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wrapped gourd edition.

https://catbox dot moe/c/7p9or9 (second Life album)
Plant Stories
Some Stories were lost if you all have any missing or new reply to this post we have an archive fourourown now so things should be permanent now unless they're stickler for lists.

Previous Thread
Next post will be the anchor for all new plant
Anchor post! post new plant art here!
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leaked pokegirl lmao
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God, do I love Kanna (the awesome plant girl with fat tits. Not the stupid loli one.)
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I really wish someone is autistic enough to save every random kanna picture from these threads.
Some may have already been lost to time
I mean...
but they're one and the same (dehydrated vs not)
I meant that other Kanna that happens to be an anime dragon loli I think
That's almost me. I save them all, unless they are very low quality or feature muscle or vore.

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