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Previous thread: >>8469046

Futa/dickgirls is discouraged.
Stylized images are encouraged.
Making some effort is encouraged.

>Local UI

Visit other related boards for guides.

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>Last thread not yet on page 10
>Changing the OP because still but hurt about being told not to post futa
>Low quality image OP
>Furry images.
Get lost.
She's a bit plastic'y.
Add some freckles and realism to her skin?
Moron only can do base SD 1.5 level crap.
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She's meant to look like an Iron Sawada figure.
Somebody still angry.
And that pic is still base SD1.5 quality. Copy some prompts.
Maybe next time don't treat the OP like a shitpost image from /b/ that makes me want to gag.
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>Iron Sawada figure.
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t. 1girl enjoyer
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It was representative of the stuff that is made here regularly
I don't know why you are triggered so hard
The image you picked is just garbage, which is funny since you added "Making some effort is encouraged."
If I bake again some time I'll just make a collage again
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Does Flux still do that annoying thing where the girl is large and the car is tiny?
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now with a bush
That is anatomically wrong unless her forearm is 4ft long or someone else's.
>I am reminded we REALLY a LoRa based on 20 million images scanned from 1970s German and French porn mags
THEN and only then will you experience female pubic hair as God truly intended
SPECTACULAR, but nude Ellen Ripley should be in separate pic not in mix, its a sin....
>pov, looking at viewer
Sup /k/
could we get a catbox for the bottomless one?
Fixed it for you.
Bushless is better....
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Kindly see yourself out.
No. Post Ellen Ripley with and without bush next to each other and you will see....
That's insane. I can't imagine how far we will be in a couple years from now.
new to the realistic /aco/ side of things, what model do i start out with?
If you have cartoon experience you know pony
So jump right in with a realistic pony model
Most people use ponyrealism or zonkey here
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Wrong Emilia it should be Clarke not this one...
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Emilia Watson? hmmm doesn't sound right
Emma Watson doesn't look good in AI, but Emilia Clarke is the best for AI....
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big lust and bigasp
lustify has realistic skin texture, but it's dumb at porn like 99% of real XL models.

other models are only worth it for alternative fun. pony models look strange when away from 3D or an airbrushed realistic style.
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yawn need more Kamala
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After a whole day spent scavenging you just gotta let her play with her favourite toy...
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I started with ponybased ones and they are not ideal for what we're all on this board for.

BigLust and never look back
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... only now im noticing the extra bell below the booba
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it's crazy how far we've come in like what 2 years. These were just pumped out with only minor issues and no finetuning. im just a coomer
Is there any good lewd hosted in painting? Kind of like this:
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i know dickgirls is discourgaed, but what would a girl actually behave like if she got a dick? I fel like they would have no restraints compared to men.
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these are great, what's your process (or post a catbox pls)
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very rapey
Where can i generate with zonkey online?
Just femdom stuff, which is accomplished with a strapon just fine
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Finally people that play to the strengths of the model, not its weaknesses
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Which are...
Oooh, purty! I want one.
WOW, great one. Can you make Emilia Clarke pregnant like this?
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Not keen on these plastic faces.
'She' has a 'look'.
>too american
Bumping for this
What's this film-stock style called?
Tigs and Vurge.
fellas, folks
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Holy tits
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Just look at the pics and compare to other flux gens in this thread
It should be fairly obvious
If you can't spot what's good and bad about a gen, maybe genning isn't for you
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How to make realistic cum in Zonkey? it looks like melted candle wax
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>Which are..
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Help please
Do you mean gratis? I doubt there's anything free for porn that's worth using, or it'll ask you to pay after few tries.
A GPU rent service with Stable Diffusion support would be the most straightforward option.
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Don't ask for cum.
Ask for 'White bodily fluids' or something that might look like cum and is White.
This even works on the censored versions.
It's only AI. It's not smart. If you ask for 'purple peanut butter' that's what it generates.
>learn to English good'er
Are you using danbooru tags? I used to get weird fluids like that when not prompting the model correctly
Maybe lower the CFG a bit if it's high
The one thing I often have problems with are camera shots.
Sometimes I just want a scene like; >>8482191
but stepped back a bit.
Maybe there's professional photographer lingo for this.
>I am the learning to the English betterer too
Q. With a pro installation is it possible to get a closeup and then lock the image and run a plug-in that can intelligently 'zoom out'?
>tfw just playing around with NSFW online versions at the moment
Even the censored Flux.Schnell online versions can create decent images if you use the prompts cleverly.
Usually it's "full body shot", "midshot" for up to hips
Maybe "closeup" in negatives
"establishing shot" or "wide angle shot" are more from the cinematic world but might do the trick
It all depends on the model
Some have specifically identified biases like that and come with a manual for proper prompting
Prompting for body parts or clothing that's out of frame might help, but sometimes it's surprisingly useless
Thank you.
>tfw I got tired of saying 'elegant shoes' just to get legs to show up
This explains a lot. Often times a few words fills a big gap. Thank you.
Also, you might have something in your prompt that conflicts with the framing
A standing pose combined with "shot from below" usually implies a midshot for example
Which sort of makes sense since the camera can't go below the floor
>women in 2024
Dua Lipa
>Hermione's Huge Chested Sister, Maud Granger
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I swapped the ratio and "upper body closeup" with "large breasts."
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or "ass."
"ass, male focus, hairy chest, large man with small woman, amateur pornography,"
I think the models I use are heavily weighted towards women, so you would probably benefit from a more balanced checkpoint.
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>forgot the picture
please build on these concepts
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Unbelievable, great work, but don't post mix, post pics separate
Phenomenal, bravo. Can you make her pregnant with my child?
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Once we get our hands on PonyFlux it is over
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Can't wait.
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If anything, it'll be an excuse to remove hundreds of loras and start fresh.
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I bought this game literally only because of the GOG promo banner.
even if it's possible, the model will be in early access for many months lol
The ponyfucker won't catch lightning in a bottle again
He's a retard that got lucky
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cool set
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thanks anon
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nice work

also good

add makeup, airbrushed, and v& to negative
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what model/lora(s)?
these are great
I love how the people asking for help with genning get replies and the beggers asking others to make images for them get ignored
No pregnant Emilia???
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reminds me of this. i couldn't even tell that's the brown star wars girl because her robust face is getting force multiplied by Pony. looks kinda weird.
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yeah it was a 1.5 gen upscaled with XL, just trying different things
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when are the civitai lora sloppers going to get the memo that they can stop coping with Pony >>8480183
its cringe seeing someone from /v/ using other boards
lol, knowing what a game is doesn't mean I post on /v//.
>game image
All is as it should be
Thanks anon these are CyberRealistic Pony.
Leading everyone to the right path of making images themselves

Stop promoting the myth that those models can do everything pony does
>Stop promoting the myth
Never mind how you don't click on or read anything longer than a single line.
Most realistic Pony genners do 1girl and vanilla sex stuff, like the retard in this thread complaining about "furry" gens when it's the one thing Pony is great at. There are already at least two non-Pony model that do these things well.

The Pony realistic gens look like uncanny dog faced monsters. Again, because "you" insist on making realistic gens or training realistic loras on it. But clearly you and most aren't bothered because the real horror of AI gen is seeing what people view as appealing.
That's a lot of unnecessary hostility, but yeah. If your gen doesn't need pony's knowledge of sex poses, anime/cartoon characters, exaggerated anatomy, etc then you should use a true realistic model.
You have some nerve calling other people sloppers
Just saying
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>missing the most important bits
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Inspired by anon :
damn, they are getting more real by the month.Do Emilia Clarke like this
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Flux is cool and all but man does it not play ball with styles.
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I tried emilia but I honestly hate the lora for her
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love your work, and I would ealy like to discuss your process, hmu : https://ctxt.io/2/AAA44h95Fg
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Is this real? Just share a catbox like every other AI thread.
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Would have been easier to google it than type out your post.
Too dark
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>Most realistic Pony genners do 1girl and vanilla sex stuff, like the retard in this thread complaining about "furry" gens when it's the one thing Pony is great at. There are already at least two non-Pony model that do these things well.
NTA, fair point but consider that the bar for a coom model "doing things well" is pretty fucking low
>The Pony realistic gens look like uncanny dog faced monsters. Again, because "you" insist on making realistic gens or training realistic loras on it.
this is true lol as much as i appreciate the proportions and grain of Zonkey, the faces are basically all identical and inferior to even 1.5 models
>But clearly you and most aren't bothered because the real horror of AI gen is seeing what people view as appealing.
100% truth lol i am astounded at how bad some of these gens are, yet on the other hand i am blind to the faults in my own
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What are you autists bickering about?
In the beginning you have a lot of tunnel vision
Making good gens is easier once you figure out how to spot bad gens quickly
Which is impossible for beginners since they don't know how good it *can* look
Always wait at least a day before posting a gen
What looked awesome the night before often looks like shit next morning
That explains all the dog shit gens, people are too excited they got anything to gen at all
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>What looked awesome the night before often looks like shit next morning
very valid the post-nut clarity with this is real. nothing like when you're 3 hours into your goon sesh, your foreskin is swollen, you're stroking your shit to the gen preview, and end up spontaneously nutting to some treacher collins pre-adetailer shit. still not going to check in the morning because fuck that
>That explains all the dog shit gens, people are too excited they got anything to gen at all
especially celebs, you can unironically get better gens with base 1.5 SD than whatever is posted here
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can you gen one of these, but where everyone is naked?
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does anyone know if pony can do this?
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which nsfw loras are you using for flux?
Is fluxdev one of the new algorithms?
Is it realistically feasible to try to get into this with a 1660ti and a ryzen 7?
>Is it realistically feasible
maybe. 1660 doesn't support FP16 models tho, so it'll run out of VRAM and get slower than usual.
That's ok. Delays are not a fatal issue
this anya model looks amazing, i need more anyas
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Satyrs, centaurs, minotaurs, no problem. Having a fully human top and a fully animal bottom when it's not an established fantasy combination, that would take a bit of inpainting. But doable for sure.
Oh cool, another fucking AI thread in the adult cartoon board. Having 6-10 of these in the catalog is great.
if only there was a way to filter them
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Never mind, it was actually pretty easy.
turist go away
what checkpoint?
Complain to the dalle people that split off a video thread now
We have been here for quiet a while
but it's more fun when she's the only one
SCG Anatomy 99% of the time
it's a new model yes https://huggingface.co/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev
It's like the scene in a random film from the 80s and 90s that makes you confirm your heterosexuality when you're a teenager. Nice work !

I've also recently seen people doing recuts of films like Spider-Man. It opens up incredible perspectives. Imagine that imaginary missing scene where Peter does stuff with his neighbour!
lol this general is well over a year old. go get mad at the free AI service spammers kicked from /tv/ and other boards.
qrd on flux? Been out of the loop for some time. Is forge still legit?
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On that note, did anyone try experimenting with the refiner workflow? Do half your steps with a pony variant to set up the scene, anatomy, etc then finish the details with bigLust or whatever. I might give it a try this weekend.
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>8488418 >8488429
too real
good, mayhaps she takes her shoes off and steps on my face?
Yeah that works like a charm
Zonkey 4.2 has a really strong "grit" and people used that method to fix it (refiner switch around 0.8 usually)
Faces can be de-ponyfied by setting up adetailer to use a separate checkpoint also
incredible, what model is this?
DPM++ 3M SDE Exponential 40 steps cfg 4
hi-res fix 2x 4x_NMKD-Siax_200k 20 steps 0.4 denoise
adetailer 0.4 denoise
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does anyone here make money with SD?
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incredible - what loras to get the exposed thong?
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I think it's time for a Serah or Lightning lora.
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Didn't use a Lora for that, just good prompting, but it does not work 100% of the time :
>NSFW, A woman ,long hair, blonde hair, sitting on a bench outside, wearing low-rise jeans with a visible thong waistband above the denim showing her light purple G-String panties,
she is wearing glasses and a tight white crop top that emphasizes her large breasts,
back shot photo, as she is looking back over her shoulder and up at the viewer,
high vantage photography looking down at the subject
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Is there a good faceswap extension or controlnet for pony?
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always wanted to see this scene from the movie babylon a.d expanded, it's not perfect but it's good enough, a bit exaggerated though
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What are some basic descriptions to achieve this degree of realism?
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pony realism, and prompts from the civitai page
Pony realism? How so? Is this a technical term I don't understand?
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the model pony realism. it's an xl model based on pony diffusion that's meant for realistic renders, and uses booru tags.
Very interesting. And I'm sorry that the question was trivial, I'm looking into things right now for the first time. Checking civitai now.
the SDXL controlnets on Civitai should work as normal with pony?
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