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New edition
Ever After High welcome too?
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G3 ended yesterday and nobody gave a fuck.
MH will never be great again. His peak died in G1
G3 was just a huge clusterfuck of bullshit.
G1 was peak, big mistake that they ended it
explain this to me like I'm a retard
Monster High had 2 reboots. Original is Generation 1, it was the most famous and succesful, it is the one with most porn, this thread is an example. The clothes of the characters were sluttier than the other 2 generations.
Generation 2 was lame. Almost no one remember it.
The last reboot was G3, it was released not long ago with a cartoon that had 3 season. The designs were safer, they added woke stuff like Frankie being non-binary, openly gay characters, etc. G3 had a live action movie.
The cartoons also had a plot that was developed through each season, something the other generations didn't have (they were slice of life mostly).
However the new cartoon ended this week, they wraped almost all the plot points and that was it. The new live action movies in development were reportedly cancelled. It looks like the new generation of Monster High was a failure.
In my opinion, G3 had very cute characters, and the design of the dolls was good in most of cases. But overall it was just okayish, with nothing really interesting to offer, the cartoon was also boring.
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Thanks for explaining that to me, I was just watching a thing on YouTube recently and one of the people who worked on it (Dan fraga) briefly mentioned that MH had a huge quality drop off and I was curious about that. Thanks. Gimme something to draw (if you want), I’ll do it when I got time. I’m watching Buffy when I cant sleep now…
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Well, If i could ask for something, it would be Clawdeen sucking cock.
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Draculaura giving the best blowjob in the world to Professor Van Helsing.
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>The clothes of the characters were sluttier than the other 2 generations.
I think G1 had the best designs, not as simple as G2 or too over the top and overloaded as G3, it was a perfect balance, you could say "you know, that's something a model would wear."

look at this image.
G2 is too simple and boring.
G3 is too overloaded.
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Spectra Vondergeist wearing her slutty dress and still keeping the sandals, hands behind her head and legs spread getting knotted by Howleen Wolf like this reference : https://files.catbox.moe/ck42c4.jpg
keeping an eye on this thread for developments
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Toralei Stripe giving Draculaura a wedgie similar to picrel
The only good thing about G3 is that they introduced some milfs, even if in my opinion Harriet Wolf is the top one
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Must be in heat, she don't touch dick otherwise.

Glad to see you're still around.
Clawdeen is not a bitch, she is the bitch.
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monster cows
I always forget that this series exists.
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it's easily forgettable to be fair
The designs are below Monster High, I mean, most of them just look like girls cosplaying as princesses, I understand that the characters are the descendants of the descendants of the protagonists of the classic stories and the point is that they are a copy of their predecessors , but it still looks cheap.
censorship? in /aco/? Come on, you can do better!
The uncensored version is behind a paywall.
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i would impregnate every single one of these little bimbos
I'm surprised Monster High doesn't have more fanfics.
You mean fapfics or Gen fics?
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There is a Monster High nsfw discord that I am having trouble connecting to with an invite from jose12mexico. I would appreciate some help with it.
Wish I could help you, but I got banned from it.
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Honestly thst server isn't worth it joining, it's filled with people with mental problems, and as soon you say something wrong you get banned.
Nrock made a huge mistake giving the server to a weak bitch with a huge but a the same time fragile ego like jose12mexico.
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choose your poison, human man.
I'll take Frankie, Clawdeen, and Draculaura.
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I want to wear Draculaura's sweaty pantyhose over my face like a cartoon burglar
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Doing anymore of those requests?
doesn't look like it
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I'm back, sorry. which one you want?
This one of Spectra please >>8578229
I wanna see that bitch being put in her place.

Good to have you back
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G2 movies were awesome and the 3d models were super cute.
If we could get that style back with G1 fashion and sculptl quality we'd get a massive revival but Mattel is almost as retarded as Hasbro.
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Woah! This is so hot, thank you very much drawanon you are keeping OG Monster High alive.

If not to much to ask could you do a version with Spectra having her slutty dress and sandals on?
>could you do a version with Spectra having her slutty dress and sandals on
sure, but i'm gonna do a new pose if you dont mind, its hard to show action from behind...
i knew it mm
damn best girl’s titty milk is toxic i bet that shit is so vile i would kill for a taste of her
your color palette is different but that art style is hot af

sorry i keep coming back to this thread i have never watched this show but i’m going to buy a toy just to trib her nightly holyshit
Ok as long as it is with Howleen, go crazy, they are a rare ship, so more stuff with them is fully welcome
Honest question for a newcomer: which series/season/movie/comic/etc. is a must watch for coomer reasons?
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Found it.
very good
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Guess it had to happen at some point.
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yeah i love these bratty bitches keep gooning
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Sorry it took so long
>Spectra secretly going out with Clawdeen's little sis, what a lewd ghost.
Holy fuck this goes beyond great, the pose, the legs, the dress, you are amazing, thank you for drawing my OTP, you really made my day.
ha, thank you, I'm glad you like it
You up for more requests?
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How about Raven and Darling lifting Apple's skirt and playing with her ass. Something like this?: https://x.com/sasizume_S/status/1681100565236035585
its saying this link doesnt work...
Try this one:
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Bummed that the guy commissioning this ran out of money.
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Maybe lost the hype for it, i don't think someone will waste time on a comic idea if they don't have the money.
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Hungry for some buns, great job.
Do you actually have a name or how should we call you?
Thanks. I don’t have any art page or name yet.
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No love for the Bratzillaz' girls?
OR here, thanks for the art. Best of luck to you and yours.
thank you for the well-wishes
Think you might be up for more?
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sure, what you got?
If you got the time to browse this and pick your favorite scene to draw.:

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Gonna shoot my shot and request a Vampile.
Draculaura on bottom, Gory middle, and Elissabat on top.
Based on this:
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can you do some bratzillaz stuff? like Jade J'dore doing an Ahegao face
Stealing butt virginity
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Monstar - Bumpas.
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not that artist but I hope you don't mind
Art as good as yours for an obscure series is always welcome, thank you anon!
there's a weird "terms agreement" when I go to this page... could you just pick a scene you want and post it? i'll work on this >>8608151
until you reply...
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I have a idea if you don't mind.
A POV pic of futa Operetta fucking a human female in a sensual way with the human female holding her legs and feet up like the reference, with Operetta saying "i love human pussy"
Try this: https://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/El_Heffe/36669/Monster-High-Ever-After-High-drabbles
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and that's a good thing
Her pussy and asshole are a bit too far apart
Lmao i didnt know i caused such a problem. Sorry man.
Glad i got out of the discord drama.
Ive been out of the loop making art for like a year. Whatsvthe drama? Anyone want to geive me a quick rundown Is his ego that bad? Sounds like hes on a power trip...
I miss you fucks, ill be lurking, maybe posting new art.
>Is his ego that bad?
Well yes as the server is filled with ass kisser.
And now he is a the point of wanting to do streams (which isn't that bad) but dressed as a fucking girl, which some people are already asking if he might do sexy pictures.
Give it some time and that server will become a literal circlejerk of faggots.
Im still in the server but as a shadow, i want nothing to do with those creeps.
Oy vey. Thanks for letting me know, brotherman. I like his stuff but damn he mustvbe on an ego trip. Sounds like most of them just want free art ( do not miss the shit id get when i forgot to draw a certian type of bra strap and not another, like bro i took time to draw something nice for free , beggers cant be choosers), or think of him as like a micro celeb. Bummer. I wonder if the cd thing is to get paypigs? Sounds like he already probably has a few...
Man im glad im out of the loop. Butvat the same time sure i missed some really funny shit. Meh
The old aco threads where cozy af. The new "wait a while before posting" rule here drives me nuts.
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brush their hair ffs

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