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New one.
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whats the codeword for fat titties
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Improved Version 60FPS - https://webmshare.com/5JvAv
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Improved Version 60FPS - https://webmshare.com/v0EWO
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so bouncy

try the same terminology people have been using for images (if you still don't know lurk around other threads people usually post their prompts)
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I did it! I got an honest-to-goodness booty shot! And all it took was implied interracial rape!
how do you add your own images?
a glimpse of what daily life for an adult man is like
A real man would have asked the holodeck for red shirts.
old one
Thanks bud
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Click the browse button.
Hm. We had 70 more vids to go to fill up the old thread. /aco/ is a slow board, a thread at bump limit can stay up for a while.
>I swear to god if I turn around and you creamed your new dress I'm going to grab that lamp behind you and beat you with it
Wasn't she in Mad Men? I wonder what they used to train this model...
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PROTIP: You get better results with "regency stays" instead of "corset".
Any Emilia Clarke?
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this one kinda looks like her >>8490294
nahhhh not the pentapods
Protip if you want to avoid a Pixar-style cartoon: Start the description with "Realistic footage of"
we need Kat dennings fr
I use her as a sidekick
>the foot
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I feel like I'm close to something good.
Make her a mouth breather. I had this problem in VAM with tongues. Slack jawed and o faced
I could go for a glory hole hotdog right about now
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Based Picard
I'd put my Dixon those Hills, if you know what I mean.
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That's one way to train your gag reflex
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Holy crap
I guess you used something like red-liquid or ketchup? I once tried, just to see if it works, a gore scene, but of course it didn't allow it
this shit is creepy as fuck
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Can her bobs be dripping with milk?
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that was one of mine.. very surreal outputs
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I like the background.
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woah, freaky
Originally I made a princess Peach render, however it didn't understand one or two prompts. Something similar with similar prompts happened in another video.
So I wondered, if it has more success with Chinese text. Of course I can't write Chinese, so I used google translation
This was the result. Looks like from a creepypasta video
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I've seen a few of your videos and I get what you were going for, but honestly I just don't feel it.
I wondered if one can do make it look more like deepthroating instead of just licking the tip.
So I made one with "eating like a snake", however it only looks like regular eating(and ironically enough that video got deleted a few minutes after it was done, even though it was not suggestive at all)
Then I tried it with swallowing like a snake, and it gave me this result.
I hoped it would go a bit more deeper
holy shit, looks like it failed all the loops but the first one

Like that is the amalgamation of your request, sir
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Working on a new scenario.
yeah most of mine seem to get deleted after finishing, it's pretty annoying.
any flash of buttocks does that too.
God I'm going to have a field day once a non neutered/sanitized model comes out
The main problem with video is that it takes orders of magnitude more resources to train than static images. It's not practical for regular people to train them so all we get is neutered corporate slop. It's going to be like that for the foreseeable future, open video has fallen way behind. Perhaps the most advanced open thing at the moment is Story Diffusion.
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That wasn't even a tiny bit sensual you hungry ass bitch
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She snuck it off in her left hand!
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I don't mind the video coming down at 10KB/s but I do mind having to retry (continue) the download a dozen times, any tool I can feed the download link into and just have it get the video for me without further input even if it takes 5-10 mins?
>steals your NVIDIA branded Power Supply
>punches you in the nose
firefox extensions?
You could try JDownloader 2
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Came up with a scenario last night. Currently trying to figure out the best prompt to have her dragged along behind the horse with her wrists bound. It keeps wanting to gen her in front of the horse.
Here it is!
My problem is that a lot of my gens are between 3mb-5mb so I can't download the entire thing before the file is deleted on their end.
I'm back in the mines, boys
Thanks. Works great.
Only a couple of mine ever ended up deleted but the retry still seemed to work even 1hr+ later even after the video thumbnail disappeared from the site dashboard, as did the download link, but might have been any number of glitches. Give jdownloader a shot anyway, by virtue of retrying for you it does end up downloading the file a lot faster.
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cute eskimo kiss
Unfortunately, jdown doesn't solve this issue because my 5mb video just failed at the halfway point because the file no longer exists in China.
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What is she saying?
yeah download immediately would be a cool auto setting
Looks like
>What are you doing, why are you doing this to me, why are you doing this
Looks like spanish?
at least you got a download link, sometimes it just stops just before finishing. i have to babysit it and as soon as the thumbnail starts moving, i hit right click and save. that has worked every time. it seems to take a few seconds or longer before it deletes the video.
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Pls help

I want the girl to be on her hands and knees being walked like a dog, without the actual dog.
Perhaps something like "on her hands and knees, she is crawling on all fours"? But don't mention a dog lol.
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1.4 MB
Progress... but now the cowboy is backwards lol

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