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Post characters from shows/comics/webcomics/etc. that aren't as well known, and you wish had more porn of
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my beloved
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Lynn Minmay, need more good art of her
Where are these lovely ladies from?
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my beloved, Mrs. Murderburger from Clarence
she's got no bonk, just badonkadonk
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Diana my beloved
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She's from an old anime series called Macross
that's a whole lot of cake
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Ava's Demon's titular character has taken more loads out of me then I could ever dare count. She should be far more popular
> Lin Minmei
> obscure
Christ I'm old.
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Nice butt
>Post characters from shows/comics/webcomics/etc. that aren't as well known, and you wish had more porn of
Her, and it's not even close.
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Molly Jo from Amphibia
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Quinby from The Ghost and Molly McGee
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Who is this and who draws it? That's bordering on actual art.
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Agatha Heterodyne and Zeetha from Girl Genius
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And Bangladesh Dupree
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Julith from Dofus - Livre 1: Julith
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Eve Ning and Hanna Thompson of Octopus Pie. Hell, I wish all the characters got more love on the art side, male and female.
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Emily & Bridgette from Close Enough
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You'd think in a show called "The Ghost and Molly McGee", people would care for the ghosts more.
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Jen from MTV's Downtown
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Long time ago there was a webcomic called Loserz. Same artist for that briefly worked for a pay site making nsfw comics, one of which was a futa incest comic. Only ever put out 2 chapters but it still stuck with me.

Link is for the comic, plus some extra art.


........bit of a RANDOM aside, but it's been awhile since I've been on the boards.

So why the hell is the captcha giving me a FIFTEEN FUCKING MINUTE LONG TIMER, or giving me the option of REGISTERING MY EMAIL ADDRESS?????

When the FUCK was THAT made a thing, and what ass-slapping retard running this place thought it would be a good idea!?!?!

Who the fuck would make requiring an email address necessary to post ON 4CHAN!?!
...well, long as I'm here, I might as well finish what I was going to do anyway, though this site might as well be dead because of this new, super retarded policy.

A comic page based on a "What if?" idea, using the sisters from that futanari comic.

First version is "if the rubber broke in the second chapter."
Second version is supposed to be a "what if?" based on the first sex scene, though the background color doesn't match. Whenever the artist finally gets back to me and sends me the PSD, I can change the background color and bedsheets to match the room in the first chapter myself.
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Old 90s comic book franchise, basically self-published by a guy called Joseph Michael Linsner. He was one of the last of the comic artists who got their start trying to be actual artists (like Vallejo, Frazetta, Elmore, Easley, and the like) and who moved in to comics and took their expertise with them.

The comics actually had some neat writing, even if they're dated now and will come across as "too edgy 4u" in the internet age. Finding a copy of the Lucifer's Halo graphic novel is worth a look.
Recent one from the author of Tales From the Tables, featuring the players rather than their DnD characters.
This show was weirdly forgotten and basically gets no more art
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Mother Panic.
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I would like to buy that soda.
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Jessica Raplansky from American Dad!
that'll cost you tree fiddy
It'd help if you said where they're from, OP
Pearl from the Little Mermaid Animated Series.
Cute, bubbly, and knows how to party. I like her.
>This show
Which show?
Bravest Warriors
the girl from the New Norm
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Maddie Kim. Pantheon.
No name?

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