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Fire Nation Babes Edition

>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males. Lesbian is okay
>No gas or onara
>No drama
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I'm still mad to this day
Azula makes me so happy
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I still struggle to pick between Azula or Ty Lee to marry. Azula would produce strong and ambitious children, but Ty Lee is so acrobatic just imagine the sex!

Solution: Pick both. Become polyamorous. Don’t be tied down by this dichotomy!
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Azula gave me a femdom fetish. I know my choice.
Glad to see your renders once again lad
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Azula erotic
Mai's booty
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mad that it happened
sad that it's over
Bush + untied hair is the most kino look for Azula
Turning Whorea into a breeding factory>>
Jay marvel
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Aaaand flip
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Azula in her swim suit, spreading her legs to show her crotch cover.
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Now removed for penetration
I remember doing the top peice of that comic but not the bottom piece. Also, why did they make Zuko's Scar gray?
missed a spot
Amazing work there, anon!
And yeah, the lower piece of that picture got colored on my request in one of the edit threads on this board.
I must add that yours came out as the better looking between the two as well.
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inaccurate...Ty Lee clearly has the biggest tits among her, Azula and Mai.
yeah, pretty sure she had the biggest pair of all the Avatar girls
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thanks, I took the request for the original pic from a request thread as well. I used to take a lot of requests on their back when I had more free time.
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Of the regular cast yeah, but Jin, Zuko's Earth Kingdom side chick might be the biggest.
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now that you mention it, I remember that Ty-Lee/Zuko sketch that you colored as well! Really like how you took the effort to make a beach background.

I certainly hope that you keep on doing these at least from time to time because they're certainly nice quality.
FYI this edit gets posted a lot on /co/, lol.
Ty is pretty busty yet Jin in some shots seemed to REALLY have large tits even under all that clothing.
Shoutout to Katara's ember island player as well.
This dude definitely got traumatized by a nightmare
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I wonder how many children Aang would have had if he was genderbent.
I bet he would have been pregnant non stop instead of stopping once he got one airbender and Katara didn't let him at it anymore.
Korra is meant for hard breeding!
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Don't put your dick into crazy. Silly is fine. If you're smooth about it, Ty Lee might hook you up with Azula every now and then, and maybe join in herself too.
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Ty Lee also will produce healthy strong children
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Azaang - an underrated ship
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Azula is too racist to race mix, she sees all non fire nation people as beneath her. She would be more interested in killing strong non fire benders for the bragging rights than anything else.
It's why everyone assumes she wants her brother.
>TFW once you realize that in order to firebend she needs to be able to move.
your one and only chance at survival is holding her down and fucking her into unconsciousness.
no, firebenders can breath fire and do AOE body fire blasts too. We see both Iroh and Azula breath fire in the show and and we see the older Fire benders do the AOE attack as well. The can also summon a torch by holding their palm open or a blowtorch by making a fist. And all that applies to their feet too since we know they can send fire blasts with kicks.
What do you think Zuko's life would be like if he stayed with her?
Mid, she uggo
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I Want to see sexual images about repopulating Airbenders.
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>starting the thread with Best Girl
their poor mother
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Is there more like this?
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More azula getting railed please anons
I have some of that but the 4chan capta and wait time for every post is too annoying.
U must be new
You got a telegram?

I'd marry Ty Lee, just because she looks like she'd be nicer to cuddle with.

And even if she's grown out of the attention seeking behavior, I bet she'd still love seeing you go out of your way to make her feel loved and appreciated.

Anyone can say "I wanna make the flexible acrobat girl squeal" - but I wanna make her smile.
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Why is beautiful aritocratic girls being defiled by hideous peasants so hot?
No I've been on 4chan for years, I just don't keep up with any new developments
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I don't really like it - in fact, ugly-bastard porn is one of my least favorite tropes... probably because I'm not too terribly into the idea of sex as an inherently degrading act, which that always seems to imply.
why is Zuko fucking Azula so hot, but Sokka and Katara getting it on isn't?
both Katara and Azula are bitchy younger sisters so what gives?
Zuko ain't related
Mind posting this in a non-ant resolution?
Imagine how embarrassing it would be for the Fire Nation if their princess was forced to bear the children of someone from the Earth Kingdom
Need moar Lin she’s the most underrated girl in the series
if ya like ugly bastard you are gay because you're getting off to something that fixates over the guys body and his ugliness.
Btw this >>8525427 is a good point as well.
It’s a classic incel kink alongside the other forms seethe fetishism. The pretty woman must be punished for the crime of being out of the viewers league, so she’s forced to sleep with unwashed mutants thereby leveling the proverbial playing field.
sauce on this artist? I've tried google and yandex but haven't found it
Fuck off
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