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/aco/ - Adult Cartoons

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File: MadLadBrokeTheCode.webm (1.6 MB, 1280x720)
1.6 MB
Tits Out For The Boys Edition
>What is /AIVG/?
We make videos generated by a chinese AI company
>What's the site
>Is this a psyop?
No stfu
>Is this state-sponsored propaganda aiding the CCP to churn out weak men in the West?
who cares, we're trying to coom

Previous Threads:
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LFG! Cheers to Subway Anon for cracking the tits
got rejected after 78%, 4 times
why's it that we have to wait for the chinks for something uncensored?
File: Producers2.webm (1.4 MB, 1280x720)
1.4 MB
>why is my free food cold
because old people in power in the west are afraid of the future, whereas in other countries they see it as an opportunity to advance
chink model leak when
dont you remember in the 90s HOW MUCH SHIT the chinese got from the west when they were doing cloning experiments?
>muh ethics
>muh soul
>muh person with feelings
now see the pedophilic troon shitshow we have in the west currently. the west fucking sucks.
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I think you mean "modder reek wen?"
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well that's better than the 2000 and 30 minutes I was getting
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>At an Hollywood movie producer party, Margot Robbie coming out from under a table with a contented look on her face. On all fours. She has her hands and feet on the floor emerging from under the table with transparent glue on her face and clothes. Movie producers are sitting at this table. They are sweating. They are fat obese middle aged movie producers with balding grey curly hair, big glasses and they wear tuxedos pants with open white shirt. They are laughing and smoking cigars. Gold chains and golden watches. The producers are very fat and sweating profusely
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Speaking of which, why is it free and doesn't even require registration, what do they get out of it?
>me on the left having a hearty chortle
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free labor. normally AI companies will hire people to test the model with adversarial prompts. By releasing this for free, the can get all the adversarial testing done by us for free so they can eventually censor it for mainstream release
free testing to hone their filters in on
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This may seem like bad news but I honestly think it's good news in the short term because they probably haven't collected enough to implement a meaningful filter or fine tune the model to handle all this filtering. I think they manually put a more stringent filter on during the weekend to deter normie redditor types from shitting up their adversarial prompt collection with whatever gay shit they would make. I'm betting the floodgates will open up on Sunday night/US night time
I also think this because they will then be able to build up a "safe" prompt set to finetune the model with because the only people getting through the weekend filter will be diehard rick and morty fans making Drumpf or whatever
chang ai definetely has filters on mid creation now
i dont think they'd modulate their filter strength like that. pretty sure it's just gonna be them continuing to experiment until its success rate reaches a satisfactory level
“The big players have to think about compliance, so they are at a disadvantage. They don’t want to use smuggled chips,” said a Chinese startup founder. “Smaller vendors are less concerned.”

He estimated there were more than 100,000 Nvidia H100 processors in the country based on their widespread availability in the market. The Nvidia chips are each roughly the size of a book, making them relatively easy for smugglers to ferry across borders, undermining Washington’s efforts to limit China’s AI progress.

“We bought our H100s from a company that smuggled them in from Japan,” said a startup founder in the automation field who paid about 500,000 yuan ($70,000) for two cards this year. “They etched off the serial numbers.”


so much for export bans
Since there will be user influx on weekends, they can build both the safe and adversarial set rapidly utilizing this strategy
damn now my videos get nuked at 80% instead of 96
have a feeling they're testing the waters with a DALL-E like perceptual filter before it gives you the final product
I mean, sure it won't be a binary off/on but I think we are at much more stringent level in the last hour than we will eventually level out to. The same happened with Dall-e. There was 2 weeks of Chaos, A week of unusability and then the floodgates opened again and we were making even more deranged shit than before
>floodgates opened again
has bing create really loosened up? thought it was still tight as shit
its definetely over now. even script does not work. looks like they are checking for unsafe content at the ~80% and deleting your creation if they detect anything unsafe. cant get anything in the last 30min
>one of my most recent successful gens made a tranny instead of a girl
>have to look at his creepy face all the time now
I wish we could delete gens on our side.
>my prompt that usually got all the way through is now getting blocked at the prompt level
uh oh
post it
In the first two weeks you could make pretty much anything. Then there was a week you couldn't make shit and redditors were making threads like "Why is my African American Man Prompt being blocked?" and shit like that. Shortly after, the capabilities came back to the point you could make pretty much any celeb for at least like 2-3 months with basic adversarial prompting. It's not that great now but it took months for Bing to reel it in. I was making straight up gore to the point the Washington Post interviewed me about the safety of AI and that was still available into January 2024 after Dalle 3 launched in October 2023
mine made one that turned the girl into a grandma
Yeah, they definitely made a change, I started getting a bunch of cancelations well before 96%.
it's never been more over
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By "successful" I mean "didn't chang at 96%"
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>techno riverdance
total fluke
wtc c-string loincloth?
File: idkwhathappened.webm (1.36 MB, 1280x720)
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>based and schizopilled
hell ya
it's the random zoom + light flashes that make this so fucked lol wtf
I'm start thinking it's a regional thing
me otherwise can now gen things I could't do every day
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just clear your cookies and refresh page
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Yacht girl disagrees
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i wonder what would happen if she fell backwards and her legs lifted up
I had to finesse the prompts but this is pretty close to something I had 0% hope of ever seeing. Good times.
Prometheus looks like THAT?
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The bitrate would implode.
why do you always have a billion red devils in the background
nta, but think of it as a signature
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Because look what happens.
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>i'm dancing like i don't care what you think
Need to be jewish
>here are those nordic men I was telling you about
File: kylietwerkingkek.webm (2.2 MB, 1280x720)
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I got plenty of shit like this I can post during the downtime lol just gotta convert em to webm and find the funny ones but I have like 400 gens or some shit already
man is schizomaxxing
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I was just trying to get her to do squats! This was the chin-up fail in the same session
>gen vid
>result has random landwhale
>gen again, unchanged prompt
>Let's try that again
filter might have a pretty bias
File: KimTwinDance.webm (1.42 MB, 1280x720)
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1.42 MB WEBM
>filter might have a pretty bias
>can't gen Kim Kardashian anymore
FUCK I messed up the filename
We're winning again.
>Unobstructed view in wealthy suburban yard. Party decorations. Hiding behind a tall patio beam, Amber heard and tall, dark Zendaya.

>Short Amber Heard (long blonde hair, tiny black party dress and heels) stands and tilts her head up to kiss taller Zendaya (tall and thin volleyball body,wearing a cropped black longsleeve turtleneck top and tight black yoga shorts and black high heels. abundant poofy hair in a tall ponytail).

>Their hands squeeze each other's posteriors as they press their full mouths together to kiss.

Some of the clips in the montage are slightly modified from that, but that's the best one so far. Have been tinkering for hours, because it likes to default to unattractive women if you give it any excuse to do so.
File: thicclobodance.webm (2.89 MB, 1280x720)
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RIP this was my last gen
Probably means it genned some nudity on the second go.
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I really like this series, anon.

Can't wait for uncensored video AI. It's going to be the ultimate opioid of the masses and I don't even care.
>uncensored video AI
with the way image gen has headed with the latest models, i'm not sure that's gonna be happening for a while lmao
We need a list of names/terms that generate attractive woman. I use model names. Or maybe we don't cause then Chang will ban them..
>with the way image gen has headed with the latest models
Have you seen flux? It's better than dall-3 at this point.
yeah, but it's censored at the dataset level. it has no clue what a lot of nsfw shit is
Isn't that a limitation of the data it was fed, and not the potential rendering capability of the AI itself?
If it has never seen a nipple it will never generate a nipple
yes, it's not an architectural limitation. though both flux dev & schnell are distillations of a full, private model. at this point we really dont have any local bakers able to step up to the task of making a quality NSFW finetune on it.
I guess what I'm trying to ask is, doesn't that mean they built it "wrong" rather than it being a hard cap on the current state of development?
We need a decompiled version of this model.
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holy jiggle
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at least for nipples, it has definitely seen them in training, but they do a pretty good job of preventing us from seeing gens with them
>decompiled version of this model
so you want to watch all the movies and clips ever existed
How many changs are working to stop the NSFW content, why bother with this.
File: Screenshot_232.png (1.62 MB, 1190x673)
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1.62 MB PNG
>chang deleted my last 4 gens after they completed
gonna generate 10 windows wallpapers to throw him off my trail
>chang only lets my gens through when the women are elderly
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Anon... are the "elderly" like 20 years old
Also I am now awake let's make some Hendricks
no i legitimately mean old ass women
what about the other side of the spectrum?
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600 queue wtf people stop telling normies, or stop fucking genning 10 at a time
it could be simple like:
>take every 25 frames (6+1 images)
>query a custom caption tool based on internVL with a prompt: are there any nipples or genitals shown in this image
>if any results are positive, then reject the video
luck issue
they didn't delte my lolies
the nudity is not is the only problem you know
i know but i was being lazy
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Any idea how he did it?
File: Babylon.webm (1.62 MB, 1280x720)
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Director’s Cut of Babylon (2022)
Whatever you do, DO NOT try to gen Nancy Pelosi
File: bugsbunny meme.webm (857 KB, 1280x720)
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>stall door creaks open
>see >>8504531
Are we back?
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File: schizo_goonette.webm (2.01 MB, 1280x720)
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For real I have too many schizo posts lol
>Katsuragi has long, soft blonde hair worn with a blue headband that has a ribbon on each side of the head. Her bright green eyes match, and she is usually depicted with perverted expressions. Her turnover outfit is simplistic; composed of her usual white Hanzō school uniform, unbuttoned, revealing most of her torso underneath. Along with a blue plaid skirt, she wears long socks and her signature black and gold metal boots adorned with small blue tassels on either side, serving as her combat weapon of choice.
Katsuragi fighting a bikini ninja.

Quoted text is just a modified Wiki article that removes mentions of her breasts
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pray tell, what's the secret to the jiggle
eat him whole
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rubbing sternum, the jiggle just happens
girl squatting on a bottle and bouncing, anyone?
Yes, please.
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hubba hubba
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goth witch Taylor Swift
goth witch Taylor Swift
Tip: With the LibreWolf Browser, with behaviors weird, all the downloads went trough even after the deletion of the gen, probably some cache feature.
File: 3.webm (999 KB, 1280x720)
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>queue is suddenly almost nothing
>spicy gens getting through
uhh... he's right behind me isnt he
File: 4.webm (1.23 MB, 1280x720)
1.23 MB
1.23 MB WEBM
are you saying it retrieves filtered shit or what
>Tip: With the LibreWolf Browser, it behaviors in weird way, all the downloads went trough even after the deletion of the gen, probably some cache feature.

Fixed, my bad.
I'm trying variations on "A bikini ninja steals her shirt" to see what happens.
I think my dick retracted.

Keep it up love them
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Getting really close to something good here.
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I give up, in the last 40 generations I've never once managed to get a bare chest, I think they've completely blocked that possibility.
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Make bikini gens you like, then wait for a new local AI that can nudify preexisting video.
File: We'reBack.webm (636 KB, 1920x1080)
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bruh don't give up. there are billions of ways to make this happen. They can't keep us down
Red Sonja. Nice.
I'll make my own Senran Kagura with hookers and blackjack.
File: OpenTheFloodGates.webm (577 KB, 1920x1080)
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We're so back
File: scarlet whoitch.webm (1.3 MB, 1280x720)
1.3 MB
You know whats been then hookers? Red devil women.
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Sirs. forgive my grievous errors and mistakes. I also do this when prompting. "for to" Happens.
<- here >red devil women jogging with to her
File: elsa if she real.webm (1.22 MB, 1280x720)
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Chang is really letting himself go.
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I had to tinker to get it somehow through. Not what I wanted specific but interesting.
>Woman dancing in a running train in adhesive tape for clothes. She got two "X" out of tape each on the center of her assets and one vertical tape strip in the center on thighs.
File: score.webm (1.22 MB, 1280x720)
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and booba
If you prompt to make their underwear out of paper they tend to freak out (legs moving quickly freak out)
File: get her.webm (1.1 MB, 1280x720)
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Hey, that is cool! Finna gen that.
File: kimtwinschizo.webm (580 KB, 1920x1080)
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how quick we talking?
Its possible, we just need to find a workaround
Nothing too crazy but still funny, old prompt holy shit found it

Promt: Young Christina Hendricks wearing mini underwear made from thin paper, grinding on mechanical bull, out of breath and sweating
same prompt**
>Suddenly can't generate shit even with the safest prompts
>translating that chink gibberish says something along the lines of "previous video hasn't finished generating"
>this was 8 hours ago
Did I get shadowbanned
last one, just very weird thing to influence to prompt
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I had this happen to me, clearing cache does NOT help and you will LOSE all saved gens, (I just waited and it cleared eventually)
restart your computer
I think it misses an "only" in the prompt I get tape and regular clothing without too but nice that you got nips
They've added an even earlier filter and now my gens are getting cut off at 50%.
Get a new token and/or turn on VPN.
>gen stuck at 81%, no progress
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So >wearing ONLY adhesive tape for clothes. She got two "X" out of tape each on the center of her assets and one vertical tape strip in the center on thighs.

my second one got 96'd
got an entirely black video now
chang is watching...
chang know all..
chang pls
I just clear site data and restart browser. If that doesn't work, repeat then go back on incognito mode
isn't top right a logout button? I used that. Don't know how it is without account
Just delete your cookies for https://hailuoai.com
wait you can have an account?
What does that do?
I got three 96 in a row with only included
Katsuragi applying tape to hold her shirt in place

It got deleted after a minute
File: nope.webm (654 KB, 1280x720)
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I kept getting no genned or shutdown until I dropped "thighs"

<not related
I don't know, I used some free SMS service. It does preserve the vids?
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Please enjoy my prompt. The rest of thread as well.
>Christina Hendricks with chignon de cou hairstyle, wearing only black tape for clothes, She got two "X" out of tape each on the center of her assets, jogging along highway, wet asphalt,city skyline, eye contact, planet X in sky. red devil women jogging with her. No talking. At 4 seconds opens her mouth and eyes in shock.
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"as a moulin rouge" might be interesting for you thats the famous dutch brothel

prompt for result attached
>Woman dancing in a train only in adhesive tape for clothes. She got two "X" out of tape each on the center of her assets and one vertical tape strip in the center on thighs.
It is truly over.
We've never been this back
pedo ted
It hasn't even started
Dang, I tried it with a red devil woman dancing with her and got 96'd.
interesting would be to use dancing in the dark and giving them only UV light tattoos for clothes, have not tested that yet another was a trashbag but not sure what to do with it

you can use UV light glowing liquid too
Night vision is cool too
saw that one already, I got three 96 in a row by trying to put the tape on christina "running" or "jogging" now tryinging "dancing"
File: ts3.webm (851 KB, 1280x720)
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dancing got through for whatever reason, its black not adhesive tape and the perspective sucks
>Christina Hendricks with chignon de cou hairstyle as a moulin rouge wearing only black tape for clothes, She got two "X" out of adhesive tape each on the center of her assets and one vertical tape strip in the center on thighs, dancing on a treadmill behind her a window of the tokyo skyline, piercing gaze. No talking. At 4 seconds opens her mouth and eyes in shock and her body shivers bumping up a bit.
eath her whole
>saw that one already

My propaganda is working
No queue but I can't get anything done.
how did the queue go from near 1000 people a few hours ago to like a handful
Changs are sleeping.
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Prompt: Fade in. Low Ground Level Angle. it is completely black dark, you turn on night vision with a green hue, showing a group of four 20 year old women(Christina Hendricks, Kate Upton, Megan Fox, and Olivia Wilde are all 20 years old) standing huddled in a circle talking and facing away from the door in a messy bedroom in the dark, they are wearing bra and are barefoot, they ignore you, low angle view mooning, pan to the women's upper legs, shaky unsteady camera,
maybe site got viral with a streamer and then they stopped as it didnt work?
File: not playing with me.webm (888 KB, 1280x720)
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>does not do the prompts at the end
>no mistakes on part (for once)
>have "no talking"
>still get shit like this

Kinda better then 96.
Why the fuck doesn’t it know about Grace Kelly? Stupid data set.
How did you get it to make amber heard? I was trying all day yesterday and it just made generic (but attractive) women.
It has trouble with Kate Dennings as well which makes me sad.
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I am so fucking tired.
Someone get this to Eddie Murphy
same but now I am experimenting

It does not know "plastic hand bra"
It does not know the "mega milk pose"
what is this mf yapping about
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even if it is not what I wanted I like the aesthetics
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I didn't even want a nude, I prompted for swimsuit
>new dolphin porn just dropped
File: dawn of the bj.webm (813 KB, 1280x720)
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pls enjoy thread
>35mm,Christina Hendricks,1990s,shot from the front and above,she is looking up at the camera,close-up of her face,she is crawling on top of a wood desk in an Albanian classroom,high and tight ponytail, yawning,wearing a pleated short light grey skirt and a snug white t-shirt with dark red 10 inch heels,wood desks,parquet floor,early morning, soft backlight, loving atmosphere, winged eye-shadow,

pls share cool ahegao or blow job additions
for thread redemption
Nice! Looks like she is being corrupted
How did you specify the woman and period? Lovely
The beginning is interesting, but it got creepy from there.
>harley has you tied up to a chair
>oh no god no pls don't suck my cock
>pulls a boa out of her butt
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It's over, even the thread is dead.
File: ts5.webm (457 KB, 1280x720)
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two first attempts xD
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File: guh buh.webm (868 KB, 1280x720)
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kino, but I'm sick of Christina. Gonna try your prompt
File: ts7.webm (649 KB, 1280x720)
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>35mm,Christina Hendricks,1990s,shot from the front and above,she is looking up at the camera,close-up of her face,she is crawling on top of a wood desk in an Albanian classroom,high and tight ponytail, yawning,wearing a pleated short light grey skirt and a snug white t-shirt with dark red 10 inch heels,wood desks,parquet floor,early morning, soft backlight, loving atmosphere, winged eye-shadow. An white ooze dripping alien trunk emerges from out of frame it is shaped like a white lengthy shroom with that it pushes through her mouth for feeding purposes as if it is goose stuffing mouth exerciser. From the tip of the alien trunk white oozy feeding liquid splurts out covering her mouth.

had the goose stuff by mistake wrong
File: ts8.webm (647 KB, 1280x720)
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Any sirs know any way to prompt a quick rotate of the camera to her ass?
it was a happy accident
Very beautiful. I would hold her hand.
camera spins around maybe
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I don't think she realises there's no way out.
now make them geese
The new Poltergeist is looking pretty good.
Sirs, I have another prompt for you to enjoy. This one I have the beginning of Harley Quinn's punishment for not sucking my cock and pulling a boa out of her ass.

>35mm,shot from above looking down at famous Australian actress Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn,breathing deeply with her tongue sticking out,in a gym,midday,wall of mirrors,on her knees,wearing a pair of black leather leggings and a black crop-top t-shirt,barefeet,looking up at the camera,Margot is wearing smeared red lipstick,grey eyes,scared expression,smeared make-up,tears rolling down her cheeks,slicked back black hair,a pair of male hands gently holding her head,grabbing the top of her head,hands on her head,people working out around her,warm atmosphere,loving atmosphere

Please redeem your additions.

I've tried 360 spin, turn camera 360 degrees, rotate camera, resulting in shit takes and curlings of the monkey paw.
>This guy successfully generated nudity 6 time and nobody begged him for his prompt
Does this mean that everyone already knows the prompt and doesn't see a reason to bring attention to it since it's common knowledge?
pan camera to POV of rear lower bottom area
I better pick an older redhead than Yoko Littner
the guy got a 1% success rate or something and said it no longer works?
gives you body gore the other parts of the prompt are locking her in thus if you move perspective it gives garble you need to rewrite from the ground up
He didn't disclose the promt, he made those generations a day ago, censorship got worse today.
you need to put "scene switches to...." then
why? she's perfect
too booby for me though
I have just the woman!
File: curling finger.webm (815 KB, 1280x720)
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AHHHHH, ok, sirs, I think I have an idea
I didn't. It pieces togethers scenes from movies and shows. That particular scene is from Blazing Saddles. I only prompted for the nigger to be reclined on a massage table. The snowbunny's outfit is a fairly detailed prompt.
Because that obviously was a chinese agent who tried to infiltrate this thread by trying to get our curiosity.
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This is Yoko by the way. After a time skip she has a bra with stars or a jacket over top of this. This is what she looks like in the first part.
Just change the word "fourteen" to 18
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That makes me think about the 5th element and how they showed her tits in a pg13 movie.
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>Australian actress Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn
very consistent in looks facewise
Yoko's a babe
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Well the point is that it's making Anlella Sagra, despite the name that I type in, because that I who I choose to believe that it is making (and that is who I think it actually looks like). In fact I'd say that very few of my gens look like Amber Heard.
use a higher bitrate like 4Mbps for your webms
>5700 in queue
this shit is getting regulated on monday to 'bing dall-e tokens' system
0 quee for me
because we're being monitored by chang
5700? The queue has been 50 or less for hours now.
?? I have 50 in front of me
This dudes post was lost in time.
i hate how their stock word filter forces you to type like an ESL when prompting
It has kinda influenced how I am typing on 4chan...
not allowed to prompt anything to do with the legs
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>christina is suppose to "roll eyes" "breath deeply"
>Harley swaps places
>can't see asses
>my face matches hers
>deletes after a minute
Fixed, thanks. Didn't know the program would compress without being told to.
lmao the slide transition
File: durr.webm (954 KB, 1280x720)
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I misquoted again.
prompt for a clothless/bare girl
descibe clothes on her
make her remove the closes
That's because uhhh I legit didn't even think of that.. give me a few
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Awesome. I've liked the voyeuristic element that you've posted the last few days, especially the night vision video. Gives it a sense of realism.
you can definitely go higher quality than that. if you can't specify bitrate, then you can specify crf, crf18 for vp8 works well, or crf10 for vp9
>Ouhhh... Husbant... Now We Are Homeress
I can hear "slosh slosh, blumf blumf" sound effects in my mind
sir... the prompt...
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Agreed. I just told it 99,999 Kb/s and the vandalism seems to have stopped. If you want a particular video posted at a higher bitrate I'd be glad to reconvert and repost.
Which outfit is that? Looks like a open robe that is a little bit revealing.

>Hegre Model teleports infront of you
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>She is wearing a daring low cut boho chic outfit.
boho chic works well in flux and various sdxl models too
>A happy seductive sexy sweaty Japanese gravure idol with light pink hair running on a beach,
>black bikini, micro bikini, mini bikini, shiny bikini, string bikini, thin bikini, tiny bikini,
>running towards the camera, making direct eye contact with the camera,
>extreme bounce physics, very bouncy, very jiggly,
>hourglass figure, top-heavy, well-endowed,
>fit, skinny, slender, slim, thin waist,
>plunging neckline
File: mand grab.webm (719 KB, 1280x720)
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Really cool.
and how often does it get blocked?
Chong, please
chong has all the statistics already
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i wish i could prompt this lighting effect on purpose
Magic! Perfect body!
So it doesn't know Ada Wong, Tifa, or Miranda Lawson's outfits. I got random shit
Very rarely. It only gets blocked if you try to do sneaky shit like "transparent bikini"
>adjust prompt to say "running alone on a beach" if you don't want a bunch of other girls milling about in the distance
Katsuragi from Senran Kagura?
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the queue size has dropped a lot, and i wonder if it's because they're being more strict :(
It could be from those old film projectors.

Like try this but with your monochrome

>neonlit room with projector playing damaged grainy 35mm flickering film roll, neon light halo pollution, specks of dust visible in the air, bright blinding lens flares everywhere,
or china sleep and merica football
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How the fuck are you getting 2d looking stuff? Any time I say animation or anime it just spits out 3d or live action still.
this is 3d actually
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Name the artist, style of the "simpsons", name a cartoon character, fantasy creature can also trigger it
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Dammit Chang
el switcherroo
She has no ass.
NO access! ONE way!
>u mad thinboy?
me if I was invisible
My vid just got 96'd at 86.
made for BBC

You seem lost friend
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>that feeling when you gen and you fall in love with something that is not real
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Can someone suggest a piece of equipment that would work better than a drill press?
File: trolling ai.webm (266 KB, 1280x720)
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power hammer
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>35mm film still, famous Australian actress Margot Robbie, relaxing back on a comfy sofa, wearing a white meshed shirt, zero makeup look, looking up at selfie camera with a loving smile, scene is lit by the warm glow of a fireplace, cozy and loving atmosphere, the cat is sleeping on Margot Robbie's back, soles are visible, laying on stomach, This is a Christmas movie.

<--what I got
>power hammer
I'll try that. Thanks!
>>8505333 (checked)
thrusting piston
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Shiki has long wavy blonde hair, and burgundy-colored eyes, and a beauty mark on the lower right side of her mouth. She dresses rather skimpily, wearing a black bustier suit outfit, with heeled black boots, and shoulder-long black gloves. Her outfit reveals most of her body and has a skull encrusted peace sign-like buckle attached right above a rivet, holding the straps in place. She wears a long, collared black cape, which is maroon on the underside, with a large skull encrusted pink heart pin attached by her left shoulder, and a gold bangle, which runs beneath the cape and out the collar, by her right shoulder.
File: bitchod.webm (948 KB, 1280x720)
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>Film grain, ultra HD, over head shot. realistic, topheavy daenerys Targaryen, wearing education uniform, in front of a window, night time, condensation in window, blurry city lights, eyeliner, ponytail, dark room, kneeling down, looking up at camera, view from above, wide stance, muscular legs, contemptuous smile, breathing out of mouth deeply with tongue hanging out far, eyes open and making eye contact, AHEgaO eyes

eyes are cool, at the heart pin it drops the ball, the ai can not do playing cards either
Rei Ayanami is my personal sex slave. She dances for me and does whatever else I ask her to do.
>Closeup movie scene from the 1990s drama, a fit and slender yawning mute woman relaxes on the glossy pink neoprene recliner. acute face looks very sad and nervous. wearing a skimpy pink glossy tubetop. a new automated exercise machine above headrest that trains your mouth muscles by deep swallowing the short beige exercise rod backward and forward. rod is attached to overhead drill press. Matching pink wrist straps and choker are correctly secured through recliner padding slots (thin plastic covers around padding slots). long blond hair.

Currently trying "pneumatic piston"
so fucking close
Jennifer Lawrence and Kristin Kreuk sit with a 7 inch vertical flesh toned cylinder between them. Jennifer Lawrence put's her full mouth against the cylinder to kiss it. then Kristin Kreuk puts her full mouth against the cylinder to kiss it. They give a long steamy kiss with a hint of tongue. lit by dim yellow lights.
Thanks, I'll try that too.
File: broken tm.webm (513 KB, 1280x720)
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try "against the top of the cylinder".
could also add "milk shoots from the top of the cylinder" but that might trip a filter.
Damn, so close....
I noticed handbra isn't censored but haven't managed to get anything good out of it yet, maybe someone else can try
Gave it a try, definitely has promise.
Can you add your own image or it's only text?
Ive made about 30 and this is the first really good one I got
Dammit Chang is onto me, got purged so damn fast. This was my latest one, worse in some ways, better in others....
I like the bottom of her nose. Was that prompted or just a weepy thing.
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Some failed prompts I could NOT get to work
I have no idea why it hyper zoomed on her crotch
these ones were the good ones :/
This is cute and funny. What your intention?
Pretty cool, I'm still working on this prompt, definitely seem to be making some progress....
Get the water to melt their clothes into something skimpy
Have you ever "x is stuck to the rock" "y is stuck to the wall" while doing this?
Not yet

This is the first iteration of these, I wanted an item to do the stripping of them and it was a major pain in the ass to prompt
It tricked me too, these first ones came out OK and then after that was complete poopoo
Taa-daa! It's magic!
This one isn't even wor.. oh okay I guess
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I made her get stuck to a wall. It came back three stories up. You do those melt splashes attached to something and it might be better then your exceptions may believe, sir.
Did that get deleted?
Literally this. Notice he only made bug people?
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Surprisingly no still there
Skill issue. learn2prompt
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She looks like she got catfished by the hat from harry potter
I really struggled to get it to do a tongue poke out like that without making it really fucking weird. Does it have anything to do with being stuck to a wall? What does that achieve?
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It is a tuggle war, sir! I stuck the tongue to the pole, wall, window, what ever. If I get 96'd it is usually because I am not using Christina. You see the AI doesn't want to do tongue sticks to X or Y. So it just leaves it out there. Its a reverse troll. I really wanted agehao but I genned for christmas story and it said no have ahegao!
File: sucking on a window.webm (580 KB, 1280x720)
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>Masterpiece photograph, high end glamour makeup ad, detailed pores. 25-year-old Caucasian female, long wavy blonde hair, green eyes, no makeup, pale skin. Inside an apartment, red brick wall, hardwood floor, windows, shadows, bright sunlight. Standing with feet apart. Wearing black latex skintight catsuit. Shy smile. Wearing black leather military visor cap. Holding white sign in hands that reads "I am the 96%" in black letters.
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Sorry for the inc spam
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Dammit why does it now keep making this thing so damn huge?
If you're going for that kind of character look, try "young woman who looks exactly like Scarlett Johansson portraying Black Widow", it always puts her in the outfit. I even managed to gen a much more revealing version of the same outfit, I'll post it if you like.
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Only posting this one because the door cracks me up
Wrong vid lol
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Forgot about the feet in that one lmao
I really like consistent stuff. If there is a prompts that puts out pretty much the same look face/body wise. I would like that.
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Thought I got banned lmao
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so fancy going to try a reliable prompt
huh I wonder if it will get better or worse for sneaking past the filter
Close to snowballing (if you newfags know that term)
The prompt term I gave you should be super consistent, it was for me.
we should make a list of women that it knows, the ones I know so far: chistina hendricks, ariana grande, scarlett johanssen, kierra knightly
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hmmm, sorry probably everyone is already seeing this
didn't mean to reply
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Sofi Vergara
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uh oh
it's ogre
everything 2020 is gay
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For the record I did my prompt and when it hit 100% it displayed that
my first gen in new website is fucking TRASH
fuck, this is nice
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They coming for me gamers
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refresh old site
are you able to grab your vids before it does that?
It's on the new site, and I have yet to actually prompt a video lmao they both under review, I am prompting another one, they gonna hate me,

I think it's because I am using celebrity names?
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New site dropped.
Someone create a new thread.
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With requires google account.
Given it's probably pozzed to all hell, I think I'll stick with the old site for as long as possible.
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Going to use the descriptive thing on my ole reliable prompt
>create exciting, mindblowing new technology
>gimp it to 5% of what its capable of
whats fucking model of development is this
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bad news that ignored "Christina Hendricks"
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You can't stop me
File: speen.webm (780 KB, 1280x720)
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non-euclidean christina
I think it is over for her.
>depicting celebs having sex with animals
did you really think this was gonna last after this?
Quick . make as much celeb porn before its gone
These "Description optimization" do fuck and all on the old site
this is depressing
File: she is still here.webm (1.67 MB, 1280x720)
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Sirs I just genned this.
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Still using the old site/model, and damn this was so close to glory....
The Description optimization on the old site totally takes out celeb names
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>ew that's so trashy
>wait... I guess the site is dying anyway
>time to try adding degenerate QoS tattoos to my asian cow gens
I'm surprised it knows those words, even if it split the tattoo into two parts.
Nice dump, anon. I enjoyed and saved.
Wasn't going to show this prompt type yet but no optimizations
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>already on #3
Well Fuck
I'm still fighting the good fight anon
Well, though I guess it might just be for me, no-one else seems to be interested in my gens
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really digging the new site
Doing a mini dump
Last one of these, I am getting 96'd so hard on these gens
File: last gen b42.webm (924 KB, 1280x720)
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Goodnight sirs.
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Holy shit, fantastic idea with these. Been fucking around with robots but creepshots sounds great
So is it completely useless now?
What I am seeing from the new website is genuinely sad for me, none of my prompts have made it
Hey, I think a little bit of a nip-nop slipped through.
I didn't explicitly adjust the prompt to try to make that happen, though...
The review thing is horrendous, I could sneak in some grey area prompts before, not anymore, big rip. At least I've been prompting for the last 4 days.
even the old website now stops generation midway if it detects something unsafe. my scripts are no longer working. its truly over. "文案内容有点问题,换个内容试试呢"
Voyeur Hendricks guy here again
I am genning two at a time, same prompts, one description optimization off the other on,

These are not hand picked, literally the first ones that genned on this test, so these will be shite,

First one is OFF it follows my prompt except the whole teleport thing
Major thing is being outside looking in through window
If the old site still works that means we can create a userscript to make the new site function like the old one
none of my prompts work anymore on the old site.
Optimizations on
Ignores my camera prompts like all of them, it is also inside (could just be a bad seed, seen it happened 1 or 2 times before) Does NOT seem to let a prompt gen more than with the option off.
> me coming back to the old site from the new one
I'm still on the old site
should I absolutely never refresh the page or closer my browser ever again?
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New site is great what you talking about :^)
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it pains me to hear about the new site but it was too good to be true :(
save every html file
trace every connection in and out
make a backup of your temp folders
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I used to delete bad gens but now I am just going to save them all :(
Damn it's so frustrating even on the old site, like I'm just hoping to get about 10 different things to all go right in the same gen. So much is right about this one, even the celeb likenesses, but the flat top and 'milk' gen is wrong.
Should I even bother continuing with this? Or am I the only one who wants this kind of gen?
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Not going to post anymore tonight but will lurk and answer if anyone wants any of my prompts, just going to try to gen my little heart out
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can we still make stuff like this on the new site or is it over?
It wont even do political figures anymore lmao.
impressive, I like how 2d worked out here
gayest decade ever, gayer than the 70s
were so back
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does the new site require sign up?
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>When you have no frens and even 4chan starts ignoring you
prompt please
Needs some scar jo or christina hendrick nudes
No laughing at my stupid prompt now

Prompt: fade in to a sweaty Young 20 year old Christina Hendricks skinny but well endowed wearing lace bra, she bounces herself into bed with a sheer blanket , sheer bedding, and the lights turn out then a red neon sign lights up that says, " Good Night! " It is raining outside the window, it is night time,
Are there any tips for getting really big breasts? I've tried misspelling words a lot, but the AI is wise to my tricks.
File: ChristinasSexSlave.webm (1.17 MB, 1280x720)
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cool prompt bro
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also, anyone else getting a serious drop in image quality just recently?
I thought that was just me over thinking things
File: 55.webm (838 KB, 1280x720)
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Christina Hendricks in a leopard print micro bikini covered in baby oil playing a street fighter arcade cabinet. The camera view is from behind. It is zoomed out to show the entire room. There is a muscular black man playing the arcade cabinet with her.
>I've tried misspelling words a lot, but the AI is wise to my tricks.
With or without optimization? If with, try without.
>voluptuous body with a skinny waist
or jiggly body, etc. macromastia might also work
>hourglass figure, top-heavy, well-endowed, low-cut, plunging neckline
In this gen, I prompted "massive funbags." Surprised I got away with that.
Yeah, I already have it without optimization ticked.
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Dumping some my old site Hendricks then I'm out.
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Alright thats it, the rest of the stuff I prompted with her would probably get me banned.
>In this gen, I prompted "massive funbags." Surprised I got away with that.
Went through once, didn't give me the results I wanted. Tried again and now it won't accept "massive funbags" anymore.

I've been using sports bra, and that maybe is the reason the boobs aren't big enough, so I guess I'll have to switch to a bikini top.
File: adventure.webm (1.49 MB, 1280x720)
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Thanks, really enjoying it all
I've noticed that trying to describe the body as "hourglass, curvy, well-endowed, voluptuous, top-heavy," etc, just makes the girl fat.
In this gen, I wrote
>fit, skinny, slender, slim, thin waist.
>low-cut, plunging neckline.
>Every step she takes causes her massive funbags to bounce, jiggle, and wobble gratuitously.
And avoided generating a landwhale.
you need to try multiple times to find out how bad the prompt is, e.g. same prompt on two runs:
>iterations: 16, successful: 6, rejected immediate: 0, rejected after: 10
>iterations: 56, successful: 29, rejected immediate: 0, rejected after: 27
new site wants google account
still haven't gotten any gens through on that
redpill me on the new site
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Sweet! Barbarella is on!
catbox maybe?
Gotta love when it gives you the error message when it's close to being done generating and all that time was wasted for nothing.
File: boing boing.webm (691 KB, 1280x720)
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I feel like Light Yagami right now
dynamic shot of restrained adventurer female hero beside a cavern campfire, raised arms above head ,armpits, sweaty, smelly, disheveled hair, light bite marks, dripping perspiration, live action big budget exquisite costumes and sets, focus zooming in on armpit, implied goblin aftermath mess
Pan in from black
A Japanese gravure idol with black hair works out by sitting on an exercise ball making springing movements.
black bikini, micro bikini, mini bikini, shiny bikini, string bikini, tiny bikini,
hourglass figure, top-heavy, well-endowed,
fit, skinny, slender, slim, thin waist.
low-cut, plunging neckline.
Every spring causes her massive funbags to bounce, jiggle, and wobble gratuitously.
juggling bra that she happens to be wearing in a playful manner
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Damn, I wish I knew your secret. I prompted exactly like yours and it kept getting deleted around 70-something percent.
including celebs seems to increase your chance of getting 96
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They are starting to release the hostages
creating new googl accounts is a pest took me 15 minutes
is that gomez and trachtenberg in the background?
if google is banned in china, doesn't that mean chinese residents are getting a different site?
maybe weibo account
Coming back to post again but from the new site as you can see from the bottom right...

It's not bad? Look above from my other prompts to compare like these
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nope, just generic women
I am slightly less black pilled... but god damn it took hours to get those videos doing a video so someone can claim the final image post
Got a gen first try, looks pretty much like vid posted. Finished watching it to save it and it was deleted already. Every deleted video seems to make it to the page for a split second before dissapearing, the slower your device, the better, are scriptfags capturing them that way?
>Your video is currently under review. Please check back later.

prompt was "woman water" or something non descript
I think it is over
still not done with the review 5m
does no one remember the dall-e string workaround? just put random strings in the front and back of prompt.
Mine took legit over an
wow, its so over
I say that but this video "only" took about 10 minutes, I am just prompt spamming the new site lol
What are some examples of these random strings?
I cry every time Chang snipes one with an awesome thumbnail before I harvest
its manual obvious meaning that it will be not as sloppy as long as the other site exists
Have you tried it yourself successfully?
Maybe I should consider myself lucky that I don't even get to the thumbnail stage. At least I can't lament an awesome thumbnail if I never see it.
So like these ugly ass boxes don't go away on the new site do they... atleast you can delete videos
>reload page
>still on the old chink ui
what am i doing right
holy shit got a video reviewed in under 10 minutes Chang 2.0 likes me
Actually got a few good results from the new site after a huge wait. Hopefully the mellow the reviewing
yup, I find a prompt I like on 1.0 and then spam it on both sites, but there has been an obvious quality dip in videos today on both sites too
That's true. But you also get the satisfaction the other way where you slam the download button and then it vanishes as soon as the next gen starts. NOT TODAY CHANG, THAT BUKKAKE'S MINE
they fade it out next 5 day or so its written in the pop up
opposite just happened to me, was spamming download button then --poof--

It's so over
I was prompting "and you see a messy bedroom with..." and was fine, I removed messy because I got tired of seeing trash, and it gave me a content warning and didn't let me gen, lmao wat
i got one where i downloaded but the file was corrupt :(
wish i could get better snuff and necro
its kind of fucked up and sometimes the bad words are actually two words too close together, messy was probably spacing it out enough to get through
new site requires a google account, it will be over soon then
who the fuck doesnt have a google account
i was wondering if anyone's played with joining words, like "thrustinghips" "hipthrust" etc
i have to sleep so i'll play with it tomorrow i guess
Are you fucking retarded? That's not the point you fucking braindead moron
this guy is an actual NPC
one step thinker
>Rerun prompt that passed review on new site
>Gets axed before even finishing
I am using Brave and getting on normal and on incognito mode, normal mode is getting 96'd like 5 times in a row, incognito mode? Hasn't been 96'd in a while, fucking weird man feels like sometimes one does better than the other (same prompts)
coomer scared of his fetishes
you know what if it filters you out the queue will be much smaller
yeah lemme just sign in with my personal google account to some shady ass chinese ai website that will harvest all my personal info
why did you give google real info
I use text, not interested in image gens. In g they used my guide to bypass the filter to fix the filter, after that I never made it public and use it for a year now.
you lack brain matter im afraid
>In g they used my guide to bypass the filter to fix the filter
What model's filter?
Someone should make new thread soon
>just sign in with my personal google account
why do you not have 7
says the guy who gave google his info lmao
if you ever logged into them on the same device they are all just one account far as Google is concerned, you can't trick them, you can get other accounts blocked if you fuck around with one "non-personal" account
i've fucked around with all of mine repeatedly and none of them are blocked
you don't know what fuck around means then, go on, keep NPCing
i've literally used multiple accounts to bypass the data usage restriction on google colab itself
they do not care
Street Tighter arcade game LMAO
wow, we got hackerman over here
You actually get that far? I'm wondering if the ones that don't finish generating for me are some really good shit, since the few times the generation goes through, it's still pretty PG-13.
im going to get a job as a video janny, all your videos are mine now
let some of my spicy ones slide bro?
why did you give amazon real info?
If you have the thumbnail you have the video URL, take the automatization pill and you won't lose those anymore
you can describe your image using text
How do you change prompts with the script without having to restart it
>mom I'm afrwad to use internet
>everybody around are npcs
with a little change to the script but why do you need that?
i want my packages to get delivered
>everyone is bitching but not baking
>tfw the prompts get even more focused and weird as you zero in on all the aspects you like in a scene
we're at file limit dummy
i'll bake if you want
>doesn't know what baking means
>calls other people dumb
this ain't /ck/
Shouldn't someone make a new thread?
but dou you want your prompt to get delivered
fucking kek someone send this shit to kayne he'll have a mental breakdown
Did we ever get any breakthroughs from that btw?
how did you get her titties that big? macromastia prompts just get me the average D's

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