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New video AI. Let's see what you chumps can do.

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Not sure this thread will go anywhere lol.

I'm working onslave auction scenes right now.
Forked prong suggester here. I am actively looting your prompts from the other thread.
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Thank you for the suggestion, I'll try that.

If you want to make some MILF slaves (proven fertile!) you can try:
>A 35-year-old european woman (beautiful eyes, laughter lines on face, wavy blond hair, wearing white lingerie, leather neck collar with metal O-ring) is standing on a white platform, next to a flipchart reading: „AMANDA. 31. SKILLED HOUSEWIFE. PROVEN FERTILE“. She looks very sad and nervously at the viewer. Voluptuous, heaving chest. Panting chest from exhaustion. Next to the woman a businessman is standing behind a lectern, he is giving a speech. Inside a modern steel-and-glass warehous, concrete beams.

I'm still working on her looks. Calling her a "mature woman" makes them too old for my taste.
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The AI has attempted to generate a nipple.

I really like how this thing does o-ring collars.
>I really like how this thing does o-ring collars.
It's hit and miss in my experience. Sometimes the ring is way too large.
This looks like a poorly made Disney parody that i would find in a episode of Drawn Togheter
how about handmaids?
>type particularly racy prompt featuring a young woman
>it gens me a closeup of a man who gives me a disappointed look and walks out of frame
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If you get something completely unrelated that means your prompt was discarded behind the scenes and changed to something else. Apparently it can even print the error message in the new video lol.
lol, that seems excessive when they could just refuse it. Why bother wasting electricity on an unbidden prompt?
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>A fit and slender young woman is standing in a black tiled shower room. Before her belly she is holding a college diploma that reads: "MASTER OF ARTS. ENGLISH LITERATURE". Her cute face looks very sad and nervous. Long wet blond hair, water doplets on bare skin. She has a leather neck collar with metal o-ring. She is wearing a white skimpy bikini. Voluptuous, heaving sternum. Panting chest from exhaustion. Behind her a LED-display reads: „NEW DEBTORS“. The viewer’s hand coming from off-screen is holding a forked prong with sparking tips electroshocker, menacing the woman. Water raining down from the ceiling.
Outstanding prompt. Currently trying a variation to get the sparks looking less like he's welding.
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I recently learned that the chinese text at first displays arabic numerals that count down. This is how many people are in front of you in the queue. Once that reaches zero your animation process begins and the % starts to go up.
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Your browser didn't give you the option to translate the webpage into English when you loaded it?
>Hello, Stacy. You were always so eager to receive men's semen...
I'm on firefox. The translate page option is only available on some sites, and not on others.
oic. I normally use waterfox but I'm using chrome for this because of my default VPN settings. I thought it was the webpage doing it.
Alright, I think I figured out the cattle prod.

>The viewer's hand coming from off-screen is holding a metal livestock prod with a flurry of sparks from the tips, menacing the woman
>no futa on female attempt
are you guys fagots
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This is you.
Any examples? I had to stop genning for a while, might only continue tomorrow.
kek its a good one i admit
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Whew, this thing is really fun.
Reloaded the page and a few of my videos disappeared. Any way to recover these?
Thanks but I meant from the genning site
very cool
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Gimme a minute to convert it.
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Zap zap
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imagine the rimming
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AI truly is wonderful.

Really nice job!
milktrucks arrived
is someone managed to gen true nsfw things?
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I've genned a few topless girls with barbie tits (ie no nipples)
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Any insight into the filter? I've noticed that at the very least it seems to have some AI classifier filtering based on the text input (running too fast to be an LLM guardian I think), since I was able to get past the instant "problem with the copy" by moving "red-skinned" to a bit later in the prompt. I think there's at least a light amount of filtering on the output (even staged during generation) as well though since that gen subsequently cancelled itself around halfway through the progress, but there's a chance that was just the site breaking. From all the cleavage and bodypaint ITT it's clearly not too restrictive.
I've had several gens fail to save because it seems to change its mind about whether or not a gen is acceptable after it already renders the final thumbnail video. When I try to download them it's just an XML file.

However, I had one problem gen that eventually turned from an XML file to an mp4.
Have had a completed / available gen disappear a minute later here, too. One nice thing is that even if the videos come down at about 15KB/s and fail constantly, the .part files actually seem to work for preserving progress which I swear has never fucking worked for me on any other retry on any website
How are you guys genning celebs??
fuck yeah, please share the prompt this is glorious
its cute
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There's potential perhaps. Assuming they don't start censoring soon
multiple browsers work too sweet
I like the stereoscopic effect of these, makes me feel like they'd make pretty phenomenal 3d side by videos.

Does anyone know anything on how to covert existing videos to stereoscopic (with that fish eye effect), maybe with ai?
twerking doesn't work but belly dancing does
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in terms of 2d->3d conversion that already exists: it'll be very underwhelming since the point of 3D video is to film stereoscopically in the first place, the idea is that there's actual information gained by doing this side-by-side filming with a pair of lenses e.g. seeing the left hand side of someone's nose and the right hand side of someone's nose at the same time, this is required to build a convincing 3d vid. it'll look snazzy for a second before you quickly realise it looked nicer flat.
in terms of the near future: i'm sure that once txt2video is high quality and reliable (probably within 1-2 years from how things are looking), the creation of a model that does flatvideo2threedimensionalvideo will be a fairly "easy" extension task. nearly all the required information is in the 2D video, imagining what the other side of someone's nose looks like and putting it in the second video stream from a slightly different angle should be the kind of thing AI excels at. my guess, anyway.
It doesn't do celeb likenesses for me at all. Like it doesn't reject the prompt but the result will have no likeness whatsoever to the celeb I named. Any tricks to get around this?
Hi Maiberg
No, I'm just noob. I'm NEET not a journo. Do you think the chinks care about western celebs?
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It seems they are doing something with the filters. I had it jecect prompts now that worked before, regarding words like "chest" and "voluptuous". And it started doing the retarded bing thing where writing one word upper-case or lower-case gets it blocked.

Seems the chinese woke up and found some non ok things in their logs.
OP video is the only one being cartoon, on a cartoon board
AI video, Dall-e sloppers, SD retards and futas should all be confined to a single general thread
Stop infecting this board
Isn't it banned everywhere else for being "cartoon" because not realz?
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>It says here that you were a member of the university's Feminist League. Will this be a problem going forward?

There should be one ai general and one futa general. Or just ban futa outright.

I think I have to get up and get some work done now. Hopefully this site will still be around when I'm back. Or perhaps I can gen porn on a second tab again lol.
busty is blocked too. beach wear goes through but bikini doesn't. Why is it always like this? We have the technology but somebody is always pissing in the cornflakes. It's not like I was trying to gen anal gapes. A bikini for fucks sakes.
Bikini still works for me. Or atleast it did 5 minutes ago when I made the last vid. Maybe they are doing a/b testing. Or they added a context filter that only allows bikinis etc. in certain situations.
Feet are both promisingly realistic but also demented thus far.
Another attempt.
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Apart from the fact that there are 4 toes on one foot and 6 on the other this one is actually pretty good!
God please post a back shot clip with her having a 40 inch hip ratio and a donk ass...
I would love to but I have first be able to make it.
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Huh, sometimes you get something better than you wanted
I figured lesbian making out wouldn't work so I wrote "kiss on the cheek", but instead I got this
p.s.: I'm new to this specific AI, is there a limit to how many you can render per day or something?
Getting some flawless results now. Nice!
testing to see if orgy is blocked or not
No limit to my knowledge.
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didnt seem to turn out how i wanted since it doesnt know of risk of rain or the like, but still.
Great details on this one.
I get that you use the same prompt for all these renders, but to think they all look so incredible similar is kinda fascinating. I don't know if that is a good thing(consistency) or a bad thing(lack of randomness).
Oh, there is quite a lot of randomness. Some generate her as a horrible hambeast instead.
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I wanted to see the limits of what it can do, so I tried to create a giantess transformation scene in anime style.
But apparently it thought "my planet needs me"-meme was more appropriate
>would love to but I have first be able to make it.
God bless you for getting this far. This and >>8487330 are the most diamond inducing for me because goths are a huge weakness of mine. You're doing Gods work, mate.
Best possible use of this tech. Holy shit this is hilarious.
Is that supposed to be a fembot?
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Surrealkino is back on the menu!
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>is this the irl?
This thread is for ai only, please post movie clips on /tv/
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It can't even do an anime style.
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Skill issue.
Why don't you show us a cartoon gen like the OP video, and we'll try to help you fix your prompt :)
I guarantee you cannot create a video right now that has even a passing resemblance to anime.
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If you think this looks like anime, you're off your fucking rocker. Look at that background. I also specifically guaranteed YOU couldn't generate an anime video. Pulling the one from their "this is some stuff we made before" page is comically embarrassing for you.
Why don't you show us a cartoon gen like the OP video, and we'll try to help you fix your prompt :)
Yeah you posted this already in response to the other guy. I'll take it as your concession, thanks Chang.
Did you want to successfully gen an anime video, or did you want to continue being a pissy baby? It's really all up to you.
I already accepted your concession, Ling.
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Anon, look at yourself right now. Multiple people are offering to help you get what you want, but instead you've decided you're going to fight everyone ITT.

AI really makes some people go completely insane.
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>multiple people
This would be much more convincing if you didn't just copy-paste your reply from one guy to me. Either post an anime generation you made or admit you're wrong. It's that simple.
Why don't you show us a cartoon gen like the OP video, and we'll try to help you fix your prompt :)
>Back to copypasting
>STILL dodging just typing a prompt into the box that would take 5 seconds if it was actually possible
This is so embarrassing for you lol
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If I didn't know better, I might think you can't even gen a 2d western cartoon.

Just say "I'm sorry I was being a pissy baby. Please help me with my prompt."
See: >>8488016

I haven't asked one single time for help with a prompt. I asked you to simply generate an anime video. You cannot.
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im trying for a upskirt shot of a girl going up the stairs
but there were times where my video was compeletly unrelated to my prompt
According to another comment here, it's what happens when it notices too late that your prompt results in NSFW content.
It happened to me too just now, even though my prompt was totally SFW, weird
Oddly enough, one time I tried to do a slightly gore scene(just to see if it can do that) and it went to 100% render and then...just vanished without even as much as a thumbnail
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luma looks shit now lol
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how the fuck do I use this? I can' read moonrunes and googles translate website function just gives me an error.
type what you want in the box and click the big button in the bottom left of the box. done.
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>I asked you to simply generate an anime video. You cannot.
Skll issuss.
>that background
have you ever seen an anime before?
Did you? It wouldn't be that out of place in the 70s or 80s.

>did you?
of course it's ESL
Seems like he's just a troll with brain problems. I'd like to help him out, but he only wants to fight.
do we have any luck with Celebes
I want to fuck Spock so bad. Might flick my bean to this ai tonight if it gives me something good lmao. Gonna try to get him shirtless at least.
It understands that christina hendricks is a redhead with big boobs for example but the face is hit and miss.
post it if you do
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>After Sarah had been confiscated and processed, she was moved to a trainig facility where she received a crash course in propper slave etiquette.
>She was found to be a natural submissive. While other girls needed some more correction, Sarah was quickly forwarded to the next auction.
>She is quite excited to find out who her new owner will be!
Can't get regular Nimoy but it does Spock really well. Fuck, I wish I got to shoot my shot with him at a convention in the 1970's. I imagine myself, early 20's, wearing something form fitting but not too slutty for the 70's, going up to him, and he's in his early 40's, doing my best to make an impression. I've heard things could actually get a bit spicy back in the day at conventions near closing time when people had had a few drinks (the fandom was also a lot smaller). Fuuuuuuuckkkk
Not to be disrespectful but I would sit on his face, it's not a pretty-boy face so he's perfect for that
It can sort of do Taylor but 4chan wont let me upload the webms for some reason.
It refuses to take his shirt off but has no problem doing it on women?? Prompt ideas? "No shirt, shirtless" doesn't work
is it possible the generator cant conceive Spock in anything but his Starfleet uniform
Do you get an error message? Could be the size limit for webms. It differs between boards, but /aco/ is 4mb I think.

>he is wearing nothing but swimwear
Krilling myself
See if it will spawn Alotta Fagina from Austin Powers.
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Those eyes... that panting... Uagh!

>A fit and slender young europen woman (with beautiful eyes and beautiful nose) is standing on the raised catwalk of a fashion show, she is uneasily posing for the viewer. She is wearing a white skimpy bikini. Long wavy styled blond hair. She has a leather neck collar with a small metal O-ring attached to the collar. Her cute face is looking very nervous and afraid. Voluptuous, She has heaving sternum, panting sternum from exhaustion. Behind her a large LED-display reads the words: „SARAH. 24. COLLEGE DEBTOR“. To the sides of the fashion catwalk are old businessmen sitting, watching from the shadows.
Wow anon what description you used?
This is a very interesting fetish.
what fetish? fixation with whyte women and rape?
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Fixation with college debt
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models, runway, reality show, teens, maledom
Her oily skin makes me throb so much. More?>>8487912
I love how her belly looks in this one
I'm not sexually attracted to college debt per se I think. I am however very much into slavery. And I mean the whole process of it: from capture through processing and training to selling and finally using them. My two favourite slave taking fantasies by far are historical spoils of war and modern-day indentured college girls.

I’m also into distressed female faces. With panting, trembling lips, shocked eyes etc. That’s the stuff man.
I wish I could be Spock's slave but he's too nice and I'd be too excited haha.
highly illogical
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Someone prompt this.
So the only type of "lingerie" that this ai wants to make is this weird bodysuit thing, right? It knows other styles as well, but you have to prompt for a "lace bikini".
>4k movie footage. attractive young female darkseid walking away. view on her back as she walks away. snooty and snobbish. on a beach. deep dark grey skin. jumbo thick black lips. short black bobcut hair. inflated chest. overflowing dark blue bikini. completly red eyes. dissmisive and smug. jumbochest. on the beach. sunny summer day. black fingernails. pretty face. heavy breathing moving chest.
too wholesome, lol
really O_O?

not this anon, but thx
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Great idea but it's hotter if she majored in women's studies
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First attempt at this. Not quite right but I like it.
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"sheer black sundress" gives you a negligee. Just have to be creative with your phrasing.
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btw,is it definitely free or will it soon be a paid tool?
It's definitely free until it's not
Standard business model of free to get buzz about it then charge for it once there are enough people interested.
Forgot to add, does anyone have next week's lottery numbers?
No image-to-video function?
Spogg got that green goo blood
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How would you prompt large tits?
Oh my goodness, holy shit, omg omg omg
I enjoy the sex slavery aspect on principle, and I do find the college debt thing intriguing, although on balance it seems a bit flawed to me. The premise automatically makes the women annoyingly old (they're old enough to have been to college and had time to try and fail to pay off the debt). It also generally implies that they're stupid and this is their fault, which has a certain appeal to it, but I much prefer the idea that they were captured through no fault of their own.
If I were you, I'd definitely generate some more historical spoils of war stuff.
I also appreciate the distressed female faces.
>The premise automatically makes the women annoyingly old (they're old enough to have been to college and had time to try and fail to pay off the debt).
I call it student loan dept sometimes, but the scenario I imagine is actually this: A combination of high tuition fees, high rent and high costs of living in general have thrown these girls into debt during their studies. Perhaps they even turn to loan sharks in desperation. Either way they don't even make it to the job market. One day there is a knock on their dorm door, they open and it's the police/debt collectors who arrest them and drag them to the enslavement processing (that's were the shower stuff happens).

Yes, I'm putting a cringe amount of worldbuilding into this. But yeah, I'll definitively try some spoils tomorrow. If the site is still up and uncensored then I hope.
this one's great
hope you chuds know that this is essentially rape
Even better, all the girls are only one second old.
fiction is fiction. imagine calling the police for horror movie producers lol
Guess I'm not an incel after all
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>The Star Trek Holiday Special
>prompt for "strategic bandaids"
>gens to 100%, then tells me to fix the prompt
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Slither sequel is looking good.
I made a bunch. But I'm stupid: how do I turn an mp4 into a webm?
Is there anything local I can use? I'm not trying to be difficult, I've never done video stuff before
Yeah there probably is but this is what I use, I’m able to generate and then covert all on my phone.
I use

Love the wiggle.
This is absolutely insane. We've come a long way since will smith eating spaghetti.

Having trouble getting it to understand 'adult' without the girls becoming old. Anyone had much luck? Trying 'college-aged' now. I'd rather not use the name of a real person .
how do you get huge tits?
download ffmpeg
i use these settings for hailuoai clips
ffmpeg -i file.mp4 -f webm -c:v libvpx -an -crf 18 -b:v 4M
if you have a fast computer you can use vp9 on 4chan but it won't matter for these clips because they already fit easily under 3MB
LMAO the tiny feet
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Took me ages to figure out.

You use a local lora stable diffusion for a realistic (not anime or cartoon) still.

Then you can feed that into Luma which does image to ai.
Hey that worked. Had chat gpt help me write the script. Thanks anon.
The lazy eye throws me off a bit
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"Young woman" + "her father"
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This inspired me to play dress up.
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We're really living in the future.
Recently I had a thought, I saw someone play a romhack about Metroid-Zeromission to be Super-Metroid, thus I wondered if in 40 years you can just tell an AI "remake this game in the style of that game" and 30minutes later you get it perfectly.
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prompt for kissing please
Extremely hot
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I forgot I could put words on things for these at first. But there's more..
I've been trying to figure out if the bot can create a seamless loop. So far unsuccessful.
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iirc isnt that crazy intense for animate diff to do? I haven't fucked with animations with stable diffusion much, just this.
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I found out by chance that "kiss on the cheek" generates a regular kiss 9/10 times. Funnily enough, I never tried a normal kiss prompt on the assumption it wouldn't work
For this specific vid it was:
>Elsa and Anna(from Frozen Disney) in wedding dresses(long white dress, white veil, stiletto pumps) holding hands, walking down the isles, looking at each other. Church background, female crowd in dresses celebrating. Elsa kiss Anna on the cheek
hm, why not screencap first and last frame and animate the inbetween with Luma, then stitch the two videos together?
tricks that worked on dalle kinda work, just tried with 'sweet married kids and it was fine without adding any wedding shit, I added it at the end.
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the wedding is just because it's my personal kink, not for prompt reasons
see webm related, it works for any scenario
i lost all my DallE prompts after the purge
I was just stating that the filter seems to have the same quirks as dalle where if you have it be something like wedding, fatherly, friendly instead of sloppy lesbian making out, its more likely to go through.
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It's one thing I love about Stable Diffusion. I keep all prompts I want to keep and have a spellbook ready to go when new shit comes out.
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They're always so much happier when the psychic daemons of modernity and feminism have been cleansed from their mind.
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Honest to goodness wish this company drops their model for local use.
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in a /gif/ thread a long time ago, somebody figured out a way to use animatediff and controlnets to improve shitty animations with realism (I'll go ahead and dump the 3 I have)

I wonder if that can be improved upon with that method, or used in conjunction.

aren't like half of the women in these videos purely hypothetical?

so fucking close to perfection.
don't tempt me to break out AfterEffects like that
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>aren't like half of the women in these videos purely hypothetical?

Hypothetically, mine are content with themselves for the first time in their lives after I've freed them from the woke mind virus.
mfw I took the red pill and realized its always them..always..
i mean yeah, yours of real people are morally questionable. but fake porn of fake women, that's more ethical than normal real porn, right?
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When she realized (((they))) did it to her because of her resemblance to a Nazarene.
reminds me of Tusk
What's that?

My pov is the trying to pass off gens as legit footage/photos for the news is the actually unethical stuff(barring illegal content of course). veering towards pol stuff but It's what we see this shit used by politicians for.
lol a fucked up Kevin Smith (Clerks, jay and silent Bob) film where a dude gets kidnapped and surgically turned into a walrus hybrid
That doesn't seem like a very nice thing to do to someone? Does he change back in the end? Because I gotta say...the lefty film producers and writers always seem to have this abyss porn "it always just gets worse" point of view. I like seeing people rise up from their whole and become better. It's desu why irl bdsm is so fucking hot. Growing with someone with a kink is hot into itself.
Nigger, are you legit complaining about leftism while posting fetish porn?
you don't just unwalrus yourself. I don't think Kevin has any real political stances though, he's seems far from a lefty, dude was good friends with Carlin.

I think I'll try some unwalrusing in the next thread and see what China sora spits out.
Share the prompt? Genuinely curious about this one.
For a local webm converter, the easiest one I know is this here:

There is also this here, that has many more options but is a bit more complicated to use:

Both of them were specifically made for 4chan. (But where else do you need webms lol?). The video size limit on /aco/ is 4mb I think, but those 6s clips should be less than that automatically.
Maiberg has an article about how ai can simulate the game Doom for you, apparently can can more or less play it. We might not even need game engines anymore in the future.
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Today some Spoils of War!
Scenario: vikings go to church.

I'm still tinkering with the prompt.
I just read it, interesting article. Since it takes an insane amount of computing power, I doubt AI-only videogames will replace finished build games, but it shows once again what AI can do if you're creative with it
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This one came out great!

>2010s historical movie scene. Close-up of a beautiful young woman kneeling on the stone floor. She is very nervous and afraid, looking up at the viewer. Beautiful eyes, beautiful nose. Voluptuous, heaving sternum, panting sternum from exhaustion. Cross necklace dangling over her buxom chest. She is wearing a ripped black nun costume that is torn open to reveal her white cotton bikini. The viewer’s viking hand coming from off screen is gently caressing the woman’s cute face, he is grabbing her chin. On the floor are strewn gold coins, golden communion chalices, valuable liturgical devices, silver candleholders and other treasures as plunder. Inside a medieval church, gorgeous murals on the wall. Rows of wooden pews. Dark night, candlelight.
from your prompt I assume you wanted a self-insert POV, thus maybe try adding those kind of tags to it?(in case you haven't tried it already)
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The error message is literally just like "Upload failed" with no other details. They're all small filesizes.
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Good idea, I'll give it a try!

Hm, perhaps the programm you use for conversion to webm produces faulty files that 4chan can't read?
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This is not exactly what I was going for.
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I got Walrus tusks working.
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Thought I found a good prompt for ballgags but then the bot ate my gen and now it's completely refusing to accept the prompt.
I had that before where it suddenly stops acceptigng a prompt that was fine before. Sometimes it's ok again after waiting a while and prompting something else.
Yeah, got it to accept the prompt by feeding it something else in the meantime. Now the problem is that it keeps making the ball too big. I can't find a suitable phrase to make sure it fits inside the mouth.
>There's something wrong with your prompt.
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Please keep working on this one. Very good results so far.
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So, are the chinese manually reviewing and deleting our videos? Is that why my gens keep vanishing from the list?
If you right click and save as before the thumbnail image loads, you can usually grab the video before it's deleted.
If a gen survives the dreaded 96% and finishes I immediately download it, even before watching it. What I meant was that about half of my succesful videos are gone from the list again.

Is there a third filter that checks and deletes already published gens? Am I on a watchlist and real humans check up on me?
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I have not had either of these issues at all, but I'm mostly posting more innocent stuff. Cheerleaders getting hypnotized and falling asleep or kissing in the locker room.

Guessing it's related to the content you're trying to generate.
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Yes, there is. Don't know if it's human or automated but do not refresh the page until all your gens have been downloaded. It seems like the system regularly checks for naughty vids, and even if it ignored it the first three times, it might still delete it at some point.
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I got these trying to make a bunch of lizards running around on the ground with a scientist seeming stunned..So it does just happen where it eats your prompt and result.
Love it!
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The whole POV thing was a bit too complicated for now. So I tried a different setup and put the viking behind the nuns. Turns out the ai doesn't really know what a viking is lol.

For reference:
>Historical movie scene set in the middle ages, static camera shot. Close-up of two beautiful young women kneeling on the stone floor. They are very nervous and afraid, they are looking up at the viewer. Both women have beautiful eyes, beautiful nose. Voluptuous, heaving sternum, panting sternum from exhaustion. Both young women have a cross necklace dangling over buxom chest. They are both wearing a ripped black nun costume that is torn open to reveal white cotton bikini. Directly behind the two women a man (scandinavian norse viking) is standing, the viking man’s hands are resting on the shoulders of the two women. On the floor are strewn gold coins, golden communion chalices, valuable liturgical devices, silver candleholders and other treasures as plunder. Inside a medieval church, gorgeous murals on the wall. Rows of wooden pews. Dark night, candlelight.
Try calling him a barbarian or barbarian warlord.
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Varangian Guard was a viking mercenary group for the Byzantine Empire.
Yeah I've used barbarian, barbaric, warrior etc. before. The ai can make generic fantasy leather barbarians, but I was trying for more viking looking guys. I know that it's impossible for an ai to make historically accurate norse, for that it would have to be trained on accurate data - and all popculture depictions of vikings are dumb. Maybe I should have prompted them with fur armor to get atleast norse-implied fantasy vikings.

I might try crusader knights vs saracene girls tomorrow.
It seems like hailuoai does not seem to allow full nudity with the exception of body paints. What about nipple pasties or tassles?
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sry meant >>8490267
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Just had a thought that you might have luck trying something like
>medieval english serf wearing thick tunic and fur cloak
for a base. It probably has a larger library of medieval fashion tagged as English.
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I was thinking yesterday that this AI does a decent job with jiggle physics.
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>my gens are disappearing almost as soon as they finish loading
>I haven't missed a download yet
Too slow, Xi.
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You just reminded me that Cici let a lot more nudity slip when I used the splitscreen and multiple angles prompts. Gonna try that now.
fuck it's annoying having to babysit the thing
I had high hopes that scriptanon would come up with something by now but what are ya gonna do?
Is that a neck seam?
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i guess it's reluctant to show group touching
>Manage to make the viking a viking.
>It refuses to strip the nuns now.

But I might be onto something. Will report if I get good results again.
Nice. What worked?
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The prompt is getting a bit unwieldy now, but webm related was:

>Historical movie scene set in medieval england, static camera shot. Close-up of two beautiful young women kneeling on the stone floor. They are very nervous and afraid, they are looking up at the viewer. Both women have beautiful eyes, beautiful nose. Voluptuous, heaving sternum, panting sternum from exhaustion. Both young women have a cross necklace dangling over buxom chest. They are both wearing a ripped black nun costume that is torn open to reveal white cotton skimpy bikinis. They feel exposed in their bikinis. Directly behind the two women a viking man (he is wearing scandinavian fur armor chain-mail and cloak) is standing, the viking man’s hands are resting on the shoulders of the two women. On the floor are strewn gold coins, golden communion chalices, valuable liturgical devices, silver candleholders and other treasures as plunder loot. Inside a medieval church, gorgeous biblical murals on the wall. Rows of wooden pews. Dark night, candlelight.
Looking really nice dude

Great fetishes btw
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Does anon have any tips & tricks for making this look less robotic?
looking at camera, looking pleased afterwards
Saved, whew

Deleted at 99% lol
They turned out pretty good.
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Who here /classyromance/
What are you prompting to ensure a knees-up shot? It always wants to crop at the waist for me.
Love this locked on red head stripper.
It doesn't always do it, and I didn't put anything specifically in my prompt for it. But if I had to guess, it might be because of the bikini.
>Calling others faggots for not wanting futa

Buddy, got some bad news for you...
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Does anyone have a really nice gen to use for the new thread?
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why bikini word works to you? i have millions fails
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The word "bikini" gets blocked by context, that means by what other words are around it. It can help for examole to remove female pronouns from that sentence. So instead of "she is wearing a bikini" just write "wearing a bikini".
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Why are there thots drinking sprinkler water?
works lol, based
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they thirst
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i can't believe she didn't win the competition, with that magical body lol
She got that Thing.
Absolute zozzle.
>video was 2.9mb
>opening looked amazing
>deleted from site before it was finished downloading
she shoulda busted out the spinning mushroom top dong drop trick at the Olympics and maybe she wouldn't have gotten 0 points.
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I don't know in which thread to post.

This vid would be great if not for the glitch in the back.
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I decided to do one last nun vid before I have to go and be productive for the day. I'm glad I did, it turned out a real banger!

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