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Welcome to Nightmare Waifus, a thread for monster girls with an emphasis on the monstrous.

>Previous Thread here: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8468957/

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robbed of the Friend OP
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Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
You're most welcome, Anon.
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>still better than the acquittal statistics at my country
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Hey rice, the anon who requested part 2 of the carrion story here. The part 3 I had planned to request kinda ballooned out of control in my head and I instead now have a long 5 or 6 part story, maybe longer.
and loosely related story. The first half however, is going to some DARK places as far as loss of control, female transformation, and body horror, though the tone will get lighter in the second half. Waifu's and Anon's
relationship starts in a very unhealthy place, though it also improves in the story goes on. I know you've said before you're fine with writing this kind of thing, but I figured with the content and length, I'd
give you a discription of the overall tone and main characters so you can decide if this is something you want to touch or not before I request part 1. I apologise in advanced if this stretches into a long multipost.

Nightmare_waifu is a human doctor named Alicia Roche who gets infected with a venom-like symbiote (no intelligence, just instincts) which at first changes her into a humanoid monster that resembles a cross between
she-venom and the monster from carrion with shapeshifting abilities. In the second half, she further changes into a living hive with her mind serving as the controlling intelligence behind everything. Personality-wise
she was/kinda still is a decent person, but she secretly has a strong dominant streak as well as a kidnap-and-rape fetish with herself as the rapist, though before her transformation, she had too strong a moral compass
to every indulge, and was to modest to try roleplaying at a bdsm club.

Anon is a security supervisor working at the same research lab when the shit hits the fan and gets dragged along for the ride. While he has a sumbissive side, for the first half he is not happy in the slightest about being an actual
sex slave. No much more to say since he's obvioiusly just there for the reader to self-insert.
And it turned into a multipost...

Once she becomes a hive, she has two types of dones. The "advanced" drones are basically copies of her venom/carrion form and have its shapeshifting abilites. She can see and hear through hem and can control them directly, but
when left to their own devices, they are near perfect copies of her mentally. They also occasionally mimic her human appearence, usually when she is using them to communicate directly with Anon. The "basic" drones, which are far
more numerous, resemble feminine molded from RE7, but with a very featureless, manniquen-like body. They have much more limited shapeshifting abiltys and can only make minor alterations to their bodies, and when not being directly
controlled, only really have basic instincts. They recognize Anon in this state, but there is no guarentee they will respect his wishs.

Now on to the dark shit, beyond the obvious rape situation. For the first half, while Alicia seems to be acting maliciously, she is actually just scared, desperate, and barely thinking sraight due to both stress and the animalistic
symbiote messing with her head. The symbiote, for unknown reasons, is addicted to Anon's genetic material and if it goes to long without a fix, it will first start messing with her sex drive, and eventually try to outright take
control in order to get her to fuck Anon. She starts with almost no ability to resist at first, but slowly gains more and more control as the story goes on. She spends most of this half of the story in a state of semi-denial, convinced
there must be some way to "cure" her and she is also unaware/unwilling to admit her addiction to Anon specificaly and thinks her condition is just messing with her sex drive in general. She mostly contols Anon at this stage though
threats of violence, unaware the symbiote would never allow her to actually seriously harm him in any real way.

In the second half when she bcomes the hive, she is finally able to stop, take a breather, and think due to being stuck in one place and the symbiote being now fully integrated and no longer messing with her mind though she has inherted
an more managable form of its addiction to Anon. In this state, it's not so much that she lacks self control, but rather her body has become so large that conciously controlling every last square inch just isn't feasible and what isn't
being directly controlled just sort of operates on its own. She finally figures out her addiction and realises that, while she can't let Anon go, his situation isn't much better that her's and since she dragged him into it and abused him
the whole way through, she should at least try to patch things up hand have some kind of meaningful relationship with him as opposed to just keeping him as a cum-pump to sate her urges. From here the story just sorta goes on until I
run out of sexy sencarios to throw them into.

Also one question. Since tentacles and possibly futa will be involved, how are you with Anon being on the receiving end of anal or having to give blowjobs? This stuff will be easy enough to cut out if its a no go.
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I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/11/dirty-laundry-female-sammael.html
Hope you enjoy.
Sounds like a pretty good outline and premise to me and I think I'll be able to do everything that you have set out within the outline so go ahead and write up that first part request.

Your the best rice, wasn't expecting you to respond so quickly but I have it typed up. have to split it into three posts though. Got a bit to carried away with the description of the transformation, but I like it to
much too simplify it down and going into this much detail now will shorten the descriptions of future parts.

Anon works as security supervisor in charge of the entrance level of a small lab located on a small remote corporate mining colony of a few thousand people that, unknown to him, has a restricted lower level
where dangerous research is conducted. Shortly into a normal day, the emergency alarms go off, followed by a lockdown that Anon is unable to get any information about in spite of his security clearance.
Having nothing else to do, he heads to one of the nearest emergency shelters to await rescue. Shortly before reaching the shelter he runs into Dr. Roche who is staggering about. Fearing she's injured,
Anon grabs her and takes her to the shelter, which is basically just a small fortified room with a few seats, medkit, and rations. Just big enough that three or so could fit comfortably. Anon goes for the medkit
and turns just in time to see the beginning of Roche's transformation.

At first she merely starts to grow and slightly hulk out as her body becomes more athletic, but soon her skin takes on a sicky pale tone and black veins begin to spread. her hand elongate into claws and her
feet take on a digitigrade configuration followed by her mouth extend past her lips in a glasgow smile with sharp shark like teeth. Carrion style mouths and eyes begin forming all over her body with some occasionally
disappearing back inside her only to reemerge in new locations. Her face also shifts around, her eyes and mouth sometimes in their normal position, sometimes in odd configurations that allow her oversized mouth to
split her whole head open due to its position. Her nose, ears, and hair just all slowly recede into her head.
The veins continue to spread and black coloration flairs out from them until her skin is entirely black and leathery, but her body underneath has become amoeba-like and the skin is semi-permeable like a thick membrane and
she's basically gel underneath despite her athletic appearance. Her growth caps out with her being around 8.5 feet tall. She takes up a good chunk of the shelter, and if she stands on her knees there is just enough room
for her to be upright without hitting the ceil, and her bulk has Anon mostly trapped in a corner with just enough room to squeeze around her if she cooperated.

So rewinding a bit, when the transformation first starts she almost immediately loses control and tackles Anon to the floor with her on top in a cowgirl position, she stops only long enough to tear through her
nylons and panties, and get Anon cock out of his pants before she starts jackhammering away with Anon struggling to push her off an escape for the rest of the encounter, the rest of her clothing being destroyed as she
transforms. Once she reaches a size that this rough fucking starts threatening to break his hips she switches to a reverse lift-and-carry with Anon pinned against the wall and eventually being forced to drop to her
knees as she nears her full growth. Once she is transformed enough to do so, she restrains Anon further by allowing his hands to simply sink through her membrane and pulls his arms in up to the shoulders so he is tight
against her with the mouths that are close enough kissing him and the ones further away extending their tongues to lick and prod him.

During this whole affair she has moments of lucidity where she briefly becomes aware of what she's doing and she alternates between panicking over the fact she can't stop her body and frantically apologizing to Anon.
These moments become shorter and less frequent as the transformation progresses until she is fully transformed at which she loses herself completely and is animalisticly fucking Anon as if her survival depended on
getting a load out of him, which she succeeds at after nearly fucking him into unconsciousness. The last thing Anon hears before blacking out entirely is Roche tearing her way out of the shelter and beginning her rampage
to freedom.

Apologies for dropping a big wall of text into the thread everyone.
Forgot to mention, Roche is wearing a lab coat with a long skirt to start with.

Found two twitter accounts with a reverse image search, @bons_buns and @arts_dingus. Don't have an account and both are flagged as 18+ so I can't actually view anything.
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All of that sounds good to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
it's neither, but rather "@ikiki100", but the ones you provided led me there, thanks.
Funny how MY reverse image search did not point me to those Twitter accounts.
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guys do you know what tag i can search for on ao3 for these kind of horror erotica?
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I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/11/flesh-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
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True, there was a lot of good pics to choose from for the new story
What a shame
Rice this is a strange one, but could you do a story based on 9 with the stitchpunk dolls? Instead of a mix of male and female doll, they're all female? The reader was the son of the scientist (whose female instead) who made the Machine and the Stitchpunks and survived with the scientist, but didn't know about the Scientist making the Stitchpunk dolls and only found out once the scientist died and 9 was made. The reader and 9 go find 1, 2, 5, 6, and 8 at their sanctuary. 1 recognizes the reader as the scientist son and how the Fabricator Machine would want him for his soul and being the son of her creator. So after a few days of hiding the reader gets horny and tries to jerk off, but the dolls find out and help jerk and massage his cock? I think this story could probably continue on in other parts meeting the other Stitchpunks, and later meeting some of the Fabrication Machine's machines and them trying to seduce the reader too, before coming to the Fabrication Machine herself. The Stitchpunks having parts of the scientists soul and the Fabrication Machine being her creation could also help add some incest vibes as the reader realizes the connections?
I think it's actually one of my overall favorites, this new one.
Makes me wish for a sort of flashback segment delving a little more into how the first encounter happened. I know that we got a couple hints of that from her perspective, but it's not enough!

Also her "true" form that was hinted at at one point in a moment of great distress?
I wonder, maybe don't quite remember - if the rabbit is a form she settled for as her main one at this point, or if she keeps assuming it again before every meeting.

Would shedding the "friendly" rabbit form to stand in her true and unaltered form be a sort of advanced eldritch intimacy?
If the real form is not literally mind-breaking, that is.
Imagine, she's not bothered or flustered when removing her dress around (you)/the character, so maybe shedding the rabbit form she made up on the spot during that first encounter would make her blush? in an eldritch way, I mean. An eldritch version of a blush.

Very much enjoyed it. Funny thing too, I only realized at work that I never include a description for fully human Roche and she was indeed supposed to be a green eyed blonde.

Anyways, I have part 2's request sorted out so I guess I'll post it now.

After being confirmed to not be contaminated and a heavy interrogation, Anon is suprised to find that he has not been locked away in a black site. Instead he is merely confined to the colony itself with his travel permit revoked (the colony is on a habitable world with an atmosphere) and several thinly
veiled threats as to what will happen if he fails to cooperate. The colony itself is on a low level security lockdown with the corporation trying to contain things as discreetly as possible and the local rumors blame the lockdown on everything from local criminals to saboteurs from a rival corp
infiltrating the colony. Actually knowing what's going on, Anon has been mostly confining himself to his apartment for the last few days monitoring the news for the inevitable mysteriously mutilated bodies to start turning up, only for nothing to happen other than a disappearance or two that would not
be unusual for a remote corporation-run world.

Finally forced out due to running low on food, Anon is obliged to pass though one of the more run down industrial zones due to the lockdown when he realizes he his being followed by a beggar dressed in little more than rags covering their body, not an uncommon sight since losing your job also means losing
your corporate housing. Knowing he might just meet this fate himself, Anon decide this one time he is going to help out only to discover too late and to his horror it is Dr. Roche who immediately grabs him by the wrist in a shockingly strong vice grip and quietly hisses that if he tries to shout or resist
he is as good as dead.
Anon can't see much more than her face and hand due to the rags, but her skin is once again pale with black veins and her mouth still extended past her lips. One eye is still all green the other is a cluster of irises and pupils with no white to be seen on either. Every so often
a thin tendril emerges from the rags to grope at Anon's body which only serves to increase her agitation. As they pass though a storage yard, a terrified Anon makes one attempt to plead with her but she just tightens her grip further and throw him a death glare only made more effective by the state of her
face. Finally she seems to find what she is looking for and shoves Anon inside a large maintenance garage after easily forcing open the door. Inside is a large ATV similar to the rhino from mass effect but no mounted weapons.

At this point Roche take Anon by the throat and finally explains her immediate intentions. The corp thinks it's looking for some feral monster, not a rational thinking being. She plans to steal the ATV using his credentials and put as much distance between herself and the colony as possible, gambling that the corp
won't waste too much time with a lone run-a-away when one of their experiments is on the loose. She also intends to take him with her to use his knowledge of the colony's security protocols to her advantage. But first, she tells Anon, he's going to help sate her out of control sex drive so her body will calm down
and she can think clearly for a bit as masturbation hasn't done her any good, dropping her makeshift robe as she speaks revealing she's completely nude under it. Her body is mostly the same state as her face, pale skin, black veins. Every so often a stray eye, mouth, or tentacle will briefly form before being

Not at all enthusiastically and disgusted in herself with what she needs to do, she takes Anon to the floor and begins to roughly fuck him, at first determined to get things over with as quickly as possible. Anon tries to resist but she just angrily pins his hands and hisses that she didn't ask for
this either and to stop struggling as its just making her body more riled up. Anon does not comply and soon her body begins its full transformation as she curses that this was exactly what she was trying to avoid happening. Since she is already fucking Anon like the symbiote wants, she doesn't quite lose
herself and continues to display self-disgust in what she's doing, but her body gets more and more into things as her transformation progresses which only further fuels her distress. Finally, Anon can take no more and blows his load, however she doesn't stop. Feeling him start to get soft she grows angry
again, as one load is not going to do it after days and she is not going to sit here all night pleasuring him. At this point her body takes matters into its own hands, and to the surprise of both of them one of her breast opens up and latches onto Anon's face as a tentacle pushes its way into his mouth and
begins force feeding him an aphrodisiac that gets him rock hard again. At the same time a second tentacle emerges from her back and penetrates Anon's asshole to begin milking his prostate directly, the combined effect causing him to begin totally emptying his balls into Roche while her shock and disgust
war with the relief spreading through her body. The part ends with Anon just laying there, still conscious this time but completely spent and Roche seeming content to let him recuperate while she waits for her body to revert enough that she can fit in the ATV's driver's seat.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it ad soon as I can.
Good to hear you enjoyed the story, Anon, and I'm glad that I got her to be like in your head. As for the next part, it all sounds good to me so I'll get onto it as soon as I finish the 9 story.
silent breath waifu?
Hey rice I know your already doing that 9 story but could I request a bioraptor from pitch black about a genetically modified bioraptor and the son of one of the scientists that modified her where a science vessel orbits the planet and after send dozens of brave(stupid) mercenaries after many casualties they manage to grab a egg afterward the scientists tamper with egg and once it hatches the bioraptor is different(looking like the pic)with her bonding with the head scientists son with him calling her a nickname(any name you want for her rice)later the mercenaries that were used as security mutiny killing all the scientists including the father with son then wanting revenge releases the bioraptor to kill all of the mercenaries once they are dead the son thinks she gonna kill him instead she licks his face then forces her tongue into his mouth then tears his clothes off to mate with him several times where she rides him then lets him fuck her from behind then letting him fuck her in missionary with him cumming inside her in three positions then in unprecedented amount of time later the son goes to check on his wife/mate to see her cuddling around several eggs before inviting him to lay with her.
no thank you
I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/11/needing-stitches-9-stitchpunks.html
Hope you enjoy.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll add you to the queue.
Story meant for >>8591524
Imagine the cuddles.
I've finshed the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/11/bones-flesh-part-2-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
i actually got this in VRChat, it's great
Does anybody have that battle nun comic? I also want to know if anybody has that art of that guy cumming into a monster woman’s unhinged jaw
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Haha! Lucky you, I'm the original artist of those, and I just decided to pop into the thread.

Here's the link to my Dropbox, they're all in there:

Your the best rice, I have part three ready so I guess I'll post it now, but feel free to take any other requests first, don't want to monopolize your time.

Roche and Anon have been driving through rough terrain in the stolen ATV for hours now with Roche back in her rag-robe and at the wheel. The ride so far has been in near total silence and Anon knows enough from doing security work that she is nearing her breaking point and is terrified as to what will happen if she goes over the edge.
To Roche's dismay, her "human" form has become even less so over the hours. Her hair is now thin and patchy with the bald spots occupied by additional mouths or eyes and her pale skin is now translucent, revealing to her that she has no longer has any bones or other internals to speak of aside from black veins. Her skin in this state isn't
semi-permeable like the membrane and her body is somewhat firmer to the touch than her fully transformed state.

Finally, Anon finds the courage to ask what she plans to do, but is cut off with an icy demand for silence. After an attempt to compose herself, she tells anon is a softer but still heavily stained tone, that she understands this is probably the worse day of his life, but at least he's still human and the option of living a normal life and
her plan is to find one of the many abandoned prospector camps dotting the planet. There she hopes to find a comms relay that she can use the send a message to people she trusts and might be able to help her. She also tells him to stop calling her Dr. Roche, just Alicia, as her PhD doesn't mean much anymore and without it she would have never
been in the lab in the first place. As her mood darkens again she adds that he's cummed in her enough to be on a first name basis anyway. After taking another moment to recompose herself, she seemingly starts to give an apology, but her body acting on its own again brings an abrupt halt to the discussion.
Forgot to tag you


A tentacle emerging from Alicia's pussy plunges down into Anon's pants and begins to suck his dick, causing him to panic and try to remove it while Alicia angrily exclaims that this can't be happening again so soon and that Anon needs to stop struggling. He does not and more tentacles burst from her midriff attempting to restrain Anon and
tear at his clothes while she half demands half begs him to just stop fighting as she won't be able to drive if she starts transforming again. Seeing Anon is not cooperating, she manages to stop the ATV and climbs over the center console to try and pin Anon down and let the tentacles just do their thing. Once she's over him, the tentacle
milking Anon's dick suddenly retracts while keeping its grip, pulling Alicia into his lap and spearing herself on him. At this moment Alicia finally has her mental break. Seeing Anon helpless and afraid beneath her, she silently decides that she's already a monster, why not indulge her rape fetish? After taking a moment to lower the back
of anon's seat flat and making as much space as possible for her inevitable transformation, she grabs anon by the back of the head and pulls him into the closest thing to a deep kiss that her twisted mouth can manage before she begins to ride him like a piece of meat, concerned only with her own pleasure. The sucker tentacle, still attached
to Anon's dick inside her, switches over from its milking motions to edging him while also fully covering his dick to deny him any stimulation from Alicia's movements.

Soon her transformation starts although this time she retains full control of herself and as she changes she teases and taunts Anon, trying to get him to confess that a part of him is enjoying this, but all she gets is denials and continued struggling. As she grows in size she at first works herself into a frog like squat over Anon before
realizing that her boneless nature simplifies the problem of space and she just relaxes her legs, letting them bend and grow into whatever room is a available. Eventually she tells Anon that if he's not going to confess to her then she can think of a better use for his mouth. Grabbing him by the back of the head again, her breast opens up
like before and she shoves his face into it. Instead of a dose of aphrodisiac, this time the inside is lined with bioluminescent eyes whose glow reveals a cluster of tentacles in front of him ending in human lips and one clearly tipped with a penis. The tentacles rush forward with the penis forcing its way into Anon's mouth and the lips
kissing his face and continuing to taunt and tease him in Alicia's voice. At roughly the same time a second penis tentacle emerges from her back and buries itself in Anon's ass again, this time being careful to avoid his prostate to prevent him from cumming before Alicia is finished. Shortly after fully transforming into her monster form,
Alicia's pleasure begins to reach its peak and the internal tentacle stops edging Anon and beings to suck like a vacuum. This quickly pushes both of them over the edge and they blow their loads into each other, with Alicia nearly losing herself completely in her three way orgasm.

Laying on top of the absolute mess that is Anon, enjoying the aftershocks of pleasure, Alicia suddenly seems to snap back to her senses and realize what she's just done. After a long silent moment she quietly, and to Anon's eyes almost meekly, pulls herself of him and maneuvers her large body out through the passenger side door without a word
to await her change back. As he slowly comes back to his full senses Anon hears a strange noise just outside only to realize its Alicia softly sobbing to herself, the sound distorted as her voice is coming from multiple mouths at once. The part ends with Anon trying to mentally process the seemingly whiplash changes in Alicia's personality and
at a complete loss as to which one is the "real" Alicia
Does anyone have this pic I’m looking for of a what looks like a lady with a large hat and dress actually being this alien, mantis, spider thing with her hat and chest unfolding to be claws?
Bingo, thanks
I've finished the story for you:https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/11/deep-dark-bioraptor.html
Hope you enjoy.
Good to hear you liked the story and there's no need to worry about it, i run on first come first serve rules here. As for the next part it sounds good to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
Thank you for the story!
God damn Pitch Black story, I love this

Good to know about first come policy.

Question for the whole thread btw, apparently some lunatic out there actually made a monster fucker movie called "Spring" that's seems like a more wholesome modern-day version of my own story. Man falls for woman only to discover she's a genetically immortal monster whose body occasionally goes haywire on her. Has anyone here seen the whole thing and can you recommend it?

short scene from the movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjKIRKGARHI
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god, fuck this stupid wait time shit, I just wanted to pop in and post a cute monster I found ffs
I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/11/skin-flesh-part-3-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
You're welcome and I'm glad that you enjoyed the story.
Seems like a neat film.
Hi rice could ask for a story about a guy who's sister is I'll makes a deal with a troll hag(who looks like the pic)that lives in the swap near the village to make a cure to save his ill sister as part of the deal he has to stay with her and give her many children once his sister is cured he goes back to the swap where she confronts him and tells him if he is ready when he says yes she doesn't waste time tearing his clothes off and sloppily kissing him and biting him with her telling him she won't stop till everyone knows he belongs to her then making him eat her out till she cums over his face then with her riding him till he cums (like the picture)before holding him in a stand and carry position with the guy only being able to wrap his arms and legs around her so he doesn't fall with her kissing him while slapping the guys ass before making him cum inside her again then while he is still inside her she carries him off back to her home deep in the swap then months later he wakes up in his and his troll wife's bed and then finds his heavily pregnant wife lifting his legs up and giving him a rimjob when she sees he is awake stops and while rubbing her cheek against his dick tells him she is hungry with the guy thinking as she starts giving him a blowjob that this deal wasn't so bad after all.
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Had and Idea Rice, can you make a story with the tyranid Thicctor. A guardsmen gets kidnapped and brought to an undercity gene cult. There he psychically manipulated by the thicctor to breed it. At the end of the encounter the guardsmen's mind is broken and now only wishes to breed his new goddess.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it ad soon as I can.
This is also sounding pretty good so I'll add you to the queue.
Thanks for the story so far rice, I have part 4's request ready. This is the last of the darker stuff, the tone lightens from here on out.

Just as night falls, Alicia and Anon finally reach the prospector camp, which is built into a small cave system. There is a comms relay as Alicia hoped, but it will take some time to get back into working condition, and Anon hopes to find a old uniform in one of the dorms to replace his ruined clothes. Alicia herself has
physically degraded even further, with her hair now gone completely. The penis tentacle growing from her back is now a permanent addition to her distress and has lengthened into an almost tail, although its coming out of her lower back as opposed to the base of her spine. Since the last part she has been mostly silent and
withdrawn, making no attempt to touch Anon, though he figures something is bound to happen soon as this is the longest she's gone since their second meeting.

After examining the relay Alicia seems to grow ill and seats herself on the floor, telling Anon that restraining herself is taking its toll and noticing her "tail" slithering towards Anon's leg before withdrawing it. After a pause, she apologizes to Anon for her actions back in the ATV, telling him that something in her just
snapped, though she sounds like she's not sure she even believes herself. After another pause Alicia tell him that the people she's trying to reach might be able to help him as well and get him beyond the corp's reach, though she offers no details as to who her friends are. Anon, hoping to not regret the decision, points out
that he though she said she needed to keep him to control her urges. Alicia answers that she's sure at this point its his DNA that her body is after, and if she can get access to lab equipment she can synthesis what she needs from a single sample. The conversation is then interrupted by a coughing fit from Alicia that proves
to the the start of her body acting on its own again.
Without warning a number of tentacles erupt from Alicia's mouth and grab Anon by the waist before retracting, pulling them together into a blowjob. Anon as usual immediately attempts to get free, and to his surprise Alicia is trying to pull herself off him. After making several unintelligible noises, Alicia speaks through
one of her other mouths and tells Anon to get her off him and that she doesn't want to do this to him anymore. Not long in to things her transformation begins, and since she's resisting she begins to lose herself like back at the lab. Her struggling grows more and more half-hearted, before beginning to actively suck Anon
off and embraces him by the waist, her lucid moments becoming shorter and less frequent. Feeling something solid come into contact with his hand Anon instinctual grips it to try and get leverage top pull himself free, only to realize he's grabbed the penis at the end of her tail, which begins pistoning in his grip.
He lets go quickly, prompting a growl of annoyance from Alicia as her tail continues to shove itself into Anon's palm in an attempt to get stimulation.
As her transformation finishes and she goes completely feral and takes Anon to the ground, before ending her blowjob and straddling him to begin riding his cock. Despite her bestial sate of mind, this time she seems show some care for how Anon is doing and even shows some affection towards him, her mouths giving him
the occasional playful nibble or kiss. While she is riding him roughly, she is careful not to pound him with her full body weight and seems to grow more and more puzzled as to why Anon doesn't seem to be enjoying things. Her tail meanwhile, gives up on Anon's hand and instead presses itself to his lips mouth. After a
few irritated growls when he doesn't start blowing her, she begins fucking his mouth, though she is careful not to make him gag by going to deep. This goes on for a bit until feeling Anon is close, Alicia suddenly embraces him and rolls over, pulling Anon on top of her and leg-locking him as he finally cums. At the same
time, she pulls her tail out of his mouth and blows her own load onto his face.

After finishing her own orgasm, a still feral Alicia continues to lie there with Anon firmly in her embrace, growling in satisfaction and giving Anon's face an affectionate lick, lapping up some of her cum in the process. Anon, to his own surprise is finding laying in her arms not entirely disagreeable and wonders both is
he is beginning to suffer from stockholm syndrome already and how Alicia will respond once she's come back to her senses.
I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/11/hag-hard-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
You're most welcome and I'll add this part to the queue.
Got me thinking, mostly because i watched that series "From" about a town where its people are being preyed and hunted by eldritch monsters whenever night falls, begging them to open the door or lure them out of their houses. AND THEN IT HIT ME. What if, the monsters are the good guys and the people stuck there are real evil sonsabitches and our hero's whole issue is not figuring it out till the last minute?
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>there was a lot of good pics to choose from for the new story
> new story

Please. Its been so long since Yuletide visit, please re-post it.
I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/11/in-thicc-of-it-thicctor.html
Hope you enjoy.
Hey Rice, could you do a next part for the Stitchpunk story where 9, 5, and the reader go exploring but come across the small cat machine that attack them, but 7 comes and helps subdue the cat creature and introduces herself. After remembering orgies he's been having with the stitchpunks in the Sanctuary, and gets horny again, which 5,7, and 9 begin to lick and lube his cock, before he realizes he actually wants to put their cock into something this time and the reader notices and orficie in the cat, and decides the cat is fine too and uses it like a fleshlight, which it begins to seemingly enjoy, with 5,7, and 9 playing with the reader's balls? After cumming into the cat, the Fabrication Machine awakens and the reader and the Stitchpunks escape and leave the cat beast behind. I'm thinking of the later parts not having the Stitchpunks die like in the movie, and becoming more of a fight to seduce the reader between the Stitchpunks and the Fabrication Machine and their creations, before getting harem at the end of both.
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I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/11/blood-flesh-part-4-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as i can.

Thanks rice. Part 5 might be a bit, not currently happy with it and I'm stuck on call until friday so not much time to work on it.
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Hi rice could I ask for a fallout story about an anon getting kidnapped by a mothman cult from his shelter the leader a woman named mother Agatha tells him he has been chosen by their goddess when given to the mothman he think it's a normal mothman but when it unwraps it wings from around it he sees it seems to be heavily mutated mothwoman still tied up she carries him to a alter cutting the rope around his legs sets him down and puts his legs on her shoulders while putting his dick between her tits then giving him a titfuck then before he cums her tube like proboscis tongue comes out her mouth then engulfs half of his dick as he cums into it then like the picture picks him up as his hands are still tied puts head between her tits then help him thrust into her till he stops struggling against her then she snaps the ropes on his arms with anon then using his hands squeeze and smack her thicc ass after a bit he cums deep inside her with her then forcing him to keep thrusting into her then hours later anon is limp with the mothwoman using him as a sex toy with her shoving her tongue deep into anons mouth then as he blacks out he cums one last time as the mothwoman warps her wings around both of them then an unknown amount of time later mother Agatha enters and kneels before her goddess then has what seems like a one sided conversation with her telling her goddess they have new members awaiting her blessing then before she leaves she ask her goddess how her mate is with the mothwoman spreading her wings showing anon thrusting like crazy into her while her stomach was bloated with his child with anon muttering my goddess with every thurst then Agatha says she'll send someone with food for anon as she leaves with anon groaning as he cums deep into his goddess with mothwoman petting his head as he does with her prepared to give birth to the new gods of appalachia.
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I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/11/stitches-part-2nine-stitchpunks.html
Hope you enjoy.
You're welcome and take your time,I'll he here regardless of how long you take.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
That was great Rice! For the next part could you do one where the reader and the rest of them head back to the Sanctuary, and all the Stitchpunks (except for 3 and 4 since they are residing in the Library). In the middle of their talking, the Sanctuary gets attacked by the Winged beast ( The height of the beast is 30 centimeters, the length of it is 2 feet long, and both wings are 4 feet long), but gets taken down (not killed) by the reader and Stitchpunks. The reader notes that the Winged beast also has an orifice between it's legs and fucks it while the Stitchpunks help. While fucking it, the red eyes of the winged beast later seems to turn pink and make bird noises. After cumming inside it, the beast's eyes turn red again, and break free but then gets seemingly destroyed after crashing into some supports. This sets the Sanctuary on fire, and the reader and the Stitchpunks have to leave and head their way to the Library where 3 and 4 are, with 7 leading the way, where the reader notes that while they've lost their home, he'll have all 9 stitchpunks with him soon at least, but still wondering what his mother's machine will want with him.
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I wanna fuck those lipples, they must feel slick and incredibly soft
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Sure, I'm more than a little late but here's a repost if you missed the last thread

Thanks, glad to hear you think this one stands as one of the best.

In general I think a mysterious otherworldly character like her works better without revealing too much of the internal schizo lore I wove for her, but I will say

>I wonder, maybe don't quite remember - if the rabbit is a form she settled for as her main one at this point, or if she keeps assuming it again before every meeting.
I've implied it in the past, but this essentially is her chosen form now. The general idea is that she's amorphous to an extent (especially under her exterior), and at her stage she could theoretically reshape anything but it takes noticeable time and effort unlike when she was less substantial. Given her true name's meaning and her enjoyment of observing the world she finds herself in, it's safe to assume a pale lack of color, large eyes, and a gangly shape easy to maneuver and get a view from above have been consistent traits over years in the past. Not terribly concerned about her own appearance, I think even as her ability to change shape has slowed she never settled on anything, until a fateful night she took on an even worse rush-job rendition of a rabbit trying to appear less threatening using what she's learned of animals. Since then with the acceptance she's been shown she's largely settled on her current shape as her definitive form, with subtle changes being enacted on the time scale of months (faster changes would take more of an extreme toll on her and her exterior)

If anything I'd like to think she'd blush because the answer to who watches the watcher has been given despite her never asking the question. The bond giving her a "real" form and depth of identity she hadn't cared to explore otherwise
I've finshed the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/11/red-eyes-mothwoman.html
Hope you enjoy.
Good to hear you enjoyed it and I'll get onto the next part right away.
>her enjoyment of observing the world she finds herself in
Eldritch Gondola wife sexooo!!
love her
Hey Rice! Terra Anon here. I would like to request a story set in the warhammer fantasy universe about an empire greatsword fighting against slaanesh forces alongside his comrades with each swing of his sword slaying both marauders and daemonettes with some halberdiers at his side taking down slaneesh fiends and calvalry. The mc then finds himself in a duel with the chaos lord responsible for the invasion and claims victory by beheading him which causes the enemy army to rout, but before anybody can celebrate, the mc gets pulled into the realm of slaanesh by a portal and finds himself surrounded by daemonettes both normal and exalted and is approached by a herald of slaanesh. Normally they would kill him, but he's proven to be a cut above the rest and it would have been a shame to let such an impressive specimen of a human go to waste, so they decide to play a game with him. If he can experience their pleasures without submitting to completely submitting to them, then they'll let him go. As there's no other way out, the mc decides to play along and as soon as he accepts, they start to swarm him and tear off his clothes while dragging their long forked tongues across his body with one of them shoving her tongue into his mouth while the others coil their tongues around his penis.
All this pleasure is almost too much for the soldier and just as it seems like they've won, the mc grabs the heralds horns and rams her face down his crotch and starts facefucking her. This catches the daemonettes off guard and as when he finishes in her mouth, he tosses her aside and turns to the other daemonettes who in the first time in their daemonic lives, start to feel nervous. He then proceeds to fuck each one of them extremely roughly with him pulling on their horns, ponytails, and tails with and his strength and slapping their pink asses as hard as he can. He also sinks his teeth into their necks while angrily groping their breasts. He then finishes in the last one while biting down hard on her nipple and looks around at the twitching bodies with cum oozing out of their pussies satisfied with his work. He then grabs the herald by the horns and demands her to send him back which she replies by spurting cum out her mouth and telling him that he needs to talk to the keeper secrets in order for that happen.
The mc responds to this by slapping her in the face and putting on her on his lap and starts humiliate her by slapping her ass like a child scolding her for lying to him while she moans and tries to desperately apologize. After he’s done, he leaves her on the ground with the rest of the groaning daemonettes with purple blood oozing from the bite marks on their nipples, asses, and necks while their butts and faces have purple bruises from the mcs spanking (don’t feel too bad for them they’re demons lmao) He then grabs what’s left of his clothes and equipment and prepares his journey to the palace of the keeper of secrets.

Also thanks again for the last story, I really appreciate it a lot
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The mc looks something like this. Also can you add a scene with a buttjob and another where he squeezes a daemonettes tits so hard it starts lactating which he latches his mouth upon? Sorry if a bit demanding
I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/11/stitches-part-3-winged-beast.html
Hope you enjoy.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can and I'm glad you enjoyed the story as well.
Hi rice I know your already doing a lengthy story but could I ask for a story based in an alternate universe where monsters and humans live together in peace and the new godzilla movies aren't cg but actors with female actors them being the daughters of the original Godzilla movie series actors and the reader is childhood friends with the actress that plays queen ghidorah supporting her through her entire career with her asking the reader if he could join her for dinner that night when the reader arrives instead of dinner he finds her wearing sexy lingerie and with black lipstick on all of her heads lips she then confesses her love for him and has loved him ever since they were kids with her knocking him onto the couch with her tails then stripping him then giving him a three headed blowjob with her center head sucking him while her other two heads suck and lick his balls covering his balls and dick with lipstick stains while all three heads kept eye contact with him with her then making him cum letting him cum all over her heads with them then licking each other clean then takes his place on the couch spreads her legs and tells him to ravage her with him fucking her roughly with him smothering his face with her tits sucking and biting them with her then leg locking him inside as he cums with her center head kissing him while the other heads kiss around his face and neck covering his face and neck in kiss marks then the story ending with them resting on the couch with ghidorah having wrapped her wings around the reader with them both talking about where they are going to go on a future honeymoon.
Thank you Rice for another part of this!
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….who gonna take them after accepting the bet?
Some gays I guess.
I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/11/pleasure-in-pain-daemonette.html
Hope you enjoy.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
You're welcome and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
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I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/11/three-heads-ghidorah.html
Hope you enjoy.
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Hey Rice could you do another story another part with the stitchpunks, where the reader finally gets to meet all 9 stitchpunks together, and after a talk about whether to hide (argued by 1) or to fight (argued by 7) or maybe theorizing the Fabriciation machine might want something with how all the machines so far had orficies that the reader could use (suggested by 9) they have a quick pause to think by having an orgy with the reader (off all 9 of them) with all of them using their mouths and passionately kissing each other to share the cum? Then afterwards, the reader goes on a short walk around the library while the stitchpunks rests, and runs into the Seamstress which then kinda stuns the reader with its mesmerizing tail and wraps around the reader and gives them a blowjob with a doll head and an orfice. And after cumm, the reader collapses and feels themselves getting dragged off by the surprisingly strong Seamstress while hearing 9 call out for them before going unconscious?
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Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
Hey rice thanks for the story I hope you had a great thanksgiving
Interesting design
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What's up with warframe these days?
The answer to that will depend entirely upon when and where your last understanding of the game is set.
In the short of it, there's a big update coming in December that moves everything into a parallel 1999 with half-warframes and an infested boy band causing nanite flesh monster Y2K with a computer virus.
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hey rice could we get a second spiderchama story? no real clue where i want it to go beyond 'starts feral and rough, ends loving'
>The answer to that will depend entirely upon when and where your last understanding of the game is set.
Roughly a decade ago. Tried to get back in once between then and now, and bounced right off.
>parallel 1999 with half-warframes and an infested boy band causing nanite flesh monster Y2K with a computer virus.
Some sexo I guess
I've finshed the story for you :https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/12/stitches-part-4-stitchpunksseamstress.html
Hope you enjoy.
Glad you enjoyed and I hope you had a great thanksgiving where you are.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
I’m so glad these Stories are coming back because they are just so so good. They have a genuine love here that keeps me invested and want to have them explored.
I want to know what his family would think of Umbralba or something cute like he draws her since she doesn’t show in photographs or a nice prequel that goes through certain time periods of her interacting with him
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Hey rice wonder if i could ask for a warhammer 40k story featuring a female Kairos Fateweaver where a guardsmen from the imperium is one of the very few survivors captured after a devastating battle with chaos forces is offered to Kairos Fateweaver as a sacrifice with the guardsmen not being able to relieve himself for several months pictures him self fucking kairos after seeing her which like the picture her right head sees the future of him fucking her and the right head convinces the left head to make him their slave later Kairos after getting him alone shrinks down so she doesn't crush him but still be large enough so she can dominate him with her forcing him to kiss both of her heads switching between the two then having him eat her out till she cums with her then giving him permission to fuck her in missionary with Karios giving him words of encouragement as he fucks her then before he cums she wraps her legs around him to keep him inside her as he cums then with the guardsmen exhausted she tells him they aren't done with her then riding him till he cums one last time before he blacks out.
I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/12/haatcha-matcha-ma-part-2-spiderchama.html
Hope you enjoy.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as i can.
Hey Rice! Terra Anon here. I would like to request a story about a guy going driving into the woods with his alt girlfriend where they can enjoy each others company without any distractions and enjoy the scenery. As soon as they reach the camping site, they stop and take out some pillows and blankets to watch a movie (surprise me!) in the back of the car and relax. Halfway through the movie the mc notices that his girlfriend is starting to sweat and asks her what's wrong. Once she realizes that she's sweating, she looks outside and sees the full moon and starts panicking and tries to exit the car only to realize to her horror that its locked.

She tries to look for the keys, but its too late and she starts transforming with her begging the mc to look away from her as the mc watches her transform in horror. Once the transformation is completed she curls up in a corner and starts to cry with her thinking that he will now only see her as a monster. But instead of screaming and running away he stays with her and asks her if she's ok which she responds by slowly nodding her head and then asking him why he's not scared to which he responds with telling her that it wouldn't be right to leave her alone like this which was relieving to hear for her. She then assures him that he's fine and tells him that she was always like this since her mom was also a werewolf which then leaves them alone together trying to figure out what to do now.

She then has an idea of what to do next, but she isn't sure if he'll like it. She suggests that since she's already naked now that if he wants that they could have sex in this form which initially takes the mc aback, but then accepts her preposition out of curiosity. She then starts by peeling his shirt off and licking his chest up to his mouth where they then start to kiss with the mc noting that she has a longer tongue now.

After they finish kissing, she takes off his pants and starts to aggressively sniff his penis which takes him by surprise, but then decides to just go with it. She then peels off his underwear and starts to give him a blow job with them going at it for a bit until he cums inside her mouth. After loudly swallowing his cum she decides that they've had enough foreplay and pushes him on the blankets and starts to slowly crawl towards him growling and whining as she does so.

Turns out she's in heat season and in desperate need of release, something the mc is more than happy to help with. After she's on top of him, she starts to ride him so hard that the car starts rocking. After a few minutes of hip breaking sex, the mc cums inside her and just as she pulls out a friend of the mc opens the car door to check if he's alright because he saw the car rocking and almost immediately runs away after the mcs girlfriend reflexively snarled at him when he opened the door. After this they look at each other and decide that it is time to go

Also thanks for the Daemonette story Rice! I really appreciate how you did lore research to make it better which I think it improves the overall quality of it all. Plus Warhammer is a hell of a goldmine for nightmare waifus too.
I think it's the first time i've ever seen a pen-and-paper drawing from Shane
Whatever this is, I need to impregnate it.
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>fanon hack
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Rice could I ask for story where on stormy night the readers car runs out of gas and he can't get service however he sees lights in rundown church going inside he is confronted by a demon nun afraid at first but she assures him she means no harm and can stay the night however when she sniffs the air before going to him and sniffing him before saying SIN before lifting him off the ground and forcing into deep kiss choking him with spit dropping him with her picking him up and carrying him to a confessional with her becoming more feral every second telling him she smells his SIN she hasn't had any in so long and that she is going to drain every drop out of him throwing him in she proceed to suck and fuck the "sin" out him and at the end kissing him so hard that he passes out with her forcing him to stare into her eyes as he does when he wakes up the storm is over and the nun apologizing telling him she just loses control when she even so much as catches a whiff of SIN but the guy tells her its ok and when he can he'll come back when to have her help him with his "sins".
I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/12/in-present-female-kairos-fateweaver.html
Hope you enjoy.
Sounds like a plan to me and I'll get to it as soon as I can. And you're most welcome, Terra Anon, and I'm glad you appreciated the research since I didn't have a clue what a Daemonette was until looking up. And I'm sure that there's plenty of nightmare waifus from that universe I don't have a clue about.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll add you to the queue
Hey Rice thank you for that stitchpunk story!
Heya Rice could you do another Fallout 4 story to your queue? After having Gracie for a while, the reader thinks about the sexual expirences with the mirelurks (from that mirelurk story) and the deathclaw (from returning the egg), the reader thinks about build up a menagerie of mutated creatures for his main base at Red Rocket Gastation and later send some to other settlements (since they decided to do more work for the minutemen as their "General) to help defend them, but also so he can have more "play things." Therefore they build a beta wave emitter and experiment on a captured Radscorpion. The radscoprion seems docile and follows commands, before the reader decides to get to their real goal and is able to get the radscoprion get on top of them and ride them (since scorpion female's opening are under them towards their midsection). And after cumming into the radscoprion, and it eventually pulling and sliding off the reader, he gets it to clean his dick off, but ends up getting too into it and cumming into the scorpions mouth, and thinking of maybe testing the beta wave emitter on a yao guai or some feral ghouls?
Would blow Sadako. I'd want her to be my gf.
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Bloodborn but you are a Conquistador.
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Made a flash loop out of the Come Along With Me gif : )

What country is that?
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Rice could i put in a request for a Hollow Knight story where a human through magic methods gets sent to alternate hollow knight world and aids knight in their quest(I haven't played hollow knight so If i get something wrong sorry)at one point they split up to get more done and the human gets the unfortunate task to talk to the midwife(she looks like the pic with her lower half being being centipede like)when he confronts her he sees she is hungry but not in the way he thinks with her grabbing him forcing him into kiss and stripping him and taking him into her lair raping him(mating press with her on top the human unable to do anything but wrap his legs around her waist while she constantly shoves her tongue down his throat)as time moves on knight comes to the midwife to ask if she did something to his human friend with her saying she hasn't while this going on the she is secretly fucking the human while she has the conversation with knight until he leaves where she then releases then human from her lair with her stomach swollen from all of his cum and tells him to come back often saying every wife needs a "husband" before licking him from neck to cheek then retreating into her lair leaving the human to get dress to find knight while he tries making up a story on where he has been.
I know this was probably meant as a joke, but I think that this is actually a really cool concept!
I just want a cautionary tale of a man in the woods respecting nature and its unseen forces, never realizing he is having night visits from an infatuated skinwalker or something equally eldritch until a group of thugs barge into his house to rob and hurt him and eventually meeting their demise when going down his cellar and facing the entity itself.

would be a cool premise for a horror movie.
>Power of Ring
>Gayest amazon prime TV
Feel bad
I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/12/full-moon-werewolf.html
Hope you enjoy.
You're most welcome, Anon
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll add you to the queue.
That sounds solid to me so you have also been added to the queue.
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nice story but the repeating use of
>as she did so/would do so
only critique i have
What do you expect when you commission stories written by AI?
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first i didnt commission shit, i pass these threads once in a while
second >ai slop
ricebowl most definitely isn't AI
an AI wouldn't do so many run-on sentences like he does
>an AI wouldn't do X like Y does
All you've gotta do is feed the AI a good sample of Y's X, or a prompt that describes Y's X. I've been meaning to do that with my own drawings, that could be very fun to see what the AI picks up
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That’s the holiday spirit
I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/12/does-god-have-sense-of-humour-demon-nun.html
Hope you enjoy.
Thank you and that criticism has been noted and I've kept mentions of that phrase at a minimum although I think I still use it once or twice.
I've never used AI and I never intend too, it takes almost the fun of doing this out of the equation if I were too. But, what you have highlighted is just how formulaic my writing style has become. So attempts are going to be made to change that, a more characteristic narration and more variety in sentence length being the starting point of which I will keep in mind in coming stories.
Must be based on the books where she did have a penis and was also in a computer simulation or something like that.
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Unclekrees is cooking up a new form for my shoggoth waifu, here's a wip, what should call the form?
I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/12/a-sting-in-tail-radscorpion.html
Hope you enjoy it.
Loved the build up you did Rice. I think one thing you could avoid using in the future is using "woman" when describing monstrous or nonhumanoid characters in your stories.
Could you add another part to the Fallout 4 stuff to your queue? After getting noting how well the radscorpion taming has been working out, the reader reader decides to move up to some feral ghouls. Noting that since they're heavily radiation people, the reader decides to take an extra precaution and take some rad x and have some rad away ready. They look around some ruins and find a small pack of four female feral ghouls, and after using a mix of the beta wave emitter and their charisma are able to get them to follow some basic commands. They then are able to get them to follow him back to Red Rocket so he could do some testing with privacy. After getting inside the garage and noting his padded floor hes been using while "taming" scorpions and a few other creatures like boatflies and bloodworms, and closing the door, he has the ghouls kneel before him and take a few sniffs of his cock as he rubs it on their faces. He sits down on a couch, letting two of the ghouls sloppily suck at his cock and balls, while pulling the other two to sit at his sides and begin to make out with them while he fondles up their boobs, ass, and occasionally fingering them. After a while, the ghoul who was sucking his cock stops and begins to bounce on his cock while the one sucking and lapping on his balls continues to do so. Eventually after cumming inside and letting the ghouls lick his cock clean, he wonders if the ghouls could get pregnant and also should look at putting some armor on the ghouls, though maybe not for the ones he keeps at Red Rocket. And instead of calling them women, could you refer to them as "ghouls" since they are feral and not regular ghouls?
Also rice you should really open a patreon , kofi, or something as a tip jar, I would genuinely want to tip you for all the stories you've written for us.
best bun
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You wouldn't romantically kiss your shoggoth waifu's clit head while she envelopes your whole body in her coochie tentacles, would you?
Hey Rice! Terra Anon here. I would like to request a story about a man who's struggled with night terrors ever since he was a kid and no matter what he tries, nothing helps. One night after waking up from a night terror, he feels something else in the bed with him and nearly has a heart attack when he turns over to see what seems to be an godly being (pic related) sitting right next to him. She then greets him in a soothing yet otherworldly voice to which the mc responds by asking who and what she is. She softly giggles and reveals herself to be Seraphim, mother of dreams and nightmares and goddess of the night. The mc is amazed, but also confused to hear that a goddess is personally visiting him and asks her why a being as powerful as her is visiting someone as mundane as he is which causes her to take on a more sad expression. She tells him that the reason why he's visiting him is to do something about his night terrors and that while having nightmares is a natural part of life, no one should ever suffer as much as he has, so she took it upon herself to get rid of them for him. The mc is nearly in tears when he hears this and gives her a surprise hug which absolutely shocks the goddess as no one, not even any of the other gods apart from the all mighty father (Lore?) have shown her this much affection in 300 thousand years. The Seraphim then starts and completes a ritual complete with magic in order to free him from his suffering and when his done he thanks her again which she is grateful for. Normally she would leave right there and then, but she's so interested in him that she starts to talk with him for hours until starts to come up which she takes as her cue to leave and before she returns to the dreamscape, she hears him say "Bye Sera!" which momentarily stuns her, but she snaps out of it and teleports back to her realm.
The mc the following night, is sleeping peacefully for the first time in his life while Sera for the first time in her immortal life, is restless because she can't stop thinking about him. It gets so bad that she decides to pay a visit to Amora, the goddess of love and her best and only friend. As she enters the realm of love she is met with a cosmic pink landscape as opposed to the purple void of the dreamscape and in the center of it all is her friend which she is only a little envious of since she considers her to be much more beautiful than herself (surprise me on her design!). Amora is ecstatic to see her and remarks that its been hundreds of years since she's seen her and wants to know what brings her to her domain. Sera tries to tell her why, but she can't really put it into words without stuttering or blushing, but it seems that Amora figured out what she was thinking and asks her if she's fallen in love with a human which Sera reluctantly confirms to which Amora responds by telling her that it's nothing to be ashamed of and that she fell in love with a human during the renaissance. Sera then tries to give her condolences for her loss, but Amora giggles and tells her that "he's fine silly, here's right here with me!" and points to a landsknecht on the other side of the room(?) Sera then asks her for advice on what to do which makes Amora laugh and reassure her that she'll be fine and that something as simple as doing something nice with her hair will be enough. When Sera returns to her realm, she reflects on what she said and decides to order her minions to braid her hair for him and after they're finished she feels like she's ready to ask him out which is an incredibly strange thought for a goddess to have she realizes.
As the mc prepares to go to sleep the next night, he then sees a portal open up in his room and finds Sera all braided up and ready for him which confuses the mc because he thought that he wouldn't see her after the night she cured his night terrors and when he asks her why she returned, he's surprised to see a goddess of all things bashful and is even more surprised when she confesses her love to him, he isn't complaining though. She tells him that she love him because she loved having conversations with him and how he wasn't afraid of her at all and then starts to trail off until the mc cuts her off by kissing her. She then starts to slide her oversized purple tongue into his mouth and they continue this for a few moments until she pulls away panting. The mc then gets a surge of confidence he didn't even know he had and pushed her back on the bed and spreads her legs where he finds a canine vulva with inner purple flesh waiting for him. This takes him off guard, but also gives him a strange feeling of deja vu like someone else experienced this same problem. He decides to shake off this feeling and starts to thrust in which causes Sera to yell out in pleasure. Before he keeps thrusting he realizes there's purple blood coming out of your pussy which makes him realize that he just took the virginity of an ancient goddess. Humanity Fucking Rules. Anyways as he thrusts his cheek brushes up against a purple nipple and begins to suck it causing her to moan. He keeps thrusting until they reach their climax and cum together while she grabs and pushes him against her body and lets out a scream that only slightly distorts reality around them. After this he cuddles with his new girlfriend and falls asleep with the mother of dreams.
Also thanks for the other story! Though one criticism I have of your stories is that I've noticed a few grammar mistakes here and there, but apart from that and what other anons have said its all good. Savageland also looks like an interesting movie as well, I feel like my dad would love it since he's into stuff like the blair witch project.
I definitely agree because he deserves to get rewarded for all the work he does for us.
Also if it makes it easier then you can split the story in two parts if you wnat.
I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/12/such-nasty-things-hollow-knights-midwife.html
Hope you enjoy.
I'm glad that you enjoyed the story and I'll take your criticism to heart as well, it does sound weird to call a feral insect a woman in hindsight.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
Maybe one day but for now I'll keep trucking along.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll add this to the queue. I'll have to plan and see if it'll be easier to make it two parts or not.
And I'm glad you enjoyed the other story and I'll check for Grammar harder from now on. As for Savageland I really enjoy it,I like the way it depicts zombies in the images as these blurred nightmares. Other choices were Pontypool and Ginger Snaps before I decided on Savageland
any links to good CYOA's themed around monsters?
A good few cuties in this video. The sawfish is my favorite of the bunch.
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Here, this is her "normal" state.
Me too.
>that belly slap
What about a female inside a female? Basically a monster whose inner self is a curvacious form of flesh protected by a hard carapace. Imagine a body opening like a star fish to expose its sensitive core, much like those creatures form a quiet place when they try to echo localize? I know it's not gonna be drawn, but it would be an interesting take to make a huge monster that opens itself like a maw of teeth and tentacles to show its docile form and also sexual organs.

Ah, maybe i just got too into it.
None, sorry
I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/12/going-feral-pack-of-feral-ghouls.html
Hope you enjoy.

Rice.... I loved the build up! You also taking some of the suggestions for referring to the ferals and grammar too!! I can't wait to see how the improved quality will show in your next stuff!
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Hi rice could I request a Christmas themed marvel comic symbiote story where in a alternate universe carnage has another child just as insane as it is and for the course promptly abandons her with her being a special symbiote that doesn't need a host to survive then the MC finds her takes her in and teaches her right and wrong giving her the name Syx(picture)where she has many adventures with many heroes and villains even becoming best friends with black cat who she calls cat friend(she speaks in third person)come Christmas she learns what Christmas is and want to give the MC a gift then later when MC arrives back at his apartment stunned to find Syx in sexy Santa outfit That barely fits her when he ask what it's about she says "!Syx ask cat friend what gift to give best friend and told Syx to wear funny outfit and read book with funny pictures in it)before showing the MC a porn magazine then before the Mc can object she slices his clothes off then pushes him up against her smothering his face in her huge boobs and forcing his dick inside her with both of them moaning the Mc moan into boobs then Syx grabbing his hips and quickly and roughly thrusting him in and out of her with them both loudly moaning with this rough fucking continuing late into the night with MC multiple times trying to get Syx to stop only for her to shove her long tongue down his throat everytime hours later of the MC cumming deep inside Syx he is no longer able to handle it anymore and passes out afterward it shows Syx cuddling with a passed out MC with her swapping between shoving her tongue in his mouth or licking around his face and neck while telling the MC that this was fun and that they should do it everyday with the MC only unconsciously moaning in response which Syx takes as a yes.
If not wife, why wife shaped?
Also rice I almost forget I hope you have a great Christmas and thank you for all the stories you do stay safe out there.
I'm glad that you enjoyed the story, Anon. And what's the point of criticism if one doesn't act on it, after all?
I'll get onto it as soon as I can although it will be after Christmas by the time it comes out. And I'll be sure to stay safe, don't you worry about that. Also Merry Christmas, to one and all.
those are some fat knockers
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better fat than anorexic innit
very true
I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/12/sweet-dreams-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
hi rice! long time reader, first time requester. could you do a story where Fuchi from junji ito's work takes advantage of the photographer in the story. picture attached. in the photo she is about to kill him, but instead she sees the massive erection in his pants and decides to play with him.
maybe it compels you but not me
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rice I'm long time reader of your stories and I was hoping if I could request one where a guy sees a ship crash land he finds two alien sisters(the picture)he offers them a place to stay until they can repair their ship with the sisters having human disguises introducing themselves as Vixsara & Vexiloria with vixsara being the good girl while vexiloria is the bad girl after months of living together the guy comes home from work he finds the sisters in their alien forms hugging each other while wearing skimpy lingerie with vixsara being embarrassed while vexiloria shaking her ass with a smug smile(she got a tattoo saying "PROBE THIS"as a joke when she found out what humans thought happened when they get abuducted)they explain they want to show their thanks for giving them a place to stay with that they get to work first sucking the guy off with vixsara shyly sucking while vexiloria is more aggressive with her sucking with them then taking turns riding and kissing the guy before the guy starts pounding them from behind and cumming inside them multiple times then cuddling with them on the bed the months after the sisters leave the guy is misses them then in a flash of light the guy sees the sisters but they are both heavily pregnant with vixsara having a proud look with vexiloria having a annoyed look with her telling the guy he is taking responsibility for this with guy being happy hugs them before roughly grabbing their asses with them both yelping then guiding them to the bed with the sounds of sex coming from his room shortly after.
I'm not reading all of that. Give me the cliffnotes.
I ran it through a Summarizer I made and it output this thing:
Rice I 'm long time reader story I wa hoping I request guy ship crash land he alien sister picture he them place stay they repair ship sister having human disguise introducing themselves vixsara being good girl vexiloria bad girl month living guy home work he sister alien form hugging other wearing skimpy lingerie vixsara being vexiloria shaking as smug smile she got tattoo saying PROBE joke she found human thought they get they explain they want show thanks giving them place stay they get work sucking guy vixsara shyly sucking vexiloria aggressive sucking them taking turn riding kissing guy guy pounding them cumming them multiple time cuddling them bed month sister leave guy them flash light guy sister they are pregnant vixsara having proud look vexiloria having annoyed look her telling guy he taking responsibility guy being happy hug them grabbing ass them yelping guiding them bed sound sex coming room.
I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/12/syx-to-your-stomach-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
This also sounds like a plan to me so I'll add you to the queue.
Thanks for the story rice loved it I hope you have a great new years
Happy new year to you Rice, thank you so much for all thr writing you've done! You're truly the oshi of the nightmare board group!
I drew a spooky bird
where is it?
Heya Rice, may I request another part for the Fallout 4 series? The reader just completed the Hole in the Wall quest and gave the serum to Austin, and got their own room at Vault 81 and Curie decided to ask if she could follow the reader since they also said they do research and study, and because they saved Austin with the serum despite the reader themselves also getting bitten and infected. After getting back to Red Rocket, the reader shows Curie about the Beta Wave Emitter, and how they've been able to tame various creatures to help the Minutemen, which they are also the "General" for. Finding herself more fascinated collecting data and scientific endeavors about the reader's menagerie, Curie is interested in the reader collecting some mole rats which she has a soft spot for. After rounding up a few and returning back to Red Rocket, Curie had pulled aside of the other creatures before revealing that she has noticed increased "vigor and vitality" from the reader, theorizing that the mole rat that bit them has mutated them in a different way and not only increased their libido but their stamina and maybe cum production and lowering their refractory period. Therefore she wishes the reader to pump as many loads of cum as they can. The reader then fucks a few mole rats, lets a bloatfly suck them off, using a bloodworm like a fleshlight, and then after filling all them up with cum asks Curie to try his cock herself and she jerks him off to collect a sample while talking and being fascinated about more testing with other creatures.
not enough detail for this request
I want to become a Mindflayer's pet!
Hey Rice can you write me a story where there's a dude kind of a nice dude but not anything particular just deadend job and not much else in life he buys a mansion with inheritence money he got from when his maternal grandfather died because his parents are not in the picture they left but he was still has been should in contact with his maternal frandfather alright and so he gets the mansion or inherits the mansion yeah that's better so he inherits the mansion okay? and then because he liked his maternal grandfather he goes to the mansion to live in it because he doesn't have anything to do anyway not a whole lot to do in life just dead-end jobs and so he gets to the mansion and starts living in the mansion in the woods a little bit away from a local little town pretty cozy imagine in the Fall with lots of trees and in the forest so there's gotta be a lot of trees around and he's let's say somehing like 5 miles away from the little town so it's not so bad he goes to the market every few days or every weekend in the old car chevvy it's alright and it's nice he likes it he's having a good time because it's nature and he sees a lot of animals and he gets to live in the mansion it's a little old and rundown but it's cozy enough and it's got a large fireplace to warm himself and water don't need anything more and the small inheritance inheritence he got from his maternal grandfather gets him enough money to last for a few years just buying food and he finds out he's being stalked by a nightstaker at night and he fucks her? Thanks Rice
very nice
Fix me? I still have my balls!
What is this?
I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2025/01/down-by-river-fuchi.html
Hope you enjoy.
I'm glad you enjoyed the story, Anon.>>8665878
Happy new year to you as well. I'm glad I can be your Oshi as well.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll add you to the queue.
Also sounds like a good idea so I'll add you to the queue as well.
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Snake demon from Urotsukidôji ii legend of the demon womb.

Unfortunately this is the only scene with her the only other scene has her exploding when that guy turns into a monster and cums.
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this reminds me when they told that Sadako from The Ring was a futanari who offed herself to player or viewer.
That's a Shoggoth, though.
Those are actual magic photos of me. I'm Zadako The Ring
I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2025/01/crash-landing-oc_7.html
Hope you enjoy.
what's the difference?
Are you cool with giving hugs?
does anyone know of a vid of a black skinned, eyeless and hairless gal/creature giving a blowjob? her only defining trait was some DSL, and it was 3D animated
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Do we post xenos in this thread or are they strictly to be posted in the xenomorph thread?
Why not both?
And /xeno/ is "xenophilia", so it's all about fucking aliens of every shape and size.
The galaxy is in for a fun time when we start colonizing other planets.
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