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Shortstack General #238

Your favourite short race edition. What got you into shorties?

Previous Thread: >>8524720


Post pics, stories, whatever you got that involves pocket-sized sex bombs, just be excellent to each other.

If you're an artist who draws shortstacks, what are you working on right now? Share what you're making!

Fairly recentish shortstack VN:

fanfics for nerds who read someone recently updated
The New Demon Lord patron reward
The Ratcatchers
Samina Cass:
Warcraft Goblin Story:

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For me it was wow gnomes and midna.
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Oh she did, the prompt for that day was Cosplay, so Cici is dressed as Miku.
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Question for you /ssg/
Do you pefer goblins with or without their long noses?
Short or average noses all the way.
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I'm fine with either.
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I don't mind both. The pointy noses on the goblin queen comics is good.
I like bulbous noses
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I want them to remake overlord but make the minions shortstacks.
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I'm a sucker for the nose/ but giving them a catlike or a chuahua like nose is funny
without. i dont find greedy merchants attractive
didn't realize the last thread was about to die, so I'll ask again
who dis? She cute
Shit that's great. What scale? Those faeries look tiny as fuck.
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I've been on 4chan long enough that it was lewd dwarf threads on /tg/ that got me into shortstacks (and by extension, irl women with dwarfism)
I can appreciate most nose sizes, but as with most things it can go too far in either direction. Honestly, it's when the goblins have massive ears that my boner deflates - either the PS2 Jak & Daxter shit, or the Indian Elephant silliness and I'm just thinking "...come the fuck on"
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>Honestly, it's when the goblins have massive ears that my boner deflates
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otherwise, they're just little green elves.
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elves aren't short, or green, or stacked
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My elf is short and stacked, and has been painted green to infiltrate a goblin party on at least one occasion.
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The other goblins never saw through her clever disguise.
Her natural state of being.
nonsense, this is clearly a well endowed halfling
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Nah, those guys got round ears. She's a Christmas elf, one of Santa's little helpers.
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Is this someone's OC? She seems new
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How the fuck did this thread come back from 404?
It was so far gone it was out of the archives.
Shortstacks are buoyant
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vtuber by the name gobbcubus
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... I can't watch now, but apparently I'm now her second subscriber on YouTube. Please tell me the voice work isn't trash tier.
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And that's the whole backless panties set for now.
Someone from the previous thread wanted to know the source of the 'No Tell Motel' images:

Can't say I'm happy with how all of them came out, particularly the last in the series.
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>Shortstacks are buoyant
They are in these threads
Too fat
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you're too fat
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I like her a lot anon. Don't suppose she also celebrates Halloween?
>Your Elf sneaks into a gobbo camp.
>The camp gets attacked by goblin catchers.
>No one believes your Elf isn't a Goblin because she's 3'4'' and her ass is fat and no one will let her scrub the green paint off.
>You Elf gets (legally) sold as a pet goblin.
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She does, and I had a cute costume idea for her, but it's a bit too late to get a comm done at this point so I'm gonna put it on hold for next year.

>the reveal when her new owner gives her a bath for the first time
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How terrible.
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hate fucking this cunt till all her holes are rearranged to the size and shape of my big fat cock
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too fat
hit the gym lardass
we gotta turn those sacks of offal into drumsticks
She's right.
>he is still on day 11 of the Gobtober and the month is almost over

rip, I foolishly thought it was going to be 30ish new gobbo images
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hot DAMN, thats a lot of tristanas
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Based, can't wait for him to do Lulu next.
Sadly Vex has like no skins.
90% of artists stop gobbing right before they hit it big
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To be fair it's far easier to crank it to a goblin daily than it is to crank out a goblin daily
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I'm afraid it wasn't overcoom dehydration this time.
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ayy lmao
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This is my favorite goblin image.
>edge of sanity
I prefer fury of the small.
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that ones pretty good, easily the best orb to ponder. But check this out
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what about this one?
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God I fucking love Gobtober. That Halloween comes at the end of it is just the icing on the cake.
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Don't matter to me.
Had the 'Cum on Command' Spell prepared for just such an occasion. Based wizard.
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Come closer
it's a wonderful spell
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>wake up
>it's gobtover
>every artist I was following that were doing some kind of drawtober/inktober/gobtober/"x"tober thing gave up ~10 days in
I can't draw to save my life but I seem to recall artists from a decade ago or less not having this issue of instant burnout
>Power Word: Nut
I really admire any drawfriends who take on these challenges, even if they "burn out" early or do a picture a week instead we always end up with some great new art. I'm just a talentless wagecuck so I can imagine how it can be tough to grind out a new image each day and keep up the motivation to do so.

Well consider the events of the last couple years - we've got a ton of AI slop and negativity toward artists in general, telling them they're going to be "replaced," building lora of famous artists without their knowledge or permission to shit out mediocre "eh, good enough to jerk off to" sludge, AND a lot of the social media sites commonly used by artists are either eagerly embracing that or else they're imploding altogether, forcing artists who rely on this for their living to try and rebuild their presence somewhere else, knowing only a handful of their followers will go with them.

Being an artist is already stressful but I don't blame anyone getting burned-out right now.
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Finished this yesterday.
Nicely done
There's also a BE edit that I haven't been able to finish yet because I'm sick.
Those look heavy. I'll help her carry those.
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They've been heavier.
Largest I've ever drawn them. Her body tries to keep up with perceived demand if frequently milked.
you know what fair enough
god i love short stacks

the shorter and more stacked the more better
Thighs that could kill. Good stuff
Straight from the source.
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I consider myself a complete beginner, despite also being a wagie I did 30/31 days because the first piece of advice every pro gives you is 'just draw'.
Was my result mostly dogshit with one or two barely OK pieces, yeah, but at the very least it lets you look back and you can see what you need to improve.
I guess from my perspective it's easy for a pro to burn out on a picture a day challenge because as >>8586742 implied there's unfortunately more negatives than positives currently if you're already a skilled career artist with a following instead of a hobbyist, unless you're an absolute beast who can just shit out a full render plus your comm work every day.
For a complete beginner that ain't too bad at all desu. Keep it up
Round the eyes out a bit more.
Get rid of th fucked up face
Get rid of the bush
Learn proper anatomy for the pussy
Ears come out of the side of the head not the face
Feet tend to turn a little when legs are out stretched liked that.
Thanks for the advice anon, appreciate there's more fucked up stuff than what you mentioned but I do want to try to get better so good starting point for practice.
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>Get rid of the bush

On behalf of everyone who appreciates pubic hair: Fuck you.
it's a lazy way of hiding that you can't draw pubic anatomy very well
it's also inherently unhygienic unless properly trimmed
No one who likes it gives a shit how you justify hating it.
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ok, didn't ask. you ppl don't need to crawl out of the woodwork screeching bloody murder every time someone suggests getting a trim
Pubic hair IS pubic anatomy. And it's only "inherently unhygienic" if they never bathe, like you probably don't. So, die mad about it.
No one gives a shit that you keep having an opinion.
found this off a random recommend and felt appropriate to share here.
Shortstacks seem to be only playable characters with chest and bottom sliders.
Now this, THIS is doing something for me.
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lol no
the artist does. constructive criticism > "NOOO GIMME MY UNWASHED PUBES!!11!!!"
you guys are retarded freaks, and the sad part is that all you have to do to not be one is exert the same minimal effort as everyone else with their fetishes
Don't be disingenuous. The main thing bush enthusiasts talk about is huffing sweaty musk pube fumes, you're not fooling anyone.
Keep screeching bloody murder and going for maximum hyperbole, buddy. Doesn't look sus or retarded at all.
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>n-no u
Tell me more about how you have nothing else to say.
Why yes all gobbs should be stinky and with unkempt pubic hair
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Here, to make to feel better.
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Just a shame it's futa shit, like 100% of that artist's output.
This. Sneaky futashit at that.

>no dicks visible in the image
>No no trust me it's just SNEAKY Futashit

Go touch grass, dude. This isn't healthy.
Anon, what do you think that giant thing sticking out of the goblin's lap with the clear wet spot at the tip is?
Also look up the artist, literally 100% futa shit.
Nooooooooo is that a dick on that girl?? How am I gonna self-insert now? How am I going to fuck it??
see how it recoils when found out
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yea thats a lot of what ive been feeling lately i think
it just feels more depressing than anything with how readily so many people WANT to replace artists as quickly as possible. corporate and suits i can understand, but to see even the common person be so eager to shit on all the work we put into our art just wears away at you
like, this hellhole of a website isnt exactly the most welcoming place but boards at least seemed to appreciate having drawfags around. but now every single board you can find an AI thread thats just harvesting our work and anons hating on us in other threads

was really looking forward to getting my pension at my job so i can finally quit and try art fulltime, but more and more it looks like i have no place out there when that time comes or that im even wanted. been eating me up on the inside more than ive ever told anyone
Don't worry. If AI art takes over, it'll last probably like, a half decade at most before the AI art bots become so inbred as to be basically unusable.
It's literally already happening as we speak.
Nah. It'll happen short term, but people will find ways to make it adapt long term. As with all human predictions, immediate change is slow but long term change is fast.
>but more and more it looks like i have no place out there when that time comes or that im even wanted
You, and new artists like you are needed now more than ever. I'm tired of seeing slop everywhere, and I'm weary of sharing spaces with people with such low standards that they'll willingly slurp it up. I know /mfg/, /xeno/, and robot threads are always glad to have a drawfren around
At that point it just becomes a Sisyphean battle of small groups of developers trying to make AI not retarded, versus everyone else either passively or actively doing so.
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It comes down to why are you doing it? I've developed 5 board games that only around 40 people have played. Hundreds if not a thousand hours spent just working on mechanics and minutiae and balancing and printing out sheets.
I've always supported draw fags because I believed they enjoyed drawing, and doing crazy requests are a fun challenge. One of the absolute best things that existed on 4chan was that short period where draw fags made the 3 way fusion. Like if midna was at top, a goblin on left, and a yordle on right.
I fully, completely, encourage you to do your art, but stop doing it because you want something from it. Just do it cause you like doing it. It's ok to sell stuff if you want, but draw cause it makes you happy.
They're not fighting everyone else. They're fighting AI devolving into shit when it feeds off its own output. To say they won't solve this isn't just shortsighted. It's wilfully myopic.
You're exposing yourself to bullshit opinions that were always present but not so readily available. Don't choose to grind yourself down over an uncertain future you'll want and need to be whole for. Plus - if you're shitting yourself up to your ankles, the corporate suits you think can safely plan for you to be fucked off should be shitting themselves up to their waists.
They're trying to solve a problem where a program learns, but also knows not to learn from certain things, the paramaters of which are arbitrariy and undefined. As of right now the best way to do that is to just never release your AI model to the general public, but that has the downside of massively slowing down the rate at which it learns.
This sort of shit literally happened like 6 months after chat GPT was first released to the public, it got noticeably and measurably stupider.
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I love your mothgirl anon
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I was going to get AI to make me a sexy nearly naked dark fantasy style goblin shaman sorceress (called a Shaker) for the board game I'm developing. But if it's something you'd like to try, I'd leave the spot open for ya.
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Hello /v/ yordlefag hall monitor

Friendly reminder to kys

Hello Lolicons in denial

lolis can be thicc too
lolis can have hips

there can even be giantess lolis
>oppai lolis-----this one right here
legal lolis
fake lolis
potato lolis

Ilulu and La Brava are oppai lolis
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Whole lotta no one asked going on there.
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god i fucking love shortstacks
>posting a midget alongside actual child characters and claiming they are the same
Go back to australia you anally annoyed faggot
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oppai lolis exist simian

australia hates lolis

eat shit

keep coping
forgot that

Eri is 110cm and La Brava is 111cm
almost same height too
and the difference is one has breasts
it seems you need to get some glasses anon-san.
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and btw La Brava's pants are baggy and she doesn't actually have thighs like your off model art

this is just the typical vaush cope
>they're just shortstack goblin-ack!
cope retards
lolicons in denial
as per usual
>doesnt look like a child
>doesnt talk like a child
>source material says she isnt a child
>isnt a child
The short=child allegations will never stick. Go back to sucking Anthony's cock, struth.
What was all that about Australia?
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Report and ignore.
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i enjoy futa fromt ime to time, its a bit gay yeah, but you are A FUCKING DOUBLE JEW NIGGER for hating on people that dont like it.

the size diference appeal is the same, but the forbiden fruit is not there at all for shorstack stuff.
also, would you consider yordles as lolis as well?

yes, im into both fetishes.
Futashit is fine with me. This wasn't hardly the most embarrassing I've seen. Most artists aren't convinced they're futa until they rape their favorite classmate.
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what reason should I give
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Extremely low quality posts.
loli doesn't equal child though......
aco is filled with dumbfucks
announcing reports is against the rules subhuman
The funny part is I'm a lolicon
so how could I be from australia?
/aco/ is just like /co/
filled with normalfaggots

Shuten Doji is a lolibaba
as the illustrator said he was told to draw
lolis can be any age
normalfags on my board?
what reason for this.....
guys I'm totally not a lolicon

cope lolicons in denial
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so is trolling outside of /b/, posting offtopic, posting low quality trash...
>tranny jewtuber
like clockwork
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Aren't there literally threads on /a/ for what this shitter's spamming
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Lusty Argonian Maid'd just got gobby
it's not trolling but okay
i'm just saying these two characters are oppai lolis and you are seething for no reason
just know that lolis can be any age the artist or author makes them

keep the cope up vaush

lol I watched this vid years ago when it was first uploaded and don't keep up with these e-celebs like you obviously do.

anyways more Oni cunny oh wait I mean shortstack
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This isn't a loli thread, and lolicon is specifically prohibited by the board rules; It's literally the second option, right under beast/furry/guro/scat. This is also /aco/, for western style art, not /a/, or /h/, or /d/.

You're being a faggot because you're an election tourist from /v/ trying to shitpost.
midna is a loli
no shit
The truth is midna fans and la brava and ilulu fans are all lolicons and love the lolibaba
and they should always remember

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Sure, and Im the pope
Keep coping vaush

With your painted loli
I get it tho
You just want the Jan Jan to think you're not into lolis
Loli website
By definition, she is not
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why're you samefagging so blatantly
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how so?
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>Not a child
>Is a grown ass woman
>Cursed into being an imp, not a child
>Stacked as fuck
She's closer to being a midget than anything else
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everyone, just agree with the tard until he leaves.
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that's not how it works - that's how you foster a sickness. gatekeeping is the only viable preventative measure for maintaining your communities, and the only way to do that here is to do the needful and enforce the rules
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Does she have a long nose because either compliments her profile, or just because the artist wanted to give her one?
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cobatsart is going too far on the hip thickness for my taste. the hips in his midna comic where perfect.
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this artist loves anal, and I now love this artist. always peak.
I wonder if my commission inspired some people to draw more Katy. I saw almost 0 art of her before hand
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thanks anon
inspired me to work on something with her
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I do like when artists inspire each other.
Aurora made me start loving the glasses+witch hat combo
la brava is literally an adult
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maybe animated? i dunno
Love the bulge
she stretch
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Betilla my beloved
Finally got around to finishing this now that I'm mostly over having strep.
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Haven't had a chance to put the advice anon gave me earlier in the thread into practice yet, but here's another quick sketch regardless.
mine too
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lolis don't have tapered waists.
As shown in your image.
Cope and seethe.
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You guys know any good shortstack artists on Skeb/Vgen/Twitter you'd recommend?
There needs to be more porn of baby doll/mary dahl
No idea. Pretty sure the answer is 'here'.
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I've only have a couple of skebs/comms but I'm pretty satisfied with both of them. The skeb(pic rel) was kabeume who draws all their characters pretty thick, it's nice. Plus they got back to me in a timely manner, unlike non-shortstack skebs I've requested in the past who spent the entire three month period to get back to me. Also my commission from BlenBodega was incredibly fast, finished a solo piece with flat colors in a day. They seem the type to only comm when they have the need for it, instead of opening permanent comms and making people wait half a year to get their art back. I'll definitely be getting them again in the future.
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Love the new HuffsLove pic.

Autumn shortstacks? Be still my boner.
>Does her hair change with the seasons
Dudes asking the right questions there
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So long as it doesn't fall out in Winter I guess
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does frieza count as a shortstack?
Frieza is 5'2", which is just short. Krillin by comparison is 4'11".
omg you're right, he looks so much shorter compared to Goku tho but i guess friezas thick empress ass is spared from this thread
Drool hair
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Back on track.
Obviously not wtf
Your friend is a fucking moron.
No and you should keep an eye on that friend. He's either extremely stupid, or is an actual pedophile.
No. Loli has always been based on the characterization of child or childlike features on a female, always physical, but sometimes also psychological ones. It doesn't matter if they're a 500 year old dragon or witch, or a human child or adult woman.

Shortstacks are just women who are both short (sometimes very short) and stacked (sometimes very stacked).
Shortstacks are women who must be both short and stacked, with few limits on the amount of exaggeration in either.
I saw a shortstack woman IRL once
Gotta be 4 and a half feet tall, booba big enough to be seen from behind, hourglass shape and big ass
Probably as close as humans can get to being shortstack without having serious deformities
Haven't, but there's always SG Jemma on record.
I had a weird realisation a few years ago when It occurred to me that most of the women I'd been out with were 5'4 or under and had, at the very least, DDs. My current gf is 5'2 with G cups.

I know, I'm lucky as all hell.
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Fierce mild blogposting.
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just finished this of my shortstack alien girl
Looks more like you just said that to post here.
no real preference, but i usually give them a long pointy nose when i draw them, i think it adds to the goblinness
It's simple, really. I see a short woman with a big ass and suddenly my dick had a mind of its own.
this is loli
the artist is rodecchi
a loli artist
lolis don't have to be children vaush >>8593962
>t. lolicon
okay hypocrite
asanagi likes to disagree

read this

this was from a drawing of Tatsumaki by Asanagi and even he admits that they can have breasts

it's over vaush your waifu Tatsumaki is a loli

A: I'm not a lolicon, I prefer a plump figure, matured lady, so I'd say Fubuki...But the Fubuki from ONE sensei version is not plump at all...This version of Fubuki is fully based on my own liking and preferences. I love boobs since I was young, and the back, waist and the butt, I'm having fun time drawing them! Tastumaki is not my cup of tea, but turns out that I'm having fun drawing her as well! I've never been so interest in drawing the back and ass back then.-Murata

Q: Anything you are not good at drawing?

A: I used to struggle when I'm drawing Saitama, as for now I'd say Tatsumaki, I'm not good in drawing loli, I like drawing thicc figure.-Murata in qna
It's the smolice
Need herto magdump me for spooking her
>tfw no office gob
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Need mandatory office gob at desk
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I want pictures! Pictures of Joblins!
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Yordle sex

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