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Only the sluttiest girls who love to take dick
>No futa shit
>No gay shit but lesbians are okay
>No gas or onara
>No drama
what's with the half of a gear tattoo on her buttocks? what does it symbolize?
She belongs to the city
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I think it's a reference to Asami company, Future industries, logo. Basically Korra showing she's Asami property.
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Got milk?
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Shake that booty
Master of the Slutbender
I love this slut so much
such a hot bitch
It should've been Amanda in that very good sheer Slutwear school uniform.
love me some black thigh-highs
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Korra is a WHORE!
I'd love to have a night with Whorra
Same I bet sex with her is amazing
it is, trust me
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What about Asami?
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What happened to her? Is she still drawing?
no, her mom caught her so she quit
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What's in the bag?
what's being handed to her there?
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I want Kora to suck my cock
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Slutty Bumpas
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Connie is a huge slut!
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Awhile ago I commissioned some pictures that were based on Owler's "stripper korra" pictures. (I didn't commission Owler herself because I wouldn't have been able to afford it and I'm fairly confident that they and kyhu/Iahfy don't draw anything but lesbian stuff nowadays and I'm not into that.
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Basic idea is that stripper Korra gives a guy a private dance in a VIP lounge, and he breaks a rule. When she discovers this, she decides to break some rules too.
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that's gross
No wonder why BalloonDolls quit after December 2022.
Means she belongs to Asami, the artist is a huge Korrasami nut
Is that supposed to be Kamala?
I think so.
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I wish all girls in the world were turbo sluts, man.
most already are
hot..is modded sims4 prime incel gooning content?
Variety is the spice of life, anon.
You're right, I wanted to corrupt the pure virgins too so they can't all be sluts to start off.
if you're skilled enough anything can be
She's the protagonist, so this is going to be a huge factor, but still, why are Water Tribe/Waterbender girls literally the best girls to slut up? Imagine being your hottest when dressed in the traditional clothes of your enemy?
Water Tribe Girls Are Easy
God I wish these weren't AI
who cares?
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I love it with normal or wholesome nerdy virgin types become prostitutes.
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the only limit is your imagination
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She looks fun.
How so?
She's posting under the name IAHFY now, but she's as active as ever. Does lots of art streams on twitch and is pretty active in the convention circuit.
Also curious to know this
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why is tracer so much larger than d.va here?
is that faye?
Yes, yes it is
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Hypothetical scenario, you're presented with a magic button. If you press the button every single female on earth will become a shameless slutty whore no matter who, no matter how vanilla or chaste or modest and it's a permanent change.

Would you press it? Assume this is a real scenario.
i would LOVE to press it, but we all know there are unforseen consequences
Surprisingly wouldn't. What's sex without love? And if they expect to charge me for every transaction then it'd get boring fast. Plus I'd like to conquer females either through physical or emotional means.
maybe for you are there but not for me
Fair enough.
The satyrs from Monster Musume are an entire race of turbo sluts.
I say that, and submit these two pictures as evidence to back me up.
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So there's proof that these pics also fit in this thread, lol.
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Sauce, please
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Sunnysundown and nyoolie
Thank you.
they're good
that face is hideous
Lol, can't remember about the actual series, but in the game 4 kamas would be the equivalent to some cents
Water tribe girls are highly valued as slaves by the elite.
Indeed, they're known to be huge sluts with nice sexual skills
Korra makes me feel things...
She is a masterful whore!
I want to see her doing some cumbending
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This is so lewd. I want to be watched as I fuck
seen lewder meself
Post it!
it's too lewd for this board let alone this thread
Most good things are.
nice thumbnail
Do you have the full res?
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Canon whore from /co/
She's such a lewd slut!
A Magical SLUT!!!
sluts are better when they're lewd
what the fuck is with those hands
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Money. A:tLA era used copper, silver, and gold coins. Paper money want introduced until Korra.
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Holy cow, you don't see a lot of Gunbuster lewds.
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