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"Back To Business" Edition
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Kuruminha needs more vore DESU.
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How would they even fit a whole person inside their mouths?
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ded thread
These cartoons portray major constipation.
Yo OP here! Sorry for the dead thread. My computer died, so I had to get a new one.
Drelard is very similar to Afraart in picking the worst looking characters to obsess and draw over again and again.
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it's called being hardstuck and it is a slow and painful death for an artist
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>have her lure Portuguese Conquistadors to their fate of being a tasty snack by using her looks
It's almost too easy.
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I'll never understand this fetish. How do you jerk off to burning alive in stomach acid?
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For most vorefags it's all about the domination aspect really. Think of it as a surreal form of BDSM
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sauce? DA link gone. so idk where now.

This link basically has all of Beany's old art.
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looking for this one pic of a semi-giantess eating a skater chick and she texts someone about it from her stomach
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