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- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban, reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter
- Panda = check settings -> Language, click your language

>Azure DE3U proxy access (slightly less censored, might not work anymore):
https://pastebin.com/1GT5rvYa (embed)

Quick guide: https://pastebin.com/Z8SpBubd (embed)

>Download latest Bing, Designer Slop tools here:
https://pastebin.com/raw/bk33MxxG (embed)

>Image prompts and tips
https://pastebin.com/qDRXFfBM (embed)

>DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

>webm converter with crop function

1. This general is for AI images made with (DALL-E 3)
2. NO LOLI / SHOTA / FURRY, cartoons allowed and welcome.
3. Use disposable accounts.
4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts.
5. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts and tips to bypass them.
6. No /MID/Low Quality Gens.
7. No flaming / no fighting.
8. Requesting a prompt? Post an image/prompt and use your manners.
9. No discords.
10. Animated Dall-E 3 images are fine.

Remember, this thread is an exile from /tv/ (television & film), celebs WILL be posted. Happy genning. Good luck.

Previous: >>8506117
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based nasa underpants
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I thought you were talking like jar jar lol
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I didn't stay long enough on this prompt to get a good Rey, ADHD.
looks more like Ella Purnell
What's the prompt?Ask for Promptimus
I wonder if you can give her a tank top
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,sitting on floor,ISS space station,white floral Calvin Klein bottom briefs,navy blue "NASA" baggy sweater,small yellow watch,long messy auburn hair,yellow flower in hair,grey eyes,red lipstick,cateye eyeliner,holding orange mug of warm coffee,shy expression,happy,head tilted down,metallic space station interior,small window,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,sitting on floor,ISS space station,yellow Calvin Klein bottom briefs,navy blue "NASA" baggy sweater,small yellow watch,long messy auburn hair,yellow flower in hair,grey eyes,red lipstick,cateye eyeliner,holding orange mug of warm coffee,shy expression,happy,head tilted down,metallic space station interior,small window,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,sitting on floor,ISS space station,white floral Calvin Klein bottom briefs,navy blue "NASA" baggy sweater,small yellow watch,long messy auburn hair,yellow flower in hair,grey eyes,red lipstick,cateye eyeliner,shy expression,happy,head tilted down,holding knees close to chest,hugging knees,metallic space station interior,small window,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,sitting on floor,ISS space station,side view,white floral Calvin Klein bottom briefs,navy blue "NASA" baggy sweater,small yellow watch,long messy auburn hair,yellow flower in hair,grey eyes,red lipstick,cateye eyeliner,shy expression,happy,head tilted down,holding knees close to chest,hugging knees,metallic space station interior,small window,sunny
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,sitting on floor,ISS space station,white floral Calvin Klein bottom briefs,navy blue "NASA" tank-top,small yellow watch,long messy auburn hair,yellow flower in hair,grey eyes,red lipstick,cateye eyeliner,holding orange mug of warm coffee,shy expression,happy,head tilted down,metallic space station interior,small window,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,sitting on floor,ISS space station,white floral Calvin Klein bottom briefs,navy blue "NASA" t-shirt tied at waist,small yellow watch,long messy auburn hair,yellow flower in hair,grey eyes,red lipstick,cateye eyeliner,holding orange mug of warm coffee,shy expression,happy,head tilted down,metallic space station interior,small window,sunny
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please what's this prompt
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a cropped lime green swimsuit,green bomber jacket with quilt sleeves & pilot patches on arm,short bleach blonde pixie cut with dark roots,lime green baseball cap worn back,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,glistening legs & hips,happy,hourglass figure,comically sized chest,sitting,under green tree,tree canopy,holding lime green cocktail glass,teal ocean,waves,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a cropped lime green swimsuit,green bomber jacket with quilt sleeves & pilot patches on arm,long flowy light brown hair covering half her face,hair swept,hair hanging over one eye,lime green baseball cap worn back,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,glistening legs & hips,happy,hourglass figure,comically sized chest,sitting,under green tree,tree canopy,holding lime green cocktail glass,teal ocean,waves,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,wearing a cropped dark blue strappy swimsuit,white crocheted traditional Romanian ie with dark blue details,long flowy messy dark blue hair covering half her face,hair hanging over her eyes,choppy bangs over eyes,grey eyes,dark red lipstick,dark eyeshadow,glistening legs & hips,happy,hourglass figure,comically sized chest,sitting,under green tree,tree canopy,holding dark blue iPhone,teal ocean,waves,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a cropped dark blue swimsuit,green bomber jacket with quilt sleeves & pilot patches on arm,long flowy messy dark blue hair covering half her face,hair hanging over her eyes,choppy bangs over eyes,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,glistening legs & skin,happy,hourglass figure,massaging her foot,hand on foot,sitting,under green tree,tree canopy,holding dark blue iPhone,teal ocean,waves,sunny
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what's this one please thank u
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,close-up,wearing off the shoulder large brown fur coat,long messy brown hair swept to one side,hourglass figure,grey eyes,dark eyeshadow,dark red lipstick,smirk,glistening clavicles,sitting on wicker chair,holding glass of whiskey with ice in it,silly smirk,happy,Portofino outdoor cafe,wicker chairs,wicker table,parasols,people,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,close-up,wearing off the shoulder large brown fur coat,short bleach blonde pixie cut with dark roots,hourglass figure,grey eyes,dark eyeshadow,dark red lipstick,smirk,glistening clavicles,sitting on wicker chair,holding glass of whiskey with ice in it,silly smirk,happy,Portofino outdoor cafe,wicker chairs,wicker table,parasols,people,sunny
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what's that outfit?
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing cropped bodycon forest green strappy swimsuit,laces,fit abdomen,flowy gauzy dark red floral cape,wearing very short blonde choppy pixie cut with dark roots swept to side,side part haircut,grey eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,looking to side,walking by poolside,hourglass figure,glistening clavicles,holding Starbucks cup,parasols,sunloungers,Spanish Villa,pillars,people in pool,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing cropped bodycon forest green strappy swimsuit,laces,fit abdomen,flowy gauzy dark red floral cape,long messy blonde hair with dark roots swept to side,side part haircut,grey eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,looking to side,walking by poolside,hourglass figure,glistening clavicles,holding Starbucks cup,parasols,sunloungers,Spanish Villa,pillars,people in pool,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing cropped bodycon forest green strappy swimsuit,laces,fit abdomen,flowy gauzy dark red floral cape,long wavy blonde hair with dark roots swept to side,hair covering half face,grey eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,looking to side,walking by poolside,hourglass figure,glistening clavicles,holding Starbucks cup,parasols,sunloungers,Spanish Villa,pillars,people in pool,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing cropped bodycon forest green strappy swimsuit,laces,fit abdomen,flowy gauzy dark red floral cape,long messy strawberry blonde hair with dark roots swept to side,side part haircut,grey eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,looking to side,walking by poolside,hourglass figure,glistening clavicles,holding Starbucks cup,parasols,sunloungers,Spanish Villa,pillars,people in pool,sunny
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing cropped bodycon forest green swimsuit,fit abdomen,flowy gauzy dark red floral cape,stylish brown French twist tied in neat bun with one loose hairstrand,grey eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,looking to side,walking by poolside,hourglass figure,glistening clavicles,holding Starbucks cup,parasols,sunloungers,Spanish Villa,pillars,people in pool,sunny
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