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Can we get a Sunny Miami thread going? I was enjoying them on /co/ but it seems like half the anons don't want them there. Don't blame them with how fetishistic it is
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>I was posting porn on /co/
Honestly it can go either way.
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Didn't know she had a name or porn of her. shits fuckin awesome
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Finally a good fucking thread
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Old survey from /trash/, may as well check the waters here too
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Which is the art for this fetish always such garbage?
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1.) It's suppose to be imitating the limited 3D animation used in the short the character is from

2.) These are all made by the same handful of guys as "protest" because Pixar edited her design when they included the short in their squeaky-clean for babies collection of their old shorts.
I figured he was talking about art quality, not that the character looks like early CGI.
Because a LOT of TF fetishes are DeviantArt tier.
On the one hand: Fuck censorship and edits.
On the other: Flat justice
It's not like the higher-ups demanded the change, John Lasseter and others that worked on the original decided to make the change themselves for the re-release that was initially shown before Finding Nemo (iirc, it could've been something else) before it made its way to the first shorts collection and whatever else.

At the end of the day both versions still exist (though the best you'll get for the original is what's on that Made in Point Richmond DVD and a few different film scans of varying quality), and the re-rendered version exists on various other bits of Pixar movies and the shorts collection
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Reposting some old audios
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>IWN be a literal femboy doll
Why was I forsaken?
>I figured he was talking about art quality
This. I figure bad artists look at a simple style and think they can pull it off because they don't know you have to git good before you can do simple right.
Sunny is a pretty nice tf, though my mood for it comes and goes. Def like to see it around though.
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I did a new thing
Breddy gud
Came here to say this.
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Has anybody ever done a tf audio using like a male tts before transforming into the sunny one? Could be hot
Honestly, it’d be nice if sunny tf was a little more common, especially since, despite the baseline similarities, it hits different niches from both rubber doll(not sex doll, the person shaped balloon with an exaggerated figure and silly painted on face expression kind) and pooltoy tf. Though I also like those, too a fair bit. Honestly, this thread plus the sunny mood I had tempts me to do sunny stuff.
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>If Sunnies could still eat, it'd all go to the right places

I like this angle.
Good question
Well said
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
Need someone to remake Barbie Girl with "sunnified" lyrics
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Any sunny tf enjoyees wanna erp? If so hit me up on shitscord:
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His fate belongs hand of futa mistress
>implying the futa isn't a Sunny too
Never forgive them

Knick Knack was censored and edited back in 2003 you retard, it's got nothing to do with today's woke culture
>Blaming le wokeness for this and not age ratings (CERO)
Every onlyfans dream body.
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Titty smash bump.

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