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Helltaker General #168

Kerberos In Heat Edition
Welcome to /htg/, the Helltaker game general.
Post art, gameplay, tips, how much you want to [cuddle] a demon, autistic fanfic, whatever is related to the game.

>Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1289310/Helltaker/
>itch.io: https://vanripper.itch.io/helltaker

>"What is Helltaker?"
Helltaker is short, free to play puzzle game in which you control a man who journeys into the depths to Hell to make a dream of creating a harem of sharp dressed demon girls a reality.

>"Why /htg/ and not something shorter?"
Because "/hg/" is used by Halo General.

>"Why a general for an hour-long game?"
Apart from typical waifu autism, Vanripper, Helltaker's creator, had considered making the game open source, meaning fan-made content and expansions.
Fan projects are also on the table, such as spin-off games, mods, and dating sims!
Also every 20 threads, and on certain holidays, join us for Harem Hellfighters!

>Level Editor Mod

>Full game/achievements guide

>Helltaker Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iybUh3-WtfE [Open] [Open]

>Examtaker Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uGNdQLIUtw [Open] [Open]

>Vanripper's Twitter

>Vanripper HT comic archives

>Vanripper stream archives

>Helltaker Booru

>/htg/ Archives

>previous thread: >>8536173
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More art by Vanripper:
Time for Judgement
The first lewd art of Generic
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>You could, if you wish, make things really spicy and make Zdrada pic related:
Whoever said this, i had never heared of scythianism and now that i have i think i might be a scythianist instead of a esoteric NS,
Nevermind im a dumbass its just a fucking TNO mod
bratty snake oil saleswoman needs correction...
Post more Judgement butt
Kaiserredux, actually. There's no reason you can't be one in real life, though
Dear god, that ass.
Now imagine if it was competently drawn
Because you asked so nicely, more AI Judgement
I didn't tho. You'd think for a general about hell girls that you'd understand that only art made with at least a little bit of suffering has any inherent quality
Because you asked so nicely, more AI Judgement
>Post more Judgement butt
As(s)k, and you shall receive
I want to plap plap plap Judgy's muscular body so hard, bros.

Judgement is exquisitely fuckable:

Ask, and you shall receive:
>white haired dude
Is that Nero from Devil May Cry?
I'm fine with this forbidden shipping of Hero from DMC x Judgement from Helltaker.
Ball-drainer Judgement is best Judgement.
See, this actually looks good because it doesn't have the plastic sheen and messed up details aislop does
>it doesn't have the plastic sheen and messed up details aislop does
like this?
>5 1/2 fingers
>screwed up torso rotation where one tit is on her sternum to try and simulate her turning, only her abdomen is facing straight forward
>thigh bigger than her ass
>bangs hovering an inch over her shoulders, draped on nothing
yeah I'd say that's aislop
Because you asked so nicely, more AI Judgement
it's shit. why not post actual art
Malina as mym- i mean chud malina, i traced from another edit of her has a commie
I forgot to give her a hooked cross tail fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
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Are you going to make Michael dressed like the Iron Guard? It was named after her, after all
Was planning on portraying the angels as subversive jews lole, also if every girl is a chud than nobody is and there NEEDs to be le bad guys after all
I might make a thread specifically for "chudtaker" but some of the art for it/memes have basedjak's in them so i might make it a heckin bant thread so it does not get banned
I'd suggest to stay here, a schism wouldn't be good.
Why not Molech? No art of her, but she'd be perfect for the role.
Yea but some of the jannies on /aco/ can be rulecucks, for example i think this message will be deleted within 3 hours because it has a hecking basedjak in it
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Because you asked so nicely, more AI Judgement
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This whole comic does not even make sense, the roles should probably be reversed, also baphomet is depicted as a black lamb who larps as the false jesus or whatever, and jesus is a white lamb, so baphomet is having sex with baphomet which turns baphomet into a angel?
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you think too hard
its a reverse corruption comic
theres one for every girl
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>he doesn't know about a character created by a fan artist in South Korea, and acknowledged by Vanripper
>but then, >>8588995 never makes sense
I just dont really care, sorry
>This whole comic does not even make sense, the roles should probably be reversed, also baphomet is depicted as a black lamb who larps as the false jesus or whatever, and jesus is a white lamb, so baphomet is having sex with baphomet which turns baphomet into a angel?
>This whole comic does not even make sense
A bizarre form of not caring
Okay lol, i just dont get the comic and i dont really care that much about fan stuff outside of baphomet and belpagore so the comic confused me
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>he still doesn't know
Also i though belphagore was the sleepy one
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the fuck?
Imagine making a blacked edit of a character to "own da chuds" and accidently drawing a celtic knot tattoo on her chest, really carrying the sterotype that blacks steal everything LOL
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>imagine making edits
Gee, I wonder why someone would be so mentally insecure as to so much as think of doing that...?!
Posting blacked wont magically stop me making helltaker chud edits btw lole
>cant read award
Holy kek hold on i need to get some popcorn for this upcoming spergout hold on rq
Cmooon... sperg out already about the evil insecure chuds, do something already
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What the fuck happened to this thread?
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>While the entire country is blowing up about Behemoth's nomination, her campaign was hard at work getting everything set up
>Posters, advertisements, and flyers handed out by her fellow Nephilim
>Of course, seeing a giant/monster trying to hand you something does scare people off a bit
>Behemoth wanted to get a Vice President right away, that way, in her words, "People won't think I'm s-slow to act."
>She had three realistic choices
>One was Astaroth: Intelligent, a great manipulator of events, and a quick thinker
>However, she didn't have much patience for mortals
>The chance of her blowing up at a reporter was not insignificant
>The second choice was Lisa
>A populist by nature, she could rile up massive crowds and bring them to their feet
>Then when they sat down, find that there's a whoopie cushion on every seat in the rally
>The problem is, Behemoth doesn't know her that well and may find picking her uncomfortable, not to mention that Lisa may accidentally go too far in her pranks or mouth off in public
>The third choice....was her mother, Beelzebub
>While it would certainly be the most comfortable choice for Behemoth, it would be the worst choice politically
>Beelzebub is as intelligent as Astaroth, and she's no stranger to tact and grace
>But it's her mother!
>It would embarrass the entire party, let alone the campaign!
>Ziz practically BEGGED Behemoth not to pick Beelzebub, her hands flying in a blur due to how fast she was signing
>She'd run herself, but she's not much for speaking; come to think of it, she's never spoken before period
>It was a hard choice, but Behemoth came to a decision on Saturday, right before the DNC...
>"I...I pick..."
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>"...I pick...mmm, L-Lisa as my running mate."
>Astaroth let out a sigh of relief and whispered under her breath, "Oh, thank the Styx that she's not a complete idiot!"
>Beelzebub was as happy as could be
>"Yay, Beebah! I know you don't know her, but Lisa's a great girl; she'll be your friend by the end of this whole thing."
>Ziz gave a thumbs up to her, her face as cold as ever
>Her threatening of the delegates paid off, it seems
>She'll never give any indication of it, but she figured that this could bring Behemoth out of her shell a bit
>Baby steps, though; Behemoth will face a great many challenges in both parties, let alone the other candidate
>She would do an assassination, but then how would Behemoth feel proud of her win?
>No, Behemoth must play fair or not play at all
>In that way, she supposes, she'll be quite the maverick in Washington
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>Ziz rigged the nomination just to get Behemoth to talk to people
>Ziz is a kuudere
A man of culture, I see.
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well im out of good baphomet stuff
Slop and cucks go hand in hand
I got you, bro
Who's she talking to?
I think THE chudtaker should be moonman or that new zealander that shot up the muslim place that i forgot the name of
when did this place get so weird and offbrand
Probably when me, a artfagging chud with autism, started posting. Lol
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In our bid to stop the "it's over" posting, we created a demon of our own, plus the US elections haven't helped. God help us all.
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Like a tulpa?
i really dont get how someone can act like such a smug tranny over a misunderstanding of a fucking porn comic, get over yourself.
Have some more Baphomet
In a way, yes.
thank you
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Bitch is pure Sex in fuck-me heels
perfect throat swabbing position...
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if there was an image, i didn't take it
I still want to know what her name is.

She's known only as Detective, just as her companion is 'SWAT-chan'. She looks very doable there >>8591173, so thanks for the pic. This one in return:
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i'll post the rest of the set
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got a warning for one of the baphomet images
seems the male in it was a furry, woops

i guess i was too busy looking at baphomet herself
KEK get fuckin rekt
An understandable mistake, who wouldn't look at her?
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Thanks. Have more Detective & SWAT-chan:
I want to either bang the police girl or get banged by the detective girl.
Excellent pic as ever by Noaharbre:
those back muscles look retarded
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Vanripper didn't make a mistake in creating these characters to include in the game/comics
>Election Night is here
>In spite of quite literally everything being thrown at them, Behemoth and Lisa feel pretty good about their chances
>Astaroth, despite saying that she doesn't care about the elections, is at the edge of her seat, rocking back and forth
>Beelzebub's been flying around, excitement written all over her face
>Behemoth's father, Maxwell, has also been able to attend
>Not that anyone would've missed him
>He's taken to dressing himself up like an immodest Lady Liberty this time
>Even Beelzebub has to admit that it's a good look for him
>As the votes began to be counted, Behemoth began to whimper in worry
>What if she didn't win?
>What would her parents say?
>Did she REALLY do enough, go to enough places, hold enough rallies?
>Did she say the right things, do the right deeds, let people see who she was?
>The suspense is killing her, even with her mommy and daddy hugging her
>it begins, the states are being called
>Red, blue, blue, red, red, red...
>268 to 268
>It'll go to the house, which is Democrat, who will undoubtedly be voting her in
>Astaroth let out a series of whoops that nobody had ever heard coming from her mouth
>She also hugged Lisa tightly and jumped up and down with her before pulling back, clearing her throat, and pretending that she didn't just do that
>Beelzebub and Maxwell cheered, as Behemoth stood stunned
>Ziz came up and kissed her on the cheek, making her blush redder than a tomato
>The Nephilim in the room began to dance, Behemoth soon joining in; Helltaker and his harem, who had attended as moral support, couldn't believe their eyes
>Nor could they believe when Behemoth pulled Helltaker to herself and danced with him on a large drum
>Lucifer snapped her head towards Beelzebub, who simply smiled at her and pecked Maxwell on the cheek, who was wiping away tears of joy
>The Nephilim began to sing of Behemoth's glory, their Queen scoring a grander victory than any before in their history:
Why does she say you, "Háu?"
(Hana-Mana-Ganda) Why does she say you, "Háu?"
Once the Jötunn didn't know
All the people she know now
But the Jötunn, she sure meet a lot
And it's all from saying, "Háu!"

Hana Mana Ganda
Hana Mana Ganda
We translate for you
Hana means what mana means
And ganda means that too!

When did she first say, "Amo!"
When did she first say, "Amo!"
In Nephilim book it say
When first brave married squàw
She gave out with heap big amo
When she saw her Father-in-Law

What made the shy girl shy?
What made the shy girl shy?
Let's go back ten thousand years
To the very first Giant princess
She kissum boy and start to blush
And we've all been blushin' since

You've got it right from the head hen
The real true story of the god-men
No matter what's been written or why
Now you know why the shy girl shy!
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For Lorebro, more Behemoth & Ziz:
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The amount of blush displayed by this Ziz is very acceptable
Leviathan, actually. Ziz blushing is so rare that only Behemoth has seen it occur.

Have some more Leviathan:
I want to tightly hug all three of these girls.

They are all very huggable:
What's Behemoth's fetish?
being the little spoon
>small spoon
Poor girl. No wonder she looks sad all the time.
No, she actually loves being the little spoon. She's just sensitive.
The sadness comes from not being the little spoon
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More Behemoth, Ziz and Leviathan:
I was making a joke about her size, anon. It's difficult to be the little spoon when barely anyone is bigger than you.
sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to be the big spoon for a giant woman...
Like cuddling a big body pillow.
Ziz is always prepared, armed while being lewd.
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Ziz's weapon comes in handy when she has KFC:

Her hands won't get greasy.
A very utilitarian girl.
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I never thought that I'd hear that song again, let alone here
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>"... I am in great danger."
I love Sathanas so much, lads.

Sathanas would love the music of Venom: the original Black Metal group.
Most underrated and underappreciated girls in the helltaker game.
>if you hug me, I'll stab you
worth it
I masturbated to this and came on my chest. When I went to take off my shirt, some of my cum got on my face.

Baphomet would want you to fuck her tits and cum on her face:
gross. please keep that to yourself
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You can't tell me Ziz is not literally picrel.
Yes, I would keep 144 Baphomets to myself
I can tell you that your picrel isn't literally Ziz
She's more like Malina, if anything.
>Redhead is Emily Barnaby
>FBI detective is Dorothy Jones
Yeah, I like it, it fits them
Don't think I don't see that Missioner Murders reference.
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Anubis and the tiny angel look deranged
Sir Integra?
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Lucy a cute
Right after the Fall, too. Still cute millennia later.
Justice noticing Beelzebub's bullshit.
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I'd like to rest my head on your baps, Bel:
What's wrong with her hand?
I've been looking at that cute pic of Lucy for ages, and I can't see anything wrong with her hand.
She just had a bad fall straight from Heaven, landed hard in her wrist.

teh dogis r luud:
which demon girl gives the best footjobs
There's hundreds of thousands of better art, c'mon man
Life's a beach with Generic:
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Pandemonica, she hasn't got anything else to use in her body besides her thighs and hands.
So this is where you guys went after /vg/ huh
Remembered the general after I came across an old doujin and wondered how it is today.
Less stressful, you don't have to bump every hour. Every month or so a new thread is made. We have survived, and Behemoth is the President now.
What doujin was it?
Helltaker's Hell would trounce Vivziepop's Hell easily.
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Not to mention that we have more class:
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Why not have both?
based enjoyer of multiple things

Vivziepop's Lute is basically Heaven's own Astaroth:
This pic by Noaharbre reminds me of the TV series Land of the Giants:


You're a big Cerb.
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Astaroth is superior to the angry angle:
I want this dommy mommy to step on me.
>I want this dommy mommy to step on me

Lute would do so in such a way as to make you scareoused:
The amount of blush displayed by this Bunnifer is very acceptable
A rare long haired Bitch:

As an OL too. You just know Zdrada loves taking dick-tation.
Hot, but what's an OL?
nta but https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_lady
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Even hotter, would marry office Zdrada.

More OL Bitch:
What department does she work in?
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Maybe Lorebro can answer that. But Bitch looks good in OL attire, though:
HR. It's funny because Hell has no HR department, Zdrada just shows up and farts around all day.
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Makes sense to me.
Now I want to see Memri TV: Helltaker Edition.
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More OL Bitch
Queen Zdrada the Black, she is.
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Not in this instance. Notice something missing there, compared to what Lucy usually wears? Thus Zdrada here >>8605066 is just an OL

Lucy will always be the Queen and CEO. Her body that is nothing less than pure Sex is so hot, pancakes can be cooked on her:
Dulzân khazâd Lûzikhûn!
(Fortune save our queen Lucifer!)
Nûrukhûn khazâd Lûzikhûn!
(Our good queen Lucifer!)
Narakhûn baraz, ikhûn-khuzdâri,
(Ruling on high, a wise sovereign,)
nakhûn-izbâruz, rashûm-izîl!
(Stands she in flame's radiance;)
Zarâfikhûn-izil nathûn-dûna,
(Wearing a wreath woven with love,)
izun-ghâl agh izûn-ruzgar!
(For her people and her realm!)

Dulzân khazâd Lûzikhûn!
(Fortune save our queen Lucifer!)
Nûrukhûn khazâd Lûzikhûn!
(Our good queen Lucifer!)

Nakhûn-izârâkh izûn-tharaz,
(Over our flourishing realm,)
akhûn-zarakûn tarmû-izâd;
(Swipes her scepter far and wide;)
Nadûn-ghâr izil narûkhûn,
(Her throne is made of freedom,)
izun-nakhûn rashthâm agh ûrukhûn;
(Her iron will and our hopes,)
nakhûn-khazâf-izil îl,
(And from her beautiful face,)
zanâkûkhûn narag-dâmi!
(Justice shines for us all!)

(Chorus X2)

Khazâd-khûn izârâkhûn zanûn,
(To show that she loves all of us,)
rûkhûn narâg fîr-îl;
(She heeds all worthy concerns,)
ûra-bûr narûkhûn zanûn,
(Not to repress any of us,)
Naru-barûr ghalâf izakh nadûn:
(Shines the Trident in her hand:)
Rûkhûn-zanâk zanakhûn nârukh,
(To bless all of us, to delight us,)
Zarûm dulzâg zanrûkhûn!
(Is the only prize she wants!)

(Chorus X2)

Thurakhûn zanâr izil nadûk,
(She shattered the chains of bondage,)
uzkhûn nadûn-fîrakhûn!
(Lifted us to true freedom!)
Bârukhûn-zan izûn-ghâl dârun,
(May she witness her lands expand,)
narûkhûn-izak dâmi-zanukhûn!
(And lead all demons to victory!)
Nakhûn barakh izûn tharkûn,
(May she hear at Heaven's pearl gates,)
Narukhûn-hazâr izak il-thûrm!
(Hell's cheers of her triumph!)

(Chorus X2)
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Armoured Lucy for Lorebro:
Beautiful and practical.
What weapon is she supposed to be holding?
Bitch Abs.

Dunno, but here's Lucy with her favourite weapon:

Lucy: 'Fun Fact: the M41-A Pulse Rifles used by the Colonial Marines in the James Cameron sequel Aliens were remodelled Thompson Machine Guns. The only intact one in existence - after all the others were dismantled & parts destroyed - is at the Royal Armouries (part of the Imperial War Museum) in Leeds'
It's the only taste of superiority he's ever had in his entire life.
I really don't know how things like this can be so inferior, they should get over it
Lucky girls, both of them.
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More Azzy & Baphie:
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>Azazel was studying the books on demonic lore Baphomet gave her
>Baphomet's only staying for the week, but Azazel's learned so much in that time
>She's been so generous to Azazel, and Azazel has thanked her constantly for her assistance
>But Baphomet wants more than thanks
>She walks into Azazel's room, smiling
>"Azazel, my little bellezz𝘢, how are your studies going?"
>"Amazingly! I had no idea about most of this stuff! I want to thank you again for giving me all this!"
>"Oh, it's no problem. But there is a price for this knowledge, you know."
>Azazel turns towards Baphomet, confused as to what she means
>Baphomet continues, sauntering closer to Azazel
>"I want you to do a little...'favor' for me, cutie."
>Baphomet begins to undo her shirt slowly, one button at a time
>Just enough to show her cleavage
>She leans over Azazel, her breasts right in Azazel's face
>"Please me, and I'll give you whatever you want. Knowledge beyond your wildest dreams."
>Baphomet opens her eyes, looking directly into Azazel's eyes
>"All you have to do is serve me, as my schi𝘢v𝘢. Doesn't that sound nice?"
>Azazel blushes as red as a cherry, Baphomet's perfume filling her nose with a pleasant scent that makes her lightheaded
>However, through this aphrodisiac haze, she weighs her options
>Baphomet did give her these books, but it wasn't just out of the kindness of her heart, as she has now shown
>Baphomet leans over her, her tongue sticking out her mouth while she's smiling
>"Well? what's your choice, cutie?"
>It's decision time
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>Azazel finally answers, with great difficulty
>Baphomet stands there for a moment or two, not moving
>"No. I'm sorry, but that's too high a price. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn from you, and I'm flattered that you like me so much, but I can't do this."
>Baphomet doesn't say anything for a minute
>Azazel begins to ask her is she's okay, but Baphomet pulls away quickly from Azazel before she can finish her sentence
>Her hands are balled up into fists, but her face remains unchanged, her eyes closed again
>Baphomet simply replies to Azazel, sounding like she's holding back an unholy amount of fury
>"I'm fu—p-perfectly fine, you little shi—uh, cute angellll. I'm going to bed now. Ci𝘢o Bell𝘢!"
>Baphomet shuts the door behind her, goes to her room, and begins to scream
>"That little TWERP! How DARE she reject me?! I thought she'd surely be tempted by all that I could offer her, but NOOOO! She had to be a stubborn little shit! Well, she's not keeping those books, so she better hope she took notes!"
>Baphomet calms down slightly, then begins to twitch
>She opens her eyes again, but they're slightly different this time
>A hint of black is around the edges of her sclera, moving like waves
>"It seems that you'll have to come and do this yourself, mistress. I apologize for this...delay in plans."
>Baphomet blinks, and the black is gone
>She closes her eyes, and smiles again, as though nothing happened
>But it seems that Azazel has a lot more to worry about than not having books now

Ah, Lorebro comes up with the goods. Have a Baphomet being all 'Ara~ Ara~' with Azazel:
As you wish:
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feels like theres a definite lack of porn images in this thread
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teh dogis r luud:
God I wish that were me.
Is it weird that I want a handjob from her?
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>T H I C C horns

That's where Baphomet stores her extra 'Ara~ Ara~' energy:
I still don't trust that smile.
Why not?

For Lucy trips, more Baphomet:

I'm reminded of this:


Baphomet in Jane Doe's outfit? That goat thighren girl sure has that Rizz.

While holding that fruit, she says 'This taste... *lick* ...is the taste of a liar'. What an Apple represents...!

...and then Baphy proceeds to erotically corrupt that angle she's captured. 'You still have looooots of confessing to do...!'
May I see the process? For research.

As the late great Raul Julia said in his final role as M. Bison: 'OF COURSE!'
>late great Raul Julia
i miss him, bros
even if he did do that doodoo movie overdrawn at the memory bank
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Said angle's POV: Baphomet about to do all manner of lascivious things to her:
How to breed the Luci?
Tell her how much you love her voice.
There are those who would like to be in his position:
Myself included.
>no bare boobs
tsk tsk
Yes, Baphy shows bare boobage, but not to you
Why not, are we got goat enough for her?
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What's her fetish?
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Warhammer 40,000. She has all the Black Library books on Ciaphas Cain (HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!!!). As well as all the Flashman novels by George Macdonald Fraser and episodes of Blackadder featuring Lord Flashheart:


(She has little piccies of him on the walls of her bedroom!)
Generic, for the trips and dubs.
>"I am not amused."
>"Throw him to the lions."
Jokes on her, Belphegor's a fantastic lion tamer!
Based Belial
Good taste on her part, too.

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