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Frog Edition
Post everything relating to Lewd Hogwarts Legacy / Harry Potter.

Aggie drawing board:

>Penelope Warwick's ERP Emporium:

>From the Desk of Farley-Kun:

>Miranda's caring stories:

>/hplg/ stories and pics:

>Vocaroo files:

>Matti's lewd artwork:

Previous thread: >>8468695
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Imagine Hoshiko kissing and sucking a dick poking out from between Miranda's boobs
I want a hug.
there, there, you're ok.
Here. I hope yopu feel better.
*kicks your shins*
Imagine sitting on a bench by the Great Lake. It's a cold autumn morning, there is still mist on the other shore. We're cuddled together, covering ourselves with our robes.
I don't have any more lewd drawings to contribute with...I need to draw more
>DIANA! This is a very cute drawing. I like it.
Hehe I'm glad you do Flo
>Well it also depending when you do this. At night when we other sleep? On the other hand it looks like sunrise. Arent we around getting ready for class? Hmmm.
Stayed up until sunrise reading a fanfic Penny recommended and got a little carried away.
that you or just a random lady?
Get shit on instead
Stop it Shartmy...
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Thank you! I took a whole bunch of new ones because I was trying out photo mode.

Oh wow, okay. How scandalous... but fun.

I'll stick to normal dicks...

It can be, yeah. I keep wanting to draw stuff here but the prospect of actually putting in the time and effort is daunting.

This turned out great though! A long time spent, but it looks really good. I'm not entirely into the whole monster fucking thing personally but you have a neat art style; I like how clean your stuff looks.

Nice work; hope your wrists recover soon.

Now those are some faces I haven't seen in a while.

This is cute... also kinda hot.

>I don't have any more lewd drawings to contribute with...I need to draw more
Always appreciate more drawings! No pressure tho.

You may have one.

... I don't quite know how to represent a virtual hug, but: *hug*
random, just wanted to attach a lewd drawing for my reply, but I'll try to draw something actually HL/MA-related soon, I really need to practice anatomy and if I can release some pent up horni at the same time I'm killing two birds w/ one stone
I haven't forgotten I owe you something! that'll be the next thing I draw
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>I haven't forgotten I owe you something! that'll be the next thing I draw
W-wait, you do? I forgor... if you want to draw me something though I shan't decline!
>I'll stick to normal dicks...
I thought Eva was a woman's woman? Besides Seb
Hoshiko here. This is amazing! :heart-eyes-emoji:
I got a new iPad a couple days ago. Next pay day I'm buying an apple pen and clip studio paint so I can start drawing digitally. I'm not all that good but...
Even bad drawings have charm. You can get away with more in sfw though.
Very hot, nice job! I'm sorry to hear about your wrist. Someone might even colorizes it for you.
Don’t get clip studio, get procreate
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Diana, Hoshiko and the so far new name- and faceless witch.

We have homework here too. Nothing big.
Just a handful of panties that your OC would wear. It would be fun if you did this too. Of course not mandatory.
I notice that Eva hasn't done that yet either.
>get procreate
anon please
you hardly know her
Fuck OOOOOff,
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here is my shitty colouring
What do you mean? Thats a good colouring.
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hgey i did a thing
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alt version
is that penor angry?
Yes. I think?
See how PP looks somewhat afraid? She's scared of the angry penor.
Looks like she better apologize for making it so angry.
A little kiss on the head might work
Where's the version with PP covered in cum
Any drawing suggestion? I can't promise that any will come from it.
Naughty anon being asked what the buzzing noise is
Penny teaching Hoshiko the correct way to fuck a monster.
Are there nude models for poppy or Natsai?
Sadly not that i know
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She's pretty much bi but in a committed relationship with Sebastian so she doesn't sleep with other guys... I was originally gonna have her be fully exclusive with him but certain witches wanted to do stuff together so my headcanon is she just asked him for permission to do that.

Nice! Looking forward to more art.

Maaaybe some day... no promises...

Hey, that isn't so bad a colouring job at all.

Lewd embarrassed PP is CUTE!

I don't have it but I think I've seen a Poppy one posted? I'm not gonna go searching for it but feel free to archive dive I guess (I think it was just a picture though).
So that's why Seb is such a dingus, all the blood was going to that bat between his legs.
what would you draw?
Idk that why i asked in the first place

draw yourself getting spanked
That's lewd
That's the idea
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who and who?
Great stuff! Really happy with how people seem to like Hoshiko. You've all made me feel really welcome!

lol I'll probably do this over the weekend or something.
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>Stayed up until sunrise reading a fanfic Penny recommended and got a little carried away.
Hehe. Visibly ;)
Also cute doodle again.

Cute PP

>Maaaybe some day... no promises...
Ah its fine. We know we dont have to expect your homeworks soon ;)

Ehheh. I dont know why you made this but i had a chuckle.

>You've all made me feel really welcome!
Thats nice to hear. Glad you make you feel that way.
Wow. There were more than twice as many Snakes than Puffs.
Like your coochie?
no i have hair there
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here my shitty test gif that tooks me a day, hopefully my sanity and reason prevails and i abandon this tortures task that i have embarked on.
bravo, I wouldn't have had the patience to do something like that
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Hehe, I like this. very soulful. It reminds me of the old Flipnote Studio animations back then.
One thing i would change tho is to have the last frame a bit longer visible, to have a better/longer look at the mess. ^^
I like it.
Hehe, I remember when I posted that. Maybe Mel does too ;P
Good work.
I see a bit of green~
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>I remember when I posted
When you still had short hair. How time flies...
>I see a bit of green~
Of curse you do. I always have green eyes. If you didnt looked me into the eyes, where was your gaze then? Hmmmmm~?
good night
I see London, I see France...
what kind of thing should I try to generate?
I want to see butts.
Something vanilla. Missionary or cowgirl with kisses.
Fingers in mouth playing with tongue
working on it

my fingers or someone else's?
dealers choice
>When you still had short hair. How time flies...
Another year's gone so fast :/
>Of curse you do. I always have green eyes. If you didnt looked me into the eyes, where was your gaze then? Hmmmmm~?
Your butt! ;)
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I especially liked these.

Hello, and what's this witch's name?
Dani? Good to see you! How have you been?
Hey there Ava, it's nice to see you too. It's uh, it's been a heck of a year but things are starting to settle down a bit and I've got back into a good routine. I'd been lurking on and off a bit but just really haven't had it in me to post anything. How are things going with you?
Danielle(Dani for short), sorry for the ignore.
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>>8501041 >>8501046
who gets licked?
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that's secret
it's whoever you want it to be anon, duh
even a guy?
did we ever get decent masturbation mods for hogwarts legacy
I miss Faolan...
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can you stop with that obsession already? noone likes it. noone likes you. everyone respects that mega don't wants to be here other than you.
Hermione is a muggleborn.
Coombrain makes people often less smart
It's annoying. And on a second look they misspelled HERMIONE'S name. Who the fuck is Hemione?
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a teaser
This is dope! You're pretty good at drawing.
well i woudnt use this gif as a testament to my ability to draw as 90% of it is just my own ai slop traced
Better n what I can do lol. I'll try drawing Hoshiko when my apple pen gets here on sunday. It's been a hot minute since I've drawn anything tho.
I really want to have sex...
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>Another year's gone so fast :/
It sure has. Now it is more than 1 and a half one since we all startet with HL.
>Your butt! ;)
*GASP* Do you? Is it that worthy to look at?

Nice to see you again. I was worried because you basicly vanished from everywhere.

>that's secret
Hmm. A secret to uncover.
Can we get a hint?
I'm going to assume it's ***** or ******
it's neither ***** or ******, it's *******.
it's ur mom lmao
Addie don't have a pussy
If a woman can drink a potion for a cock a man should be able to drink a potion for a pussy
My year had some ups and downs but things are going okay now. Glad to hear things are going better for you :)
Me too.
>It sure has. Now it is more than 1 and a half one since we all startet with HL.
Probably the best purchase I've made just for the frens :)
>*GASP* Do you? Is it that worthy to look at?
*pinch* yup ;P
Gimme ideas to put into the slop-machine. Preferably for Hoshiko. I have 60k credits saved up from the week.
1. Hoshiko has fun with a monster in a SFW way
2. Hoshiko has fun with the same monster in a NSFW way
What sort of monster?
Whatever you like
Giant ogre
Hoshiko convincing a prefect to ignore some infraction.
Turns out my slop making skills are shit. I tried making something with Hoshiko playing Magic the Gathering with a werewolf and that didn't work out.
its over...
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Hey Dani; welcome back! It's good to see you again.

Yes, it needs to be dealt with every now and then...

Ooh, animated lewds. Very neat; nice work on these.

You are a pretty good artist nonetheless I will say.

No, although you can fake it for screenshots with the animation mod.

Ahh don't be too hard on yourself... that does sound like a difficult prompt to get working. I can say personally I've burned through a whole 200k before trying to gen something without success.
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My hair colour is eternally ambiguous.
just like your witch hookups are eternally ambiguous
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Found this thread, first time posting, decided to do some light sketch, idk if its right or ok but I hope someone may enjoy it.
Hell of a sketch, feller
welcome to the thread
>Found this thread, first time posting, decided to do some light sketch,
hell of a way to say hello
Damn, well done
Goddamn Anon. Thanks for honoring my Japanese heritage by giving me some gentle, completely consensual monster-lovin'

Welcome to the dark side - we have cookies!

Yeah. For some reason the AI kept merging Hoshiko with the table and had her casting actual magic rather than playing cards. Also it seems to think that a werewolf is a blobby squid thing.
you better of using bing if you gonna make sfw gens
Christ, what a load of pony tier shite.
Then leave? Unless you're being forced to view this thread ala mst3k. Are you alright? Blink twice if you need help.

deciding to do this with a pixel brush has come back to hunt me, i spent a whole day drawing pixel cum over and over again trying to make it look decent im going insane
oh the way i wrote implies that i had finish drawing the cum, i havent
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>Probably the best purchase I've made just for the frens :)
Indeed. Never thought i meet strangers that turn into friends on a place like 4chan. But it did.
>*pinch* yup ;P
*grabs you* I can do this too~

Are you a secret metamorphmagus? Can you make your hair green and blue?

This is great. If this is just a sketch, How would full drawings look? :O

You can do it. I believe in you!
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progress update: cumpleted
now she becomes pregnant
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That's awfully elaborate for a light sketch. Nice work anon... do you post in the main thread by the way, or are you completely new to both? Either way, welcome.

I guess it probably doesn't understand MtG as a prompt so it just latches on to "magic". As for turning werewolves into blobby squid things though... yeahhh no idea; AI is weird sometimes.

You don't *have* to look, you know.

That's a secret.

Oh wow... that's pretty hot. Despite your suffering of repeated redrawing, this turned out really good.
All these amateurs asking the wrong question.
I'd like to know if those creampies are from the same guy. If so, quite a greedy witch to lap it up while you're filled up too.
It’s mine
hi, im totally new. idk what is main thread, i just stumbled upon this thread so and wanted to do some freebie, weird hobby of mine to do some free requests, I feel more at chill doing them compared to paid comms. Also it opens me for different things that I usually don't do.
Also thank you to everyone else
I may try werewolf next
Hey there Flo, how've you BEEn?
>Nice to see you again. I was worried because you basicly vanished from everywhere.
Sorry for making you worry, there was just some personal stuff that got in the way of being around and active and I didn't really know what I should say or do and then after a while it got sort of hard to find a way that felt right to try and come back. So me overthinking splitting and then also overthinking coming back just sort of made it weird I guess. I don't know, and now I'm rambling. Sorry.

>My year had some ups and downs but things are going okay now.
I'm happy to hear you're feeling better, sorry to hear you had some rough spots, I know how tough that can be to turn around sometimes
>Glad to hear things are going better for you :)
Thanks, I hope to keep it up, just have to keep moving forward and not get hung up on the little things sometimes.

>Hey Dani; welcome back! It's good to see you again.
Thanks Eva, it's nice to see a lot of the original folks still around, I hope you've been doing well.

Sorry for the offense

Thanks for the all your hard work, and it looks like Hoshiko is enjoying tentacle time.
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>That's a secret.
Pha. Keep your secret then :P

Yes. Pixai can animate genereted pictures but they lose a lot of quality, cost a ton of points and look bad in most of the time.

Oh. This sounds nice and not a weird hobby at all. Thank you.
With main thread she ment /hpgg/ on vg but from your comment it sounds you dont post there :D

>Hey there Flo, how've you BEEn?
The last weeks where over 30°C each day so it wasnt really pleasant but overall i am fine.
Oh, this wasnt a reproach or something. A little "I have to handle some private stuff wont post for some time." would have been enough, but i am glad to see you again.
Not for that. ^^
Which witches do you want to cuddle with?
The one I would trust and feel a mutual connection with.
all. they are all cute
After sex cuddles with Miranda…
I'm bored
We know, Amyboo.
That's not me stalker child!... But I as well am bored but only slightly
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Faolan missed me too ;P
The ingame lighting used to give my original haircut grey sideburns -_-
>*grabs you* I can do this too~
Oh hoho <3
>Thanks, I hope to keep it up, just have to keep moving forward and not get hung up on the little things sometimes.
That's the spirit. We're all gonna make it :)
How long until a version of this with witches that are still around?
Oh wow, what a blast from the past...could use some updating, though.
Cool stuff!
Cute PP slut.
>Hehe, I remember when I posted that. Maybe Mel does too ;P
I'd make some comment about how your hair was shorter then, but I'll just mention how even back then you were already wearing Snek panties :^)
Hey Dani, glad to see you around again. Good to hear things are going well with you.
*SMACK* *SMACK* Cute that you two settle for just looking and pinching.
That hair color looks good on you.
Oh, that's some good stuff! Well done!
I already cuddle with a lot of them, but Ava's probably the best cuddler.
>Faolan missed me too ;P
Not nearly as much as I have. Why don't you come a little closer? I'm feeling pent up~
>The ingame lighting used to give my original haircut grey sideburns -_-
Old lady~ :^)
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Who the heck is that guy? Is that Newt Scamander's grandson? (Not Neville)
Just some random masturbation watcher
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boring R34 slop
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Maybe I will finally complete this tomorrow *inhales copium* here the (hopefully) finish cumshot section.
Well, THERE you are! Can't wait to hear all about your adventure~.
>I'd make some comment about how your hair was shorter then, but I'll just mention how even back then you were already wearing Snek panties :^)
Y'know, you wouldn't look bad in a little bit of yellow~
>I already cuddle with a lot of them, but Ava's probably the best cuddler.
>Not nearly as much as I have. Why don't you come a little closer? I'm feeling pent up~
Well, I can PROBABLY help you with that...
>Old lady~ :^)
Good work.
good work

don't talk about yourself so badly
I'm thinking of posting another toy link
I wonder who you are
It's a Hogwarts Mystery™
>Well, THERE you are! Can't wait to hear all about your adventure~.
I will...and I'll do you one better. Pack your bags, you're coming with me on my next one.
>Y'know, you wouldn't look bad in a little bit of yellow~
I already got all the yellow I need. She's tough, buff and a mouthy fucking spitfire~
Alright, alright, definitely. You're very soft, despite all those muscles~
>Well, I can PROBABLY help you with that...
You can DEFINITELY help me with that~
>suffocate between Mel's and Ava's boobs
Mating press (You)
>I will...and I'll do you one better. Pack your bags, you're coming with me on my next one.
Giddy-up, cowgirl~
>I already got all the yellow I need. She's tough, buff and a mouthy fucking spitfire~
>Alright, alright, definitely. You're very soft, despite all those muscles~
That's better <3
>You can DEFINITELY help me with that~
And I definitely will~ ;)
RIP anon
Me? Just like that? No foreplay?
Instant loss
No fair, I wasn't ready.
I don't think anyone can be fully prepared for motherhood.
tease me
someone make this girl cum
creating another since someone clicked the other and didn't do anything for 20 minutes

it's only good for one person
I'm not a girl, so I don't know what that feels like. Do you make it faster from slow? Waves? Surprise speedup?
the finger slider is nice a little over/under 50%, you're mixing it nicely

the vibe is intense over 25% but it'll send me over at the end
I'm close
god you are such a tease, please finish
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some werewolf action
You alright?
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thanks, next one i will try to work out a bit more
great stuff
I'm fine, thank you for your service sir
My review:
Too strong on the start gave me a small o, but you settled into a good rhythm shortly after and I was really getting into it, then you dropped into a slow section right as I was about to have a good one until ramping up the vibe at the end. I thought that was a good place to stop before things got crazy.
Final grade: B *thumbs up*
Thanks, I really appreciate that. Haven't done that before.
Did she learn anything from this visit?
Who is this?
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>Oh hoho <3
I can grab harder if you want~
>Faolan missed me too ;P
Soso. You two have fun together, huh?

This stings~
I thought i am the bee here :P

Is this Faolans you are leaking there? Mind if... i clean...up?

Awesome drawing again and good conceptsketch

Cute. I like this [spoiler]well not the bloddy part[/spoiler] but everything else.
Amazing! Gimme dat werecock!
where did the thread werewolf go anyway?
Sorry, i'm very horny rn, i hope you don't mind doing it raw
raw isn't the issue, going in dry is...unless you're some sort of leaky faucet dick or something
I'll leave you wet, so no need to worry yourself
I like your style. Watch out for werewolves or herds of centau- oh... too late.
>I can grab harder if you want~
>Soso. You two have fun together, huh?
Love me badgers.
>Is this Faolans you are leaking there? Mind if... i clean...up?
No, that's Mel's doing >>8511032
But you're welcome to join~
why do you guys just tease each other? Why not do an actual back and forth erp?
this thread lost its soul a long time ago. It used to have erp, porn writers, and regular art posts. it is a shadow of its former self that exists for ai slop posting and vague flirting to tease what happens on discord
regular art posts? sure matti drew some but not that much that i would call it regular this thread has always primarily ai slop.
>Love me badgers.
*love big cock
Which creature did you meet?
Who were the major erp'ers in the old days? I remember Faolan and Aumellia usually doing it when new witches joined the thread and Gloria and Penny long before that but did anyone else erp here?
Matti and Jihon
Matti and Maria
Penny and Florana (once with Mel)
perhaps we could have had more but the groomer scooped them away to be part of her witch harem and they play elsewhere
Zacharias erasure!
Anon we didn't have an older woman character swooping in to take these 18 year old school girls. I think I would have remembered that because it would be extremely based.
Gloria and Penny would also erp with anons, Dani would erp or write stories, various witches would write stories like Liz or My, there was way more writing involved. Which is why this “you’re hot” no you’re hot *grabs*” that goes no where is slowly killing this thread. just do more. hell anons, get in there just roleplay dudes so they have something to go off of
A centaur prehaps

People I remember erping or at least attempting here at points. check the OP archives for some of them
More like someone to get off on.
I'm writing something that I hope everyone can get off on.
I was going to just draw a simple imagine but my masochistic mind though "why not make it a gif" I will probably regain my senses and not make this a gif...hopefully.
Wow! Love it
hot...but just because it can fit doesn't mean it should
Can centaurs impregnate humans?
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But Poppy said it was the only way to gain their trust.
No. (I hope)
Is this Amelia drawing?
good old times
Poppy is right
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>No, that's Mel's doing >>8511032
>But you're welcome to join~
Well, hard to say no to you Ava.

Looking forward to it

This looks good so far. Keep going. I am sure you get a deep conetctions with them.
dead thread
Just like my sex life
( o )( o )
Nice hooters
Always funny how some anons expect a thread to be their personal entertainment.
Sorry for being quiet. Had a busy (fun) weekend.
What kind of fun?
The fun or the hot kind of?
I need to see this continued
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Sounds nice. Glad you had a graet time ^^
In front of the whole school!
I wanna kiss them
>The least slutty hufflepuff hanging out with gryffindors
I will when i regain the will to do so.
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sans Tom
Now we're cooking
Hot damn
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They dont see it. My back is still covered.

The crowd? :P

Who would have thought Lottie is a fujo and draws her own slick material.
I love the little angry Daniel in panel 2
I want to be at Daniel's place
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Wasn't gonna come back, but I caught this witch trying to sneak into the prefect bath. She's going to be spending the next few days helping me with some things. Maybe longer, maybe a LOT longer.
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(Also Dani if the eye color is wrong that's because I couldn't see through your damn goggles so I went by previous gens in the thread)
which witch wants to switch?
A riddle to ponder
You can always ask me, silly anon. In thread, on MA, on cytube, or elsewhere. I may not come around here as much anymore but I probably won't say no.
Vigorous anal lovemaking with Mega
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Ah yes, by "helping me". I should have specified she's on chew toy duty for... lets just say until I change my mind.
I never expected Dani to be so horny
I should break curfur, would be terrible if a prefect caught me...
I'm sure there are some things you could do to persuade him not to give you detention...
good night
t. percy

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