Powerful girl edition>Bonus for orcgirl lifters>No futa shit>No gay shit>No gas or onara>No drama
Big green women.
>>8537031The best kind
>>8536226even today, orc x goblin yuri is still rare
>>8537547Now consider a goblin girl helping her orc friend get with the human guy she likes, discovering that humans last a lot longer than orcs in bed.
>>8536232Orc girls can smell when you put in max effort in the gym, and it gets them wet.
hell yes Orctober is upon us
>>8542752>>8541396JSN's orcs have a cuddly quality to them. I think it's the big soft knockers he gives them, instead of going full musclegirl
I wanna snuggle with an orc girl...
>>8537547>>8538966All green holes are for human poles tbdesu
>>8542940it's a shame that this body is super rare irl. most female bodybuilders don't look fertile.
>>8536232Are orc gyms usually clothing-optional?
Is it just me or are female orcs underrated?
>>8546457No, it's not you. They are HIGHLY underrated.
>>8546494POV: You're a human wizard and you're meeting your new adventuring party
>>8546457Definitely. I enjoy the whole "big green ladies that don't like clothes and like to fuck" headcanon we have going.
>>8546408>Are orc gyms usually clothing-optional?I'd say rather they shun wearing clothes and have a spartan, almost gladiatorial feel to them. Now I wonder how much of a pain it'll be to clean the sweat and other fluids out of the exercise equipment.
>>8548586They undoubtedly take cleaning the equipment very seriously. I bet they have a separate area, almost like a co-ed shower room for when things inevitably heat up and orcs want a good screw.
Well, anon?
>>8546408Orcs have a very pragmatic take on nudity. If wearing clothes somehow gets in the way they will opt to not wear anything. In the gym they'll won't be completely nude by covering up their loins and wearing shoes (especially when running), but they'll wear little else. Toplessness is a non-issue in orc society, and in jobs that involve high temperatures or great physical activity they don't see an issue with being naked above the waist (as long as safety permits it of course). Staring at each other's naked bodies is something that's not done unless said orc is your spouse.When around non-orcs they cover up because they are aware of social norms regarding topless women, but even when dressed decent they are quick to move to short-sleeved clothes once temperatures start to permit it (and since orcs can handle temperature extremes quite well, this is often a lot earlier than it is for other races). When swimming orcs almost always go fully nude, and prefer to go to nudist beaches over regular ones. Likewise, orcs are disproportionaly present in any nudist gatherings, and when things start warming up prefer to dress lightly at home. They almost always prefer to sleep in the nude as well.
What do orgirls smell like?
Onis aren't the first race to come in mind when thinking about monks, but some of the most extreme Shingon-variant sects with intoxicants and sex involved in their rituals mesh with their natural attitude towards discipline very well. Vows of powerty, well, those are a good excuse to not bother with any clothes in public.
>>8551894That's what makes oni so based
Tried to give justsomenoob's orc girls some color using AI. I like how justsomenoob draws orc girls, had done so for years but the usual lack of color on them is a huge bummer. Despite knowing jack shtt about AI control think it did pretty good as long as it just gives color and doesn't change much. Might try to color some more idk.
I like my orcgirls to be strongfat. Muscular yet still have a softness to them and womanly breasts>>8553218Looks real good!
>>8551567>When swimming orcs almost always go fully nude, and prefer to go to nudist beaches over regular ones. Likewise, orcs are disproportionaly present in any nudist gatherings, and when things start warming up prefer to dress lightly at home. They almost always prefer to sleep in the nude as well.It's really easy to imagine being into redneck stuff; and a human guy innocently thinking that he's going to get drunk when some orc girls invite him to go tubing. Only to be surprised when they start stripping and want to see his sausage.
>>8555218>I like my orcgirls to be strongfat. Muscular yet still have a softness to them and womanly breastsWomanly thighs and hips, big boobs, and toned everything else is such a good look
>>8557758>Womanly thighs and hips, big boobs, and toned everything elseThis is the life
>>8559127>those tanlines>a big barbarian that wants to feel girlyUnf
>>8559229But what if I want a tomboy orc waifu?
>>8559231I think that's the other kind of orc girl that's into humans. Some are into humans because they like melting under the romantic gestures, and others are into humans because they're tomboys that like taking charge.
Strong FAT
I love orcgirl warriors!
I love pubes so much bros...
>>8536226Green girls are best girls.
>>8569023She spent all the loot from the dungeon on that lingerie, and instead of carousing with whores, she wants you to spend the downtime breaking the bed with her.
>>8572663I need a hug from her.
Find orcgirlGet thisWhat do?
>>8538966Contrary to what most people assume, the penis size to body mass ratio means that orc males technically possess micropenises.
>>8582943prove it
Life with your cute orc wife! Having her ride you in the chappel right after you say your "I do"
How would an Orc react to a Mage or Noble’s sexual perversions? Many will talk of the knight or other warrior and orcs but what of the magic and noble sin?How would a proud orc girl, well bathed and clean of course, react to a mage or noble sticking a tongue in her ass. Would she reciprocate due to honor?
>>8586967>How would a proud orc girl, well bathed and clean of course, react to a mage or noble sticking a tongue in her ass.Probably the same way she would the knight or anyone. Probably tell them to knock it off and put their dick in her asshole instead.
>>8585565Look down
>>8589548>page 10A riposte so powerful it killed the thread.
>>8538966I found something close, search for soundgasm/u/JayeWilde/Goblin-and-Orc-Prostitutes-Fuck-A-Human-Adventurer
>>8590690Nice find anon!
>>8590690I love this.
Do you think there's a HUMAND' website for orc bitches?
>>8596941How could there be? They all exist in worlds where the cultures in them are predominantly medieval level. No websites because no internets because no computers.
>>8597434Shadowrun has orcs, but sadly they're not green.
>>8597434Not all worlds have to be medieval
>>8598797you sure that isn't just some half orc?
>Play Wasteland 3>decide on a big "orc" girl partner with sole focus on melee>my self-insert is a tech nerd with a shotgun>play through a lot of the game until I'm burned out>still think about it from time to time>brainstorm a backstory where self-insert OC is a shy nerd who doesn't get out much>childhood friend is a sporty girl who likes me and wants to see me grow as a person>the mission in Colorado really tests our abilities>there'd be spats along the way, but we eventually grow closer together
>>8568604Good content, bad art.
I fucking love orc girls!
Well, anon?>>8603207Cute! I want a tomboyish orc girlfriend!
>>8603207That's extremely cute>>8598797>>8599453I kinda like modern fantasy/sf orc girls -like Shadowrun- more
Still my favorite orc drawing. Everything here is perfect.
I fucking want an orc girlfriend>>8605191Beautiful. I imagine them as noble savages
>>8568605Sigma dwarf grindset: "Just ignore the naked whorc, focus on ale and gold."
Ever wonder why orc girls would go after such obviously weaker races like humans, elves, even dwarves? Shouldn't they be attracted to strength and aggression?The answer is simple: orcs have tiny baby dicks. Fun fact: humans have, by far, the largest dicks of any primate, both in terms of raw size but also in terms of proportionality. If you banged a gorilla, you would absolutely blow her fucking mind with the size of the pipe you're laying, even if you are below average. This is because every other primate sees brutal fights between their males for dominance, fights in which the males try to rip off each others dicks. This led to most primates evolving smaller dicks, as smaller dicks are harder to grab and tear off, while all the big dicked apes got their dicks ripped off and where thus unable to mate and pass on their big dick genes. Because our ancestors hundreds of thousands of years ago didn't try to rip each other's dicks off, big dicks got passed down and in fact selected for because females prefer them.So what does this have to do with orcs? Orcs act more like apes. They're hyper masculine and aggressive, and absolutely fight for dominance like apes. Orcs, in short, rip off each others dicks if they can, so they developed tiny little baby dicks that are harder to rip off. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, even Halflings, basically any civilized race, don't do that shit. Thus, Orc women go after these civilized races for their comparatively massive, orgasm inducing trouser hogs.
>>8606917Noble savage character potential is great.>orphaned orc girl is raised by humans and induced into an old and corrupt knightly order when she is a woman grown, unusual but she has more than enough strength and the required upbringing>excels in many forms of combat, but she feels unease that grows over the years but can't quite put a finger on it>after one extortion mission and a snide insult too many something snaps>she turns and marches off, throwing off her armor and clothes and striking the order's sword blunt in one blow against a stone wall while she goes>the one unfortunate knight trying to stand in her way gets a humiliating unarmed beatdown>whatever she does next, she'll have no part in the schemes of civilized men again
>>8607778>Ever wonder why orc girls would go after such obviously weaker races like humans, elves, even dwarves?Because they're weaker and can't fight back as easily when they're in the mood and none of their males happen to be around.>Shouldn't they be attracted to strength and aggression?They are.> humans have, by far, the largest dicks of any primate, both in terms of raw size but also in terms of proportionality. If you banged a gorilla, you would absolutely blow her fucking mind with the size of the pipe you're laying, even if you are below average. This is because every other primate sees brutal fights between their males for dominance, fights in which the males try to rip off each others dicks.Orcs aren't apes and their evolutionary predecessors likely developed a similar take that the predecessors to humans did. Hence why they're more similar to humans than apes are.>Humans, Elves, Dwarves, even Halflings, basically any civilized race, don't do that shit. Thus, Orc women go after these civilized races for their comparatively massive, orgasm inducing trouser hogs.Orcs are a civilized race. They just have massively different cultural values. None of which involves dismembering eachothers members for dominance.Orcs logically have genitals in proportion to their body size. It's why they cannot mate with the females of other races, sans maybe Ogres or Trolls (who tower over them on average). Their junk is too proportionately large for the females of other races and thus any kind of fornication between such races and Orcs has to be with their males and Orc females. And also thus why most half-Orcs are born via an Orcish mother. Even if you were to inseminate a non-Orc female with Orc sperm and it would take, the offspring would be too large for the female to give birth to or even carry to term. So it takes a female Orc to be able to do so because the size of the infant wouldn't affect them near as bad.
>>8555218ideal body
>>8536226The Oumpa
What about non-buff orc wives?
I love spunky tomboyish orc girls
>>8619071you and me both
>>8619071That ain't a tomboy, thats a full on tomchad
>>8614254Bullied and rejected by their tribes for being physically weak, they find a new life in the loving embrace of a white human's arms.
I want to live in a fantasy world with guilds and an orc gf!
>>8626569I already do, and it's great here.
>>8626569>>8625320You would make that scarred orc barbarian girl that's been eyeing you at the tavern feel sexy, right?
Green booty bump
Anon writes orc girls
What do you think about plump orcgirls? Yes or no?
>>8633284I think sex.
>>8633753orcgirls are bred to be sexy and strong
Orc girls are meant to be enslaved.
Any feminine orc girls?
>>8640700But I want to make them my wives!>>8641836Yes
Would orcs be submissive to humans? Or dominant?
>>8644766On the one hand, it's easy to see orcs -even at their best- as having something of a bullying streak like >>8638615 On the other, in fiction they tend to lose wars with humans, so there could easily be a kink there.If you let them, they'll be dominant - but a lot them absolutely down to be bent over and receive some rougher play.
Reminder that because of their tusks orcs can't eat pussy without causing significant injury. So if a human man were to introduce an orc lady to the wonders of cunnilingus she'll quickly develop a taste for it. And because orcs tend to come quickly and come hard, eating an orc girl to completion before moving on to the main course is a good way to get her going. You might want to train your arms to keep her legs spread while enjoying your meal though.
>>8647923They also tend to naturally have sharper teeth than humans do, beyond just the tusks. This can make it very difficult to engage in being orally pleasured by an Orcish female. So proceed with caution.
>>8648512Yes, but have you ever gotten a handie from an orc girl? You won't miss getting head when an orc's tugging on your thing. They put so much effort and devotion into it, supplemented with some boob or ass cleavage.
>>8648671>You won't miss getting head whenI don't miss getting head by them because I prefer fucking Orc girls in their perfect asses.
>>8641836no such thing
How big is too big?
>>8654485Slim fit or strong fat orcgirls?
>>8655810Slim fit. I like a girl whose musculature accentuates and enhances her natural feminine curves. It's the main factor as to why Orc girls are so appealing in the first place.
>>8656395Nice, same I like muscles showcasing strong femininity without being too stocky
Anyone here know the name of the game with what I think is an orc girl that was advertised on this site? Don't remember it.
>>8657867my pig princess
>>8660692if true?
>>8657026define stocky
Would you be into 40K orcs?
>>8666968You have my permission. Proceed.
>>8667233I just love the concept of them. Also this basketweaving forum has an amazing 40K community.
Warcraft orcs are the best
>>8670474better than tolkien orcs?
>>8670726For storytelling? Not a chance.For cooming? Without a doubt.
>>8673199Well, that's a Klingon, not an Orc, but I have heard people describe the "Discovery" Klingons as "Kling-Orcs" due to how much different they are from 'standard' Klingons ^_^
>>8670878Also: In the actual books/stories by Tolkien, do female Orcs exist? (I don't think so, without hitting google anyway)
>>8666968>Would you be into 40K orcs?Well, not a W40K Orc, but a 'Generic Sci-Fi' orc inspired by an image from the 'Starfinder' TTRPG
>>8674226Klingons are, for all intents and purposes, space orcs. Savage warrior race that partakes is marauding and piracy, but still has a strict honor code? Tell me the glove doesn't fit.>>8674227It's never officially stated in the books, you'd have to check Tolkien's notes and letters. But yes, they do. Tolkien orcs aren't a new race created by Morgoth, they're elves (possibly mixed with humans) that have been tortured and corrupted into a completely unrecognizable form. The Elder Scrolls is kinda similar that way, the orsimer are just as much mer as the altmer or dunmer.
>>8675275That's right in the limit for me. Maybe a bit less.
>>8675275about tree fiddy
How difficult would it be to mindbreak an orc girl?
>>8536226>Orgirls and OnisWhat would a half-orc, half-oni girl look like? Has anyone drawn this?
>>8676061For orcs sex is a quick affair: stick it in, move a bit, blow your load and move on. It serves a reproductive function, and as such orc men generally don't take the woman's pleasure into consideration. This in turn meant that historically the more sensitive orc women who came quickly were more likely to seek out sex because it was actually enjoyable for them, creating more orc women with a tendency towards being sensitive in bed. Fast forward a few thousand years and now orc women on average last only a fraction of the time as long as human women do in bed.As a consequence, when an orc girl mates with a human man he'll find it rather easy to bring her to climax, and only the quickest shots among men can manage to outrace an orc girl enjoying herself. While they're warned about humans, many an orc girl thought this was BS and she was strong enough to not break so easily, only to have her first encounter with a human result in a crushing defeat. It's fairly easy for a human to bring her to at least three climaxes before he starts getting close, and by pacing himself a skilled lover can double that. Well-established couples can go beyond even that, with numbers of a dozen times being not unheard of.Note that stopping mid-way into having sex with an orc girl is a grave insult and an accusation of weakness, even if she just came the fifth time and is becoming increasingly unresponsive, and once she regains her senses and use of her body she'll rip your dick off. Likewise, coming anywhere but inside is an equally harsh insult because it implies she's not worth procreating with. This is nuanced by that you can come anywhere inside: anal still counts, even if this can't result in babies. Orc girls see using contraceptives as their responsibility, and using condoms still counts as inside. And if an orc girl were to spit instead of swallow it's best that you leave ASAP before things get violent.
>>8680305During sex orc girls start out eager to get fucked, egging you on to go faster and harder. But the more they come the more submissive they become. Initially they might rib you for liking her being on top of you, but after a few orgasms they'll be reduced to wimpering sacks of meat and muscle begging for more, not caring about what position you take them in. They enjoy putting their partners into leg locks, that go from inescapable to being easily turned into a mating press the more they come. They'll become unable to resist and will agree to just about anything you do to them in the heat of the moment they otherwise would not, so you'll want to talk about what you're both into and not before you fuck an orc girl into a stupor.Another thing to note is that after you show an orc girl the power of the human dick they can sometimes get a bit clingy. They'll want to keep seeing you, hanging out, having fun, and having a lot of sex. While having a large buff woman awkwardly try to chat you up sounds like a lot of fun, having to bring an orc girl to some three dozen orgasms per week is a lot of work, so keep that in mind.
>>8603854damn, now there's a blast from the past
>>8680390time heals all wounds
>>8680305>>8680307I really like your take on orcgirl sex. It makes sense, with how used they are to male pleasure orcgirls become putty when facing a human male who will actually pleasure them.
>>8681128Except for the ones it doesn't.
>>8679438Not that I know, sadly. I'm curious about what a mix of orc and oni is like.
>>8687584Oni are basically Japan's take on both Ogres and Devils (they serve both purposes in their folklore). So a half Orc/half Oni is basically a half Orc/half Ogre.
>>8685276Cocky orcess thinking she'll rape a human guy into submission at a party cumming like a firehouse as her friends giggle at her "plight".
>>8689511"I serve the Raven Queen instead of Gruumsh now! Its NOT just a Phase, mom!!" ^_^
>>8685276Anyone have the one by this artist of the orc and the fisherman banging?
>>8690544Which one, exactly? He's done a few with these two.
>>8691530That's the one I was thinking of. I didn't know he did more than that
Orcgirls are thirsty for cock!
>>8692289Fuck this is so hot. Is there more to this set? I need to see them getting properly dicked down
>>8693639pretty sure that's a one of
>>8693639Sadly not but this artist makes great orc girls
>>8537547> Orc X Goblin YuriIncidental to the story> Be me, Race:Human, Sex: Male, Class:Rogue, Alignment: Chaotic Good> Cheapskate local government wouldn't afford the cost and risk of an actual rescue party.> Hired to therefore "Steal" (rescue) the Princess from the Goblin's camp. Sigh and accept contract.> All the Goblin men are dead because of many failed raids, all of the goblin women are very horny and angry; technical term is "Murder-Fuck"> Found the proper tent. Lots of curtain partitions. Check sequentially. Arrive too late, the Princess has already been ripped apart by the female Goblins as a plaything in the fourth stall.> Surprisingly find a Female Orc in next stall, tied to a post in this pose >>8566792wat> Know from prior experience that Orcs in this setting are Lawful Evil, but Evil is a mutable alignment in this campaign> Look her in the eyes as i remove my cloak to test reaction; it's sad> Invert cloak and offer it to her as a covering, good reaction and acceptance> "Parley"> Learn she's the only captive left alive because of her constitution score, but can't continue to suffer the torture much longer> Consider letting her loose anyways> She continues to speak before my response and says she's the daughter of the tribal shaman, technically she's a princess.> Contract doesn't say which Princess i have to rescueDare you enter my magical realm?
I hate how Orcs have just become green muscular anime girls.
Outside of sex, what do you think orc spirituality is like? I bet they got some rituals sacrificing cum and other fluids, or tantric sex. Maybe adopted from trolls?
games with female orcs>skyrim>sennen sensou aigis>hedon>raid shadow legends>shadowrun>project nortubel
>>8698345>Sneaks up and smacks her ass
>>8537547agreedfound this one awhile back tho
>>8702604Love strong backs like those
>>8704191>barely covered assThe most perfect thing ever
AIPornGod to Deviantart.
>>8705924Is this cosplay? It looks amazing. I want to be dommed by an orc mommy!
>>8536226Just make this a just some noob thread.
>>8701532>yuriDude...>>8706833I'm 85% sure it's slop
>>8707355>I'm 85% sure it's slopLooks like some 3D program to me (Blender, Daz, Poser)
>>8708055It's slop 100%. There's lots of tells if you look closely, the earrings, the braid, the skull on the shoulder pad, the rings on the bra etc etc.
>>8707355>>8708055>>8708284It's slop because if you read the file name and look at the watermark you can read it's made by one "aiporngod", just like the image above it is.Seriously, do you people not LOOK at the images?
>>8708048OP said no gay shit. What do you think Yuri is?
>>8708412Willing to bet he was just talking about Dude on Dude shit, though (but if you want to be autistically strict about it, then Yeah, I guess......)
>>8709073Basically this. Yuri is okay
>>8704696Any sauce on this one? I tried searching the artist signature, but since it's just initials I'm not getting anything.
>>8536226Orc wife, happy life
>>8710748Some minor Google-fu leads you to the Russian artist GAlexV, which I agree is not smart to use as your name if you sign your work with GAV.
>>8711858what does that even mean?
>>8711497Depends on the orc, real talk.
>>8711497What about an orc best friend?
>>8714539more like an orc powerbottom
I love the look of Horde orcs, their shamanism looks very cool
>>8540798Artist name?
>>8717757that's for sure