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>Guides and resources

>Official Discord and community links

>How much does VaM cost and can I play for free?
The full version is $8 on Patreon and buy-once for each major version (currently 1.22). There is a free version but it is very limited.
>Can I play VaM without VR?
Yes, you can play in desktop mode. VR is a different experience and highly recommended.
>How do I install/load appearance/scenes?
Watch the tutorials.
>How do I animate stuff?
>How do I save my CustomUnityAssets so I can easily load them again?
>How do I share a scene/look with my vambros?
>When is VaM2 going to be released?

Previous thread: >>8469671
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My first thread here
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>upgrade to 4090
>vr is smooth like butter now
I’m gonna be stuck in my room for a while
post settings
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>vr is smooth like butter now
>mfw clothes hair and physics
should we tell him
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works on my machine :)
I haven't really messed with any of the settings but don't really feel the need to
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Which way white man?
Is there a faster way to make empty morphs for using them as a trigger for CUAM? So far ive just been using morph merger with a 0.001 morph but thats a pain to do over and over.
which look is this?
been looking for a good chubby asian model for a while
1st for no sex
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what are y'all hopes and dreams for VAM2? I don't expect much from VAM2, but I would like if it had photorealistic capabilities and the kind of graphics you see in those crazy UE5 graphic demos. Either way, I'm ready to be disappointed.
How much is a 4090 now and should I wait for 5090?

Better collision, ideally mesh collision for the bodies, better stretching for larger insertions, higher poly genitals / ass. Giving males proper assholes. ability to make proper futas with both genitals, with or without balls. The ability to light a scene with several lights and not have it tank performance.

That's a few hopes.
I bought my 4090 for around $1800. The thing with trying to get a new gpu on release such as a 5090 is you most likely won’t. Nvidia will release a limited supply of the founders editions which will be bought up by bots. A couple months later other brands like msi and asus will release their versions, again in limited supply to increase artificial demand thus giving them a reason to inflate the price. So if you feel okay waiting 6-9 months to get a card I’d say go for it. For me personally it felt like a good time to upgrade. Plus if I can get my hands on a 5090 later next year all the better for me.
nigga what, why?
masterfully crafted for the male gaze
my compliment to the chef
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optimization. i know its just a dream because these incompetent fucks wont optimize anything.
a lot of times when i play VAM and try making an attractive/realistic model, i dont even feel like i am fighting VAM i feel like i am fighting my own brain
Let the coom brain take over anon
its natural
What I mainly mean, there is a push-pull dynamic when editing faces and bodies

There is one instinct that makes me want to make the cutest faces
But in the pursuit of totally perfect facial features, plump lips, tiny button nose, I tend to hit an uncanny valley

My workaround so far is make the nose bigger and give a slightly unflattering canthil tilt, maybe up the nostril flesh size

But Im also struggling to consistently create a decent lighting/reshade set up which I think is 90% of what makes a model look good anyway and it's probably impossible to make a decent looking genesis 2 model in fullbright frontal lighting

The same sort of applies to bodies, necks and shoulders are sometimes hard to get right, but you're more fighting the ugliness of the engine when you try to create visible tendons, and cartoonishly long necks in certain poses
just make what looks good to you
Considering making a lewd in-public scene with the crowd generator on the coffee shop or restaurant map
Neat shading/lighting.
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Take the elf pill
what other must-have clothing is there besides the wedgie bikini?
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Nothing. I am playing other games instead,
Also fuck D4 and its "expansion"
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Take the fox pill

More like take the cute and funny pill
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I don't want my elf to look too young despite her age being much higher in elf years. Only my catgirl is cute and funny.
what games?
Bump nigga
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>https://arca.live/u/@%EC%9D%B4%EB%A0%87%EA%B2%8C/95943172 this guy also makes some good shit. most of it is forced/rape kinda stuff if you care for it

FUCK this guys account was deleted? can someone upload his .vars?
why the fuck is every decent noncon scene maker persecuted so ruthlessly for fucks sake
how do you know he made good shit if his account is deleted
looking at the chink site now, it seems you need a chinese mobile number to register? how did you get past that?
@northenshikima think your faceblend plugin could include normals? basically allowing mix and match of normals, calibrating of bumpiness, and baking it
You don’t need an account zoomie
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you need to browse some 'vip' threads as far as i can tell and even the publicly available ones require some chink currency to access the download
I can download shit just fine with no account
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>been writing down list of ideas for things to make in vam
>start to create scene
>load girl(s)
>pose them in various ways
>jerk off
>close vam
>nothing was accomplished
>my idea list grows constantly
its all so tiresome
Jerk off to something else before opening VaM.
i downloaded half of his stuff but the gook site required you make a gmail account to look at full account history

he got banned by gook mods im assuming because his last animation was of a female model getting punched and crying

the simp menace knows no nationality, noncon appreciators are the most discriminated demographic in human history
it would be easier to make shit in VAM if it didnt crash every 20 minutes and take 10 minutes to load and constantly stutter for 20 seconds every 2 minutes

i feel like one of those n64 developers working on mario64 that had to deal with the worlds shittiest coding tools that you hear about in youtube documentaries
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>ryzen 9 7950x3d
>vam installed on pcie5 m.2 drive
>64gb ram
works on my machine :)
how many GB is your addonpackages folder
you are like little baby
show me the color of your hand
does anyone know any creator that makes femboy models with female base atoms
Lol I do the same thing man...well sometimes
based retard thinking bigger = better
morphs slow vam down
why keep shit you will never use?
i'm on 65GB and i haven't even done a recent curation
updated my new scene, now just have to test it in VR over the weekend
Speaking of addonpackages, how does one go about cleaning up? I feel like I have a ton of redundant packages, different versions of the same package, and packages I just haven't used in a long time. I didn't start thinking about this early, and now I'm overwhelmed with 200 gb and 7000 packages that I don't want to sift through. Are there any tricks or tools for managing the folder aside from not letting it get bloated in the first place?
There are var cleanup tools on the hub
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Kinda the same, for quite some time now I get some ideas for a scene, arrange props, poses, lighting and everything, take a couple of photos(which I never usually end up posting anyway) or make a simple animation, then I cum and close VAM untill I feel horny and inspired again. I swear I need to lock my dick up or something untill I finish the whole thing, I swear to god.
>black on white women
>wants to lock up his dick
What can I say, I do be into human beastiality.
And god bless for that!
Don’t worry anon I cuck myself too with my vam wives
post your shit then we need more bl*cked content
looks like zajebanan slop
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this nigga tried to edit the wedgie didnt he
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Can you really be cuck for a bunch of pixels?
I guess I will post some then..
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i used to animate scenes with jaundiced, vantablack nogs raping women but then i started animating drag queen homos with hairy assholes and unimpressive peens raping women instead and havent looked back since
post your nog, he looks a little queer
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Queer? I guess he is the most goofy looking out of my collection..
Well, I make a bit of gay shit sometimes too, but nothing too crazy, just normal femboys and stuff.
hey buddy, i'm not queer or anything
i just like seeing drag queens with hairy assholes rape women, i'm not some homo freak
Except the rightmost nog, the others look kinda fruity ngl
I need one with the strength of two men
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whats the deal with yall mfers requesting streamer and celeb lookalikes that look like basic ass hoes? Your request is literally the default VAM character with different hair. Get yo basic ass prefab lookin ass out of here
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opinion discarded
He might be a faggot but he's right

What is your last name and the angle of your nose
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when i play VAM i do my best to find "basic ass hoes"
average looking people are attractive to me, i dont like supermodel looks, at least as 3d models in video games
it just comes across as too uncanny valley when theres perfect symmetry in a characters facial features
if you observe average people, and even attractive actors and actresses, you will find imperfections
a huge part of the appeal (and frustration) i have with VAM is creating the right balance of imperfections to attractive features
"ugly cute" perhaps is a the right term
all that text just to post an image with shitty lighting yikes
>he cant bang out a 20 second caffeine induced stream of consciousness paragraph like its nothing
whats the secret to making good nogs?
~200 years of selective breeding
hard to believe theyre still mad about it
any tips for making things the way you made them?
Who are the best creators for noncon/rough/snuff stuff? Hub bans all the good shit and using Kemono's search is a pain.
jyy and outko come to mind first for me but outko has stopped uploading and jyy announced on their patreon they are burned out. I've just started to make my own basic animation scenes as far as rough stuff goes. I just like seeing my waifu get pounded really hard
Where do i put .vap files?
Disregard, they are clothing presets, I put them in saves/Person/Preset. ChatGPT is apparently knowledgeable of the game lol
Shoot I didn't know that about jyy, he was one of the creators I did like. Hey man if you ever feel like sharing your anims, I know I'd be interested and I'm sure other anons would too. Basic is good too, I hate shit that's bloated with dependencies.
What skin is this? Looks great
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If you talking about the spooks, I got all of them from hub. Just search "black" in looks section and you should find some after some digging.
If any of you guys are proficient in Korean vam makers, can you let us know if "likethis" gets unbanned or makes an alt account somewhere else? His mom on anims were pretty good and I didn't get to save all of them

(Or I'll trade you the punch .var that got him banned if you have his other .vars)
His *noncon anims
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I edited riddler skin 5 for the body textures.
The face texture is from Riddler's Bralyn character.

I meant more like lighting and the sweat / normal maps on those.
any easy way to create camera sway?
He's already made a new account and posted some stuff.
Thanks anon
>>jerk off
>>close vam
I used to be like you, then I started to save my scenes before closing. Now I have a dozen scenes i frequently use or keep improving
This plugin by Miscreated Reality has a lot of camera motion presents and parameters you can edit. Its bundled in his "Body Bundle" which is a paid plugin but you can find it for free on F95
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Anyone have any advice for setting up a good appearance editing/making scene? Specifically looking for recommendations for lighting setups and rooms/backgrounds. I currently just have the simple builtin 3 light subscene on a photobooth background, but it feels really basic and the lighting often makes hair and stuff look weird. Also, which creators have good looks for mixing and matching? I find that lots of creators use morph merging on their final looks and that can make using tools like CharacterFusioner mess up the shoulders and proportions.
It’s probably better to find a scene you think has good lighting then see how they used the light. From there you can try to recreate it on your own.
i can’t wait to breed my virt-a-mate until her digital womb is fetid with my imagination
this thread confirmed there's a bunch of cracker cuck faggots on here.
Someone break this buck
VamLooks69 sure gives his characters the worst nipples and areola imaginable
Seeing his bitch ass is here, it's already broken
thanks broski
where are the camera motion presets? you talking about the "face" "fps" settings? i see all the sway parameters
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>new hub resource
Anyone know of any good jungle environments or scenes? Looking for something that could work as Pandora.
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possibly this, with a little bit of editing or clever use of angles
Oh yeah I saw that one, maybe if Vamifier works on it I can alter the colors to make it look more alien.
just use an LUT filter
Bump nigga
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nog bros... we won
Thinking of going into VR again today, this shit is addictive
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dead thread
what are we planning to make for this weekend?
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I wish you could use the mouse and keyboard while in VR. The controller is so fucking limited. Even honey select allowed you to do this easily
go ahead
Nigga you can, press the M key lmao
>press M
>desktop view enabled
>can use vam normally on monitor
>can't see mouse in VR
whats the fucking point, nigga?
Where can I find the "Breast Preset ##" series of morphs. I have two so far from random characters but am looking for the others.
Who makes the best scenes? I know it is subjective, but I am referring in terms of posing, lighting, sound, and variety. The best ones I've seen are from Androinz and PetaZwega.
i think you mean gravid, not fetid
Try sevenseason that nigga is up and coming
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>plaps youre waifu
>20 hours making new scenes on the weekend
>20mins in VR and I'm finished
Such is my life
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that is some lasting power
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dude when this game had a hold on me, i dedicated an entire day to it on my off day, edging for 8 hours or more sometimes while i was creating, morphing, posing, watching, then finally cooming and going to sleep. wtf thats not including no telling how many 100's of hours i spent during the week after work creating content, planning and thinking about my jerk sessions, jeez
this game is like a virus, slowly killing you

I wonder what games in 20 years will be like or will be games at all, this right now is the stone age of such games and it stimulates the male brain at such a rate.. that's dangerous

run while you can
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zwega and shaper
So what do good, hot virt-a-mate animated scenes look like?
What actress is this supposed to be? She looks real familiar but I can't name her.
rose riley
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That depends on what your itch is, best if you make your own
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Here's a good one
Cute, but left's hands are too stiff, looks odd
Yeah I noticed after but couldn't be arsed to record it again after animating hands
You might be able to get away with just turning off rotation on them and letting them hang
you all got any recommendations for videos of this? I'm curious about this game now that I can run it.
So long as you have the code to access it, just load the game and go on the hub browse to find things you like.
If you don't have the code either sub for a single month to whatever level of thier patreon gives you it, or I'm sure it's been shared somewhere in this or past threads
Asking for videos of the game when you can play it is literally worse than asking a black man to fuck your wife
Negro, fuck you. I don't wanna play it yet, I'm finishing setting up my computer. Also I found some VAM HMVs and they're real sexy. Surprised at how good you can make the animations.
Post them then
could you please share the .var?
Just look up zajebanan in the usual place and download all his slop
did spline get banned or something?
2 times mentioning him in the same thread
Rent free in your head, lmao
It's not even his character too
yeah that's not from him.
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god i love JAV waifus
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>JAV waifu
>can give her pink nipples yet you chose brown
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thats not the same girl
>complaining about brown nipples
Low test
better to have low test than to have shitskin
You would know a lot about that Samir

everyone has to make a spoopy scene this weekend
Fuck. Off.
I tried making one with the silent hill nurse
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wish there were mocaps like this
finished a scene, gonna goon in VR to trial it, hopefully it works well
6hrs making a scene, 2hrs gooning in VR, and the weekend is gone
such is my life
Time well spent
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I would but its all big dick negro bulls fucking Kpop -looking models with big tits and asses and for some reason people get triggered by that here.
I also liked this one. https://rule34video.com/video/3428292/vam-hmv-9-after-work/
Are they supposed to be someone specific?
I like it :)
>want to fap to vam produce
>have to wait 20 minutes for the scene to load
it just gets worse and worse each update
nigga this looks like trash, have some self-respect!
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>self respect
>on a porn board
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Post good ones then
Any recommendation for scene creators you can't find on the hub for whatever reason? I am particularly looking for lapdance/lightshow scene creators, but I'll take suggestions for anything else.

I just found abc tits this weekend on a whim and their shit beats most stuff on the hub for me.
>abc tits
Some real doll looking girls, I like it
I don't watch hmvs, why the fuck would I do that when I play the damn game myself
Ignore the cuck!
any looks that resemble anita sarkeesian or rebecca ford?
maybe ask on hub, there are by far more people online there than here
One goal I have is to make a scene good enough to handsfree coom in VR, but I have yet to get the energy to do so, beyond just dragging titty sliders to the max and fap.
I've been on this thread for years since damalama and I don't know who you are, and never seen your stuff, you're a jew liar.

damn captcha made me wait 17 minutes just to post. fuck this thread it's been over since damalama left.
The forum
what the fuck you talking about, you fucking paranoid idiot? That video isn't mine.

The threads are dead because you all push new people away.
Only one poster has misspelled his name that way and it isn't you.
Stop gaslighting.

Fonewearl is the reason these threads are dead.
damumu contributed nothing but his same faces wdym
Everyday the same shit from people who think they are above everyone else not to mention "Muh patreon"
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Who the fuck cares, I just wanna grill
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>Fonewearl is the reason these threads are dead.
I originated from TK17 years ago and before that, xstoryplayer

The last never got updated, tk17's forums got shut down becuase of internal dispute and a lot of that community went to vam and some made a different version of the klub

vam is the game for lonely souls of any age to start modding in the adult sector.. but all the best seems to be locked behind a wall of text and not paid content and that seems to be the problem and yea, the lighting is once you got it right, a pain in the ass.

vam 2 wont have the same success as vam alone and there will always be a different game coming out within the next 5 years and if not, vam will be here for another 10 years +

And why did I type that out? I seem to be banned.
Ai will eventually replace programs like VaM anyway
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Ive wasted way too much fucking time with this program
am i the only one who likes lapdances and dancing in general over sex scenes?
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Its never a waste
Where is Tifaanon he having a holiday?
Your next step should be the teeth

he's probably admiring tifa in rl again, never to be seen again besides in heaven, he's dead

no, dances are better than sex unless it's cowgirl
bump nigga
the lighting here is very pretty
did you make the scene?
Yes Thanks!
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how do i make cuas static?
nigga read the OP
miu mau
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kek, more?
unironically considering monetizing random ass donut steel models just as a side hustle
did you manually set up the lights or is it a preset from the hub?
No one is gonna pay for screenshots pajeet
I set them up
What files did you used to make that thicc Menat? Also info on background source would be nice too.
Thicc? You mean obese
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For the rest I honestly don't know where the morphs are actually from
Whatever you say Gaylord
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anyone have the creator key?
Try C91927
Share waifu please
share your lighting setup/scene fonewearl?
I don't care about the model, I just want the lighting.
hmmm? how do I do that?
load the scene, replace your girl with the default model, save the scene, upload the json
upload to where?
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any file hosting site nigga
can you pass these files over discord?
Wtf why not just pass the mega link over discord
hope this works
it's been deleted fonewearl,try again?
Just use mega ffs you gigantic retard
>anita sarkeesian or rebecca ford
I've been looking for them too lol, especially for Rebecca but I can't a single one. You might have to commission it or make it yourself.
Is there any way to animate the movement of a CUA attached to a person while keeping its relative position to the person? For example, you have a character with a tail and want to have it sway back and forth using Timeline, without it becoming detached if the character moves. You can't animate the position and rotation if they're parented to the person atom, at least with Timeline. Is there a plugin that allows you to do this maybe?
Attach it to an unused root like Abdomen 2 and animate it only in the scenes you want it moving?
You can always deactivate position/rotation in timeline scenes you don't want it moving, but I dunno how that would react
Can I get your shake it! settings?
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Elves of course
Your best bet is to have a CUA that has soft bones
Is there anyone that does or specializes in decent striptease scenes? Ideally physically removing the clothing and not just letting gravity make it plummet into the abyss, but either works.
For now I just keep the position parented to the person and leave rotation on so I can move it in Timeline. It works okay enough as long as the character doesn't rotate. There are so many powerful plugins for VaM now so it's a little surprising no one has made something that accomplishes this yet.
why do you think writing a soft bone addon is going to be possible?
That's not what I'm talking about and a soft bone addon already exists
and what are you talking about? you want cuas to be animated?
It only works if the CUA actually has bones in it, otherwise it has to be a fixed joint
>and what are you talking about? you want cuas to be animated?
I don't know how I can explain it any more clearly than >>8607691. I want to be able to use Timeline to have a CUA animate while still being attached to the person atom. This can't be done if it's parented to the atom. Another example would be if you had a girl with cat ears and wanted to have them move.
why or how else would you want them to move, if they already have jiggles or whatever because of soft bones?
have you ever seen a dog wag its tail anon?
very simple then.
parent an empty sphere to the body part. use cua addon to parent the cua to the sphere. use timeline to rotate the sphere.
easy as.
Yeah also looking into others that mostly do dance content. AlpacaLaps or whatever is good but I know theres probably plenty I'm unaware of.
That kind of works, although the movement is a little choppy and it doesn't rotate when you turn the person. I might have done it wrong though.
You definitely did it wrong. If you could upload the scene and I could do it for you
im still waiting for him to upload his damn scene
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Post your slop then faggot
I guess you will not
I don't have a specific scene that I was trying to set up, I was just experimenting with various looks that I have. If it's easier to demonstrate with a scene, you could use this one: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/felicia-ds.50938/

However I'm not sure the issue I'm having can be fixed. When you rotate the character, the tail will still animate but will still be facing the same direction; for example if you rotate the character 180 degrees then the tail will be sticking out of the crotch. The rotation of the tail is relative to the scene and not the character, and as far as I know there isn't any way to change that. But maybe I really did do something wrong and your solution fixes that issue.

If not it isn't really a big deal, I can just play a separate animation when the character rotates so that the tail is in the correct spot. I just wanted to check if there was a plugin that does the work for you to make things a little easier.
>replying to something from almost a month ago
rent free
Ill give it a spin when I have the time

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