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Leg lock edition
A thread for characters having romantic sex and soft gentle intimacy.
>Bonus for leglocking sex
>No futa shit
>No gay shit
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
Aryan love is the purest!
I need aftersex cuddles
Me too!
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Looking at this fills me with sadness, anon!
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why did they absolutely ruin her perfect design?
They don't know what they're doing
such a cursed series
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A doodle of Nimoy, and uh, myself. Wish I could travel back in time and please him after a long day of signing stuff at a Star Trek convention or something. Help him unwind and relax. Love him a lot.
That is super romantic, Spockanon! I see your art style is improving a lot!
Thank you so much <3 I'm exploring new territory, humans and especially environments are all new to me so it makes me glad people are responding so positively to my doodles.
I support you in your dreams, anon.
When did you fall for Nimoy, anon?
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Ty <3 Here's an older piece.
Hmm. I first saw Star Trek TOS back in late 2022, and began liking Spock after about 5 episodes or so. It was unexpected, but he felt familiar on so many levels. I am prob on the autistic spectrum and am waiting for a professional evaluation rn. Spock has a calm presence and when he speaks, I can understand what he says. It's straight to the point. He also feels secure.

Nimoy shares many qualities with the character, he's elegant and intelligent while still being masculine, but warmer. In both cases it's the personality that's the main attraction. He also had a fantastic voice and a nice slender body. Big hands. Thick hair. Somewhere about a year into the fandom or so I prob began obsessing over Nimoy more, because there's more layers to him (real person haha). I find his life and attitude very inspiring. Charming, kind, hard working. His background as a second generation immigrant is also something I can relate to.

Ty for asking :]
No probs that's so sweet. Its always nice to have someone you admire and want to be with. To me its Kristen Dunst. I fell for her smile a long time ago and I like to look at pictures of her whenever I feel down and imagine her giving me words of encouragement and helping me up.
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>absolutely ruin her perfect design
>not familiar with the series beyond passing knowledge that it exists
>look it up
>they literally just put her hair up in a bun
You overdramatic faggot.
They ruined her by changing her personality. She netorarted the main character
that's not all they did and you know it you reductive subhuman
Wink bump.
reposting once again because it's hot and fits thread theme to a T
sound ver:
is that the sniper? nice
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you best believe it son
I need to be fucked like this so badly!
he's one of the hottest classes in tf2
I love it when the woman is having so much pleasure she locks you in position to receive your sperm
patrician taste
always nice to see
It feels even better when its a dyke being corrected!
Finding out what nature really wants from her
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Indeed! Isn't the peak of romance to breed a woman? Even more so if she used to be a dyke?
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Really like Vox designs
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Cool stuff.
100% typed by a man
what a strange but understandable crossover
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Very based thread. It's the only form of sex I like.
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And here's a very based comic from the same artist: https://catbox.moe/c/ckwfjx
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Nice butt.
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seen better myself
Post better there is no romance as good as pic related
These pics are very heartwarming. Kinkymation does this kind of thing so well. Porn drawn by women is always very lovely and sweet.
I had no idea it was a woman. And true, it either is very sweet and wholesome or utterly degenerate.
True. I've posted some of her art earlier in this thread, it really warms my heart.
it warms my something
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Innocent girls are so hot
>that lower lip biting
hardly innocent
I love Mel Medarda!
she's not bad
She's so perfect
Best pairing
Agreed, I wish he won her over
>Mel Medarda!
She's from Arcane
What is that?
Is that Spider-Gwen?
Any hero/villain loving sex?
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this is as close as I got.
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Aww :) Here's some more. I imagine this being during the filming of TOS, and I self insert as an assistant. In this fantasy, it's a hot summers day, he's tired after a long day of filming, and so I bring him some water. We chat a little and I offer him a shoulder massage and things kind of escalate from there haha.

I am a biological woman
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Best relationship ever
it's pretty good but there are better
Good examples?
animated netflix series based on league of legends
surprisingly decent all things considered
Captain Marvel if it wasn't Brie Larson.
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there's more but it's paywalled
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>She netorarted the main character
What? I only watched S1 and S2. What happened?
its not quite that. She left him to go track down some bad guy that imprisoned her parents without telling her bf in advance on his birthday. They get back together but the show kinda never has the girl properly apologize for it
Ah. That's shitty, but nowhere near ntr.
Would you date a vampire, anon?
You mean like cut them in half and count the growth rings? Carbon dating? What?
If your girlfriend leaves without a word to you for "valid reasons" she is cheating. Astrid abandoned hiccup without a word to track down a bad boy. That's kid friendly, subliminally her cheating with her target. Like if you ever hear a girl complain about her asshole ex boyfriend, but then later on she declares that she has to "return some of his shit he left at her apartment" it's just an excuse to go over and have a quickie.
>le dogwhistle
I will never understand your people's mental damage.
Indeed. I need this
That's very romantic.
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>the moment right before they become more than just friends
but he's already penetrating her
love the earrings here
Purest form of love
I need this, anon!
Anyone have any lovey dovey cock kissing stuff? I love it when the girl is just totally cock drunk with love
Anyone got good cock kissing stuff?
I got you anon!
I found this girl amazingly cute.
Post oral kiss
I just want them to be happy, bros
not a realistic possibility
I made it better.
>cock and area around it covered in kiss marks
We need more like this...
Not true NTR but they might be pandering to weird NTR shippers
And she should at least apologize
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I've somehow got Songbird by Kenny G or Edge of the Pond from the 2nd Urusei Yatsura movie playing in my head when I look though this thread.
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she has nothing to apologize for

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