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Straight sexual content oriented for a female audience, typically made by women.

>the male(s) must be the main focus of the picture
>preferably, a female (not futa) must be present in the picture and have sexual contact with the male(s)
>the female(s) may or may not be attractive as well, or a faceless self-insert. She may also be the focus, but shouldn't steal the spotlight
>avoid posting girls with gigantic tits, ass, etc.; this thread is about the guys
>posting femdom is encouraged, but not necessary
>posting monster boys (non-furry) is encouraged

Reminder: since this is /aco/, either cartoon/western-style art regardless of origin, or anime-style art of western origin may be posted here. All Asian-made, anime-style femporn goes here: >>>/h/femporn

No yaoi (unless MMF/bi), no faceless dudes, no shota. Thank you.

Don't post /c/ or /cm/ content either (anything that's not sexual).

Examples of things you may post here:
>female self-shipping with a male character
>het ship porn
>your own femporn art
>male-oriented art that happens to have an attractive male as the focus instead of the woman

Tip: Make sure to use reverse image search sites such as Google Images, Yandex, or sauceNAO.com to find sauce, before asking in the thread.

Previous: >>8468642
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>page 8
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I do love some lapped-up hand stuff
got any more of this Ramona-Gideon dynamic? it's hot as hell.
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Lois does seem like the type to peg but also probably likes to be pushed around by the much larger Clark.
is that ibuki mioda and kazuichi soda? nice
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I posted a few in the last general but I'll be happy to do a mini dump of this artist again cuz she's great.
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Subby, needy Gideon is really cute too...
yes please. or even more of this type of dynamic, if you've got it.
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Seems like she's been doing more subby Gideon but I'll try to look for more dommy, smug nerds when I get the chance.
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>Subby, needy Gideon
Subby, needy guys in general are hot, especially if they're desperate nerds. Grinding on things because they're so ready to go, really looking for that attention and validation, etc.
>I'll try to look for more dommy, smug nerds when I get the chance.
thank you, anon.
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Oh boy... Do any of you seem to agree that grown up Poof is sexually attractive and handsome?

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yes absolutely
he's the hottest himbo hottie to ever grace fairly oddparents since the likes of future timmy turner and juandissimo
i wish someone drew him railing femanon
sound ver:
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would he invent sex technology for the both of them? or is that mixing too much work with play?

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