"What is best in life?" edition.Feel free to post general historical(-ish)/smut images too. Preferably still euro stuff.Previous threads:https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/European%20Thread/[ DL for literally everything ]libgen.li[ English Read Online ]https://readcomiconline.li (Licenced only)https://readcomicsonline.ru/ (Better reader, less choice)[ English DL ]https://getcomics.infohttp://europeanclassiccomic.blogspot.com (Also a database)https://comicslady.com/[ French DL ]https://ww2.bookys-ebooks.com/bandes-dessinees/newhttp://planete-bd.org/bd/https://yggtorrent.la/https://www.ebdz.xyz/[ Other ]https://www.bdtheque.com/ (Database)https://myuploadedpremium.de/ (Free premium leech)https://www.2dgalleries.com/browse/index?timespan=3&order=1&catid=3 (Franco-belgian comic art)https://www.bdgest.com/previews (BD Previews)http://howtoarsenio.blogspot.com/ (Spanish comic releases)[Euro-Comic Casual Nudity Recs]Worlds of Aldebaran, some casual, some sexualSillage (English: Wake)Bouletcorp, nudity treated as natural part of lifeMoebius (Jean Giraud) included nudity in The Incal and other comics.Anything by Bastien Vivès, some casual, most sexualDaytripper 002Dylan DogLinda Aime l'art - most of itBelladonna (French Belladone) by Ange (Anne Guero)Gotlib, eg Du cote de chez Betelgeuse: Attentat a la PudeurKerascöet, eg Beauty, Satania
Connie, la Barbare v1 - La nuit de la Gloriole (Gianluca MACONI) (Tabou) (digital)
And that's it for the first chapter. You can find this on Anna's Archive.
Au Cœur de la Terre - 01 (Glénat) [Digital-3234] (TCH)
>>8583159Nice! where can I read this online?
>>8583140>>8583141>>8583142Looks good, the 'action' should have more pages.
>>8583356commission more then
>>8585554I wish I had more skills I could draw two extra pages for fun.
Guerres et Dragons - Tome 02 (2024)
>>8583125European comics are like European carsThey look nice, but inside they're weird and the break down in the end
>europeran thread>it's all frenchhuh
>>8587593if you know german stuff, yu can post it
Ann Bonny, la Louve des Caraïbes - Tome 01 (2024)
shirt + bottomless pubes is nice
L'Imprimerie du diable (2024)
This is an American comic but the best version of it available is French so I made a scuffed english translation of it, if anyone knows where to get the proper english version please tell me
>>8588808This one is cool do you have the name of it?Any more? Even if you just pasted them in french and dont bother to translate?
>>8589526It's called Rex Steele Nazi Smasher, there was also a cartoon made of it
West Fantasy - Tome 01 - Le Nain, Le Chasseur De Prime & Le Croque-mort (2024)
>>8583136>>8583138I don't speak french But I can't help but feel like castration is pretty steep for attempted rape.
>>8590732Does solve the problem of repeat offenders.
>>8590732If anything leaving them alive seems too lax.
>>8591737too lax for whomst?
The Cult of the Sacred Fire HC -- Vicente Segrelles (artist, colorist, cover, writer) -- Mercenary, Volume 1, 1985 -- NBM Publishing
Baroque épopée du monde qui ne voulait plus tourner, La - T01 - Volume 1 (Arleston-Dimat) (aATAa) 1920
>>8583125>"What is best in life?" edition.Reverse rape and lamentations of their women?
>>8598906>>8598907I don't think her shirt fits.
>>8583125Good to see that this is still going.
>>8602208We did have a ~year gap but it got mentioned enough times in other threads to make me start the threads again.
>>8602682It's better when people have something relevant to post and it doesn't devolve into just general historical titties.A couple of pages from Kong Crew, I'll probably finish these up and post scans in the win-o on /co/ tonight or tomorrow.
>>8602944>It's better when people have something relevant to post and it doesn't devolve into just general historical titties.i tried posting miraculous ladybug stuff to have an actual euro thread but im not much of a poster.im beaten by the general historical stuff by a milei give up
>>8583127>Don't look at me like that.
I love savage women
>>8605513Nice, got a link for the next volume ? Can't find shit on anna and such
>>8606923artist?>>8607041No I couldn't find it.
found these on kemonopack wasn't identified for shit so i was just lucky to come accross this
>>8607562I found full volume 1 and 2 but nothing for 3Found them on ygg
>>8606923That's not a savage, that's a civilized thot - concubine, by the looks of it.
Heavy Metal 150 (1994-05) short story The Evening Lover for >>>/co/146403210
>>8611019wrong file
>>8611057wrong file again, that was the end of the story. Above was start of Emily by Javi Santonja. Posting anyway.
>>8611019>>8611023Where could I get my hands on the rest kind sir?
>>8612408libgen (see the OP), or annas-archivepic unrelated Metal Hurlant 11 2004 April/May cover, I'll slowdump The Eye of Dawn by Paul and Gaetan Brizzi
Aquablue for >>>/co/146461650
From Enki Bilal's Nikopol Trilogy
>>8613651>Enki Bilaloofthat one, i never found any of his book good
>>8613642Why do these characters seem so familiar....
>>8616130you may be thinking of a certain american's punk dressing fishwoman
>>8616677who is that
>>8617638it is an illustration of the character from >>8616661
>>8617922yoko tsuno!always fun to see lesser known comics
>>8616666nice bush
Les filles de soleil - T14
>>8619622You could make dozens of jokes here.
>>8617923Asking for her boobs to get painted.
>>8619620She looks very serious for someone standing in her underwear in the middle of a field
sketch by Edmond Baudoin - born 23 April 1942 - a French artist, illustrator, and writer of sequential art and graphic novels. From dBD #24 (Juin 2008)
>>8621940that's the first page of his Arleri; I could only find a Spanish translation. Here's page 2:>Eres viejo. Que edad tienes? En que pensas?>You are old. How old are you? What are you thinking about?
>>8622016>Me recuardos a mi madre.>I'm remembering my mother.>A tu...?>Of your...?>Si, era muy joven cuando me tuvo.>Puede que este pintando su vientre al pintar el tuyo.>Yes, she was very young when she had me.>Maybe she's painting her belly when she paints yours.- Both deepl and google give that translation but it seems to me more like:>Maybe her belly is being painted while yours is.>Vamos a descansar un poco y te preparo un te.>Qual es tu primer recuardo?>Let's rest a bit and I'll make you some tea.>What's your first memory?
>>8621940>>8622016what a creep
>>8613651>>8614113Art looks decent, at least.
>>8625051nah, that ain't nothin'
>>8627088Looks nice. Post more of it.
>>8628166Something funny about this pic.
>>8625777new mélusine?
>>8625777found thisgot a fullsize of this one?
>>8633124nah old
>>8617923Is that Olga Lawina? Jesus christ, I hadn't thought of that comic in decades.
Behold phillistines, in the spirit of the season i give to you..........ART!
>>8638424Le Fin.
>>8638416This was in that book from Humanos, right? I forget the English name, Fripons was the French one.
>>8638427I don't know what I just read, but I like it.
>>8638566Iirc that is the right one
Gilgamesh - Tome 01: Les Frères ennemis
Kamasutra - De Chair Et De Sang
Noticed a lot of "scans" on various sites are just upscales of much older scans.It rankles my autism.
>>8642263Yeah it bothers me too. Upscaling tech improves over time, I'd rather have the best original version available and upscale myself. Plus it bloats file sizes like mad.
Thellus - T01 - Le cycle de Kad Moon - Tome 1
>>8642263>>8643116At least on ebdz, they mainly have the source version in the first post and all the shitty upscales are just in the comments. But it does bug me when I think there's been a bunch of new posts and comments and it's just crapscales.
The Court Charade for >>>/co/146764172
Cybersix for >>>/co/146773835
Alexis (pseudonym of Dominique Vallet) in Le Souper Fin mixed photocomic by Gotlib, reprinted in Les cahiers de la BD - 38. Alexis died at 30 years in 1977.
>>8645032better scan
>>8638427le weird art
Les Petites Femmes -_01 - Le Gabarit Sacre
Roma - T02 - Vaincre ou mourir>>8646245yep
Thank you to the anon that poste Cybil from Fires of Askell you've given me a new waifu MY GOD she is hpt
Just as a heads up, I (OP) will be gone for a month and will not be posting new content.
>>8648990See you next year.
love the chromedome from megalex
>>8649371More like next month.
>>8651620Check the calendar.
>>8647645https://mega.nz/folder/4j50yY6D#tDEWwKH4gm1iO0fZRNMgzg1 to 4 are in english
>>8647645>>8652265thanksThe Mini Girls 01 - The Holy Thingy
>>8640818Looks well done.>>8643119What is this one about? Looks interesting.>>8645032kek>>8650418This reminds of some artist from dofantasy.
>>8648739nice pubes
>>8583125What is your favorite euro comic, anon?
>>8654707Wish I knew, sorry.
>>8596614>>8654707>>8658038Le Voyage Extraordinaire by Filippi and Camboni.
>>8657763You're asking OP?
Le Voyage Extraordinaire cover
>>8661945Its Kinda like the cover to one of the Blue Monday albums with the Jules Verne homage /tribute as this one is like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea while the Blue Monday one was From the Earth to the Moon, notably it's movie adaptation by Georges Méliès.
>>8662075What the fuck are you talking about?
>>8662637I was actually talking about this graphic novel series and one of its covers (shown here ) and the cover of >>8661945 and the Steampunk theme they give off with both of them also being like both a Tribute, parody and homage to the likes of the books of Jules Verne and the movies of Georges Méliès.
>>8661945from Tome 02
>>8663967is that all of it?
>>8664483not the guy but i collected a few attractive panels>>8596614>>8596618
tough only the statue from earlier is actual nudethe only thing the rest can offer is sexy stuffits an all age comic afterall
i ship these two
transparent nightiesand they don't wear brastoo bad no nipples can be seen
too bad the girls still are wearing panties
out of stuffand all of this was only in the first bookthe rest got nothing sexy besides the statue
>>8664611Are you that retard condor?
Loisel's Peter Pan for >>>/co/146965181
I want to fuck a gladiatrix!
>>8666489I already have and it's nothing special really.
>>8667071well some of us have yet to experience it
>>8664614what does a condor have to do with anything?
>>8668069Bottom > Top
>>8665786Would fuck that Tinker Bell.
>>8625777>>8633124>>8633127Artist is ENF-loverhttps://x.com/enf_lover/status/1871694237206741384
from Titeuf 14 Bienvenue.en.adolescence page 8
>>8674063where can I legally get a copy of it?
>>8672343thank you
>>8674063>>8675576amazon or glenat which directs to multiple sellers.I've only seen volumes one and two in English, on http://www.europeancomics.net/index.html?a=o&b=Titeufpicrel from Titeuf - T10 - Nadia se marie (Nadia is getting married ), nichons means tits
>>8672064that goes without saying
>>8675576>>8675780>>8676519How are anons so retarded that "buy it on amazon" elicits a thank you?
>>8676533I find the story behind this so hot
New thread sometime later, when OP anon returns?
Jane for >>>/co/147064367From Tarzan - T01 - Seigneur de la Jungle by Bec-Subic, Soleil edition