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Thread for the hottest elven lady
>No futa shit
>No gay shit but lesbians are okay
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
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>>8532626 (OP)
I do not approve of this nickname.
I find it cute
We need to stop with the AI slop its actually disgusting
I'm not normally one to criticize erotic material, but this doesn't really look like her at all.
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Posting some of my art
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Love drawing her. want to draw more once i get more ideas of what to draw and have more free time again
Beautiful art. DO you do commissions, anon?

If you (or others) are so inclined...

-Shadowheart and Dame Aylin (both including and not including Isobel)

-Shadowheart and the drow twins.

-Shadowheart and her spirit guardians (true to game size)

-Shadowheart, Shar, Selune in any combination and any way you want. Those statues of the goddesses are fire.

-I like Lae'zel best, and I usually play Drow, but shadowheart is very emo cute. Anything with Lae'zel or female drow is gonna be good stuff.
>>8532626 (OP)
>thread is called "shart"
>no gas allowed

False advertising.
times have changed
Came here to say this
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Too late
It's never too late.
I wish I was reborn a Mindflayer!
Same here.
I mean she's not wrong
How experienced is Shart?
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Way too much AI itt. Do you not love your waifu enough to put time and care into drawing her yourself?
AI is the future!
Always has been.
Me too!
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She's stuck with it forver.
Shart is such a perfect woman
nude version?
also, source?
>>8532626 (OP)
>I do not approve of this nickname.
It's how she'll always be remembered.
to you maybe
What is dating her like?
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She's the most beautiful elven woman ever. How experienced is she?
Not very, I'd say. She was raised as a religious zealot, and while Shar's not the kind of goddess who demands purity or anything she probably hasn't had much opportunity for fun either.
Shar sounds like the goddess of one night stands.
Yeah, long-term relationships would be viciously clamped down on (Lady of Loss and all that). But even with that Shadowheart in particular went through training from hell, whatever sex she had was probably just basic stress relief.
Plus ofc she lost most of her memories, so even the partners and encounters she did have are probably mostly forgotten.
I want to be reborn a mindflayer!
for what purpose?
I don't think mindflayers have dicks. That's not how they reproduce.
>for what purpose?
They are rape incarnate. To be able to violate their subjects down to their innermost core, to taint the very mind and soul. That is the most intimate form of rape ever
>Enter your tent after long rest
>See this

What do
The answer is always rape
Even when it isn't
I fucking love Shadowheart so much. Such an erotic woman, the scars make her even better.
but do you prefer her with black hair or white hair?
Black but as loving as white Shart
>Black but as loving as white Shart
you can't have it both ways
Black Shart is peak
that's better
you know you can post the full resolution here, like there's no rule against it or anything
now try posting the full res instead of the thumbnail
Wallpaper worthy?
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no way
Shart is so cute
right > left
I wish I could be reborn as a mindflayer!
it's not all it's cracked up to be, trust me
So when Shart's hair turns white, do we think it's just the hair on her head, or does her bush turn white too? Haven't seen much art featuring that.
Carpet definitely matches the drapes.
How hairy is Shart's pussy?
Wispy at most since she's a half-elf.
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Wait, there's no point in speculating when I can just load up BG3 and inspect her pussy.
Well, that's disappointing.
Nice and beautiful
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Slave trainer when?
Can't come soon enough. I want to break Shart!
get in line
what do the numbers indicate?
Shart in this is pure art!
she looks better with black hair
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who's the girl in the middle? I only recognize vampire boy and shart
what are those rings on her asscheeks?
Shart is so beautiful!
bitch needs to shave
She just forgot to.
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I prefer her hairy
Reflected studio lights.
Whenever you don't recognize a character in BG3 art, you can safely assume it's someone's PC/Tav.
>>8532626 (OP)
Dude how many threads have you started by now?
I want to Mindflay Shart!
Anyone have that audio of the Narrator describing Shart getting fucked by maybe an ogre or something?
No but I want that. I want to forcefully spread open Shart's pussy lips!

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