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I've just had pegging on the mind a lot recently. Some futa on male stuff is fine too.
Time to get it out of your mind. And into your butt.
One time after a month of knowing my ex, i told her about the prostate, she fingered me on time and I came twice and buckets, since that she got hooked into it that I would hold her hands while bj or she would slip her little finger in kek
Funny that she looked like OP with red hair too, pegged me once and was her dream to peg me in maid outfit, she literally offered me money for that, but things suddenly got out of hand over an an argument and we broke up, she was crazy and toxic but hot and kinky
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That's hot. Wish I could find a girl that had even one dominant bone in her body.
Does the woman get any physical stimulation from pegging or is it mainly mental? I know there are some vibrating ones but does a regular strap offer any pleasure?
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who are the characters and who is the artist ?
Artist is BeckyMastery
Mental. But if you get her a double sided dildo or a feeldoe, it will turn physical very very quick (besides the mental aspect).
It's what I do with my girl.
Careful what you wish for, while she was crazy in sex, she was crazy in the mind too, probably BPD, masters in manipulation, and I usually don't get manipulated easily yet she almost did few times. She was hot, young, thin with perky tits, she cosplays too, cosplayed once as a makima and wanted to collar me.. even the building superintendent where I live told me she's the hottest girl I brought, however, I wasn't only for sex, I was in it for long term, and these girls are crazy in sex and crazy in normal life, she was throwing a lot of tantrum over nothing, busted her active in dating apps after she accused me of talking to someone because I shared a meme screenshot to her, she was obsessive and jealous she would search my house for any long hairs and start questioning me, these kind of girls will ruin your life if you had them for a long term, she will love bomb you in the beginning, then manipulate you, use you, isolate you while cheating on you, in the few months we saw each other she drained my energy that I was mentally occupied with all her stuff, and I refused to introduce her to my family because I wanted to limit any damage if it would (which I was correct about it) and it was one of the deal breaker between us, she wanted to own my life, and probably know me at a deeper level from friends and family to better manipulate me, these girls are smart, she was a loner, into vidya and anime, but hot that strong noticing eyes, far superior to any girl, and you can only win if you are autism level noticer (i am) otherwise you won't win against those kind girls, that's why normal guys get ruined and don't cut things early on.
It did hurt me when we ended it, other girls feel cold compared to bpd, but I would never be with similar girl, again, careful what you wish for.
I also recorded secretly all our sexual interactions incl her pegging me because idk if she will accuse me later or not, last fee times i put the camera out and she was anxious seeing it.
Sounds like you want a dominant bone in your body
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One reason why I haven't let just anyone but still letting go and just getting dommed once seems nice. But probably not worth all of that so I'll continue to play the waiting game.

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Should I save my anal virginity for a lucky lady or should I play with my ass and make it easier?
That's a personal choice, but I will say that playing with your ass feels really good.
what does pegging feel like
I bet. Sometimes I bunch up my boxers and tease myself with the fabric and just that makes me go wild. Can't imagine what actually putting something inside and hitting my prostate would do to me.

Like bags of sand, I'd assume
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>Can't imagine what actually putting something inside and hitting my prostate would do to me.

It'd probably make you cum.
ngl at this point I think I prefer it over PiV sex.
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It just feels that good.
We need more women doing the "plap plap plap get pregnant" thing on men
but how does it feel good if you are doing the pegging
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something I saved from /tekgen/ months ago
this picture alone is my main motivation to practice my reina
Women casually wearing strap ons is so hot. I saw an image of a woman wearing a starp harness under her jeans and it was the hottest thing.
the mental aspect is super important for everyone but most people are not ready for this conversation.
Any pics wher the dildo is hitting the prostate?
i had been looking for this one.
well look no further
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this artist really has that special sauce when it comes to femdom, especially in mixing that emotional and physical. like look at that eye contact. good shit.
Whats the artist name? I can't read the signature
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spooky pegging to end this Halloween season
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very much the case for me. having a dildo up my ass really isn't pleasant at all, but I still loved getting pegged. it just feels like the girl you with is ravenous for you and can't keep her hands off, which isn't a feeling I get from vanilla sex.
it's not that funny actually
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that's futa on male, not pegging
also the guy's right hand looks like a foot with a thumb
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didn't realize Animakis liked Johnny Bravo
I think the woman is Velma.
How many of you have been pegged or fucked in the ass, or fucked yourself in the ass before?

Is this something you do irl or just as fantasy?
yes, yes, and yes
Christ i had a nice dream like a week ago and i cant get it out of my head
it started out as a normal dream about work until a coworker came up to me and said "so uh since you are gay, you wouldnt mind me pegging you?"
the rest of the dream was just her pounding me very, very passionately
and now i cant stop thinking about it, whenever i see her at work an image of her pegging me is beamed into my brain
Yes to both. Why wouldn't you do it irl?
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I got pegged once.
Not yet but hopefully one day. Never fucked my ass either
been getting it up the ass for nearly a decade.

had a gay experience after a shitty breakup, turns out I'm gay enough to realize how great dick feels but not enough to actually date men.

used my fingers a bit solo, eventually got with a woman who was into experimentation and she started pegging me regularly.

she's my wife now, I'm literally on this board rn getting into the headspace for her to fuck me. it's the fucking best.
i prefer strap to dick. it feels rougher, more brutal.
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I have been pegged many times and fuck myself often.
no you haven't and no you don't
Yes I have and yes I do. I might do it later, even.
She looks like Andava's Claudia

How did you like it? Why only once?

Fuck. I envy you so much.
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only once because i've decided to stop having sex without emotion involved, and so far havent found that person. it was good, though.
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I wish this artist would post more. I haven't seen new stuff from her in a minute
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Could you take it?
I am the spy
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If only.
Fully functional and anatomically correct
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not exactly, her head is the size of her torso
Insert some sci-fi logic into how spreading a man's cheeks also leaves his mind exposed and vulnerable
Tasha probably could have pegged Data with his own dick.
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Fuck no. That shits kinda gay.
Weakest bait I've seen in months.
glacier_clear on Twitter
how do you figure that?
also curious to know
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I like to think all women wearing a strapon have done this
i think a lot of women would like to do that if they managed to have a dick for a day.
I haven’t, honestly. I’ve tried fingering my ass a few times, but it always gives me such mixed results. I think I just like the fantasy over all of it, I dunno.
4 PM somewhere in the world.
Back in my whoremonger years I got pegged several times, never been fucked in the ass by a male or trans, and I use an aneros from time to time alone and while fuckign with my gf if that counts.
I got pegged last week and it was great.
That looks suspiciously like a knot.
I'm only 29 but the idea of a college aged girl pegging me is just so hot. Outwardly people just assume our relationship dynamic but in reality she's bending me over
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Fingering yourself is very hard to enjoy because the posture is not comfortable; using a prostate toy like an aneros is easier because it presses and rubs against your prostate with every contraction and enhances pleasure during sex (and jacking off), and you don't have to do anything; it stays there.
Also, in my experience, enjoying anal in general depends only on your state of mind; if you have a stressful life, letting it go and becoming someone's fuckpuppet for 20-30 minutes is extremely liberating. Add some "medicinal" help, and it's like all the problems/deadlines/goals/targets didn't exist.
Agreed. I'll use toys all the time, but never my fingers. Too weird feeling.
Just learned you can stimulate the prostate with a perineum massage and holy shit. I don't think I've came this hard since I first discovered masturbation. I've used a fleshlight and other sex toys and those don't compare. All I did was ride my folded up boxers. It's been 20min and I'm still panting and weak in the knees and arms. If you want to keep your anal virginity and try prostate play it's perfect.
>All I did was ride my folded up boxers.
Can you explain some details?
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I massaged the area between my balls and anus with my boxers on. Then I took off my boxers and used that cone made from my fingers and filled it with the rest of the boxer material. At that point I had my boxers in a cone sort of shape. From there I kept that cone between my balls and anus and rode it.
thx gotta try
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It's a start, but I want her to knock me up.
Does getting pegged actually make you cum that hard?
As hard as it does in the cartoons? No. Personally, it does make me cum significantly harder.
No for me quite opposite. Volume increases 3 times over but it just dribbles out fast.
Have you done it hands free?
I wish I could find the porno comic I'm thinking of
where the woman puts on the strap and immediately thinks "now I understand why men are obsessed with these things. if I had one I'd fiddle with it all the time"
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>if I had one I'd fiddle with it all the time
I have heard many women say the first thing they'd do if they had a dick was jerk off several times, so I think it's a pretty common thought. I think the ideal of having something between their legs to play around with is appealing in the abstract, if nothing more than the sake of curiosity. I wish more artists would play around with this concept.
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I started to include stimulating my Anus fairly early on and kinda enjoyed it more over regular masturbation. Got pegged once by a stupidly curvy half Latina sexpositige alt girl off tinder because i had to get that off my mind. Came handsfree on her tits. Was as blissfull an experience as i hoped for. Also her pussy was tight af bc she "trained" with these vaginal beads for kegels or sth. So i actually got her to cum with just my dick, didnt have that with any other girl. Also she rode like crazy. Dropped her after a short time bc i got to know my now current gf whom I'm super happy with. Sex is good still, although shes like all the other girls i had yet in the regard that shes also pretty exclusively sub. She knows i like having things up my butt, but we rarely do stuff like this. The toys we have are mainly for me when i jack off or her vibrators for getting her off during Sex. Shes "mentally preparing" for pegging me for quite some time now, so i kinda stopped caring lately. Playing with my ass became more of a masturbation habit at this point anyway, which feels kinda fine. Would really like to get dommed tho someday.
Not in my experience, I cum without getting full hard and it's more like a slow flow, slightly less intense but much longer than a normal orgasm. If an orgasm is 15secs this goes for almost half a minute.
How would you compare it to a normal orgasm in terms of feeling?
I feel like a slow pulsation or wave, not especially pleasurable at first, that builds up very, very slowly, both in force and frequency, until it reaches a point in which it feels good and eventually escapes from the prostate area to the entire body, but not as waves but as a continuous low-intensity buzz; sometimes I don't even realize that I've ejaculated until the feeling goes away.
If a normal orgasm is centered around my dick until I cum, here cumming is something that happens when the pleasure "flows" through my body.
Now try it with both. Everyone talks about cumming "hands free" but getting jerked off while getting pegged is underrated in my opinion.
Pegging is good
I want a small petite girl to peg the fuck out of me. In public I want to look like she's completely submissive and I'm the dom but behind closed doors I'm her whore.
what's up with his teeth?
He's a vampire. That's Alucard and Integra from Hellsing
Ouch? Looks like he's having fun to me
Does getting fingered offer the same enjoyment as pegging?
Depends. Personally, no.
it absolutely does if done right
I guess it depends if the prostate is hit
Also how tight you are.
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Tight enough and that's all that matters
This is true.
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How do you stay tight if you get pegged? Like if I was constantly getting pegged with 5 - 6 inchers would I still have to worry about ruining my ass.
You're not going to "ruin" your ass. That's extremely hard to do.
Don’t listen to him. If you get pegged even once you need to seriously start thinking about wearing diapers. The poop just starts to slip right out like it’s riding a waterslide.
That's my gurl! Cho-dawg
Link is such a gay lil bitch
R u gay irl? U gonna take her on a date? Need more details.
I've stuck things up my ass b4. I always end up unsatisfied after, getting penetrated doesn't feel good 4 me unless I have some type of simulation from like a vibrator. Heard good thing thing about the prostate massagers.
You know u have 2 vlean out 2 do that right?
Haha Zoey & Ellis r my favorite
He was just joking guy
This may just be one of the most vile & despicable piece of pornographic art ever created lmao
Not all of us are constantly full of diarreha, anon. Mind your fucking diet.
I've only stuck a hairbrush handle & my sister vibrator up my ass handful of times & I've already noticed a slight change in how tight my ass used to be. I heard a pornstar say working helped retighten her asshole after all the anal she did, so after a intense pegging-sesh, do some squats at the gym maybe?
You're a complete retard. Asses are made 4 shitting, it's literally what they're biological designed to do. If you're not always cleaning out b4 hand, regardless of your diet, you're one sick mf.
How stupid are you, anon? Are you seriously on the internet trying to tell someone (YOU) know what goes in and out of my butt better than me, the one who has the butt? How bored are you that you're unironically trying to tell someone that they don't know what they're talking about in regards to their own stool? You need me to fucking show you? Weirdo.
That's my issue with chastity stories and captions. They all jump to "never." If you really mean never, why should the locked person play along?
You do things because your mistress says so. It's not more complicated than that.
I'm into chastity and this still couldn't be me
I guess I could dig it in a roleplay aspect. Like the idea is more attractive than the practice. In the heat of the moment signing away your whole dick to your mistress, that's kinda hot. But I wouldn't wanna go through with it.
Which leads me to believe it's probably good to have a separation layer between fetishes and real life. Don't think anybody ever argued the day-to-day and the bedroom ought to be 1:1.
Just saying, if you can't do what your mistress says without the promise of being jerked off, are you really submitting?
that's just a matter of perspective
I want to be fucked like this but I need my hair pulled too
Not Pegging.
The OP states futa is okay too
I’ve been looking for this for months thank you, do you know the source?
New thread:
how did this thread die second?
Looks like the jannies deleted it for some reason.
i think we should wait at week or so before we make a new thread.

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