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TES General
https://www.tesgeneral.com/ [WIP]

Anon's Lewd Guide for Dummies
LE: https://rentry.org/oicfh
SE: https://rentry.org/vgxyh

Recommended skin and body suites

Recommended mods for lewd screenshots

Recommended sites for outfits

Butthole Compendium

Link to old OP

Elder Thread: >>8488752
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Seriously why do people sperg about her? I think she's the best waifu itt
Yeah that post is totally honest and definitely not an attempt to start shit. Fuck off.
The poster himself makes other dogshit ones including that one you guys glaze so fucking much.
I don't care much for Synthia but most of his characters are pretty good. Something tells me you hate him for other personal reasons.
Synthia is dog shit and his other characters are slightly less shit. Everyone else who posted their characters has surpassed the guy in every single way from makeup, body proportions, facial designs, vibrant screenshots, etc. There's a reason why the thread dies the moment he posts because others mostly agree with me. You wouldn't catch me giving unironic praise to a lovers lab reject.
So, I don't know why you believe it's a personal thing, it's just a non-subjective truth.
your opinion on these waifus?
All that trash you talk and yet nothing to show for it, like the heckling cowardly troll you are, who's bloated stuck under its own bridge.

Light seldom strike those who fear to bathe in it.
>The hard part is keeping your hands off your dick
seems like a good problem to have
Blud is having a meltie over pixelated females
this post would mean something if it wasn't the equivalent of a dumpster shouting down a trash can for being full of garbage
And you,"blud", is still in denial
Stop throwing a hissyfit like a woman and post something already.
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holy shit a post actually went through
I want more of these girls
only other one i took with those two
Shame to see what arurun was turned into, she was so cool in the beginning
Oh god I nearly spat water all over my monitor and keyboard. Fuck you, man.
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Hopefully Ventra-anon will post more of the best waifu.
Why is this anon so buckbroken over Gote?
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we just don't know
I'm gonna slap kat's butt!
Isn't that right, SISTERS??!!!
waifu is popular=I must hate waifu
some anons are just sad like that
Ventra and Synthia is fucking trash. Stop samefagging your waifu
gonna post something better or keep whining like a jew?
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I have CBBE 3BBB and CBPC (for jiggle physics), but those only cause jiggle during jumping/crouching/ragdolls, not during scenes. Did I probably screw up my plug-ins?
might need to make sure 3bbb overwrites cbpc in the left panel, and try reinstalling it.
That worked, thanks!
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no probs. oddly enough it's the opposite in my case.
I sometimes hate looking at my old stuff. I feel like sometimes I can do better.
>synthiashit thread
Hopefully the good waifus will start posting soon
same, I think I'll be skipping this thread
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all waifus are valid
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twice lost paizuri
Somehow you two manage to be even worse than synthiacancer
Built for groping from behind
>Go on my 1hr route
>Feeling great
>Grab breakfast for family
>Come back
>See that
Day ruined
Post groping from behind >>8517738
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Enouhg groping for now
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Lucky guy

Gotta keep chasing that unattainable perfection of your waifu.
>insert mysuri speech about perfection here
Kill yourself.
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breasts aren't for groping. they're for babies to get milk from, weirdos.
Post her getting fucked
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Can adults get milk too or is that forbidden as well?
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who wouldn't want a nice bard to explore the absolutely lore-friendly Gomaperoland with
stupid banana elf! needs correction...
What does groping bosmom feel like
Hope this counts
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Indeed! I never could get her to look right in SE sadly
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Heaven and sand

All elves need correction. Even the green ones.
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that will be done soonâ„¢. don't want to use randoms (even though husbando is just cock and arms) and don't wanna just snap a pic of SL anim now that there's SAM (and I'm autistic).

nonono NO! milk is for babies. even if supply feels infinite.


It's an older set but it checks out.
classic garbage
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big fat Elf booba
looks like garbage
This thing makes monsters like bosmom and synthia look normal and good
>more whining from niggers who don't post anything
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cool, thanks for contributing
impossible. The other two look like loverlab rejects.
Nigger look at those literal balloons, the bloated legs and the downie brazzers face on >>8521044
Unironically the worst thing posted in this thread so far, she looks like she is entirely made of plastic
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What was her name again
me on the left
Chubby Booby Elf (I think it's Nelayn?).
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Will those tits ever stop growing?
i diagnose this thread with missing me
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what >>8522400 said
>titty stretch marks
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a shitty, old overlay from a mod with its opacity turned almost all the way down
Hopefully not
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made some changes

good luck making her submissive, previous attempts were unsuccessful.
I would be interested to see what she looks like with a darker shade of lipstick and some accessories. Maybe some longer eyelashes.
Please dont encourage horrible shitfus
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i haven't really though about accessorizing much, mainly because nexus is a nightmare for things like that.
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the eyelash and lipstick changes def look neat though. pic unrelated
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if anyone is wondering if there is clipping in this shot
there isnt
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Carille butthole pics pls.........
this is basically modern bosmom
I wish
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don't get used to it anon, she absorbs her clothing with how fat she is
passionately sucking on nayan's toes
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Finally a hot woman
Is there a list for lewd fallout 4 modding as well?
No. Afaik it's sex modding scene is kinda dead (I don't play Fallout personally)?
French kissing nayan while she is like this...
there were plenty in here already
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Really dead today
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If you want to keep the current body you could blend in parts of Zhizhen skin normals since they provide a good amount of chub for the belly and make it look more threedimensional.
ava wasn't a looker to begin with but wtf happened to her face?
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His stuff is garbage. What did you expect?
How's your stuff though?
That doesn't matter. His points still stands.
Where's your stuff?
In my butt.
uh huh. do you have anything to post then?
I like livia
Post real waifus. No more garbage shit
You first, by all means.
thanks, I'd advise watching your neck though bro
man, trying to loop webms is mad fucking annoying
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i might give it a try sometime, but atm i don't wanna fuck up any of my current setup since rsv is ridiculously tedious to tinker with.
there aren't any
wow shes hot, post more of her
preferably her getting fucked
new skin texture I was trying out.
>ava wasn't a looker to begin with
It's her face scar, isn't it?
name 5 waifus you want to see more of
Your not funny
nintendo 64 tier hair
I might try that out for korrinth, been wanting to switch it up
You've lured me in. Are the pastebins still up to date regarding versions
>lured me in
Meaning what
Meaning he saw titties and he thought I want to do that in skyrim too
What kinda retarded question is that nigga?
Answering this to maybe get the thread movin, in no real order

Gael & her sister
Gote's amputated altmer dunno her name
Scarba, although im quite sure her creator is ded
Gael and her sis
unfathomably horrible taste
can we see the back?
great engagement.
Charlie? The redhead with the bush.
Really, mainly whatever desu.
>Charlie? The redhead with the bush
carille you irredemable retard
yoo thats crazy
>get a discord notification
>new Melodic release
>check it out
>looks like shit
Why am I even still there
I left years ago desu.

Think so.

Later, this was like the worse thing in the universe to weight paint. Most of these were to check for weighing and clipping.
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Synposter's Altmer paraplegic
Snake's Dunmer >>8515127
Oh to be a young Breton noble, kidnapped by a violent barbarian of a woman and forced to watch her be intimate with herself before she climaxes and squirts all over you and after her passionate performance is done she then tells you that you're going to be raped repeatedly in hopes of producing an illegitimate heir so she can bargain for land rights and a home for her nomadic group so they can finally have a place to live in peace
Willow. Just Willow
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I wouldn't recommend switching the textures altogether unless you aim for a more Korean look, however taking bits of normalmaps and blending them into the ones you're using should bring interesting results.

soon(tm), busy week

Snek laying pipe on more waifus.

the SE pill and the vast world of 3BA (or BHUNP if you must) garderobe awaits.

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