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"Back To Business" Edition
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Kuruminha needs more vore DESU.
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How would they even fit a whole person inside their mouths?
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ded thread
These cartoons portray major constipation.
Yo OP here! Sorry for the dead thread. My computer died, so I had to get a new one.
Drelard is very similar to Afraart in picking the worst looking characters to obsess and draw over again and again.
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it's called being hardstuck and it is a slow and painful death for an artist
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>have her lure Portuguese Conquistadors to their fate of being a tasty snack by using her looks
It's almost too easy.
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I'll never understand this fetish. How do you jerk off to burning alive in stomach acid?
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For most vorefags it's all about the domination aspect really. Think of it as a surreal form of BDSM
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sauce? DA link gone. so idk where now.

This link basically has all of Beany's old art.
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looking for this one pic of a semi-giantess eating a skater chick and she texts someone about it from her stomach
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alright i think i get this fetish now, this is pretty funny
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I love this retarded space lizard!
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Not posting in /vore/ this time mangrabro?
I don't blame you it's been bad lately
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Always nice to see someone liking my shitty edits.
Here's another one I did of Curz (and Nurz)
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Opinions on SMVA?
Amazing that Eel Girl was over 15 years ago and it's still the best (fictional) real life vore video. The only way it would be better is if it had female prey.
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For me, it's Smauggie
Why does most Courtney Babcock vore art go incredibly hard for some reason?
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thanks for these
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her stomach looks smaller from behind
Also, Happy Halloween! You wonderful weirdos!
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Halloween was a week ago.
Look at the date.
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Source???? please
Great effort

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