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Pervy Scallywitches Edition
Post everything relating to Lewd Hogwarts Legacy / Harry Potter.

>Aggie drawing board:

>Penelope Warwick's ERP Emporium:

>From the Desk of Farley-Kun:

>Miranda's caring stories:

>/hplg/ stories and pics:

>Vocaroo files:

>Matti's lewd artwork:

Previous thread: >>8532233
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Goodnight lewd ones

You did a really good job with the gif's you made, I hope you had as much fun making them as you look like you're having in them.
The condom lies there, unused and sad, like Eva's homework.
i wanna see pp join in on the lewd shenanigans
This but Mega
I want to molest Amelia from behind, nibbling at her neck and ears while running my hands across her body, teasing her nipples and little bean while she squirms around, pressed tightly against me with nowhere to go until she can no longer stand, her limp body folded over the closest piece of furniture like a discarded garment I'd finally slip inside her, hilting myself again and again while tightly grabbing her hips, thighs pressing her's into the furniture and leaving her nowhere to go until I've finished emptying myself as deep inside her as possible before giving her ass a sharp little spank as I exit.
>ฅ(^•ﻌ•^ฅ) maybe a tail as well, nyaa~?
Well that goes without saying.
>That's what I thought ( ̄ー ̄)
Hush, you!
>Hey...ᴵ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵇᵉ ᵈᵃnᵍᵉʳᵒᵘˢ...ᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ...
Only danger you can pose is to my productivity...then again, that's what I have my crew for.
>Speaking of which, how many more coats of wax do you need?~
Normally I'd say as many as you can handle until we touch land, but I still want to fill up your other hole too before we arrive~
>Hush, you!
You're gooonnyaa haaave tooo maaake meee~
>Only danger you can pose is to my productivity...
And who says we aren't being prductive?
>Normally I'd say as many as you can handle until we touch land, but I still want to fill up your other hole too before we arrive~
I hope it's a full-filling experience X3
>You're gooonnyaa haaave tooo maaake meee~
You say that as if that's gonna be something difficult~
>And who says we aren't being prductive?
More like REproductive! Gottem!
>I hope it's a full-filling experience X3
If we're not careful you might get filled up in more ways than one...!
this is the hottest post i read on these threads
>You say that as if that's gonna be something difficult~
I wouldn't want to make things harder on you than necessary~
>More like REproductive!
Pirate preggers? Now that's irresponsible.
>If we're not careful you might get filled up in more ways than one...!
*shudder*mmmmmmhhhmm, and I know you want to, don't you? What's stopping you?
i want addie to get a remote controlled prostate massager so i can make him cum like a girl
>I wouldn't want to make things harder on you than necessary~
You've already made something very hard~
>Pirate preggers? Now that's irresponsible.
I didn't become an adventurer because I'm responible, you know.
>*shudder*mmmmmmhhhmm, and I know you want to, don't you? What's stopping you?
Just had to make sure you were okay with it beforehand, I'm nothing if not a caring Captain...now let's get a little rougher, mmmhhh?
Futa makes me uncomfortable, it borders on tranny shit. But with the lack of men and my immense cucklust overwrites that disgust I feel.
I miss Hoshiko and also Celeste.
I miss writingfags
I miss Flo
>You've already made something very hard~
Good thing I was prepared for this situation to arise~
>now let's get a little rougher, mmmhhh?
mmmhhhmmm, I want you to break me, fix me, and break me again, just treat me like I'm your toy~
I need bullyfic to continue
i used to hate this thread
but now its more comfy and fun than the main /vg/ thread these days
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Im still here. Just was a bit sick the last days. No worries ^^

But i wouldnt say there was nothing to see here the last day ;)
Nice things Dani and Mell !
Not me, I would've said something like how I regret not making a move at one of the Gryffindor's that I had a few dreams about blowing under the quidditch stands.

Glad you enjoyed it, nurse Florana.
>Good thing I was prepared for this situation to arise~
Guess all your preparations paid off, eh?~
>mmmhhhmmm, I want you to break me, fix me, and break me again, just treat me like I'm your toy~
LIKE you're my toy? Oh, my dear Captain...you ARE my toy~

Thanks, Nurse!
>Guess all your preparations paid off, eh?~
Well, you can only be so prepared in the end :p
>LIKE you're my toy? Oh, my dear Captain...you ARE my toy~
What kind of game are you going to play with me?
i want to fuck dani so hard bros...
>I regret not making a move at one of the Gryffindor's that I had a few dreams about blowing under the quidditch stands.

which gryff?
>Well, you can only be so prepared in the end :p
Ain't that the truth? Weren't expecting the real thing to be this big in person, eh?
>What kind of game are you going to play with me?
The kind where you scream my name so loud every vessel on the seven seas will be able to hear you as I pump your womb full of my thick babybatter~
no, you cant just name every witch until you get it right it cheating
That's a bingo!
Yeah, it's you, hehe.
Who is controlling it?
which one of you perverts played with her ass?
What would you do?

That's too embarrassing to say.

>Weren't expecting the real thing to be this big in person, eh?
It's kinda like cheating to use something like that
>The kind where you scream my name so loud every vessel on the seven seas will be able to hear you as I pump your womb full of my thick babybatter~
what if I moan it in your ear as I run my hands through your hair?

hehe, I hope you have a good time with whoever the lucky one is
aumellia most likely
>It's kinda like cheating to use something like that
You were expecting a pirate to play fair...?
>what if I moan it in your ear as I run my hands through your hair?
Sure, that works too. But I can already tell those moans are gonna get loud~

aumellia has made 2 witches cum from their butt
it's not fair bros
did you cum
>You were expecting a pirate to play fair...?
Fair? No, but are you sure something that big doesn't go against the pirate code?
>But I can already tell those moans are gonna get loud~
I bet you have ways of keeping me quiet~

how was it?
aumellia probably has the best dirty talk
first anal orgasm?
>Fair? No, but are you sure something that big doesn't go against the pirate code?
If anything I'm following the code to the letter. People in our line of "work" are all about "go big or go home", and there's none as big as mine~
>I bet you have ways of keeping me quiet~
I do...doesn't necessarily mean I'll employ them at *all* times~

Built different.

One does one's best.

Hope you enjoyed yourself, black cat.
my ass feels sore...
did aumellia fuck your ass that rough?
It will tomorrow too
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>Glad you enjoyed it
Looks like it isnt over yet. More time to enjoy ;)

Also the AI dont really make good sick persons. So i made the second fitting ^^

Awwww. Hope you enjoyed it and >>8567882 is a good kind of soreness
>What would you do?
throw you onto your hands and knees, put a leash on you and pull on it hard while i stuff both of your holes until i'm fully satisfied
>throw you onto your hands and knees, put a leash on you and pull on it hard
Pulling my leash? Have I been bad?
>while i stuff both of your holes until i'm fully satisfied
That doesn't sound like a punishment master, will you go until I'm satisfied?

>More time to enjoy ;)
i want to clap ava's cheeks so hard she can't walk for a week
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While Captain Dani is preoccupied on Captain Mells ship, another burglar sneaked onto Danis caravel, stealing some of her precious crownjewls.
>my jeweled plug collection gone forever
you fiend
>Pulling my leash? Have I been bad?
all this slutting around with ava, aumellia, random gryffs? real bad. im going to have to punish your naughty ass hard
>That doesn't sound like a punishment master, will you go until I'm satisfied?
drop some links, i'll make sure we're both completely satisfied
I want a wizard to get a lovense toy so I can make him cum like a slut
>drop some links
fuck...if I wasn't dying for lack of sleep I'd have you take me to church...
what better way to fall asleep than after a hard orgasm?
hope that helped
can always go for round 2
was it front or back?
That kept me up for almost an hour afterwards, but it did feel good.

Front, it was the fingerer.
oh that's good. thought at first i messed up and you fell asleep kek

happy to make you feel good anytime
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What's up? Never posted on this side of the threads before.
Well howdy stranger. Get naked, pull up a chair and wait for the local hufflesluts.
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Thread's much slower than the main thread. Or at least it was pretty fast back when I was an active poster there. Been a couple months since I last checked in there.
Also, I don't really know what I'm doing here. While I've done some creative writing I've never really written smut. Do we just like erp here?
Drawing lewds
AI lews
Helping lewd anons get off by remote controlling their toys
You know, just people being people
Neat. Just nerds being pervs. As it should be. How many people would you say visit the non-lewd thread? Should I reintroduce myself or do people remember me?
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>my jeweled plug collection gone forever
Ohh? So the form didnt deceived me. It was what i though
Hehe. Whoever made them must be a masterfull goldsmith. So shiny, so smoth so... fitting~
>you fiend
Oh dont worry. THEY wont be sold. They are to nice for a cheap market where people dont understand the value of.
If you want them back, just follow the scent of honey~

Oh hey. Nice to see you. Its been some time.
>Thread's much slower than the main thread.
Always has been ^^
>Also, I don't really know what I'm doing here. While I've done some creative writing I've never really written smut. Do we just like erp here?
What the other anon said.
While ERP/Flirting and AIs are the most part, most people enjoy smut and drawn stuff very much too.
We have
and rarely Faolan
I think that are all of the regulars
I visit the non-lead thread and I still don't know who you are.
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Hey Flo. Been a while. Ya boobs out girl, but don't think I didn't see the HOLE. I lost the game, apparently.

More regulars than I thought.

I'm Jonah Vale. Gryffindor Half-Blood - though the Vale name was pureblood until my Father married a Muggleborn.
This list is inaccurate and libel
Shut up, PP.
Wasn't me dude, I'd never call this libel. While it's technically written, it's not in a publication, so it's slander.

On a totally unrelated note, post maids.
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>post maids.
not that one DUMMY
also you saved one of my pictures i'm actually blushing
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>one of my pictures
why would you do that, they're really not that good.
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Every drawfrend is a good drawfrend
Needs more art of pirate PP joining in on the lewd pirate shenanigans
because it's you pp. it's hot knowing the character, quality aside
stop ittt
the art mines are dry and also i have bone cancer in my fingers and the internet isn't working no more drawing sorrrrrry
this nigger gets it
>So shiny, so smoth so... fitting~
Oh...if you wanted me to share, I could have let you borrow a few to...try out...
>If you want them back, just follow the scent of honey~
You heard her lads, follow that busy little bee, there's a honey pot to plunder with my name on it~
mhm yes perfect carry on
is that maid wearing her special maid gear underneath the skirt like her master expects?
*curtsies and returns to cleaning*

Sir, I simply haven't the faintest ideas as to what you're talking about, just what is it you expect to find under there?
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I can see her blush in my mind. CUTE!

>Oh...if you wanted me to share, I could have let you borrow a few to...try out...
A sharing pirate? Arrrr. Sailor's yarn if i ever hear one. You have to send me to Davy Jones to get them back. Making me a wet grave!

if i slap your ass, i'll feel your plug in there right? if i go a little further i'll feel something in that front hole of yours too right? you dont want to disappoint your master do you?
this is maid heaven please continue.
show pp feet
Show pps pp
show pps pp cumming
A wild Amelia has appeared, cute.

A sharing pirate? Arrrr. Sailor's yarn if i ever hear one. You have to send me to Davy Jones to get them back. Making me a wet grave!
You better batten down your hatches because you're grave isn't going to be only thing watery after I get ahold of you~

Eep! Sir, I'm shocked you'd expect your cleaning staff to do something so degrading while on the clock.
>A wild Amelia has appeared
Not Amelia just reposting old stuff
I hate Amelia
I love Amelia
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>You better batten down your hatches because you're grave isn't going to be only thing watery after I get ahold of you~
Your ship looked good when i was on it, matey but i doubt it can hold up to the Queen Bee's Revenge.
You know what, i like you. Maybe i give you a headstart so i can see what you got for me first hand.
(and i really like those panties)

Bad oppinion.
Make a cum tribute to prove it
>Eep! Sir, I'm shocked you'd expect your cleaning staff to do something so degrading while on the clock.
when you're on the clock you serve me however i desire. that pose is a good start.
Jonah tell us who you want to fuck the most
*gasp* Oooh~

>Your ship looked good when i was on it, matey but i doubt it can hold up to the Queen Bee's Revenge.
I'm not out to sink your Queen Bee, but do you think you can repel our boarding party?
>You know what, i like you. Maybe i give you a headstart so i can see what you got for me first hand. (and i really like those panties)
I'll have to make sure I put that advantage to good use ;)

However you desire? Well that's a cheeky attitude if I do say so.
Mel or someone else come erp with and fuck dani hard already please
Naughty seeker... Was it during a match, under the quidditch stands full of students, just a step away from being discovered? Or afterward, in a more intimate atmosphere?
>However you desire? Well that's a cheeky attitude if I do say so.
not as cheeky as your attitude
or your ass
amelia post a link
Isn't it super late for her?
you take her place anon. get a toy and post a link here
i want to fuck amelia in the ass
i want to fuck florana in the ass
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Dani probably.
I want to say it had to be after a match or practice because it was getting dark, there were people walking around and he was still in his quidditch robes. I'd get pulled past a fabric wall into a stairwell with some large crates stacked in spots that blocked off one corner away from the entry and stairs. He'd carry me to the corner and kiss me all over while feeling up my butt, we'd almost get caught and he'd tell me to be quiet as he pulls out his cock and guides me to my knees. I remember the grass feeling damp and the stink of his sweat, then I'd let him control the pace, leading me back and forth slowly and telling me what to do and not allowed to touch myself until he'd pull back and cum in my mouth before telling me to drink it.
Fuck that’s hot
Who's the lucky one?
i'm very happy with all the maids, you should post butlers now (or witches in butler costumes, I don't judge [spoiler](except I judge often)[/spoiler])
God I wish we'd have more AI slop. The links to the artworks don't work anymore :(
What even started the maid trend
zesty maiden flav in the main thread
That boy just ain't right in the head.
any of you interested in magical gooning class?
Isn't that what these threads are?
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Goodnight slow-thread. I'm off to delve the darkest dungeons and fight the most vile creatures imaginable in the infinite realms of Morpheus.

You can't just say that...

Just some Gryffindork.

A magic spell that keeps you on edge, unable to cum? Maybe.
sleep tight
goes to delve dark dungeons when he could delve dani's dungeon instead
literally who
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You don't look too averse to it, Dani.

The guy fucking your mum, anon. Well, one of them. Busy lady, your mum.
>u-ur m-mom
try again fuckboy
Mate, give me like 5 minutes. I need a break.
careful you dont get carpel tunnel
Can you guys not be dicks?
Too late mate.

Yeah. Internet fights aren't very fun. Especially when I'm trying to go to sleep. Gnite f'real
That's hot and pretty vivid. Were you a good witch and drank it all without spilling a drop?
I'm sure having you there in a tight corner, pinned against the crates, as a personal stress reliever the guy was ready for a couple more rounds until late into the night.
i just asked who he was, not my fault he went straight for "lmao ur mom". insecurity, i guess
Do something entertaining
Plug your butt and drop a link. I'll entertain you~
Thye didn't say who it was
are you entertaining her though
Can't sleep, bored and need my balls drained...
time to get a lovense toy for yourself aumellia
you're up
Oh, no! We can't have that...
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Because asked so nicely... Well you didnt ask but you know what i mean.

>I'm not out to sink your Queen Bee, but do you think you can repel our boarding party?
Im positiv about it. My crew is skiled with the scimitar. When they hit, it stings.
And if all fighting dosnt help, well... Bees are known to defent themself through intense "cuddles" towards the attacker.
>I'll have to make sure I put that advantage to good use ;)
Enjoy the breeze, but dont think i will make it to easy for you, for now ;)

>i want to fuck florana in the ass
Ehhh Sorry. Thats nothing i do [spoiler]aslong i dont know the person good enough[/spoiler]
>i just asked who he was
He told who he is 24 hours before your post.
Eh, using one on myself doesnt sound nearly as fun as using it to make Dani or Amelia squirm.

That she is!

My favorite girl, cumming to my rescue...~
>My favorite girl, cumming to my rescue...~
From the size of those balls I should've come here sooner~ My poor girl all backed up and bored ;(
>From the size of those balls I should've come here sooner~ My poor girl all backed up and bored ;(
Last time I go to bed without blowing a load inside you at least once...guess what they say is true...not all heroes wear capes...some just wear plaid skirts I quickly tear off of them~
Always knew I was your hero ;P Sweet dreams~
Well that goes without saying~ But I'll be sure to return the favour, love~
When will Ava finally get pregnant?
When will Ava finally get me pregnant?
When will Mega finally join us?
>tfw we will never get to drain aumellia remotely
where the pegging?
whip out your strap on
His face has an almost Mona Lisa effect to it, something you'd call a subtle smile of resolved satisfaction. Who can blame him, I suppose? That cock can put liter bottles to shame in comparison.
All the boys were scared away
My ass is an exit only. No entrance permitted.
you're missing out
I'm borny, get it? bored and horny.
Hi, Borny. I'm Jonah.
Hi, Jonah. I'm >>8572176
you're jonah too?
We're all Jonah. Don't you know?
I'm no longer borny, I got purified by cat videos, see (you) in an hour or so
next time come back with some ideas of how you want us to help you with being bored and horny, borny
Proud of you.
In-game lewds would be cool
hogwarts legacy isnt skyrim anon
i dont think anyone has legacy installed anymore anon. there should be a link with all the in game lewds ever posted in the op though
ava your time is now
I'm busy with other stuff.
aumellia your time is now
Me. I'm stuff.
hi, i'm stuff
give us updates amelia
amelia too busy having her butt played with by aumellia to answer...
aumellia give us updates
is she enjoying herself
did you type this while cumming from your ass
if she was able to type that she wasn't close to orgasm
that or she orgasmed and typed that out afterwards
Who is Amelia?
Nobody really knows
mega's alt
How do I install the lewd mods for hl?
the lewd ones are basically simple reskins so it's a matter of unzipping the mod files and putting them into a specific folder in your game data. any of the mods should explain. ask eva about the pose mods
>thread op doesn't include mods
the main thread on vg used to have a link to some of them
now i am bored and horny
No clue which ones still work.
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is there anything worse than a footfag?
pedo footfag?
Didn't see this earlier

I hardly know you though.

Mostly it would end right there, or he'd disappear, or I'd be attacked on the way back to the castle and I'd wake up.

>Im positiv about it. My crew is skiled with the scimitar. When they hit, it stings.
I suppose we'll have to see if they CAN land a hit with their little stingers first.
>And if all fighting dosnt help, well... Bees are known to defent themself through intense "cuddles" towards the attacker.
*gasp* cuddles...my one (of many) weaknesses. Who spilled the beans? No, it doesn't matter, I just need to get that stinger out of your tail.
>Enjoy the breeze, but dont think i will make it to easy for you, for now ;)
I'll enjoy it while it lasts Ms Bee

I spent so much time wandering around I never finished the main story, I really should finish it.

I was earlier, now I'm just sleepy.
Cumming on Mega's hair
did the horny die around here
It comes and goes, but it mostly goes before I cum.
Huh, dreams really do like to end at the most interesting moment.
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>I suppose we'll have to see if they CAN land a hit with their little stingers first.
Size is not important. Speed and technique is key.
*Add that one fightscene from Bee Movie.*
>*gasp* cuddles...my one (of many) weaknesses. Who spilled the beans? No, it doesn't matter, I just need to get that stinger out of your tail.
You.. just did~ But dont worry about it. This technique is not ment for fodder. Its reserved for a Captain vs Captain battle.
>Size is not important. Speed and technique is key.
I'll have to float like a butterfly then ;)
>You.. just did~
>Its reserved for a Captain vs Captain battle.
So it's come down to this, has it? A fight for the ages, mano a mano, fairy vs bee, just youuu, meee, aaannd MY NET CANNON!
good night
Which Legacy NPCs would you fuck?
Imelda, Garlick, Cressida, Natsai, Isisdora. And Helena of course.
Poppy but compared to the centaurs, I probably can't satisfy her as well
the quiz girl and the gobstone girl
Poppy and Imelda
eva how much do you love sebastian's dick?
Which MA NPCs would you fuck?
Sharp, Garreth, Lucan, Ominis, Jackdaw, Poppy, Adelaide, Imelda

The Frey's with Cassandra, or Kevin and Robyn together
Cassandra, rune teacher, Mahoutokoro's team captain, Astrid, (Robyn).
Pince, Astrid, Qui
i miss amelia
me too
I can't believe she's dead (again)
Maybe PP can gather some unicorn blood for her. Or maybe not since Amelia cut off her head.
i want to make amelia cum
Didnt she do it for the slytherchad to repay the favour

A mutual resurrection bathed in silver blood, truly a yume dream
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394 KB PNG
fun pic, need one for the boys
Looks pretty incomplete at this point
dani or amelia
post links
>post links
brats good?
i was horny
now i'm hungry
now im horny again
What can I get ya hon?
Todays specials are brats 'n' kraut, silver dollar pancakes, ass, or pumpkin pie.
ass with a side of pumpkin pie and a hand on my brat
here you go sugar, let me know if I can get you a refill ;)
i could eat that ass all day
keep it coming
Hey ma'am, I'll have hot pancakes with syrup and a glass of fresh milk.
You want cream with that?

my mom is ma'am, I'll be back with your milk in a minute
here you go, your "fresh" milk
>You want cream with that?
i'm sure i could fill it with my own fresh cream too
But what can we get for you Dani? We want you to have fulfilling fun too
*Just as you were handing me the milk, a random outburst of clumsiness occurred.*
*The glass falls from our hands right onto the table, milk splashes everywhere, on my shirt, on your apron, on ourselves.*
Oh, Merlin's beard. I'm sorry miss, I got lost in your amazing eyes.
I'm sure you could, but I'm feeling more like whipped over churn style.

I appreciate it but I'm not really in the mood fore anything right now, I kinda felt obligated to keep going but my heart's not in it.

Sorry I just don't have anything for this right now. maybe later this week or something.
see, I even forgot the pic, I'm out for the night.
that's ok dani. come back when you feel better girl.
we will be here
No need to apologize, goodnight Dani.

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