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Was this finished?
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true but the first two pics in the thread are by japs.
>he says on the board explicitly dedicated to westerner smut
it's insane how you think we give a single fuck about your shitty opinions on Splatoon porn
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been a while now since YutaAGC/KidsGamera made any new porn...
Huh? He literally uploaded new stuff yesterday on his patreon, and he keeps posting art on his twitter too, as recent as 3 days ago.
Based accurately proportioned Splatoon rule 34.
No they're not. Tits too big, and they aren't Marina or Frye.
True, but it’s accurate enough for me to let it slide. Also the Shiver pic gives her very small breasts, and it’s my favourite.
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Very cute and on-model.
Off model garbage.
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I love flavored fingertips and toesies
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I love Pearl so much. I wish and Marina were barefoot all the time.
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Doesn't even know what inkling eyes are supposed to look like.
>They forgot the eye mask! i can't cum to this, ugh.
That and being completely off model for an inkling which makes it trash.
So is the majority of things posted in this thread, calm down it's just a drawing
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Day 3 Facial. I wish it was Callie instead but Frye definitely has the bigger target.
where'd her nipples go?
Under her hands, they're very small
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what she saying
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“I thought I was gonna die”
She had a parastic infection removed by getting splatted with a splat bomb.
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Cool pencil
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Nice pecs.
what's this squids deal? Just the artist's oc that they use for tit focused art, or is there more to her?
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Artist oc, also that's an octo not a squid.
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Been wanting to commission ermame26 for a long time, comms have been closed for a while.
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Not enough 3d on model pearl butt
Not enough on-model Splatoon butt in general.
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On model can and has gotten people banned for loli, be it here or on twitter where most artists post, about a coinflip chance.
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Inklings/Octolings canonically cannot swim so I take it they just like an excuse to hang out at the beach dressed like sluts.
They can in the manga, and it makes more sense there since they would have gone extinct ages ago by fucking rain.
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I love Namonaki
Really? That sucks. Although I'm really only interested in nudes of the idols, who are all 18+.
I got a 4chan ban for posting Pearl once.
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Jesus, that's cruel.
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Huggable naked Callie!
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Keep AI slop in the containment thread please.
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i love the balance between anatomically correct but edited a bit to be both hot and canon
Marie is flat so no.
You say that as if hentai cervix shots are anatomically correct to begin with.
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>made of plastic
99% of Frye and Marina art by japs make them less black than they actually are, get used to it.
That's my biggest issue with this artist, he makes her skin look so weird, plastic-y as you said. You'd think drawing her daily for two years would make them improve.
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These " tall humans with ceph heads slapped on" models are uncanny as hell.
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I don't see how they're any worse than stuff like this.
In fairness, there are a lot of people who shit on yuta. No pun intended.
God I wish that was Callie
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I feel like they strike a decent balance between the source material and a more broadly-appealing body. One nice detail is the inkling fingers,
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Ah, so this is that pokemon leak I've been hearing so much about.
don't quit your day job.
damn, you've improved quite a bit since your last drawing.
Isn't Frye Indian?
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Porl is so fucking hot and few people get it as much as Icy
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99% of Pearl fanart changes her disgusting gigantic forehead, and this is no exception. Just shows you that nobody likes her actual design.
99% of splatoon art changes the character designs entirely, what's your point
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I need more dominating idols demanding me eat their pussy. That's my weakness.

No, she's an Inkling.
based as fuck
God i wish i was that inkling
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They have tentacles.
Why don't they ever use them as anything except hair-dos?
They don't appear to be prehensile, they're usually relatively short to reach anywhere and they're usually too thick to fit inside orifices.
there is porn of them using their tentacles if that's what you're asking.
They have suckers.
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