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The beautiful girls who feel most at home with the boys. Bonus points for the rare and elusive tomboy childhood friend. No futa, no faggots, yuri is fine.
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truly the thinking mans waifu
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a tomboy power bottom.
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Why is this so smoothly animated
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The greatest crime committed by the alphabet mafia is indoctrinating tomboys into thinking that they're secretly men
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Flou does top notch work
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the dream
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True of False: Bulma is a tomboy
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She started out as one, but gradually just became the tech gal
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me in the back
random purple hair rolling around on a mat before getting kicked?
that's the one
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These girls don't actually exist. Any woman that cute and that into fitness is going to be an instagram thot pouncing on other fitness models' cocks.
Any girl that eschews femininity for bro shit is either a dyke or warped into some word salad troon shit.
Besides if you were worthy of a women's affection you wouldn't be on fucking 4chan posting cartoon porn for (you)s.

That being said my favorite tomboy is Merida.
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>a fictional artistically drawn female aesthetic fantasy isn't real.

Very observant, anon.
ai shill propaganda
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You love it.
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garbage take from a degenerate ai poster. irl tomboys do exist but your not going to find them at starbucks or tinder. Get out of the city and you'll find plenty of girls who like sports, camping, guns, cars, beer, ect, without turning into some lesbian parody.
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I don't think that woman counts as a tomboy.
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>short but stylish haircut
muh heartboner
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Titty drop as a result of using her shirt to wipe her brow should be the tomboy national salute
lol, who cares what you call yourself, just enjoy the tomboys
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literally, what's so wrong with you that an irl tomboy because any less desirable just because they have blue hair and pronouns
maybe if you gave less of a shit, you wouldn't be posting r34 and you'd actually be out here in the real world with a big tiddy short hair cutie. they're actually all over the place, if you get over your debilitating phobia real people
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Spitting nothing but facts
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not that anon but blue hair and pronoun shit is a clear indicator that a girl is drinking the gay progressive coolaid. Tomboys are not trannies or """eggs""", they are girls who have more masculine interests and don't care as much about looking feminine. And no matter how much the gay mafia would like to claim otherwise a girl taking an interest in sports or mechanics does not put her in their group. Tomboys are about that gem of femininity surrounded by a more rough and tumble exterior, and any attempt to tie pronoun nonsense into that is just perverting the concept and should be shot down.
>women do all the work
>you just being a fucking coomer and unloading your seed like a beta bitch
>male mentality
>can only rebound with "ywnbaw"
you're not doing us any favors
>this conversation was someone's actual fetish
i could see that
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Tomboys are for impregnating
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Feels like random people come to tomboy threads to try to convince Tomboy appreciators they are gay or something. Women are women, even if they have non-typically female tastes and hobbies.
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Touch grass, retard
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Anon has the right idea. You might want to take your own advice.
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bot post
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Spitting nothing but facts, but for real
bruh tf is wrong w/ u? i just want an autist gf into cars. get that chip off ur shoulder faggot
Your mind is infected
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sockpuppeting is cringe
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Sorry I don't keep up with twitter lingo
>unloading your seed into a woman
>beta bitch
Peak fucking brainrot, leave the internet for a year you retarded faggot.
I hate that we've gotten to the point where ai is more coherent than this post
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