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Futa on Male comics and art. Bonus for unwilling Male.

Prefer not hentai comics covered in black bars and cum to where we can't see anything
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Tale of androgynous fan art? Interesting
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>Bonus for unwilling Male.
You mean raped?
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Wait I mean yes
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Bumpa on Male
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Is there any more of these two?
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god I wish
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I see what you did there
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I don't get it?
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based bucked
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that's hot
Based rape-out-of-habit
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Luffy really lucky lad…
Any good full nelson futa on male pics?
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samus and whomst?
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Pit. From Kid Icarus.
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>Any good full nelson futa on male pics?
Guess not
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The sub visibly has tits
Picturd unfortunately has to make all the male characters chastity bound hyper femboys with weird estrogen tits, love his style, but hate the way he always depicts guys.
>buen chico
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Welcome back slave pleasuring, joyboy
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I hate hyper so much it's unreal
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Triple on bf
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Here's some story recommendations I've posted on /d/, should be interesting for the more literally inclined among you.

The Package [2 chapters, finished?]
>Futa delivery girls delivering huge packages, duh

A Condom Big Enough for a Futa [6 chapters, ongoing]
>Story about hyper futa cum-inflating everything around her which gradually turns into a character study of a sex addict

Unearthed Desires [2 chapters, finished?]
>MC's girlfriend's work friend, a statuesque goth futa, bulls the relationship

New Pet [3 chapters, ongoing?]
>Similar premise as Unearthed Desires but futa actually kidnaps the dude and starts breaking him in

Futareich [3 chapters, ongoing?]
>Amazon futa empire conquers fictional European setting and enforces cuckoldry laws

She's the Boss [9 chapters, ongoing?]
>Predatory amazon futa boss first offers promotion to MC for sexual favors, permits him to get with one of her female employees as a package deal, and than promptly fucks both of them into submission before and after they start developing feelings for each other

Bayonetta's Abuse [12 chapters, finished]
>In medias res story with the MC being in a BDSM relationship with Cereza; various shenanigans ensue, including handholding and kissing

My Miracle Mistress [5 chapters, ongoing?]
>Like Bayonetta's Abuse but with no magic and more BBW mini-giantesses

Honour Thy Mother [14 chapters, ongoing] (also picrel)
>Narcissistic mother first cucks and then gradually turns her son into a personal fucksleeve as a way to get back at her husband for leaving her
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It's not that bad honestly.
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this looks like it was drawn in the 70s
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Read the filename, anon
how do you read filenames on iphone dolphin browser?
>pedo shit
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I wouldn't know - I browse 4chan on PC like a regular degenerate
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Looks more like your should be called the log lady
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I noticed a severe lack of DittoChad this thread, i can only recommend him

do you perhaps know what happened to that artist? (SmedArt) they kinda disappeared
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I'm afraid not
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Unfortunately, picrel and that are the only two pics (three if you count a mediocre photoshop pic) on rule34 credited to them.
The characters themselves are actually from some random 3D comic I found on e-hentai quite some time ago (don't ask me how I remembered it):
Futa content keeping overwatch alive
>110 year old
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