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Tig ol' bitties
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>>145why are coomers like this?
I prefer the one with the cock
Two melons in a shirt
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Tent or tuck?
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Which ever
Got a favorite size?
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Joking aside probably C-D in real life. Again depending on body type. In real life it gets to be a turn off when they're just massive implants and surgery is more like human mechanics making a bimbo sports car of a person.

There's this time on tv I was watching a woman trying to break the record for biggest boobs and she ran out of skin. So they had to use pig skin for her implants, only time I felt truly disgusted by big boobs.
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I had a relationship with a woman who had G cups and those fat tits were heaven on earth. I think there's trepidation on huge tits irl but getting my hands on some changed everything.
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That's repulsive.
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>when the front is visible from the back
It’s hard out there, finding artists to commission for giant brown breasts.
I feel like it can't be that hard.
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I got lucky
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Acknowledge the booba.
Praise the booba.
Worship the booba.
All hail the BOOBA.
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Slop posters begone
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AIkino posters, welcome!
Nah, that's just hagcore. Very niche, but very boobie.
Don't joke, I knew girls like this in MS who were sticc n thicc in the tit.
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Damn a Rocket Power titty edit, that's rare.
It's from a /co/ edit thread a few weeks ago. Not sure why a new one wasn't made yet, though.
Atomic Boobie art is damn rare.
Though, you'd figure in the future, they'd have antigravity bras or something to offload any weight.
You can't just post that and not give a sauce, mate
They were making threads too often and decided to take a break so that people could create more material.
>too often
It was just back to back threads like the drawfag general.
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>Tfw no gf with tits like this
Deep spiritual pain
Hahaha right? That would be insane
Couldn't they had drawn the feet more attractive?
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Damn I miss Zoey.
like fucking clockwork
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I know that feel. Trying to draw on digital more so I can make some tiddy flavored art for myself and commissions. Got a ways to go though, so good luck.
01100010 01101111 01101111 01100010 01100001
Kino begets kino.
I think your fundamentals are pretty good already.
This already looks good, I’d throw you a bit of money for booby sketches
At the very least throw me a social so I can commission you when you’re up for it
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Nice to hear; will keep an eye on the Funbag Friday threads for the meantime before opening. Still need to draw more for consistency at least.
Wait, Mississippi has chicks built like that?, DAMN
bat milk
harorlood on twitter.
It's mostly black and white comics about this girl but sometimes it's really good.
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Big Beautiful Boobs with Freckles, I wish I could see that video!
Keep at it anon, already this looks ten times better than the masses of retards on Reddit trying to peddle their /lowbeg/ skills for commissions.
Hopefullybeit I’ll find you again when you’re ready
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Your slop is terrible.
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If we’re going to post slop, we’re going to post good slop.
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There’s never an excuse to post slop with hands that bad, or eyes like that.
I was using AI mirror, I don't know what they use
I would make her my breeding slave immediately. Dayum I love Atomic Betty's tits
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Take some fucking pride in your slop.
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The app literally has a watermark
you coombrain tards can’t even wait until Friday?
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>half the fucking thread is AI slop
This is why nobody likes you slopfaggots, you fucks are actual cancer.
This is petty even for you guys
To be honest. I don't even do Friday threads. Is it okay to ask for requests here or Friday?
So post more actual art you faggot
Are you seriously complaining that the thing you use for instant gratification was made in the same amount of time that you'd spend looking at it? Get a grip.
Not him, but yes, I'd rather the thread die than have to look at that weird, plasticy sheen AI gives all it's art
>made in the same amount of time that you'd spend looking at it?
What my eyes take to appreciate things does not equal the length of time it produce to make.

You can look at the grand canyon, statues, building trees in seconds.
So it's not enough that you have decades of free porn at your finger tips, you also need more AND for it to have hours of work put into it just so you can look at it briefly and hide it away in a folder? Seems insanely ungrateful.
Correct, people appreciate quality anon
It's ai slop Luigi, you didn't make it
Clearly they don't otherwise we wouldn't see a rise in AI art to match the increasing demands for instant gratification. Believe it or not you get what you deserve!
Oh I'm not condoning or defending AI art, I'm mocking those that think they have any ground to stand on when it's directly their fault.
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This thread makes me feel like Will Smith in irobot.
Given the hate it gets, I'm not sure it is
You're right! It does get a lot of time in the spotlight doesn't it? Funny thing about the attention economy though, positive or negative it still spends the same.
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Having decades worth of free porn doesn't matter if it's not good porn.
Motherfucker its total entertainment forever, you can't put a qualifier like quality on infinity.
>Funny thing about the attention economy though, positive or negative it still spends the same.
You're an actual retard, by your logic Morbius was a roaring success. Oh wait, it fucking bombed, because attention means nothing if your reputation is in the dirt.

AI art has been so thoroughly poisoned by by bad actors and lazy morons like you that no sane person is willing to look it for more than five seconds.
Why the fuck should I spend the finite time I have on this Earth trudging through infinite AI garbage when there's more than enough quality content made by actual people that already exists, and is still being made? Imagine taking pride in having less than zero standards. Couldn't be me.
Bombed does not mean unprofitable! 75 million budget, brought in 160 million, and cemented itself as a movie so bad that you and your friends just *need* to rent and mock it. Elon Musk is wildly unpopular but his stock price is directly linked to how much attention he gets and that number keeps climbing.

You also accidentally landed on the purpose of AI art, it's not MEANT to be looked at for more than 5 seconds. It's meant to be scrolled past by dopamine starved people to give them a fleeting sense of enjoyment which is what the internet is slowly becoming for.
I was talking about the century of porn that already exists on the internet, not AI. There is a practical infinity of porn already and it's STILL not enough for some people.
>Bombed does not mean unprofitable!
Except AI has proven to be wildly unprofitable in basically every conceivable way that isn't an outright scam.
>75 million budget, brought in 160 million, and cemented itself as a movie so bad that you and your friends just *need* to rent and mock it.
They released that movie TWICE. That alone would put this movie into negative profits, and Madam Web didn't even make half of that. Negative reputation matters you dumbass.
>It's meant to be scrolled past by dopamine starved people to give them a fleeting sense of enjoyment which is what the internet is slowly becoming for.
And you think people LIKE that's what the internet is becoming? Why the hell do you think people want MORE of that?
Thread about Tiddies
Moved to /aco/
Nothing but ai talk. Nobody posting tiddies anymore

>I was talking about the century of porn that already exists on the internet, not AI. There is a practical infinity of porn already and it's STILL not enough for some people.
You fundamentally do not understand what art is for. Art appeals to people because it's a form of communication between the artist and the audience, ESPECIALLY porn. People aren't just looking at a stick figure and two circles and going WOAH BOOBA. They appreciate the effort that goes into it, the conscious decisions make down to the micro level that reveals something about the artist themselves. The unique personality they display that makes the work feel alive.

AI "art" is spam in its purest form. It's content made by nobody, FOR nobody. Without that human element, you may as well cut the middleman by secluding yourself entirely with a blow up doll.
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Don't confuse indifference for malice, people didn't 'hate' madam web they just didn't care about it. To be clear, I'm just calling balls and strikes. I also hate AI art down to its foundations but I'm just being realistic about the world we live in. We live in the world we created and that's Total Entertainment Forever, the American dream of pure convenience. Moving practical infinity to literal infinity as we strap headsets to our face because our spines can't handle the way we hunch over and we're not about to give up subway surfer videos.
>Don't confuse indifference for malice, people didn't 'hate' madam web they just didn't care about it.
Well yeah, because Sony's reputation for churning out garbage damaged any faith in it being good. If all you're known for is churning out garbage, people stop showing up.
> Moving practical infinity to literal infinity as we strap headsets to our face because our spines can't handle the way we hunch over and we're not about to give up subway surfer videos.
Sorry, but I'm not as pessimistic. People do generally have standards, and wherever it is it tends to be above AI shit. Pretty much every attempt to force into the mainstream so far has been met with severe backlash.
This. You lil shits don't remember 90s and 00s art. It was pretty shit, even into the 10s. But that run of 90s stuff, I wouldn't want anyone to be forced to crank to it again. We had to...because it was all we had.
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I might be in a more pessimistic corner but more than anything I'm trying to look at this realistically. The thing holding AI back now is the quality, it's very clearly in its early stages and can't realistically compete with actual art but in the world of silicone valley that doesn't matter to VCs. They're banking on this as the next content revolution because they're already reaching the limits of what one person can create VS how fast the attention economy has become, the goal is slop because slop is profitable and literally always will be. Look at every other industry on the face of the planet to see why quality does not matter in a consumer economy.
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>The thing holding AI back now is the quality, it's very clearly in its early stages and can't realistically compete with actual art but in the world of silicone valley that doesn't matter to VCs.
It's been "in its early stages" for the past three years now. For reference, that's the same amount of time between the SNES and the N64. You can't put the burden of proof into some theoretical future, especially for a tech that is very obviously on the verge of collapse. The entirety of the internet has already been scraped, and the best these machines can pump out is derivative garbage at best, shit no one cares for.
>They're banking on this as the next content revolution because they're already reaching the limits of what one person can create VS how fast the attention economy has become
The tech industry is banking on this because they literally ran out of things to innovate on. Silicon Valley has been running on fumes for years, which is why they resort for damaging scams like Crypto, N/F/T's and AI. Thing is, once this AI bubble pops, so does most of the tech industry.
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You're not necessarily wrong but you're missing the forest for the trees. Even if it's not literal artificial intelligence we're still teaching machines rationality, we're giving them the tools to problem solve. we're still in the beginning stages of the third industrial revolution and in barely half a century we've fundamentally changed how the entire world communicates and organizes.

We're not talking about the jump from 2D to 3D, we're talking about the ability to display programs on a screen at all. The industrial revolution changed humanity's relationship with labor and production, AI has the potential to change humanity's relationship with management and ownership. AI's real potential lies in its ability to organize, to take in billions of bytes of information and structure it in the way it was asked to. The reason I think it's being used to mass produce content instead is because if it WAS allowed to flourish in management it would reveal the contradictions within our current societal structure. AI can't lie and it can't make justifications like humans can, if we fed it the bank receipts instead of YouTube videos it would be fully aware of how much money goes where, how, and too who, and I would be willing to bet that the people in charge wouldn't appreciate showing everyone how exactly the economy works.
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Again, you fundamentally do not understand what art is for. Art isn't about "getting better" it's about expressing your thoughts to the audience, and gradually improving your ability to do so. AI cannot do that, because there's no thoughts or emotions to translate. Every AI piece that isn't an outright screencap of an existing work looks plasticey and dead because of that.

>Even if it's not literal artificial intelligence we're still teaching machines rationality
You bought a load of crap from the world's fattest fertilizer salesman. These algos aren't rationalizing in the slightest, it has never moved past a dolled up auto complete. AI objectively does not understand concepts, it just predicts from a string of tokens and data already programmed into it. These generators do not know what a "film" is, but they have databases filled with Marvel and LOTR media, and those are labelled as "film", so they regurgitate Marvel and LOTR screencaps even without being prompted to do so. It would be wise to read this before you continue posting:


>AI can't lie and it can't make justifications like humans can
No, but it can just make up complete nonsense with no basis in reality, without an actual body that can be held accountable to that. What you're referring to is just a normal program that can already do what you're talking about. AI only exists to obfuscate that.
Is the Ai slop spam why this thread got tossed into /aco/?
Cuz that typically doesn't happen with /co/s big titty threads
Pretty much, yeah.
I don't know how you could think I support AI art after everything I've written.
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Support your local big tiddy artists! Reject all AIslop!
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I never said you supported it, only that you've fell for a lot of the propaganda peddled by techbros. It cannot be understaded how genuinely useless this tech is, outside of outright scams.
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>It’s hard out there
You have not tried hard enough, anon.
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Obvious edit is obvious
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paheal sucks because it will never upload pics of my wife like this
Thoughts on Balloondolls?
Kill it with fire.
simply the best. wish people would draw more of it (and dipshits didn't clog up the "top heavy" tag with unrelated garbage)
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who is she, again? i can't quite remmeber this /co/bert
nvm she's from proud family
More MRE because slimstacks are the best, especially when the art paradoxically focuses on their lacking ass
Posting Power Girl is cheating
No. The futa posters are the cancer of this board.
Who made this?
I want to deepthroat those nipples.

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