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Previous Thread: >>8467861

No Animal Genitalia (Specifically Dogcock Futa), Slob, Inflation, Fart, Grotesque art
If you want that - post somewhere else
Keep the drama/arguing to a minimum, please.
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as a prospitcest guy I wanted to keep the OP being that but it wouldn't be fair, so enjoy some variety instead!
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And here's the rest of the thread for you guys, this should be enough images to start up
Just let it all die man.
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Hey guys, Homestuck Jesus here. Hypothetically, if you guys had any ideas for Homestuck porn, what would it be? Totally not because I ran out of my own ideas haha.
dave fucking jane
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Kanaya being gangbanged and surrounded by cocks (she loves it).
He's right
Aradia’s anus + fruits and vegetables???
You’ve reached the point where you gotta do crack ships.
We’re talking EquiJane,TavRezi, AraAra, DavePorrim, RedglareCaliborn, DadMeulin, RoseDroog, SnowmanCasey, FefEchidna - it’s time to break free from convention.
Hell, ship hiveswap characters with real ones. I’m sure you can make a compelling piece of Nepeta giving a buttjob to the Hot Dog guy. Have Kanaya rape Vrissy (there should be more of this)
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corrupted cultist nepeta
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Carpacian porn
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Go through some fanventrue like Renity in pic. She is such a sexy mama that that that's what the image was called by the author himself, I didn't name it.

You could also try to go after Aleph Null while you can, it's getting deleted soon
Atthis poii t someone should just make a new homestuck-like story. I don't care if it won't be as grand as HS, it'll be something different
god i fucking love junkie chicks
three dozen fully rendered commissions of rose lalonde in various poses and states of undress
something with equius and terezi? I don't think they even interacted once but i think they would be very interesting together.
>rose will never give you a handjob under your boxers because "she's a lesbian and lesbians dont touch cock"
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this one doesn't seem to be on squiddo's twitter, does he just randomly not upload certain pieces to certain sites or is it an intentional delay
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I want one to bully me into smoking with her but it will never happen because I'm a pussy
Here's a fuck ton of shitty ideas for any artfriends or for those curious in the thread:
Davesprite fucking jade up against the bridgeroom glass of the green mile prospit ship while all the consorts look on in confusion, Aradia doing waxplay with old candelabras in a crypt, MarvusXchixie backstage together with marvus soft domming, more rapist lynera or damara (if damara then she'd probably rape horuss), speaking of horuss.... actual horuss ponyplay, Nepeta being animalistically horny for a flustered karat in public on the meteor (she is practically trying to suck him off through his pants in front of the others), Ult-dirk fucking calliope while a subdued roxy is forced to watch, Rose channeling her inner freudian horny therapist (she has a hand down her skirt and tried to stealthily shlick herself while listening to a random male character spill their guts out to her), after years and years of being a ghost one of the Tavros's has gotten stronger and a lot more confident and gets a bit of revenge by fucking vriska silly while she tries to keep her composure as 'the bad bitch in charge' and fails terribly in an instant loss sorta scenario, Feferi riding Eridan underwater while her lusus restrains him, terezi giving the sloppiest possible blowjob in history, chahut in a very formfitting feminine summer dress embarrassed but obviously enjoying the humiliation of wearing something so unlike what she usually does, A stuttering Cronus being milked to exaustion by a deadpan porrim who doesn't care about the male refractory period and just needs more cum, Kanaya asking dave what he thinks of her newest sewing project as she approaches him wearing incredibly skimpy lingerie.
Terezis holes getting used while she sleeps. Also a continuation of that one pic where kanaya has her skirt riding up while she works on a dress where she's spreading her cheeks
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Could you do Kanaya showing off her twerking skills?
HJ here! (Homestuck Jesus)
I read all your requests and you guys have really great points/requests :) Reminder, I'm not the artist, just a guy who commissions the actual artist since he wants to stay anonymous. Thanks for the requests! I promise within the month, I'll have like two of these done, ain't telling you which though.

Here's a recent comm I got from another artist named @HereApathy on Twitter.
Wow, compression looks shit, here's a catbox instead!

Thank you, anon dearest
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Are we all just Diamonds Droog, sitting back and ogling at whatever grey ladies we can get our hands on?
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Can I be Spades Slick
making me think too much
Any reason why? It just had its anniversary right?
It's latest pages tell it all. Apparently the writer was plagiarizing a fanfic from years back for the story.
Kinda sucks it's getting deleted cause the expanded universe was website was cool
Post more carpacian less and you can
And yet you Post more grey la
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And yet you post more grey ladies
its human nature
i spent way too long wondering why she was wearing a stethoscope in this picture
have you considered squiddo might be brazilian
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he is brazilian but he's also posted to twitter twice in the last week so he's obviously got something worked out. though i guess it's possible he had them scheduled to post before the shutdown, who knows.
>left the condom in
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i should get something else with condom left in since its hot as hell.
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thank you for posting my grey hag - reply with a request of her and i'll sketch it for the love of the game
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arstok recreating the air jordans slam dunk logo fully nude
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god i love this series of pictures so much i am so normal about rose lalonde
let's see her playing air hockey.
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I love her.
School girl nerd arstok getting bullied like getting a wedgie or something.
arstok FEET (thats the request)
give her a mommy dom, she needs someone to love her.
I don't think she can have a mommy dom I think that'd just be two milves.

Unless she's getting dommed by a grandmommy dom
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already did that
Do you go through multiple passes to get the outline thickness to what you want it to be or do you freehand it once?
Arstok waitng bed in some lingerie, blushing and beckoning
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Damn a new rsm pic, that's rare
Being a lawyer make it rough, I bet.
That's mindwipe
And rsm.
RSM isn't a lawyer.
You're confused, rsm has been practicing for 4 years now.
Are we cool with fantrolls again, or is it only artist fantrolls who can draw pleasant porn of them? I got some I could share, but I'm not at all an artist.
just post porn retard
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Post things you like and if haters get mad, good.
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i tend to do line passes a little thicker than what i need them to be, then clean up with an eraser, outlining parts i want to highlight/distinguish from the rest, though the nerd arstok didnt have any of that. i just fiddle with brush size and pen pressure when im lazy
Bad attitude.
Worse attitude.

Fantrolls have always been okay.
You’re fine. Beginner art is pretty tolerable all things considered - I haven’t seen people get mad at it here without other stuff going on. Frankly more often it’s the “professional” artists that draw controversial things that get negative reactions. Content matters way more than art quality would be the takeaway.
And don’t try to shill shit either I guess.
but... but its not the same twelve characters ive been jerking off to for ten years!!! how am i supposed to get a boner when i dont know who this is!!! fuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!
Oh that kinda sounds like what Hussie did.
>but... but its not the same twelve characters ive been jerking off to for ten years!!! how am i supposed to get a boner when i dont know who this is!!! fuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!
I say this and do this.
I cannot jerk off to characters that I don't know. I think homestuck is actually the reason I'm like this. Fantrolls make my mind go blank, it's like staring at an empty space.
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For me, it's condoms tied to the horns
Wonderful, hope you continue Old Figi Water.Png
I miss (((Her)))
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thank you anon....

more people should get into making 18+ fanventures/comics as a way to practice art and make the content they want to see. i want hot old women so i draw hot old women. whats stopping you from picking up a pencil and drawing homestuck pussy, or cock or whatever you people are into. carve your own niche. draw what makes you horny and i promise you you're on your way.

here. i'll get you started on your troll pussy journey. know fuck all about drawing? start here. make me proud anons. maybe i'll actually hang around this thread more if it means i can mentor some losers like myself. :)))

https://e-hentai.org/g/1588757/0ad41621ff/ - Andrew Loomis "Fun with a Pencil"
https://e-hentai.org/g/2969988/c4548d0e25/ - Seiji Yoshida - Tips To Make You Want To Draw
https://e-hentai.org/g/2904811/62cb366e10/ - Creative Fundamentals Vol 1- Devin Korwin
Imagine the mental disability required to post loomis unprompted in a porn thread
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i bet you wouldn't be so upset if that jade had a dog dick
just be quiet
im breeding new porn artists retard
>he thinks anyone here will pick up the pencil
Literally the first time I heard of it was in one of these threads. Helped me a lot.

>Captcha: PPPY
Hey to be fair to the guy I was an art student. It may have been focused on 3D modles but still. I've also been wanting to learn how to draw fir my own sake.
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I wouldn't really recommend starting with Loomis, personally. I think starting with other fundies like Eviston or Robertson might be better. Yeah, Loomis is GREAT and you should 100% read him, but you can't get enough from it without also getting exercises to practice your hand with.
Or just do Vilppu's courses if you aren't a poorfag like me lolololo.
it looks like you can pirate vilppu's courses
Never managed to find them with actual seeders, and I don't have a private tracker.
Breeding... artists?
Knocking up homesmut artists like they're Jade at a resort
>Jade at a resort
>Jade resort
>resort full of Jade cosplayers
Sometimes my genius is... It's almost frightening.
There was that Jadeblood Jade cosplayer in the credits.
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rutracker has a few with seeders
she looks like she'd push me down the stairs
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Any more of Roxy in this size?
yeah check my incinerator
closest i've got
wrong serket.
vriska pushes you down the stairs
mindfang pushes you off the gangplank
and aranea pushes you into a 2-hour one-sided discussion about beforan and alternian history.
Do apartment buildings still have incinerators?
I remember that scene from Jacob's Ladder.
Actually they all push me onto the bed and ride my dick for eight hours.
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good god she's a homonculus
This type of Roxy seems like the kind of wife who will spread her legs to get her husband to shut up so she can watch her soap operas
Calling her a lazy whore would've been sufficient, anon.
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What is with this Roxy disrespect
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This is really good I love them
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This artist seems really cool
The rick and morty incest guy?
>The rick and morty incest guy?
do you know how little that narrows it down
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its the on model family sitcom porn artists who are the real freaks
I had to describe it with more details
Lazy whore is too generic for me
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I thought "thunder thot" was the nickname for a recent kirby cha
One of the mages from star allies
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I always liked Roxy
She was Nice
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I want her to pressure me into drinking a lot
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Roxy is so fucking hot, she should be less nice
Where are all the Unhinged Serket Women IRL
Mental Hospitals and tiktok.
Get better tastes Nigga
Like as a piss thing???
no i think he means like forced inebriation
its this one
I think about it a lot
either with weed or liquor
I need me some big booty Pyrope women
I need to impregnate both pyropes anally
Need both pyropes to trick me into thinking I knocked them up but in reality they're hiding a basketball under their shirts
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>Roxy or Rose picrel-ing you
>hnnnggggghh. my tastes are fucked up beyond saving.
>Your Dreamself is fucking her Unconscious body
>their cock
>Real body asleep being sucked off by her awake self
>While your dreamself fucks her asleep dreamself
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I wish Rose had been a meaner drunk instead of just another generic ditzy sloshed girl. We already had Roxy for that, we didn't need a repeat.
>t-t-the parallels
shut the fuck up my dick wants a vicious catty mean drunk Rose who lays into you with zero filter with her psychoanalysis instead of being jovially snarky about it
Mean drunk Rose will analysis every aspect of you to the point of you crying and then makes you cum into her wine glass
of course she jokes about how you probably can't cum enough to fill a shot glass, let alone a wine glass
She'd grip your balls and finger your ass to make you cum harder and then make fun of you for the girlish moans you make
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Buddy, you are getting at LEAST eight inches of Azathoth.
That's only once she gets through her third bottle
After that, expect to be gripping the sheets as a strap on tentacle literally worms it way into your prostate all while she says how this is related to your mother issues and lack of father figure
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tall and chubby jade my beloved
My size queen edit :D
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>bangs over her glasses
a pleasant sight indeed
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its good! and its extra good because galaxicshit hates people editing his art
>The stupid fucking buck teeth
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can i get some doodle requests
Jane on a train
Ms paint lifting her skirt and flashing the viewer
Snowman. Please.
Aranea infodumping handjob.
Jade with a slightly pronounced belly
rose being a mean drunk while riding a dick or sitting on someone's face or something
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Literally suction on every part
i want those things shoved so far down my throat they can steal my lunch
>Keep the drama/arguing to a minimum, please.
Imagine being such an uptight, lonely, sexually repressed faggot you have to go argue with some stranger online about porn.
...oh wait
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I need more of Dave trapped as Jade
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More Character fusions
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yes when its a nondescript individual you tend to say "they" because "he" is too personal for something without a personality or identity
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oh dang exclipse didnt realize u came to these threads
HIC receiving standing cunnilingus from someone on a leash
If you're still doing these, could I get prospitian monarch having her breasts milked?
hachi machi what a woman
Nicely done
Make it Dersite, have the milk be contracted against her carapace
>I wish the character assassination would've appealed to MY fetishes
It would make it hurt less
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wanna talk about it, champ?
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that dair won't spike
is that the guy from crash bandicoot
no that's my original character who I did not copy from an existing video game, you can tell because he does not have big bushy eyebrows nor frankenstein bolts sticking out of his head
Draw him erect
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here you go dude, I even added an extra drawing where a less sexy character sucks it off
Good dog
Good dog girls get belly rubs
this shit reeks
Where's the smell coming from?
my ass :(
Let me get a sniff
Her, someone change her.

where are rose lalonde 1 2 and 4
What is she forgetting?
Her clothes
She's in her underwear
I don't think thats it
Then what could it be?
Maybe she left the stove on?
Jane is a very busy woman
Well she is baking cakes constantly
Fuck off scatfag
>diaper pic
>it's jade
why ARE they like this?
Fetish character gets the fetishes
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currently imagining, yes.
What does the troll slime feel like?
You seem like a seething transbian.
>T. lesbian
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Rose being a mean drunk would have unironically been less of a character assassination. There was never anything contradictory about rose picking up a drinking habit, the issue was always that hussie used that as an excuse to basically write her out of the story. If drinking made her rude and aggressive, it would actually be an opportunity to explore her condescending side, and develop the existing drama she had of mom being wistfully neglectful, while rose cynically assumed she was purposefully trying to get under her skin. she could realise how the same habit effects her and mom differently and you could have a little arc about rose seeing things in perspective (since her presumptous nature is what allowed Doc Scratch to manipulate her into creating the green sun, which is basically never addressed after cascade).
now draw her feet
I don't think Andrew knows what actual alcohols are like
I mean he was/is an adderal addict so why not?
Really good.
I <3 your superego btw
roxy and rose would be shitting themselves and having hallucinations after a point.
instead they read more as naturally ditzy girls who are just a bit buzzed during a night on the town with friends. not a rotting corpse of a human slowly dying on their couch.
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>roxy and rose would be shitting themselves
First of all, hot, second of all there's varying degrees of alcoholic. They arent all your geriatric mom or whatever bizarre example you're referencing
Troll squirt tastes like the kind of kool-aid it is coloured like
(Yes this means there are factories that force captured rustbloods to cum on loop so Cherry (the most popular flavour) can be sold to the masses commercially)
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
Is it just kool aid taste?
Would highbloods have their squirt taste like fago and tab from drinking it so much?
Condy probably shoots a sugar free stream on her most loyal soldiers
yellow blood cum tastes like artificial corn syrup.
I would think it'd taste like the most sour lemonade or honey with a hint of lemon
no it tastes like artificial butter flavored popcorn product
I say it should taste like banana flavor
The yellow bloods that eat healthy taste like lemon, those thatnwork with Bees taste like honey, and those that eat exclusively junk food are the corn syrup ones
all troll cum is carbonated and i refuse to hear otherwise
that sounds extremely unpleasant for the troll
It probably is
Every time you cum you feel a bunch of small bubbles shoot out of you
Maybe some would like that sensation though
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its probably feel like pins and needles you get when your arm or foot falls asleep but isolated around your crotch instead
Very uncomfortable
Not drinking carbonated troll cum might be interesting though
having drank a diet of only soda for a few years i can confirm you grow to love the experience.
Sis you’re gonna fucking die
You’re committing suicide but prolonging it out
more like this
I'm gonna be 100% honest
I would gargle on Terezi's sweaty nuts
Same bro
Could you all post your favorite roxys?
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i'll meet you halfway
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Hey ADHD medicated drawfriend here, any requests?

Trying to get back into it. Suggest anything.
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Ex was a Roxy kinnie time for some exposure therapy

Eridan and Rose cuddling while he fingers her
Jade recieving anal since I like that one jade butthole you drew once.
Prospitian Monarch having her breasts milked
I like this roxy any more?
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Fuck that is good looking, thank you

(...the 8 of spades, oh the 8 of spaces, yeah)
>(...the 8 of spades, oh the 8 of spaces, yeah)
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Lame song reference, its fine
Now where's the rest of the pics?
holy shit i thought rynies was dead, haven't seen any new art from her in at least five years
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I'm pretty sure that's not even a recent picture though?
the vriska i posted isn't, the bunny girl card suit pinups i responded to definitely are
>vriska and karkat
that's mindfang and the dolarosa actually

you can tell because ones blue and ones green.
i thought jake was the green one
He is. He's also a man.
And a human.
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old lady
Jade Hagley
taking a lowblood troll girl on a first date and she's so enamored by you that fucks you in your car immediately afterwards (she was extremely impressed by the fuchsia-esque opulance of the cheesecake factory)
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This but then you toe her up and put her in your truck
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Oh to have an easily impressed lowblood troll girl
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>troll of a warmer caste
Eridan proceeding to cuck everyone by impregnating all the ladies. The best way to truly win and stand out to be desu.
>Feferi riding Eridan
anon’s off his rocker, kissing betty crocker
Have some Kanaya boobs, because you're all epic.
Can we get one of her getting milked as well?
But why?
any art of tentabulge wrapped around a cock? lots of potential there
The most I've found is this
And this
who the hell is out here shipping dirkvris
It makes a lot of sense though
It's tagged as that being Bro strider for some reason

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