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For old time's sake
God I fucking miss Herny. I know he's still around, but he doesn't draw as much porn as he used to. I wonder if he does commissions still, because I need more Phanty art in my life. Me old childhood waifu lol
I miss him too anon
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We all miss him, those were good times
Anyone else there when there used to be /spooktober/ threads on /co/? What happened to those? The storytelling in those threads was fucking comfy.
Remember to vote Creepy Susie for Ms /co/
What you have in mind?
I'd be happy with just a simple picture of her wishing me a happy Halloween and saying that she loves me, as corny as that sounds. If you mean porn, I've got thousands of ideas, most of which involve bad puns involving ghosts and spooky stuff, like her giving a "boo-job", or riding dick in the "cow-ghoul" position.
Is there a comic of this? I think I remember seeing something like it.
I always liked to idly imagine meeting Susie at some soiree she doesn't want to be at, engaging in a conversation about the nature of ennui, sharing a bottle of wine...
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probably the most off model r34 character in existence
she is also like 10 years old lol
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Obviously this is an adult version.
Goth queen
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fun with ghosts!
Too bad there’s not as much art of her mom.
>she is also like 10 years old lol
yeah we know, spaz
>the most off model r34 character in existence
I hate that the only art of Susie people expect is the one that's as off-model as possible. The less she looks like the original, the better for these threads.

>tfw you will never have a creepy, French goth gf that wants to harvest your organs after a night of passionate fucking
Not much censoring going on.
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Herny really "made the character his" as they say, which I don't really think is entirely a bad thing.
She's about to fart right in her face.
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you wish
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>probably the most off model r34 character in existence
That's Toriel honestly
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I think a lot of smut with Creepy Susie misses out on the real fun; having her say something silly, macabre or fucked-up.
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It's hard to make it sexy at the same time
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Susie in the cartoon was about the creepy words and the french accent, Susie in the book was about the creepy actions. She would be into things like (sex with?) dead animals, slime and blood.

Yeah, drawing and writing dialog that doesn't sound like something from a brain-dead middle schooler finding his first porno are two separate skillsets - which means finding someone who can do both is something to be treasured.

Looks are all well and good - but when smut makes good use of the character, THAT'S the real good shit.
for me, as a person passing by, the art of her saying things with a french accent is most memorable
absolutely, god damn
it's what separates soul from soulless, i apologize for using such a "tourist from /v/" term
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That is exactly why I still can't find artists who portray Susie accurately. Not on-model but doing truly creepy unsettling shit she'd enjoy like bloodplay and necrophilia. It wouldn't be sexy for most of us but it'd be accurate to her.
They just draw Susie based on screenshots or, more likely, use redesigned fanart as reference.
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Honestly the vast majority of the jokes in the show were just allusions to far more fucked up things happening off camera, so you don't necessarily have to go that far visually to get the point across.

Sometimes less is more.
Pounding bump.
makes me diamonds. dat tongue..
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