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Diapers to Bed Edition
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Old thread >>8481300
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Where did you get this? I checked Uuushi's Pixiv and they haven't uploaded there in months.
uuushi asked for sketch requests here one day
t. guy who suggested Panty
Based. Thanks for delivering.
I hope that ponyfag died
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So He just asked for Requests, vanished into thin Air for Months and then suddenly dropped the Sketches without saying a Word?
I guess I should have submitted a request
Seems that way, I believe the requests were made months ago. I requested the lawine and I forgot all about it until seeing it posted now. Honestly think it would be funny if uuushi made them way back then and just forget to post them until now.
Ilya and kuro <3 . . .I lost the draw he Made of sinon u.u
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I gotchu, I've downloaded all of the ones I've seen thus far
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You can keep trying, but unless you have a local news article or so much as screenshots as hard evidence, you're just making yourself look like an ass bruh
Same, I flipped out over seeing Strelitzia but I think I'm the one who requested her in the first place.
Any of y'all have experience with SENI diaper brand? I'm thinking of buying a pack to try em out.
My hero! (つω)つ
So why are a bunch of you fags into yugioh?
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>t. melody cross
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Hey asshole, we don't believe you.
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pure kino, anyone got more art with this mood?
>finally have my own place
>go to order diapers
>alphagatorz are out of stock
The universe hates me for some reason.
>don't have my own place
>order anyway
>Mommy gf buys Tykables for me and ships it
>There's a defect and almost all of them have a pinhole leak making them useless
>Shipping to Hawaii makes ABU and Rearz not worth it anymore ($50+ just for shipping)
>Sometimes ABU and others don't even ship here anyway
Could be worse, but thanks to the ridiculous prices I'm mostly over this fetish. My now-ex-mommy gf is trying to pull me back in though and said she'll buy me Try Agains. See how that goes... but yeah, never tried Little Kings or Alpha Gatorz. Honestly I don't really care anymore. ABDL style diapers don't seem worth it. Abena and NorthShore Care are way cheaper and feel the same to me, just not aesthetic.
How get mommy gf?

That was your first problem, anon. Might as well be in New Zealand and fuck sheep.
IDK man, it was a fluke. There used to be mommy gf threads on /r9k/ and for some reason I was the only one that bothered to contact her. That said women on 4chan aren't worth it, same with discord. 99% of them are mentally ill and retarded.
I was born and raised here and I will die on this shithole island in the middle of nowhere because I refuse to ever work again, but also the level of effort just trying to get employed isn't worth the effort either and I'd rather make everyone here suffer for it by leeching off their tax dollars.
>but also the level of effort just trying to get employed isn't worth the effort either
Oops, I'm half-asleep and don't proofread until after I post. Fuck. But yeah it took years just to get my first job and I'm not interested in doing that again so I'm NEET for life.
>ABDL style diapers don't seem worth it
If I'm going to wear diapers and shit my pants, I am going to do it in style with a cartoon mascot print on my butt.
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I love adult women in diapers
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I'm 95% sure that a diaper girl I follow on twitter lives in the same area as me and it's making me very bothered. Idk if I should say anything, and even then idk what to say to not seem super weird. I've been single for way too long now
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there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING i hate more than artists who have 0 concept of how a diaper works.
>make it leak
>it is just piss straight through
>no different than panties


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>still no good diaper game
Should I just make a diaper game at this point?
In what sense?
It's definitely far from the first time it's been discussed here, but "diaper games" are flawed, as they really don't lend themselves well to game mechanics.
Unless you're talking about overall quality, in which case, you've obviously not going to get "professionals" spending their effort on hyper-niche fetish games. Lower your standards.

The only diaper games that work well in my opinion are the ones that are basically just visual novels at their core.
Yes,anon, make your own. I'm sure we will all be very impressed by RPGMaker ripoff number 45648.
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You say the girls on 4chan and discord are mentally ill and retarded, but then you're out here admitting that you refuse to work and life off the efforts of other people. I'm not saying feel bad about yourself, but you gotta see the irony in that.

I'm not saying don't use social services if you need them, but you have to try and bring in an income. If you genuinely can't for reasons fine, but the freedom having your own money is worth the effort. Its also the responsible thing to do for yourself. It doesn't even have to be at a regular place of work. Get creative with it if you can't stand working a regular job.
kill yourself
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You have bad taste in art
You should say nothing. She has zero interest in you and all you will succeed in doing is creeping her out, getting her to block your ass and maybe getting banned for stalker behavior potentially a visit from the police and maybe making her move.
Find her home and knock repeatedly on her doors and windows. Make sure to try all windows so she notices you.
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At least post content diaper fag.


Dude, just use fetlife or something. See if there is any public meet ups in your area or physical groups in your area. People often host peivate events, but you gotta start somewhere right?

You can also date outside this fetish, just be upfront with people you date that youre kinky and don't push things on your partner, but ideally they won't judge you for what you like. I find kinky people are open minded to their partners so long as you are open minded with what they like in turn. My partner was never into abdl stuff before me, but they do their best to accommodate me and vice versa I do the same for them. I also met a lot of people through going to munches, playdates, sleep overs, ext.

I wouldnt contact the person on Twitter, because like that other person said you might creep them out, but if you do you could ask in a less creepy way. You could ask "Do you ever attend local meets? I'm from this area and I'm hoping to make friends within the community." Don't ask things with expectations of people being interested or available for hook ups.
i wonder how long those professional AI artists who make bank on patreon slave away at the prompt box, it takes so long to get a quality result
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i guess it's probably way easier when you're slinging normie porn though and not trying to generate a passable diaper
>Actually finally realizes that everyone on 4chan are worthless demented pieces of crap
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Man I wasnt going to do anything that crazy. I just get intimidated by women I find attractive because I always think I'm going to say the wrong thing.
I finally made a fetlife account, but much like my diaper discord, I never use it because I'm busy with my general life stuff. I've tried dating outside of a fetish space, but I dont have any luck in either field. I've even been on a couple of dates that went nowhere. I'm just both incredibly lonely and horny without a healthy outlet
>ABDL style diapers don't seem worth it. Abena and NorthShore Care are way cheaper and feel the same to me, just not aesthetic.
I can't speak about most brands because I don't have a lot of experience, but do Abenas really work for you?

I've rarely ordered diapers but Abena was the first "real" brand I had tried and when I went from them to Littleforbig it was night and day. The proper ABDL diapers were thicker, handled more wettings, and were MUCH more durable against rubbing and play. I assumed this was the case for all ABDL diapers and that as medical diapers, Abenas simply didn't prioritize durability.
Cute fucking art, source on this? Thought it was Gura for a second. Or is this AI?
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I'm more of less in this position too, Anon, but my perspective has shifted a lot on it in the past few years. This is going to sound really depressing, but the more of my friends get into long term relationships, the more glad I am it doesn't seem like something that will ever happen to me. An extreme minority of them work out. I understand that's the point of dating, but the more I look, the less I think millennials or zoomers are cut out for dating. Everyone I know comes out of these relationships devastated. It's not heartbreak some of the time, it's all of the time. And it isn't for a few weeks or months, it's for years. Maybe it wouldn't hit me the same as it hits them, but it sure seems to happen to everyone else.

I swear something was in the water. All the microplastics maybe. Millennials don't seem to have the constitution for heartbreak, and when I see it, I think "god damn that is not a problem I want to have." I guess my point is don't take your romantic/sexual isolation for granted, and don't concern yourself too much with fixing it. Generally I subscribe to "better to have loved and lost, but I suspect neither you or I realize how good we really have it. I can tell you the loneliness doesn't hit me nearly like it used to since I started seeing so many horror stories. I like being a functional human being, and I've got enough problems without the shit I see people going through.
Dunno what to tell you, they're expensive but they were a lot better than the Abenas that everyone seems to like. You're not going to convince me otherwise, I still have leftovers of the Abenas and I can feel the difference between the two in my hands right now.
He's saying that LFB are an expensive brand whose quality tends to underperform in comparison with other ABDL diapers. Of course if your only point of comparison are storebought crap are LFBs gonna seem better.
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The layer of grease masquerading as lighting is a classic sign of AI
I have a pack of extra large little kings under my bed and I'm worried I've lost too much weight so I won't be able to wear them anymore
>Should I just make a diaper game at this point?
make mods with at least somewhat functioning wetting/messing system. that's all people want
>make mods
Yes, do that as well as make games.
>that's all people want
Not even remotely true. I don't know where you found that retarded opinion, but put it in the trash.
If it's finished, no one will care whether it's RPG maker or stick figures.
>spastic technophobe
ai will replace you
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Until what? God's wrath for our failure to produce children?
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until the ai replaces us, for sure (this time for real guys I swear)
One day you’ll learn how to reply to a thread, you retard.
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No I don't think I will :)
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Is there any non-furry diaper art of typh's inumimi OC Mimi from the "kiss me again" meme?
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I don't know what part, or artist it was from, may have even been just a story, but I remember something about special diapers that the nut house used that drugged the wearer, and it was waned when handling a diaper change to wear gloves and not let it touch bare skin. I was always hoping there was a continuation where a staff member tried one out themselves. can't remember what the effect was though.
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That's a frame of mind I keep trying to focus on. That being in a relationship wouldn't really make me happy. I think I just have a strong desire for something I've never had. Like FOMO with more emotions attached. Especially because I don't know why it never happened for me. Like why am I so different? Is it because of the diaper fetish? I guess maybe it's not important to fixate on that, but it's hard not to when sometimes that's all I can focus on
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I don't know, Anon. I wonder about that often. I'm far from the most reclusive, least well adjusted, or least conventionally attractive person I know. I'm not sure what makes my company so especially undesirable. That said, it's less that I don't think a relationship would make me happy (I'm not exactly miserable as is), but that I'm scared of what losing a relationship might do to me. I'm plenty neurotic, but I'm having a pretty good time of it right now, and I don't want that to change.

It's between that and that I require at least four to eight hours of free time spent in solitude a day to work on projects or I will grow to resent whatever prevents me from doing that. To date someone, I would need them to be similarly preoccupied with their own interests. I've been told I put out an "aura of disinterest". I'm starting to think I really am truly not interested, and just didn't really figure it out until recently.

I can't decide if I'd like to know what's wrong with me. I am curious, but I also suspect I'd just resent whatever feature is responsible being called out. I like being me.
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why when I'm sitting in my poopie, do I feel it poping bubbles? i'm not farting, but it's still feels like my muck is having bubbles made and popped. probably isn't bubbles but that's the only way I can describe it.
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>I can't decide if I'd like to know what's wrong with me
It's normal to not have an interest in romance in that fashion. But pop culture and especially ads are obsessed with sex, so media presence is so dominant it feels like it isn't.
It's still producing gas
I can believe that, I honestly don't have a lot of exposure and only used Abenas and ACTUAL store brands like Depends until my "mommy" bought me LFB. It was my instinct that any ABDL diaper would be at least this good, which is good to hear. Once I work my way through the pack I want to try more, never going back to Abena.
>Any of y'all have experience with SENI diaper brand? I'm thinking of buying a pack to try em out.
no one then
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Been thinking about this lately. What restaurant or business would be best served by diaper girls?
none of them, i'm not going to a resturant to be served by women in shitty diapers. be for real.
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yeah, really it should be the opposite, the baby is the customer!
you get to sit in a high chair, choose from a selection of food meant for a 5 year old, or younger. and when it comes out your waitress, who can be any number of titles (mommy, big sis, bro, aunty, ect depending on what the person likes being called) will feed you, could be something simple like cutting up the food for you, leaving you cute kiddie utensils and plates/cups, and letting you go at it on your own, then wiping you clean when it's bill time, or get the full experience for an additional fee and have them feed you, clean you, and either one you get praised at the end of your meal for "cleaning your plate" I'd honestly name the place "num num's"
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I do very much still want have diaper sex with a lady though. Like I'll find someone eventually who matches my freak
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>It's between that and that I require at least four to eight hours of free time spent in solitude a day to work on projects or I will grow to resent whatever prevents me from doing that. To date someone, I would need them to be similarly preoccupied with their own interests.
I'm the same way, and growing up with this fetish I learned how to hide it. It actually made me afraid to ever drink or date, because I didn't want to reveal this side of me to anyone else and I know damn well what alcohol does to a person's inhibitions. Even now I'm still not sure I'm comfortable with revealing that much of me to someone else, nor do I think I'm able to sustain enough affection or attention to care for someone else that way.
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Maid cafe where the maids have shirts, aprons and diapers. No skirts allowed.
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What kind of projects are you working on?

I get needing your space. Some people, especially creative people I find just need that. Its good to know your bondaries. If the right person comes along I hope things work out, but it doesn't sound like the end of the world for you or a priority. Do you find yourself identifying with being Ace?

I get not wanting to affect the delicate balance you got going on in your life right now. Relationships can be a lot. There's far more to life than being in one.

I don't bother to have a seperate discord for my abdl stuff. The only way someone in my friends group is gonna find out I'm into wearing diapers is if they're in one of the abdl groups I'm in on discord.

Fetlife is a lot to deal with some times, but its good for meeting groups both local and wide ranging. There are some large meetups and conventions if you look around.

Dating and relationships takes time and effort. It's also something that changes who you are with time. Romantic relationships will challenge you mentally and emotionally, hopefully for the better, but its not always easy. There are extreme highs and lows and you'll have to learn to navigate through that with your prospective partner. Ideally though you're both there for each other. Not every relationship is super needy or intense. Therapy, and couples therapy can be healthy too regardless of if you have relationship problems. It teaches healthy communication.

I wouldn't look at yourself bot having heen in a relationship as anything against you personally. You don't want just anyone yourself. Its good to be picky when it comes to this kind of stuff. Most people want the same things you would in a romantic interest. Someone down to earth with good communication skills, takes care of themselves, self reliant, gets their humor, kind, confident, but not egotistical. Someone who asks questions about the other person and takes an interest in their life.
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I've tried quite a few and by far I think Tukables has one of the softest and most comfortable diapers. The plastic back ones they have are strong, the plastic isn't itchy, the cotton on the insides is silky soft and they have adorable prints. Never going back to anything else. I love the unicorns.
More milfs in diapers please.
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Did anyone ever post the full ahbagels sonic ladies tarot set anywhere?
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An Attempt was made
Software and writing. Sometimes /3/.
I don't really see how I could be. I'm horny as shit within the kink, there are definitely features I find attractive, and I fantasize plenty readily about romance. I love the idea of a committed, deeply trusting relationship-- it's actually a big part of the diaper fetish for me. I work kind of inverse from ageplay-humiliation. The hottest part for me is the idea of sharing such a deep trust and understanding with someone that you could protect them from that humiliation, and their support could protect you from it. Consider: shitting your pants is humiliating, and if it happens to a regular grown-ass adult, hugging them and making them feel small and cared for will probably make them feel worse and not better. I love the idea of knowing someone well enough to comfort them respectfully, if that makes any sense.

I have gotten pretty lonely in the past, but I can't help but notice any time any other problem crops up in my life, I feel that a hell of a lot more than I do the loneliness. Past that, while I may be relatively well-adjusted, in this day and age and in the groups I run in, that isn't saying a whole lot. I'm fairly anxious as is, and I'm not sure I want to find out how I would respond to heartbreak. I'm not sure it would be pretty, and I don't need the stress.

I dunno. I figure if it happens, I'll let it happen and give it a whirl. If not, eh. I'll take the good with the bad. More time for me.
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Chatgpt, generate me a wall of text of yappers crying about romance.
Because shit has bacteria in it and that bacteria is still feasting on your shit. Those bubbles are bacteria farts and helps to give you rashes

Shitfags are the smoothest of brains
Why would some do this to onii-sama
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Me on the right
Where Did You Get The Clean Versión From ?
Kemono Wasn’t Updated Yet , Is There An Altérnate To Kemono
>2 men dressed as women kissing
I bet they look like goblins irl
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Post yourself faggot
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I don't need to broadcast myself over the internet nor do I feel feel the need to post cringe mental illness mutilation personas.
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>implying diapers aren't cringe mental illness fetish gear
We're all freaks here, anon
Well, none of the ABDL diaper store have 18+ only popup
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>umm ackhually we are also bad so we need to le defend trannies
It's funny how you always try to worm yourself in.
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Why would they need to? Do you think minors have the funds to acquire abdl diapers?
It's more about the lack of self awareness personally
Not here because no flurries allowed when jannies do their job, and no one has updated or should I say created a kemono page for ahbagels. Honestly kemono updates kind of decreased by 99% when patreon old yeller'd all our artists doesn't help kemono's subscribestar updater has always been buggy as hell and fanbox has become really hard for those in certain locations especially when it comes to adult content. Outside the Sage and Elise ones that can be posted here I think I heard rouge and someone else forget who is floating around in the wild. But you're probably better off asking on a furry diaper thread.
I don't want to start another meltdown by summoning either t*ddlerfag or the schizo obsessed with him. But imagine I have the chance to live the 24/7 experience with a mommy for a short period of time, almost two months. But it's also the cuck experience, she will have a couple and totally will have to hear them fuck sometimes. Would you agree to it?
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Do I get a "sister" who shares in the cucking with me? Or is this a polycule with another couple?
I'd hate that, personally. Maybe if the angle was switched a bit like she was visiting you at your home and played the "babysitter" it'd feel less weird.
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Abdl shops aren't selling anything requiring 18+ limitations
And we're all a hand's breadth from coming unwound.
Can Anyone Post That Fanbox Hyro art Of Disgust From Inside Out Pretty Please With A Diaper Booty On Top
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kill yourself
No sis. Basicly imagine it's 24/7 and her bf will visit her some weekends. I'm hesitant mostly because I dont like the idea of the guy seeing me in full baby mode
I mean, legally it is true but morally however.
unless there is some law in the US that say that you can limit access to medical products (ie diapers)
So horrified Melody Cross did all that stuff...
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You first
>p-post yourself
lmao trannies get the rope
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Does toddlerkun even post here anymore? it almost feels like its just the schizo obsessed with him
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When you said she has a couple, I thought you meant like a threesome or something. I actually probably would if I had another person on the same 'hierarchy' as me, just so I don't feel totally alone. I hate cucking because I'm an attention whore and don't like the idea of a partner not wanting to actually be with me. I'd rather masturbate in a room by myself than be 24/7 and feel uncomfortable all the time.
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Not worth it. I know you want to avoid t*ddlerfag but as someone who knows the fucker and other baby/daddy/mommy couples you want to make sure its between you and the person. Seen enough drama among these types to know that will cause an issue. The only reason a 3rd should come into play is if they're into it too and have agreed upon rules.
>24/7 and her bf will visit her some weekends
massive red flag
You're the one who's having a melty over fucking diaper art.
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Diaper Girl Discovery Zone Diner (guests are also required to be padded)
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A trans girl without her diaper is like an angel without her wings
>saying that while posting art from that artist
Who's gonna tell him?

Who drew this?
A machine
Just edit out the flag into something else. The identity deletion sends them flying.
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His wings, you mean?
>all fetishes hate trannies being included
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Shouldn't it be the opposite? Every fetish community I've seen are pretty tolerant towards them, it's just places like this are super reactionary to this kind of topic, which shouldn't be surprising since this is 4chan we're talking about.
It’s more like every fetish has a group of autists that think every other type of fetish is cringe but theirs isn’t (it’s at least a thing with diaper fetishists, furries ,footfags,scatfags and if you count it has a fetish transgenderism)
Very egotistically hierarchical
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uh oh, stinky.
its def not AI
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Alright, I need some booster recommendations. Price doesn't matter, just tell me which brand is your favorite.
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100% yes. Having grownup sex is not part of being a baby and knowing it's off limits for the duration is fine by me.
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Juri a cute, I would've bought SF6 if she was in it
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haha, imagine being dumb baby, UNLESS?
Just a fair warning. The biggest boosters from northshore REALLY only work with THEIR diapers. Its a booster so big it has ITS OWN WINGS. Yeah. I still have one or two & no Northshore to use it with.
This seems like an extremely small one. The memory i have of the place I went for one birthday in the 90's is like twice as wide as the equipment displayed. Definitely was at least 2x as compact as shown here.
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anon, she's in the base roster.
it's a redraw of one, not the actual pic, retard.
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address deez nuts
Tracing AI for clout is a new kind of low. Owltroon levels of pathetic
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Nice nose retard
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Um it's called improving sweaty
Also if it wasn't obvious I did the remake drawing :333
>Even diaperfags find trannies creepy and disgusting
This says a lot about them
Beyond shit like Reddit most people don't like trannies. Majority of the population is straight and within their own fetish imagine their ideal partner of the opposite sex engaging in this. Even gays are a minority in this regard. Now add onto the fact that most people don't view trannies as the gender they believe themselves to be and you have a recipe for most fetish communities outright rejecting trannies as a whole.
You're actually so stupid.
If y'all actually socialized instead of being chronically online you'd learn people besides older men don't give a shit if someone is trans or not.
I chill with people all the time IRL and none of them give a shit.

I feel like all of you are chronically online and have never had sex or went to a party before baka.
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It's almost likey they pretend to not give a shit because it's nigh illegal to say anything against the protected hebrew puppets. Also getting railed by an african in the ass isn't sex.
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I desire dokibird pics.
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Put your paci in, baby.
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I'm sorry that this is the first place you have to hear this, but headmates don't count as IRL people
>If y'all actually socialized instead of being chronically online you'd learn people besides older men don't give a shit if someone is trans or not.
What is this delusion?
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>Ryzen has 16 pack Incontrols for 28€
>7 liters
Dang looks like I found my new daily driver.
there's no use trying to convince angry autistic diaperfags that they shouldn't judge others, they probably need tons of psychedelic drugs or therapy to finally recognize their hypocrisy for what it is
>another try at pushing his shit as normal
>Another triggered asshole
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>replying to hours old posts because you HAVE to defend your golems
>calls others triggerred
Hours old? Look again loser
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you don't need to beat him at an argument, he's literally going to die alone
No sweaty, passerbys looking at your mangled corpse after you hurled yourself from a window doesn't count as dying in a company.
>No lies detected
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how the fuck do i make humping work
are my diapers not tight enough cause i suck at taping? is it cause im circumcized?? how do i unlock this arcane art
A couple dollops of lotion makes a world of difference
wet yourself and straddle an arm rest on a couch
I thoroughly pissed the diaper, and then humped a pillow.
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hey you're not me what the fuck
would vaseline also work or just lotion, all i have is skin cream
Wet yourself Mieru
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No petroleum
>hates trannies
>posts trans artist
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even wetting wasn't enough last time, though again my tapes were pretty loose.
could lube work or would that just
soak in
I fucking hate this country.
Pointing up or down?
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Though maybe I should do it on something that I don't have to put my whole body on and something I can just sit on.
I've been trying to do it on a beanbag, but I get all exhausted really quickly and just end up laying across it while drooling on my paci.
you cant be smaller than 5 inches man
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Sorry, I'm retarded u_u
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I'll definitely give it a try on my next pack.
Point down. If you're pointing up then you need to line up anything you're humping up to your belly region. Point downwards and sit on the armrest of a couch or the side of your mattress while wet. Tadah. If you're wearing and pointing up then you def have a small dick dude. How are you not leaking while peeing?
not that anon, but are we talking about flaccid or hard? When it's hard, at least personally, it literally doesn't bend down. my dick isn't mutilated if it makes a difference
>This is what an idiot says
Pointing down makes no sense.you just end up with a painful erection that wants to point up anyway
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Some people are just bigots. They're more concerned about whats going on in trans people than trans people. They think way more about whats in tran's peoples pants than what they do themselves.

People like that are like either in the closet about liking trans people, in denial about being trans themselves, or have such a misrable life that they have to go on a tirad over an outgroup to feel superior.

Dude, don't use Vaseline on your dick. Vaseline clogs the pours. "Not allowing the skin to dry or cleaning the skin properly before applying petroleum jelly can cause fungal or bacterial infections. A contaminated jar can also spread bacteria". If that got in your pee hole you could have a serious infection. I also hate to think what getting Vaseline stuck in your dick pipe would be like. "Unrefined petroleum jelly may contain harmful ingredients, but refined petroleum jelly is usually safe."

Its about headspace man, its like training yourself to cum with little to no touch. Its something you have to practice and you may not achieve it the first time. If you're pent up from not cumming long enough eventually the feeling of being forced to cum through your diapers will work.

A comfortable diaper helps.
Tape the top tapes first, the the bottom one.
I know this is fetish art but how fucking hard is it to draw a decent slide?
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>his playground didn't have a 90° slide
rearz 100%
Thanks for posting. Never seen this set before and can't seem to find it anywhere that's not a low quality reupload on DA. Is there more to it, or is this the whole set?
Me on the left
You're a shiny caterpie?
Never understood the appeal of someone fucking a stuffed animal.
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>have this fetish
>don't wet or mess
Should I just get one of those reusable cloth diapers from Rearz?
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No a real bigot would be concerned that ropes aren't available enough so trannies can do what they do best.
To be clear, unlike every other mental illness, trannies' delusions are treated as legitimate instead of being medicated away.
I would go with goodnites or cloth in that situation.
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This one's a bit phoned in but you get what you get.
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I also still intend to color the Mutsuki from the last thread but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
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They are treated as "legitimate" because gender is just a label, same with sexuality. Medication does exist in the form of HRT, unless you think conversion therapy is the only way (which is why I also brought up sexuality). Not every mental health issue is treated the same way as autism or schizophrenia.

Anyway, these threads' obsession with this has zero value whatsoever. Not even those folks talk about it in conjunction with diapers beyond the "angel without their wings" meme.
>Medication does exist in the form of HRT
I see you, Kawaiiomo ;3
You don't need ai, sweety
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I don't get it
Proving my point about the obsession right.
Barney drains your brain
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>have this fetish
>don't wet or mess
That's kind of weird but you do you. A cloth diaper might be what you want, yeah.
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Need more Kanami
I wish I had someone to keep me diapered :(
appreciate it, thanks!
>another non abdl jap artist posting diaper art
What's up with that? Is a diaper fag commissioning them?
Either that or they're experimenting.
Japs are weird, for social conservatives they just do weird shit in art. Which I approve.
which one?
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This one?

It's certainly odd when it happens, but I'm not complaining.
Yes. And there was one of a Miku sitting on a training potty with a pacifier in her mouth (dough there was no diaper in the image). Also there was another one of Zelda link a couple months ago. All from different artists
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nta but got a source for the miku and zelda images in question?

The Zelda is too far back for me too find desu maybe someone else has it
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thank u
That artist did a few other pieces with Miku with a pacifier, but no diapers in them.
I feel like that's something that's slowly creeping into becoming more mainstream.
I find the sinister vibe of these intriguing.
>tfw no asylums where the the government would ship anti-establishment agents and re-educate them into babies
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So are M4s mediocre or am I just spoiled by having used Sunkiss Masterpieces? The tapes are so unforgiving on these things, I probably need to work on my technique. At least the Haian plastic pants I bought are nice, they feel secure.
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>M4s mediocre
They've been dogshit ever since they stopped being called M4 X-plus
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I've worked with worse in the past, so I can make do with the rest of the pack. Once they're actually on they feel alright, but I don't plan to buy more.
Reminder that the tranny talk is Toddlernigger's discord raiding us
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Anyone else hate the "trend" of tumblrtoddlers using abdl and ageplay as an "SFW involuntary coping mechanic"? Schizos are out here trying to say they don't have a fetish by unironically baby-proofing it and calling it a mental disease, turning their noses up at those who do get openly off on it.
>Remember im totally delusional and off my meds
Trend? It's been that way for at least a decade so far. If it brings more abdl awareness and curiosity the better
>If it brings more abdl awareness and curiosity the better
kill yourself
You first, troll
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>wanting more faggots and normalfags is trolling
rope, now
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Thanks for giving me things to color last thread. This concludes the ones I felt like doing.
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>if i dont understand it then it must be fake
You have to be retarded to think like this.
Anyways those molested women are not your enemies. the anti-loli or any other bullshit ABDLs are worse because they directly try to control and virtue signal from within.
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>look up Mommy Cloud Audios
>she deleted all her ABDL videos and is now a run-of-the-mill youtube slop creator with on average less than 100 views per video

That "low point" thing must've hit her hard. Do there exist any audio files of her old stuff circa 2018-2020? If nothing else I'm just looking for the Sweet Whispers for Girls ones and/or any diaper change audios. I swear the ones that used to be on Youtube were on her Kemono page but I can't seem to find them.
Godspeed, your work is very good
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Same poster, I was wrong. She put the diaper stuff she removed from Youtube on Patreon, but if anyone knows if the Sweet Whispers for Girls ASMR audios are available somewhere that'd be cool. The character-based audios she did later on were dumb but her old ones genuinely helped me relax and fall asleep.
I imagine a large majority of those people are the same as those "non-sexual" flurries. 99.9% of the time it's just an excuse to expose people to their fetish because that's what they get off to and maybe the other 0.1% of them are people who are actually mentally ill at least in a way that causes them to enjoy it in a non-sexual way. Regardless you're trying way too hard to understand tumblrfag logic. It is the Internet's original safe space after all the opinions, views and logic found there have been forged by people locked in their echo chamber who have a meltdown anytime their fantasy world view is challenged in the slightest.
tfw we have MK-Ultra declassified but no one uses it to grant Adult babies their wish to be helpless diaper dependent dumbdumbs
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>but no one uses it
Prolly because it involves overdosing on LSD, rape and torture.
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I bought me an rc car the other day, I've been having allot of fun driving it around,. it's got front and back lights, it's the shape of a vw bug, and it's SUPER quiet compared to anything I've ever ran. thing was like 30 dollars so I'm stoked. should I go full baby by putting on my diaper, sucking my pacifier and having fun with my new toy? or do I not get to cause I'm a baby? about to have some ice cream and watch youtube but after I'll probably play more.
If I could be reduced to a mentally regressed individual and be cared for by a loving mommy, I'm not sure I'd care about the process to get there.
This kinda looks like artificialflavors coloring
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What y'all think of my wife :3
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I missed unwanted care
Anyone have a full download for A New Life in Sunny Valley? I'm not paying monthly for this nigger's fetish game that's still in alpha.
Sounds like rpgmaker shit.
It could be. Either way it looks like a decently fleshed out game that I’d like to see but I’m simply not paying for it without playing. You’d think someone making a game “for the community” would actually make it for the community and not for profit, opting to allow optional donations instead. Basically every other porn game has worked that way that I can think of.
Why is this image so uncanny?
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definitely, they r super comfy. I have a few, 2 training pants, 2 omutsu, one larger than the other. when I rlly want to feel extra poofy Ill layer all 4.
will recommend getting a snap button cover or some sort of plastic pant to go over it as the cloth strip that receives the hook fastners wears out pretty quick
I'm the anon that asked for this to be colored. Thank you very much, we don't deserve people as nice as you.

It's not the last build but it's the last I paid for. It look like it's fleshed out but there's literally nothing to do, it's just a cash grab. Try it by all mean, but don't give a single penny to this bum ass.
Oh shit thanks you’re a god. That was kind of the impression I got during the pathetic 5 minute demo. Maybe one day it could be worth a few bucks to enjoy for a day but in its current state, asking for a monthly sub to play is actually lunatic behavior.
The "author" is friend with ABDL Mia, which is also notoriously known for trying to milk out peoples with low effort cash grab, so don't expect a lot of changes.
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>The "author" is friend with ABDL Mia
Yeah that's a red flag.
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very nice
>he doesn't know
Is messy academy a cash grab too?
lol nothing abdl related lasts long on youtube
It’s a legit game, you can see the effort, but devs constantly pushing back release dates shows either total incompetence or a plan to milk the subscription period as much as possible, banking on people thinking the release is just around the corner. Either way, not a good look.
>missng the point
Sure, schizophrenics with child personas are a thing, but they likely make up less than five percent of the "sfw" movement. This shit is just an excuse for teens to practice ageplay without being called "pedos". I fucking hate real kids, especially ignorant ones.
Because it doesn't actually work
Youd care if it happened to you
Dimensions are weird all over the picture
God, I want to put Ina in diapers.
Someone put a diaper on her onegai
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Really does seem that way, yeah.

Despite not really caring about Vtubers this is one of my favorite diaper arts, girls just casually and happy chilling in a diaper is peak actually. It's why I almost kind of prefer diaper edits sometimes
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Anyone tried asking ABU if they plan on doing a higher absorbency refresh of Bunnyhops and dinorawrz?
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jokes on you guys, my dick curves straight down
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anyone else get a bit of jealousy when you see people just out of HS posting about how they have a caregiver, all the ways they are good, etc?
at times I want to tell them to "keep it to themselves" but I don't because I know I'd be doing the same thing if I were that lucky. seems to mostly be women, so it sometimes feels like it's just Easy-er to be a woman in this fetish. sure sure, you get millions of horny people DM'ing you, but at the same time you get the "they're cute so I can deal with it" pass, even if some partners may go in thinking they can break the fetish she has. they talk about male privilege, but women have privilege too, just in other areas.
It's not a privilege to get harassed by ugly horny malsocialized morons everyday. It's not privilege to be hunted down by those same idiots and to be doxxed and harassed by some of those antisocial morons. It's the patriarchy that infantalizes women and states that men must be strong providers. This is the problem with guys not being fawned over for being cute like the womenfolk often get
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>anyone else get a bit of jealousy when you see people just out of HS posting about how they have a caregiver, all the ways they are good, etc?
I do, but I have learn to control my envy
I like how there's a mini-story going on in this pic
>is barely hiding her diaper
>"oh no everyone can see my diaper!"
>"fine... it's a diaper (and i can fly)"
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>is actually quite ashamed to be caught
anyone else get really good sleep but only when they wear diapers/pullups?

I get really good sleep but only when im wearing goodnites
Opposite for me. I get really bad sleep when I wear diapers to bed. I'm trying to train myself to be comfortable in it by wearing goodnites to bed before eventually switching to diapers. I did manage to wake up, put on a diaper, and fall back asleep in it today though. Progress.
I used to have a hard time sleeping in them, what I do is just try to keep myself occupied while i have them on before I get tired that way I just fall asleep
Who cares?
Your choices are 'literally nothing' or 'something'.,
When you're drowning in game choices and dedicated game devs like Sissyfags and Footfags are, then complain about what engine they're on.
Wow. So I finally played it and yeah that's fucking terrible. half of the assets are stolen from Pokemon. All you can do is walk around and talk to static NPCs and work while you shit yourself and sell it to a weird lady that literally asks you if she can buy your poop and pee and says you can sell it buy using a diaper. Like who the fuck thought any of this was a good idea?
It's kinda what happens when the market is starved for content: literally anything will pass muster.
Something can be better than literally nothing at times, especially when it comes to shitty abdl games
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>no diaper change till the yard is mowed and edged
>when you get done we will remove the diaper and edge you after, then give a bath before putting in a clean diaper
Melody Cross and Fleur Kittyfops abused me
Then tell that to your local police
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what'll happen if i steal her drink and have a sip, geo?
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on skibidi!
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Melody Cross shot at Trump!
Also make new thread retards

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