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Rebuilding society after the nuke edition
>Bonus for post apocalyptic scenarios
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males, lesbians are okay
>No gas or onara
>No drama
Previous thread
2024 was the year /aco/ got nuked. Never forget
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War is Peace!
I would not like to rape Malenia.

I would however like to have incredible orgasmic consensual sex with her in the cowgirl position doing Waterfowl on top of me.

It would probably kill me, but I as a Tarnished would just come back and do it again.
no QOTT?
I want a well-dressed handsome man to lure me in with his good looks and once he got me in his hands he'd steal me away and rape a kid into me
And I would be helpless to stop him
Spock looking?
I was reading how this is a surprisingly common sex fantasy for women, like almost half of women will admit to fantasizing about being raped at least a couple times a month. The theory is that for a woman a rape fantasy is really more like a BDSM fantasy with a plot and a psychological safety valve for not feeling dirty about the fantasy since clearly the action wasn't their fault, they were being forced.
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not her
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I love biology.
i read link turns rogue in echoes of wisdom and fights zelda and i hope the internet makes pages of rape porn out of that. nothing turns me on more than the hero turning rogue and raping the person he's closest to
now this is next level autism I want to see.
Had a girlfriend that asked that we roleplay this the first time we had sex without a condom.
Hey guys, odd question, but is anyone here a fan of genshin and Taimanin? I’m working on a story that heavily features rape, ryona, bad end, domination and humiliation.

I’d appreciate some discussion as i need to get ready for part 2
Love me some Taimanin .>>8532205

One of my earliest partners and I would do a similar role play
Do you know anything about Genshin? I need to divide the girls into groups. Also decide their fate.

The fic involves Ryona, Bad End, Humiliation and Domination. Is that a turn off by chance?
I'm not familiar with genshin or star rail. My phone is shit and can't run it well and I refuse to play a mobile game on PC.
Then would you think Taimanin would have done better with more creative scenes? Again, involving Ryona, Domination and Humiliation.

Like, if Asagi had countless clones of herself made for distribution as a sex toy and she could feel everything that happened to them.

Or if another Taimanin was forced to do livestreams constantly.
Well as a femanon, while your idea is hot I'd go even more dehumanizing. Onaholes made from a casting of her pussy and ass and mouth that let her feel the men using them to masturbate as through they were fucking her. Maybe using demon/ninja sex magic to transport the cum inside her. The 'manufacturer' could advertise them as 'self cleaning' to keep people from wondering why they never need to clean their sex toy.
So, I am doing a story, based on Genshin and it deals with what I’ve listed and Bad Ends, so how do you feel about them?

I don’t do stuff involving blood, but I have an idea for a scene where some girls are incased in magical amber. Essentially sealed forever.

The one character for the livestream is a guitar player, who never made it big and as a punishment for betraying her country, she has to do shows.
Also, just to go into more detail. The leader of a region faces down the enemy leader. Her name is Raiden and she is defeated. They use her sword(magic) to rip away all the power she has stored and then once her godhood is diminished, she is used as a mold for sex dolls.

They torment her by dressing up a living doll like her dead sister and they sell them as a model too. So you have a Makoto model and Raiden model.

The Bad End comes in with her essentially being treated too rough. Like she is fucked on a balcony and ends up falling…but is then immediately reincarnated into another doll in another place. I’ve got a list of the locations, but yeah…

Since you liked it, i thought i’d share more.

The story will have character death and female’s cucking females. Man Eater women and some other things.
Seems like you got a lot of work to do, Anon. Personally while I like the bad end it shouldn't be permanent imo. I prefer an escape or rescue at the end. (That way another bad end can happen later)
Im just scraping for idea’s right now. I’ve had some luck with other anon’s but many of the posts i went too, for the gooners essentially were very limited in interaction.

It’s also a request fic so…yeah. Thanks for your response
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This has the look of a woman to whom this has happened before and knows it will happen again.
I would like a ship full of women to get humped by discount facehuggers.
im not a huge taimanin fan but i'd let kiryu sabato rape me silly
gotta love the Emperor's Children
Indeed. Warhammer may have one of the best universes where rape is common place alongside Fire Emblem
fire emblem had rape?
Not enough sadly
lmao get hit on
this but with xenomorphs
breaking-in and claiming the prize
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What would you do first to a captured pow?
A bit of a different post but, thinking about it, realistically, there's a big chance he'd say no to my advancements if I ever met him. He was married after all. I don't think I can take no for an answer after years of obsession and my efforts to travel back in time for him. So, how many fangirls would it take to overpower and rape 1 Leonard Nimoy?
>Lenny stats: 183cm tall, 74kg, mid 30's
Also does this type of rape even work or will his peepee just be sad?
You can induce an erection if you stroke his prostate appropriately but in your 30's it's a bit of a coin toss
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>What would you do first to a captured pow?

"Pump them for info" would be my choice
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>I don't think I can take no for an answer after years of obsession and my efforts to travel back in time for him.

Spock-Anon going yandere? Hehe, that's something and really hot now that I think about it.

>So, how many fangirls would it take to overpower and rape 1 Leonard Nimoy?

It really depends from a multitude of factors. Would he resort to violence to overpower his attackers? If he's under the influence or would luring him into an ambush tip the balance in your favor? In any case I figure being a woman does give you an edge knowing he'd might not want to hurt any of you and has to restrain himself. Probably around 7-8 fangirls I'd say just to be sure to overwhelm him.

>Also does this type of rape even work or will his peepee just be sad?

Oh it will work! Funny since I imagine a "Keanu Knock Knock" situation is how it would go down. Playing exactly like from the film as he's tied up, but I love to imagine him also breaking from his bounds and breeding the brats as punishment afterwards.
tear off her shirt and grope those juicy breasts
>So, how many fangirls would it take to overpower and rape 1 Leonard Nimoy?
One dedicated spockanon that's for sure. Give us your measurements/stats so we can better decide
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Doodle. I imagine this is after a theatre performance and we push him back into his dressing room.
>I love to imagine him also breaking from his bounds and breeding the brats as punishment afterwards
Yeeeesss please
165cm, 54kg, early 20's. I absolutely could not take him alone haha
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>Rebuilding society after the nuke edition
Can't forget the classics.
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Another Pon farr scenario
>165cm, 54kg, early 20's. I absolutely could not take him alone haha
He may pretend for a moment, only to break free of his restraints and rape you.
>Doodle. I imagine this is after a theatre performance and we push him back into his dressing room.

I love how happy and eager the redhead is just by merely removing his shoes. I adore how you make rape look so wholesome and cute lol.

Amusing but when under that circumstance, the fangirls wouldn't be so smug even with their safety in numbers.
Not a fan of cum on your face?
There's a lot of "broken rape victim" porn out there, but is there anything good which shows girl who doesn't get broken and stays strong and defiant while being continuously raped and abused? I think that would be kinda hot.
I love that you guys are enjoying my sketches <3 Here's part 2
Don't mind it, but playing into the brat/ reluctant role is always fun.
who is the artist?
kek that's real good, though also I think it would be very well received at the femdom >>8467941 thread
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does molesting unconcious women count
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>I love that you guys are enjoying my sketches

I find reverse rape to be pretty hot and underrated. Even better knowing that they want to be bred and having that choice/control instead. Then again I personally enjoy rape when there's forced breeding involved.

He won't see that shirt again but the redhead will make sure it won't leave her sights and see a day where it will be washed. She looks so adorable in it lol.
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>but is there anything good which shows girl who doesn't get broken and stays strong and defiant while being continuously raped and abused? I think that would be kinda hot.

I do despise "mind break" for that, as it's become synonymous and the go to trope. >>8528872
This being an example on why I personally don't like it's prevalence in these types of pics.
any discord edgers?
how violent can the posts be? bruised?
Yes bruised is allowed, just no true gore (sadly)
I love this picture
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Bemma or Bemmaa
>ywnb a vampire's rape victim
it hurts
HOT! put in her place
Vampires are so cool. The film 'Interview with the vampire' was originally going to be produced in the 70's, and Leonard Nimoy was considered for the role of Lestat. I really like the 90's film but can't help but wonder how an older version might have turned out. *sigh* Nimoy had such a perfect look for a vampire. Self inserting here hehe
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>tfw you will never be a hot girl in a warzone captured and raped by a dozens of sex starved enemy soldiers

why live?
looking at these pics just makes me depressed because it will never be me
If you actually were to become a woman you wouldn't want that to happen to you
T. Autistic femanon
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>T. Autistic femanon
i refuse to believe that real [biological] females don't fantasize often and get turned on by the thought of being raped, specially since they are genetically programmed to be submissive

pic related
you would probably have pretty hard time finding a single woman who hasn't fantasized about being raped at least few times while fingering herself
Yes, but let me demonstrate how female rape fantasies work and how they differ from real life;
>fantasy: Oh, Mr. (Attractive, powerful, intelligent man I already have a crush on), no, haha, please don't make me suck your dick, oh no please haha
>actual rape: ugly mean good for nothing male with awful personality and looks uses violence to breed, when he in fact should never spread his genes
Real rape is just brutal and awful, the fantasies are more like bdsm/cnc stuff. I'd pay pic related to "rape" me, just go wild and use me but I'd not even hold hands with a random dude I'm not attracted to.
>genetically programmed to be submissive
This is not actually a thing in the real world. never was. Any submissive tendencies in the females of the species is a societal trait, not genetic. Which means it can be broken or overwritten with the correct stimuli.
>If you actually were to become a woman you wouldn't want that to happen to you

Not without lube. Shit hurts, a lot. God, it hurts like hell. Worse if it's in the ass. Can't walk without the pain for some weeks too.
Different game if there's lube involved. Like a walk in the park Smooth ride.
I fucking love this!
Truly clownworld, that is the best and the idea of a girl getting defiled as she pointlessly stares at her "anti rape protective armband TM" always makes me cum
i like that, is that from a comic or like a series of images?
Yes a series but next one is snuff so not sure if allowed here
The gap is so jarring between the massive rape fantasists here who sit and write 5000 words about how it's justified and hot, and the shitload of men who do it in real life without even realizing the significance of what they did (especially in countries where rape is a fact of life)
wdym? nobody is talking about justified grape fantasies here, only about how hot they are
plus unlike in india where the poo grape gangs roam, i am pretty sure that everyone in this thread gets turned on by grape fantasies but never actually wants to do it irl because it would make them feel like shit since people here actually have conscience
here in the humanoid grape thread, we like to make sure that she always eats ALL of the eggs now.
God it always turns me on when they're covered in bruises/cuts
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Anyone got comics about a pretty girl being raped or owned as a slave by an ugly burly retard? Picrel is all I got. Yes I know it's a very narrow niche but this is the internet.
getting scarlet rot as an STD
Anything with powergirl.
whats the plot of that comic?
Take all of her emblems, patches, buttons, buckles, medals and etc.

These will be great war trophies.
What about tentacles? Does that count?
since when is aco full of d fetishes i wish this was a bit cleaner as it used to be yeah i know it is western art but the fetish stuff used to be d it should need a new aco d stuff like this is even ugly while browsing
Eh, I'm a woman and I fantasy about raping men...and they don't like it.
Basically if Faith managed to go through with raping Xander, that scene was hot.
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>getting scarlet rot as an STD
Worth it
Sorry anon, you may have better luck at the European thread >>8469181
European anon is a master of finding comics for any fetish
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Please don't presume to talk for all of us.

That image there is from a comic by the artist Fernando, I think. He made comics for the Dofantasy/Fansadox platform. It has been ages, but from memory another artist from there named Slasher specializes in hot girls raped by ugly fat retards. Like in his Mama's Boy series.

You can find the whole Mama's Boy series and othe stuff from Slasher on 8muses. I can't post the link, not even with [dot], because that is blacklisted on 4chan apparently lol. Pic related should show where to get it.

You can check out other dofantasy artis as well, maybe Gary Roberts has something like this too.
By raping men, do you mean forcing yourself on their dick or raping them in the ass with a strap-on?
>raping men
thats gay af bro
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Found this just now

Sauce is Front Mission - Dog Life & Dog Style

the literal first issue https://mangadex.org/chapter/ff446d71-3dfd-4169-a8af-250c974df191/8
First issues often try to be as edgy as possible to set the tone and cause shock.
it's a good manga from what I'm watching with this review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=001Uy9xkOnA

it feels like an old school anime in terms of tone, aesthetic, and themes

it's honestly the type of anime I miss now and wish would come back

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