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The Stable Diffusion general for realistic or cartoon futa/trans/femboy content.

Last Thread (345 responses, 250 images)

I want non-futa photorealistic 3dpd!
I want non-futa cartoon styles!

>What belongs here?
Normal /aco/ rules apply, see >>133810
/futasdg/ includes full-package futas, dick girls, traps, trans, and femboys.
Try to keep images either photorealistic or Western art influenced.
The lines between Western /aco/ type art and anime can be blurry, don't think too hard about it.
If you want help with your gens, post an image and your generation settings, and ask for advice.

>What doesn't belong here?
Bitching and complaining, especially bitching and complaining with no images.
Futas aren't real, don't argue or complain about anatomy.
Unsolicited requests.

>Have a request?
Go to >>>/trash/slop
Feel free to solicit requests or ideas for gens, though.

>How do I start to make these?
Check the linked threads and resources below.
To prompt a futa in your PonyXL prompt, try changing "1girl" to "1futa, futanari"

>>Baked-in Pony Diffusion characters

>Related threads on other boards
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And 6/6, one from my personal folder, but not from the last thread.
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holy fuck...
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Requesting Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia) giving futa Molly Jo a blowjob.
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Pure futa superiority
Reminds me of Christie from "an Agreement Gone Wrong" except her cock is not as massive.

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