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Despite his transition to content I ain’t a fan of, least she’s still around
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oh neat, a cass thread
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What stuff would that be? I've only ever seen this artist in passing, so I'm curious
Apperentaly he is now focusing On some Bisty Boi oc who looks like those Autism speaks Toy Chica pics you sometimes see. I dunno At least he still draws Cassie from time to time.
>that blush
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not bad eh?
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is this OC?
if so, nice
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it looks like it anyway
Ye, it’s edit bro, been doing own shit for a while, some trace overs on cake’s stuff
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Old Cassie was better, at least she had some sag. Cake has a OC for his bolt on fetish, don't know why he applies it to Cassie
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by the sound of it a lot more than his back is gonna be tested, wink wink
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Tsuchihara_ does some good stuff. Would like to see more lewd Cassie from them
how much lewd cassie have they done?
actual lewd? Only the one above the edit I shared. The shirt popped nude top.
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Would like to see more headless shenanigans from Cassie
Cake ain't gonna like this thread!
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You don’t know cake very well do you
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Cake already said he doesn't care as long as you don't @him about it

PGR doing ok?
Has he addressed his fanbase to cease harassing/giving shit to ppl who do it anyways without @ing him?
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Not recently, thats for sure. I know Tscuhara asked Cake if the comm was okay when he did her topless. I know another artist did a full nude, and Cake said they didn't care in the twit.
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I know the guy, I recall he mentioning something about a vault for drawings that cannot be out there, and I DMd him about it, and he mentioned one Cassie lewd either done or in the works, but refused to elaborate any further
not sure how i feel about their newer content
I dislike everything that has to do with his boobed fagbois, I'm just following him still for the rare Cassie pic
Snitches get stitches
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cake himself
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cassie a fine lassie
you're a poet but you didn't know it
Say what?
>some Bisty Boi oc who looks like those Autism speaks Toy Chica pics
Is it good that I don't know what any of that means?
yes, yes it is
That reminds me, there is an AI image model on Civitai that's trained specifically off of Cassie art. You are all free to use this model in whatever lewd scenario you want. Nothing holding you back.


Take the AIPill, Anon. Go wild.

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