "it was all a dream lol" trope many artists today cop out with for clout and/or Patreon shilling.

Patient zero, a displeasure to finally see.
I think you've confused the core premises of the series with a cheap ending twist. They aren't the same.
As mentioned but three posts above yours, Little Ego is entirely riffing on the much earlier "Little Nemo" newspaper comic strip drawn by Winsor McCay. Even back then, the "it was all a dream" trope was not novel.
i wish this dream lasted longer, it's my favorite of all of them
Don't be so eager to be angry; you're making connections that aren't there.

This isn't a "it was all a dream" to repair a broken continuity of story or to shore up an anemic narrative; "these are erotic fantasies" is the thesis right from the start.
shame we never meet the therapist

You wouldn't happen to have those pages scanned, would you Anon? For completionism's sake?
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> for completionism's sake
I hear you, brother
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ISBN-10 1561630942 ISBN-13
checking the usual used book places, there's a copy in Dallas for $46, another in Houston for $128.

Much obliged, you fucking legend, you.
kill yourself
back to /trash/ where you beling
i think you meant to post this in a different thread, friend.
blast from the past
i wonder if the market for playful adult graphic novels has been shrunk by outright porn
>and really captures Little Nemo's style.
There's no whimsy to the designs at all.
Love how he imitates the style of the original in this
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Vittorio Giardino created several works; here's a page from Deadly Vacations (VacanzeFatali 2009)
Thanks for posting this, Anon! The only negative thing I think can be said about this is that the "long" dream is less entertaining than the short ones. It's unfortunate (although very Nemo-accurate) that he started drawing one continuous dream story.
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Do you have any more.
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I'm only bump posting to avoid spoiling as they're very short stories.
Anon, what the fuck are you talking about?
just the idea of it triggers him
Page 9 rescue bump.
Page 10 no no 0.0
Friendly bump.
Cool art
Again with the page 10?! Did everyone else abandon thread?!

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