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No off topic garbage, low quality images, or trolling. ERP is OK!

>About /xivgd/
OG Balless futas, full package herms, and vaginaless transwomen are all welcome.

>Dickgirl/Futa Mods

>Previous Thread

>Vanilla Thread
>Fag Thread
>Off Topic/Fetish/AI Thread
>Drama Thread
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very cute bunny from last thread needs to be seen
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Reposting from old bread
By chance does anyone have a catbox or mega with all content twappie removed from his twitter? Most of his dickgirl content is gone
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we lost another one?
to get railed by a hrothmommy or elezen on my femboy middie
what a horrific op
idk what I'm doing wrong, my screenshots never come out like these
what do your screenshots look like
pose it yourself to get interest
idk if you can post the femboy here or I'd ask to see if my femezen has interest
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thanks your too
a lot of the work here is made by the shader, start searching for high quality shaders for high quality pictures
another thing people dont do enough is moving the camera out as far as possible, then increasing the fov to focus on the character and rotating the camera for a good angle
this puts more of the character into the shot and avoid awkward fields of view
you can also do a bit of post-processing, for example in this picture you can see some really bad dick seams, you can just hide it with a bit of blur
futa hroth here gets deleted unfortunately because it falls under the furry category
even though i like fuhroth i guess you have to catbox it
which sounds retarded on a porn board
Really good job on the expressions
howdy ma'am i'll take some sausage with my biscuits this mornin
Do you even play this game or do you just repost from twitter?
What's up with most Au Ra being Xaen, with barely any being Raen?
He mostly posts straight porn now, either with his man cat and girls, or his fem cat and men; and he deleted a lot of futa content, including some hot ones where is futa was taking it from a futa
Do you?
>complains about reposting content
>doesn't post any content, original or not
Any tribute enjoyers in the futa edition of xiv lewds?
>post your character so I can schizo you!
I have my eye on this thread. Please post more, even reposts or shit from xitter is good enough for me. For the posters, I'll plap you soon.
this from last thread, i dont have any fuhroth content
Yes anon, everyone on the porn board with 20 posters is out to get you and it has nothing to do with you kvetching and not contributing
Post futa sleeves built for men
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