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>Herr-Culese edition

A general about SheZow, it's lore and characters. As well as other cartoons with similar humor and charm.

>/she/ booru archive:



>Regular Show


>Star vs. the Forces of Evil


>Big City Greens

>Fairly Oddparents: A New Wish

>Last thread:
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I was able to find one of the fandoms classic artists, mordesshakes on deviantart who went through many name changes but, their doodles remain up!

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>2 day-old brand-new shezow
and it's actually good
what a time to be alive!
Nervous Shezow is cute. All 3 moods are really done well.
Favorite is top-left with the "i'm the prettiest girl you're ever gonna get, maz"
Total Shezaz energy right there
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So fabulous
I'm finally bailing from twitter and decided to do a little dump since I saw this thread was up. Just something before I delete the account.

I feel like I should've included like a little something with the images, but I was kind of on a roll lol
Artist's names are in the filename, but honestly, they're not very active anymore. Plus some of them only did the one Shezow post and that's it.
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If I remember what comment the artist made, I'll try to add it to my post.
Like this one. Not a redesign like in >>8604637 but just Shezow in a different style.
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It feels like something MTV would air in 2000. Just from the style.
>I'm finally bailing from twitter and decided to do a little dump since I saw this thread was up. Just something before I delete the account

Damn. You could keep your account private and keep it around to archive some good artists. A dummy account to have a key to a site is always a little useful. Good job on nabbing all these artists work so fast
Wow, this is cool. Really fits the 2000's aesthetic and I love that glamazon SheZap
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Dude, I honestly just hate being there lol it's barren, so what's the point? Follow people I don't want to follow just to "have" a timeline? Nah.
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Not going to blusky either. Fuck that. Go to twitter 2.0 just for it to end up the same way? Nope.
Fair enough. Ever since they updated the site to have a gallery feature like I always wanted I've had a good time raiding accounts. Although artists that clog that feature with dumb reaction images do make that useless so I get you
He looks so good in those pants. This is one of my favorite modern SheZow arts ever
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>It feels like something MTV would air in 2000
Why is this so accurate?
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Uma Thermal, babyyyyyyyyyyy
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Barbie poster meme. It's cute. I don't know, I honestly didn't find one of these that made me cringe, and I saw plenty of them.
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I wanted to post this on the previous thread when the last image was Therapy Shezow.
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Facesitting while in that outfit would fix me.
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Another one while Barbie was trending. Again, no cringe, just cute to me.
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Really into how this looks.
>Facesitting while in that outfit would fix me

I think Shezow's only nervous because dumbass Maz told the cops his actually name and not whatever sidekick name he had that week, so Boxter Hamdon is obviously going to see noticed that, even if he's always getting fooled by Shezow.
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I was going to say something like "uma can lowkey get it", but no, she's blatantly sexy.
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Those tits.
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That bodysuit is painted on.
If god was real this single image would've spawned countless fanart.
Too many people were caught up in the trap crazy of old. Everyone wanted to fuck SheZow so bad they forgot to ask "who's going to fuck all these hot women?"
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Obie really had a thing for chokers and skunk stripes. God bless him for that
>who's going to fuck all these hot women?
The answer was in front of them. Shezow could've fucked all those hot women.
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Shezow's job as a therapist will provide for both of us.
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Here's more of that ancient crossover ship.
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Despite the filename, I know this artists more as itsponika
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There was that reimagining of Candy Rapper from last thread, so this is pretty much that but for Dudepow's universe.
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Very nice stuff
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Aunt Agnes and Tara in their younger days.
There needs to be more angry, toxic yuri or hatesex art with Tera in general
I know I saw at least one other, but maybe I forgot to save it? Let me look.
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Meh. It's not as good, like the drawing is good, the art is good, but it's not as funny.
True. It's just nice to see some good art of Tera and Agnes together at this point
I want her in that pose furiously bouncing on my cock while I'll let her complain about Shezow all she wants.
Understandable. Even Maz couldn't help but get a "grip" of dat ass first chance he got
This is the account that used to host these pics. A sad amount of accounts that posted SheZow art in 2012 have been "iced" or wiped clean with no art. Others with art made in 2013 are more likely to be around. Not sure why, the mayan calendar perhaps?

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Pretty excited for the next big city greens
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Is it gonna be good?

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jamaican me crazy
It's really something when you take out a single detail in a costume, and you can dramatically change how it looks.

Doggystyle in that skirt outfit on the bottom.
In public.
True. The outfit is basically just full body tights with a short top and miniskirt. Taking away either of the two parts would make it way too lewd for television
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Art where it's just Guy as "Guy" is appreciated.
Even better if it's lewd.
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>Even better if it's lewd.
You just know he walks around his house "dressed" like this after being Shezow for a while. Mostly in the morning when he's having breakfast.
I can see the whole family getting "looser" like that. Droosha specially since she's a bit new-age-y. She would probably make her coffee naked. Kelly I can see just rocking bra and panties.
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And? I'm still doing a tongue-bath on every inch.
so that dude just steals shit?
let me guess? a minor?
>Kelly I can see just rocking bra and panties.
Early morning at the Hamdon's is just pic related with Guy and Kelly, just Guy has a crop-top instead of a bra.
Very much. The way Liquid draws Guy still gets me good
Please tell me there's an artist in the thread. Please.
The links? No, just a reblog. On tumblr you make a digital copy everytime you share a person's post, so I like to share a copy in case a blog goes down. You can even search through the notes to find other blogs that have archived old work. It's a great way to skim through fandom timelines from the past decades. If not for that system, tons of high quality SheZow art would have been lost in time
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Fuck me. I was sure I had Guy in his hoodie, no pants, in my deliveries but no, just lovely ol' Marco Diaz.
I really love this delivery, though.
I'm sorry to the thread but Marco is my #1 Babygirl. Shezow is a close second, though.

Funny how they both wear hoodies, huh? One red, one blue.
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Yeah, one regular solid red, and the other blue with dumbass nu-metal things on it. I know those symbols or whatever are there, but it always takes me a second. They're subtle so I always think they're like animation errors.
Cute face on this one. The choker is appreciated too
and here's the squeakquel
I would answer the door with a full-on visible erection if I had that trick-or-treater come to my house. There's a lot of art where I would love a back-shot version of.

Unbelievably cute.
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This is an incredibly HD PNG of Guy
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Wait? It's supposed to be Mocktopus? I just thought it was like a generic tentacle monster. Sure looks like it here >>8605679
Somehow that's less wholesome.
I'm new to this, what's SheZow and why is it becoming a thing here now? I've been seeing a lot of references to it lately.
>Wait? It's supposed to be Mocktopus? I just thought it was like a generic tentacle monster

It most likely is. Most of the time when someone sketches SheZow with tentacles they just color them green to fit the show. It's just tradition but, Mocktopus is gay so it depends on how much he knows

>I'm new to this, what's SheZow and why is it becoming a thing here now? I've been seeing a lot of references to it lately

SheZow is a 2012 Australian/Canadian/American gender, action comedy about a 12 year old boy who inherits the super hero legacy of a female superhero from his aunt. It's filled with puns and colorful characters. It's had an Invader Zim-like dedicated fanbase for years and more recently there's been an effort to refocus that into a general again.
>why is it becoming a thing here now
Do you see something you've never seen and immediately assume it's brand spanking new and not almost 13 years old?
Everyone's getting married!
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This seems pretty true
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shezow fanart using makeup
Obie probably loved this one
I mean, I love it.

"Let's discuss your obsession about boys looking like girls."
"Can we discuss it with my entire head underneath your skirt, ma'am?"
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It's too early, and I'm too horny for this thread right now. It's just making me fiend for new fanart.
Maaaaaaaaaaan, we really don't get a lot of Dudepow being a thirsty little slut, huh? Looks good depicted as an easy fuck.
Would be cool if Dudepow was depicted like Shezow, very promiscuous, but to a fault. Like Dudepow likes to fuck, but at what cost, you know?
Also, check this out. I just found this existed. It's lovely.
And Based God Liquid also did his own take.
>Based God Liquid
I know Liquid is aware of us, but is DBaru? Dunnhier?
I'm into that. Like Guy as Shezow fucks a lot but always comes out on top, but when Gal is horny, as Dudepow, she's more like an addict. Sure she gets to fuck, but her dignity suffers. Not that she minds anymore, since she gets to fuck.
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I went to desuarchive because I thought I recognize the reference used for those, but I was wrong. I just found it by searching "requesting image dudepow shezow" but still, it's a very good image ref. for requests.
What I was looking for was that one image of one girl lighting up a cigarette under another girl's skirt, if anyone has that lol
Shezow is a hot piece of ass
>Finally, so good fucking food

He did do a 3-image set with Marco Diaz, and that turned out to be pretty good.
The set-up is not far fetched and the dialogue is not cringe enough to make me want to stab my eyes out.
I just wanted to reply to that post on the previous thread because I also feel that way about this artist, and I wanted to post these.
Eyeshadow Marco. Excellent touch
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I feel like my posts make no sense without context.
In the last thread a couple of anons were posting about two Shezow-related pieces by that artists. It's behind a paywall so it's just previews.
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This is either a follow-up to that, or a separate Shezow solo.
That make-up makes him look like such a breedable putita.
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There are people in that fanbox getting new SheZap and Zow porn and probably not even appreciating it while we're just sitting here
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>we're just sitting here
Getting hornier and hornier!

lol no but really, just wait 2 months and old boy there will put it on his pixiv
I'm going to be the thread's Negative Nelly and predict a let down. Because it's going to be what? Standing characters, dick-to-dick? and the other one is going to be like a POV kneeling blowjob? I like the art style well enough, but so what? I've seen Shezow like that before. Honestly the only thing to get hype about is Shezap. Which I am hype about.

2013? That's very specific, anon.
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it's probably some hyper jacking, maybe a cock ring presentation on the second one since it looks like there's some pink at the base. I just like seeing the post number go up on porn sites, always nice. Preview pics are of course a nono

>That's very specific, anon

Yeah, I found it in the old threads. Thought it was funny. There were 'so' many name posters in the past, posting reaction images in reactions to themselves it's crazy. The discussion of the show was there and thoughtful but, to keep 2 threads a week bumped it really was personal conversations filling up space towards the latter half of season 1
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*kiss* *kiss* *kiss* *smooch* *smooch* *kiss*
This artstyle fucks hard.

Ah, ok. Makes sense.
Aw, cute. These 2 girls dressed as DudePow and SheZow today

Jesus. It was no joke that the show had a brand new, and thriving, audience.
Yep! Maybe we will get a fanmade comic continuation, someday
Hesitant and afraid. I rather get something with some "bona fide" quality to it, with Shezow's creator behind it in some capacity. Now more than ever you're seeing cancelled show go the canon-comics route, so I don't see why a 12 year old cancelled show can't do that. They recently announced the Start Trek Lower Decks comics after the final 5th season.
True. That classic cheese would help but, the original SheZow had 19 writers so new writers wouldn't be too bad. I always hope that one day Obie would work with another fanartist or the original comic artist to make another issue. I guess he's just been busy with writing other shows. He's back at Disney now last I heard but, I think he owns the rights so online distribution isn't impossible like other shows
That is legitimately a good ship design. Early aughts flame-paintjob notwithstanding. The logo on the tail was fine by itself.
I finished reading Obie's book "Oddry".
I liked it. It felt like watching a movie, basically. The ending hit hard.
Like "proper" book I'm guessing? Not a comic book? Where can I get this?
I bought a physical copy from Amazon

I feel like the story says something about Obie's childhood
>I feel like the story says something about Obie's childhood

Does it have to do with gender stuff? I'm kinda interested now
It has to do with abusive parenting and good relationship with an adoptive sister. Since the book is dedicated to his irl stepsister (or adoptive sister) I guess he also got abused as a kid.
Go for it, it's a small book after all.
I see. Sounds good. I'll have to see if I can find it sometime
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similar like ponika's style >>8604816
collusion in the literally world?
Now, you joke but if you actually go to itsponika page, there are more pieces that could actually work in your shitpost's favor lol But yeah, the book has a good art style, like a painting or something. I don't know what you call it, I'm an art-dummy.
Really into how Shezow looks in these two storyboard panels.
Yeah, it's ponka's. It's even tagged as obie scott wade. He had a lot of good things to say on their posts and I guess commissioned him for his next book! Which was nice of him

I adore the SheZow storyboards! I really wish some of the proportions were in the real show, mainly the hands size
fuck off, it really was that?
my post was nothing, just a bump
Damn lol
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Mom, I'm horny.
Cutie Finger
There was a link to an artist's tiktok, so I just screenshotted from that. Artist is the same as >>8604637
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Found this on a French site

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A lot of people mention that SheZow is voiced by Edd from Ed, Edd n Eddy but no one mentions that Maz is voiced by Ed(Matt Hill). In an interview Sam Vincent said they're happy to work together and have great chemistry, which is true and they are often cast in a pair. Matt Hill also voiced Soarin on mlp while Sam voiced Ferguson in Littlest Pet Shop so they got work with DHX media too!
lol cringe
lol advertising is against board and global rules

Tell your boy to make better decisions if he "suddenly" is in need of money, bro.
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His car transmission broke. I didn't wanna seem like an asshole for implying someone should get him to art some SheZow but, you took care of that so now I'm asking
SheZow in brown bricks

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Almost got fired at work for leaving early in the morning without saying anything and ghosting every coworker.
But it seems they need me because I can do a special task, so I won't get fired tomorrow.
That seems harsh
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comment from Obie's tiktok. Shows even as recent as last year he's still workong on SheZow, he's got one script
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Omg very cute
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You gotta love when the characters turn silly mid fight
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Cute and kinda scary hair
>boss gave me a raise at work today
>then at home I finally found a mega link with HD episodes of the original Lalaloopsy series
>watched one episode
>it was cute, pure genius, and great everything

Life is good atm.
The animation is so cute.
So, so cute.
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I heard someone in the old threads say that "Kelly did the transformation wrong" and that's why she doesn't look as attractive as GuyZow. She did the turn counter clockwise or vice versa and the "S" was backwards in the transformation so that's why the hair and mole are on the wrong side. I thought they just did it on purpose so we would like Guy better since SheZow with boobs would be hotter possibly. But, this actually makes more sense as a subtle detail they put in. This show is "surprisingly" rewarding to the observant viewer I'm finding out so I wouldn't be surprised
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Here's a little edit of what Kelly would have looked if she looked more like Guy's SheZow
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SheBang by AmigoDan

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I found out through a link that "terepeta" the artist changed their name to "youbringsomeowls." I was so wondering who they were because they were such a big influence on the threads. Traditional, fan designs, requests, sketches, cosplay, different styles, drew avatars for the "faces of /she/." Because someone took the url and made a sob story about how they missed them, why take the old url name? Why not the new one? Oh well, they were I'd say, the best artist for the fandom at the time. Hope they're doing well. 1 month of threads and 6 eps to go. I think I found all the old artists
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Kelly is a very patient sister
why is this here instead of /trash/ (I'm assuming you were kicked out of /co/)
none of you are posting porn. It's not an /aco/ thread - and almost all the characters are like 11 so it wouldn't work anyways
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>why is this here instead of /trash/ (I'm assuming you were kicked out of /co/)
none of you are posting porn. It's not an /aco/ thread - and almost all the characters are like 11 so it wouldn't work anyways

/trash/ and /co/ are way too fast to keep a general for a 12 year old cartoon afloat. I don't know how little you lurk but, surely you know generals have been banned on /co/ for a decade. There's a ton of porn that can be posted from relevant shows, we just haven't been that horny lately and more chill
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Need that he-pussy bad.
Right, but understand that when 80% of the posts of the thread aren’t - as you say- “horny”, then it means the thread should be /aco/ either. This board is not a dumpster for the things other boards don’t want - it has a stated purpose (that is of course /trash/ - which seems a much better fit). All the posts that are not horny should be removed, or the thread should be moved somewhere else
*shouldn’t be /aco/ either
lmao, even
Anyone replying to any of that beyond this point is as stupid as that bait is weak. Also like, yeah, bro, call the mods now that the there's been 26 of these threads.
Here's a little experiment, don't reply and see the cunt shrink. That, or we're going to see very blatant self-replies in a bit.
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shaddup, shezow
you dumbass
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Need a Pop Team Epic version of Shezow.
It would either be Shezow and Maz, Shezow and Shezap, or even Shezow and Kelly.
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New PlanZ SheZow!

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That hole!
Also, I know that the spanish/english is a thing in pretty much all his art, but it fits here because Shezow is canonically bilingual.
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>but it fits here because Shezow is canonically bilingual

True, that's kinda hot. We love a bilingual boy

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Posting this one-handed, since I'm literally jerking off right now and it feels really good. Like pumping it to Shezow feels particularly pleasant right now.
Finally, more Shezow with a fat ass.
It's not like there's a lack of it. Darkeros draws Shezow with a dumpy.
This is so cute! Is this new?
A little bit over a year old now.
Still nice, guess I missed this one
It's feels like like non-deliveries spread wider sometimes.
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Hot Zow! Penetration is lovely and Guy looks great covered in all that spunk
What's the occasion?
Christ, that face.
Hi, Liquid.
I know, right? It's not really exhaustion, but just like it's been a ton of cocks and it's shows. I love it.
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I hit 600 followers on baraag so I had a poll to figure out who I’ll draw for the pic celebrating that and Shezow won. So I whipped that up just in time.
Looks good in formal-wear.
I love it when you weaponize midriffs like that in your drawings. I want to lick it clean.
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Liquid was here? And he was drawing for you?!
The one time my neet-ass is not glued to a thread.
Settle down, Beavis. There's a difference between "drawing" for a thread & and "sharing a drawing" in a thread.
Some pics off the encyclopedia dramatica page

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I can draw some stuff. I’ve just been working on other stuff lately.

Hit me with some requests.

Thanks man. Pic related
DAMN! Those muscles
Actual fucking? >>8610663 When the two of them being very dominant.
I guess it can be posted by outside link?
Abs like warm soft steel.

>Hit me with some requests.
I really love this >>8605652
Proof of it is that this >>8605655 is my post lol
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Shezow that stinks good.
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If everyone's cool with me requesting something SFW here, then how about the image on the right with Dudepow taking a titty-selfie with Droosha? You can change Droosha expression to something else if you want.
The artist left no name, that I know of, but I found this to be a really cute one. The censor bar is deliberate.
Here's the whole She-bang!
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Shezap wearing the outfit on the top-right, or an outfit made out of the items on the bottom-right.
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Imagine doing that mid-battle. Cold Finger just rendered catatonic on the spot.
Man, little Timmy's got a big dick. There's something about basement-dwelling mama's boy losers with a big cock that I love.
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I’ve already drawn that ages ago.
I've seen that image on anon's post around and I've never in my life see your drawing. What the fuck.
That fat ass is godly.
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You can almost feel the weight and volume of those cheeks. That is an expertly drawn ass, Liquid.
Sometimes I make something right before a thread dies.
Dude, when? Was it when the original /co/ booru was still being used? Also, that "water gun" is filled with hydrofluoric acid.
Oh, never mind lol The thread wasn't refreshed, so I didn't not see your reply.
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>Also, that "water gun" is filled with hydrofluoric acid.
>oh look, honey, it's local super hero shezow and she's about to playfully squirt water at us with that toy gun
>skin starts melting off

Disclamer: I actually don't know how powerful hydrofluoric acid is.
I know that ass is the main event, but is it weird to say that the way you drew the hair is hot as fuck?
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Is it hazardous to fuck Shezap? Meaning that, apart from the separate act of Shezap herself bonking you with a hammer looney tunes style, is being inside Shezap bad for your health?
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Thanks! That’s an old pic. Tho I’ve been working on the shine that I try to put into hair like in this pic.
you gotta stop drawing shezow as such a babygirl, i can't handle it

but speaking of good characterization, i gotta make a call-back to pic related
that's such a "best friend" way to say "hey, don't film this, dumbass"
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Most likely. Being made of 100% toxic waste and superhero DNA, their "holes" are probably radioactive. The bigger question is, is it worth it?
As long as Shezap's molecular structure is not changed or otherwise compromised during the "act", I think ur good.
>The bigger question is, is it worth it?
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I think I might like Shezap more than Shezow, so yes. What am I going to do? Not hang out?
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What a huggable, among other , shape.
Thanks. I usually try to put some kind of personality in there.

>saving himself for marriage

Man, we Shezap-heads are eating good tonight.
Found a neat textpost about Guy trying on Kelly's clothes in the old threads


Even after finding her brother in her bedroom, trying on her clothes, Guy's sheepish look kept his sister from immediately blowing her stack.

"...hey, Kel. Mind if I borrow these?"

Kelly stared at her brother for what seemed an eternity before responding. "...I should have expected this, I suppose. If we were sisters, we'd already be borrowing each other's clothes."

She exhaled sharply before continuing. "Just make sure that you wash them before returning them - and if you're going to keep them for a while, put them where Mom won't find them. I do -not- want to be part of -that- conversation."

"Yeah, fine, thanks."

"And don't stretch anything - I like that outfit!'

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of it."

"At least you're not wearing any of my underwear. I hope."


"Could you keep your voice down?!" Guy hissed. "Think about it - any panties I'd have access to are pink leopard-print, and the SheZow outfit has a built-in strapless bra. Where else did you expect me to find something? In Mom's clothes? It's safe to say that neither of us will be filling those anytime soon."

Kelly's expression hardened a bit. "Yeah, I know, but wearing someone else's underwear - especially a boy in his -sister's- bra and panties - could be construed as a bit creepy." Her expression then softened. "But I guess I can see what you mean. You can have those - I certainly don't want them back now, unless it's-" She reached over and tugged the collar of the sweater forward, peeking inside.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" exclaimed Guy.

"Just making sure that it isn't my favorite strapless - and it isn't. You can keep that one."
Guy raised his hands up, forcing the gap between the sweater's collar and his chest closed. "Do you mind not doing that," he said nervously. "It kind of bothers me."

"Good," she retorted. "It's supposed to make you feel uncomfortable. Hopefully you'll remember that when you start dating girls. It -will- be girls you decide to date, right?"

"Yes, Kelly, it will be girls. I'm not gay, I'm- I mean, I like girls, but..."

"You like girls' clothes, too. I kind of figured that out, bro." She reached over and put her arm around his shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll help you with all of this. You have to talk to somebody and I don't think that you should trust Maz for fashion tips."

Guy's face fell. "Oh, brother. That's gonna be a hard conversation."

Kelly smiled. "Don't panic. Maz seems pretty amenable to stuff like this."


"Amenable. Easily persuaded." She regarded her brother's confused expression. "Remind me to get you a word-a-day calendar."

"Yeah, whatever. Thanks, Kelly. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here for me." He reached around with his arm and squeezed her shoulder.

"No problem. If you need to talk to someone I'm here." Her expression turned a bit mischevious. "And this gives me an excuse to drag you along on shopping trips."

"Wait, what? Why would I need to go shopping with you?"

"How else are you going to pick out something new to wear, especially without a willing model?" She grinned evilly. "It'll be fun!"

"What have I gotten myself into?" Guy moaned.

"A whole new world..." sang Kelly airily.

THE END (for now)
Looking extremely submissive and breedable.
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