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This general is for the discussion and sharing of western erotic games and visual novels, including incest and harems.

Western erotic games (2D & 3D) are welcome here with these content restrictions:
>No QoS/blacked
>No futa
>No gay dudes
Report any restricted content posted here, including anything about games that are exclusively for such content.

F95 Latest Updates - https://f95zone.to/sam/latest_alpha/

Previous thread: >>8593513
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faggot, shoulda added no cuckshit
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Image MD5 list to filter out the tranny / blacked cuck spammer:


>use 4chanX
>go to settings
>select the drop-down menu with the name "Guide" on it
>select Image MD5
>paste the list in the blank

This list gets updated regularly.
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My wife.
I see the spammers did really kill /weg/ in the end. Shame, used to love these threads. Anyway, a dumb question, but you can't play renpy wegs on ultrawide 21:9, right?
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Oof. Brutal WEG moggings?
sure, the images are obviously rendered in 16:9 so you will just have black bars... also dpi scaling doesn't work in renpy so you have to reset it to 100% every time if you don't want the text to be ugly
Every time what? I open the game?
yeah but it only takes like 3 seconds so it's not a big deal
I assume you used 21:9 before? Aren't the bars irritating? I know you can do tricks to lessen the effect in like youtube and shit, but how much of a bother is it?
>been almost a year since taffy tale update
>dev announces 80% of new patch are updated backgrounds
MY wife.
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OUR wife.
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which /vweg/ has the best/most preggo sex stuff?
Unironically The Tyrant.
not a vweg
havent played that in ages, and then it was still barebones, but want it supposed to be a trainer? how is that vanilla? also first scene was an interactive raep. maybe vanilla means something different now :/
>he doesn't know SAZ mod
hello newfriend
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Play GoldenGob games.
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Another Chance - TimeWizardStudios
It's perfect, NTR game NTRs its audience.
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star periphery
And he's using AI for it, dude is straight up just doing nothing
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Not really. The real cancer killing weg is the fact that people here really don't want to discuss wegs. It's just meme pics and responses from the same handful of big name games.

There are thousands of wegs. How often do you actually see people discussing all but maybe five of them?
I don't care how many billions of wegs there are, I'm still not gonna play random 0.1s with no coomtent
>How often do you actually see people discussing all but maybe five of them?

How often do you see one that:
>Looks decent enough
>Was written by someone who can use proper spelling and grammar
>Isn't cuckshit or futashit
>Has more than 2 hours of content
>Has enough updates to tell if it's at least going to continue for a bit before the inevitable [abandoned]
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HS1 looks so much better it's not even funny
Just remembered Artemis
>Release Date: 2023-11-06
oh cool
literally nothing is stopping you from starting a discussion about another game
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These patreon renders or is there an extras gallery I ignored.

Start a discussion then. Or I'll try.

Grannys house, the devs got the biggest fucking hardon for orgasming girlpiss I've seen yet and its weird, pick any girl and theres about a 30% chance if you fuck her youre goning to need a towel. Further 20% chance that youre going to watch them piss or piss on them too, god damned piss witch Kittycat

Wish it would lemme just ignore the granny, sure its her fucking house n all but I dont like hags. I came for the redheads.
>Grannys house
Any piss content?
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Not far into part 2, ive been given the chance to watch like 4 different bitches piss and 3 of those I've been given the chance to piss on/in. Not sure about the hags or the fat bitches routes, or the cop.
Red x = skipped
Blue poin = IDK who they are/no content/i forgot
PISS CIRCLE = You piss on them/ watch them piss

Characters not included include:
Some goth bitch from the start who hasnt come up again.
Liz, who watches you piss on Cat because jellyfish.

Cat is the current grand high piss witch. Im certain Ive forgot somebody.
>Cat is the current grand high piss witch
you're gonna like when she begs to drink your piss
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Cabin scene? Already done that, hence GHPW

Ricewife a qt
So is it confirmed the world of Another Chance is really purgatory for the MC? Also games with blue-eyed blonde-haired chicks?
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This is cuck shit doesn't belong in /vweg/ go post it in the other weg thread.
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for those who keep up with summertime saga, what's the status? is he seriously gonna take over a year to just release the original content for the tech update?
>is he seriously gonna take over a year
of course not, its gonna take 2 years 5 months
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Our 2nd blonde waifu
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who these?
this style is terrible
ann is from long story short, the other one i have no idea
emma looks ugly
she no longer has mommy aura
3D wegs are so ugly
if you prefer this >>8604983
over this >>8606017
then you have full blown autism
And that's a good thing, comics Emma is just slightly older than Scott
>has been going on for years
>still has next to zero content
since when?
>extremely hot
>worst girl in the entire game
Ages are a meme in the Marvel universe, Peter Parker is early 30s at the latest so that's the original X-Men's ages as well, Emma should mid 30s
any games that don't tease the sex endlessly without actually having the MC fuck for hours into the game, but still has a good story to it? I recently played Trouble at Home which was kino but even though I probably didn't unlock everything it felt like a pitiful amount of sex scenes for a porn game.
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Another Chance - TimeWizardStudios
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It looks like Micaela from Seeking Closure but the hair color is wrong.
Long Story Short is NTR/ Cucking just a warning to people if they want to try it.
>>still has next to zero content
that will happen when more content has been removed to create a "new plotline", than added the past couple of years
another disgusting AI slop
>Almost no cleavage on a canonically big titted character
Goddammit I hate how neutered this guy's art looks
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Emma in proper resolution frens
The girls have 10+ outfits, I'm sure we'll get some good stuff
is this ai??
No, last I checked they had 2 artists, one doing the chars and the other the clothing
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uh oh..
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Why is this allowed?
Bros im a idiot, i just realized i accidentally deleted my weg folder.

over 2 years worth of savefiles on House in the rift :(

I will never find Azraesha irl
>Long Story Short
Actual NTR or 'oh nooos! The milf I'm banging wasn't a virgin' crycuck ntr?
the game warns you that if you enable NTR then you can get NTR'd so either he's closeted, retarded, or both
yknow the saves are in the appdata folder right

Oh fuck i forgot, i am saved.
Tho i think its not the case for all games
100% renpy, Timestamps

Worried for my jap games.
Club Bifrost saves gone
recuva or something
didya have shadowcopy or whatever enabled

Nah nothing like that, deleted my emulator folder while cleaning up ssd and completely forgot i had my weg there too.
Always opened it from quick access
isn't that risky? what if your mom opens it when she's using the computer?
A bit too soft-featured. Resting bitch face is non-negotiable.

Only reason they were slightly hidden was that sometimes friends visiting would use computer
Is the player able to actually talk like human being during sex yet or is it still a game of Mother May I?
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my wife
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Blonde blue-eyed muscle mommy.
>download renpy game #26346
>can't be bothered to play through it
>unren all the images
>select all the folders to open with honeyview for efficient viewing
>misclick "upload with Sharex"
>there's hundreds of shitty gobbo porn images somewhere on Imgur now
what game
Game is NTR and this thread for vanilla Wegs you can cry all you like or you can post about your cuck weg in the other Weg thread.
Long Story Short is NTR/ Cucking do not buy you should avoid if you are here for vweg.
There's a few normal routes and an NTR route, and I think a swinging route too but I may be misremembering which girl that one is with. I haven't played it in over a year, but you have to specifically try for the NTR (Hate) route, and it's not even good NTR, it's fake/detached NTR, the second worst type just behind "blackmail" NTR. She isn't your girlfriend and you hardly even know her, you meet her like twice in the game before this, and to start the route you have to be an absolute dick to her when your friends try and set you up with her, which makes her "Hate" you and then "NTR" you by fucking some bartender (who asks for her number during the date (who you have to specifically allow to ask)) in revenge. It's like pissing off some random bag lady at the grocery store and to get back at you she starts sucking off the next guy in line as revenge. It's not even NTR it's just retarded, and avoidable.
>Game isn't NTR except for this NTR content
Having a single optional/avoidable NTR route (that shouldn't even be called NTR because it's so bad) doesn't make it an NTR game, that title should be reserved for games with 50%+ NTR content or games with unavoidable NTR. I don't even know why I'm giving you a reply, 99% of wegs are NTR to you because your mother fucked your father, or a background gobbo talked to a man, or another man exists in the first place, so this is pointless.
Game still contains NTR which by definition makes it not a vweg game so go talk about it in the other Weg thread why does this upset you so much that your NTR game is being told to go to where it belongs?
what's the progress bar on this now? 90%?
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There exists a possibility that you could be cucked IRL. Therefore, you are a cuck IRL.
Stop this foolishness.
Categories exist for a reason, you like cucking and you've been told your game doesn't belong in vweg. It's that simple.
Is a movie a porno just because it has a sex scene or is the sex scene incidental?
>shitty bighead pedobait style
>granny hands
clearly if it stands for Novelist is a Total Retard then i agree it's ntr
Very simple.
If it has all 3 its cuckshit.
You said it has NTR.
I assume its against the players LI and you play the cuck.
Does the NTR continue through the game or is it a small story that never matters, like Power Vaccum?
>The girls have 10+ outfits, I'm sure we'll get some good stuff
Yeah not too promising considering most of their "sexy" outfits looks like grandma's underwear
I generally like the game but it flounders a lot in the erotic department
Self-contained NTR? What the fuck does that even mean? If she's fucking another guy she's also cucking every other guy in the universe by your usual logic, so unless you're the only male in the universe and can time travel into past to cuck yourself, self-contained NTR wouldn't make sense. It's all optional for fuck sake, just don't click the obvious NTR dialogue and it never happens. Click on the Love route dialogue instead, or whatever third option there is. Just because you have the option to drive into oncoming traffic or jump off a cliff or eat dirt, it doesn't mean that you have to.
>What the fuck does that even mean?
He explained it, he's using that phrasing to exclude stuff like a game having a loss condition that's NTR, which Power Vacuum does
>small story that never matters, like Power Vaccum
Sounds like cope, cuck
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6500€ a month
Mythic Manor is apparently still a thing huh
>So is it confirmed the world of Another Chance is really purgatory for the MC?
Curious too.
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>the latest NLT kino has Cleopatra as one of the main girls
NLTchads can't stop winning
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Who's rapemaxxing here? If her rape scene is just as good as Liv's I'm going to break my dick
wat gam
That has coomtent? Since when?
You mean you havent bred your redhead daughterwife? NGMI
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>Hey everyone, I'll provide another more detailed recap of what's left until release in case you're interested:

>Okay, so the rendered new content has been written and put in, and Ain's kitchen rework is halfway finished which means the little tease will also be available repeatedly in the daily kitchen event. (I edited the original scene to be a bit longer, starting with Ain leaning forward and asking you nicely if there is something more she can do aside from serving food...))

>The preview you see of the first encounter with a holy storm and the event around it has seen a long needed upgrade, and Savana is resting in Zahra's lap enjoying a casual hangout: The player can now invite her and Igor any day of the week, handing out services to your old friend or keeping all the fun for yourself, as many times as you want. For now, it includes older scenes and girls, including Ain, Kateryna and Emilia, with the added bonus of having Savana and Zahra occasionally commenting on the hot stuff that is happening around them.
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>What is left to do is the following:

>One short, sexy scene revolving around the new content. Should be done quickly. Then, Emilia's introduction (in the bedroom), the market kidnapping and the Queen's execution scene. I want to get these done for an optimal new playthrough, but I may also drop one of those if we go way past the end of november, as I said last week.

>That leaves animations I want to start on the 20th, and music/sounds/cutting for last. Also there's a bunch of text still in need to be written and code work to be done tonight.

>tldr: Thank you very much for your patience
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>Render progress:
>Mutant's quest II: 100%
>Pepper's lab: 100%

>Repeatable events:
>- Sparring with Shani: 100%
>- Igor repeatable visit: 100%
>- Raider throne room repeatables: 5%
>- Mutants repeatable sex events: 0%

>Reworks (& folder names):
>Shani's first adventure (d2e): 100%
>Back from the pyramid: (d2f): 60%
>Ivy's test; mistreated slave (d3b): 100%
>Shani and MC in old Cairo (d3c): 100%
>Emilia's introduction (d3d): 0%
>Kyra in basement (d4a): 100%
>Ain's attempted kidnapping (d4b): 20%
>Discovering the mutants (d5b): 100%
>First trip to Adira w/ Kyra (d5c): 100%
>Queen roasts kidnapper (d5d): 10%
>Kateryna & Igor first visit: 100%
>Abrax' introduction: 60%
>Showing Kateryna the city (d6a): 100%
>[First Asani visit (d6b): 30%]

>Complete code rework: 20%
>[UI improvement: 0%]
>Script writing: 5%
>Animations (including new ones in reworks): 15%
when is the next update?
Maybe in a year.
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between tomorrow and 2026
yes. the devs figured out that if you just add infinite side characters you can spend infinite updates doing their storylines rather than the main girls'. it's so shite
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well, eternum waiting room i suppose. hopes, dreams? thoughts on where the story might go? expectations of what the sex scenes will be like?

dalia and annie are for sure getting scenes, probably alex and nancy as well. maybe calypso instead of alex. even though dalia and annie are not my favorite characters, it's gonna be fun to take two virginities
I want more gingerwife
what's your favorite off meta weg, anon
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ok, sorry. now discuss the game
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Burned I think. It's genuinely funny.
That arm clipping through the elbow is lazy to the point of being grotesque
>6 months for the third update of between humanity
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The Dalia scene will be the grand finale of the episode. I can't wait.
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i think it'll be annie. dalia is important but annie is basically the mc's "girlfriend" and she's also his best friend. also, annie's scene will probably be romantic while i'm expecting dalia's scene to be more reminiscent of alex's
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More Goblin kino incoming.
that things disgusting
Is it killing weg or is this how it's always been? I hate BaDIK but I'm not going to blame DPC for "killing" anything. People are fucking retards, they always have been, and he caters to them.
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There's tens of thousands of completed games out there (and completed complete, not Personal Trainer, pic related).
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people don't discuss wegs because 95% of the good ones (read: not the slavic/ntr slop you're bound to suggest) take 8-12 months to release a single update. the devs themselves killed this general
the spamming is the #2 reason. made this general unusable for the majority of this year while the jannies [redacted]
now if you don't like the fact that people like popular wegs, feel free to go to the other general and look at all the blacked images
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Is it kino?
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its like pornhub for dirtytalk, uses real time voice AI. You can get this girls to say or do anything if you are clever about it
jesus christ lol
Scoob looks like hes 50% meatcanyon
Having played 0.1/2, no its not.
I honestly doubt there's tens of thousands of completed games since the default strategy is to make a 0.1 and never update it
Does ESL95 have an API for the latest update page? Could do some statistics that way
penis grabber don't click
What kind of weg do you guys actually want to see?
Dude lives together with sister and mommy, they slowly get more touchy, he fucks both separately, then there's a threesome, then the game ends with a happily ever after and no drama at all
>game ends
You want wegs to just continue forever? Brainrotted by live services, or what?
A dude gets wingmanned by his younger sister into assembling a harem of her friends before she eventually confesses that she was doing it to live vicariously through them but now she wants in
This except it's your grandma and her friends are all housecats
That's the one sister's path from Where the Heart Is
Nah, man, I want the whole game focused on picking up your sister's friends so that she can hear how well you dicked them down from them.

Catgirls are cool with me.
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Another Chance - TimeWizardStudios
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This but you play as the sister and you never see the scenes and the entire game is her masturbating in the room while listening to her brother and her friends and the game fades to black and ends just as they're finally going to fuck. No incest, perfect for patreon.
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I'm beginning to suspect I may never get the chance to knock up Maple.
Time didn't begin in 2016, anon.
There's a reason everyone knows Dating Ariane
Thanks, couldnt tell from the other 50 posts you made because the styles so drastically different
what is stopping the next NLT game from being the GOAT??
The fact its made by NLT
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Can't believe I wasted so much time with Genesis 3. The facial rigging in 8 is so much better.
I'm da jokah, baby
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Playing Life in Santa Country, I think this gobbo is supposed to look seductive but she just looks like she's possessed by a demon
This shit is fucking pathetic, fucking hohol scammers I swear to god
PinkGOD exists
essential hagcore games?
That woman rents a refrigerated storage unit somewhere.
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bros... will i ever find an azraesha irl??
I really wish this wasn't RPGMaker.
How does F95 work? Those links to download the Wegs are all legit? If they are are the creators ok with their full work being free to download or am I missing something here?
its all viruses
Keep in mind most creators release their updates to the public several weeks after the paypigs get access. Most understand that F95 is the best advertisement they could get.
It was the creator I saw was uploading the one I was curious about how it works before I downloaded. Is it really viruses? I've paid for Wegs on Steam but there's a really limited selection to chose from outside of the big known ones.
Yeah it's viruses all the way down
this game has turned to shit after the fuggo orc and dwarf got introduced
all the updates since then have been shit
Some skiddie has been uploading virus to a few games off and on. Lately I just check the updated pages and go directly to a creator's patreon if I really care about a game. I don't have a problem with dropping $10 for a weg that I've let a few updates stack up on.
You forgot to put the circle on Asami
I have DL'd thousands of times from there and never came across a virus. Despite it being a pirate site, the mods are pretty proactive when it comes to making sure the links are safe. A few have gotten through but that's more the exception and it was made known pretty quickly.

As to why this site is allowed. It's just become ingrained in the culture. F95 is unquestionably the biggest hub for fans of wegs and it was like that before the mass influx of newcomers after Steam started allowing adult content on the platform.
Most of these devs aren't official in anyway and either can't really afford or manage a strict copyright system, or realize that the site is the best way for them to get eyes on their usually niche game. A lot of creators are active members or were so before they started making their game. Many of the habits just center around piracy and it's just the overwhelming mindset in the community.
Think of it like Cassette/bootleg sharing in the 80s/90s for punk and metal bands. Free stuff is usually the way most fans discover this scene outside of just one game or creator. Some devs embrace it, some tolerate it. Even so, if a dev starts throwing a fit about it's usually seen as hypocritical since they more than likely benefitted from it being on there than not. The only way I see that ever changing is if wegs somehow go like "mainstream" mainstream. Enouch for actual companies get involved. Similar to how when Metallica and other acts blew up and the days of openly sharing tapes ended.
Even by then there were at least thousands of flashgames, from indie stuff on Newgrounds to contract stuff on various porn sites, Play Force One, etc. A bunch of horny people were able to bang out serviceable games inside a week, even it it was wrapped around 10 trivia questions or whatever.

This isn't even getting into the bajillion games made in Japan, or the numerous other nooks and crannies of the web. Did Sharks Lagoon and VDateGames ever finally eat a bullet? I know Pusooy did - metaphorically, cancer got him.

But back to the present, I wouldn't be surprised at all if the number of western/ish COMPLETED porn games wasn't well over 100k, and Sturgeons Law would indicate around 10k of those are worth a playthough. Patron abuse and ambitious devs whose reach exceeds their attention span get a lot of focus, but there's still an enormous backlog of games worth playing, and it's healthier to reach back for those than hyperfocus on a handful of competent games and another handful of perpetual disappointments.
She is perfect
when's it coming out?
wut gaem
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Another Chance - TimeWizardStudios
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girl looks like its from family faring
Searching for posts that contain ‘"Another Chance - TimeWizardStudios"’. 249 results found.

What causes this mental illness?
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oh too bad
No, that's good!
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why are they all so ugly
Cursed image. Something's really off with the lighting. Everything appears extremely flat.
>What causes this mental illness?
Being a wegdev
The mini-jew isnt there tho, thats the ugly one
It's a 5 year old weg made with honey select 1
the problem with this game is that i never know what i need to do to progress
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dev is based and "good enough, no one cares anyway" pilled
>dorm sluts are back
>one of the status updates said one scene will be a threesome with a new combo of girls
it's happening
it's evolving backwards
jade/others dikbros we are so back, chickfags on suicide watch
so the beginning of the game looks like it was made 5 years ago in hs1, dumbass
you say that like it's a bad thing
it's definitely not a good thing. i don't think default hs1 looks bad (i don't mind games like now and then or max's life) but a house in the rift's early scenes are rough
What’s the latest update on BADIK?

It’s almost been a year.
Shame the dorm sluts are evil. The threesome is probably a distraction so the other one can steal some shit from the mansion
>tfw enjoyed the mini-game puzzles more than the girls in Treasures of Nadia
wish it was more fleshed out instead of being a flash version of Adventures of Lolo
Don't expect it in 2024
holy shit why isn't this more popular
stop samefagging retard
Elena on the left
Could also be that one red-hair dorm girl who had the green/white sci-fi costume, I don't even know her name. Hopefully not though, Elena needs a scene bad.
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Another Chance - TimeWizardStudios
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Race of Life update can't arrive quickly enough.
I liked some pictures for the thread but sauce doesn't come up when I search for them so I'm just gonna ignore them instead of begging for a name. I'm sure the dev will appreciate less players of the game you have 'shared' with us.
Half of the pictures here are the same retard spamming the same game anyway
Game name?
Ask you stupid bitch. Youre acting like a fucking woman, "oh no i wont ask because thats a bother, boo hoo". Outside of the listed, almost everything else has been named if you read the thread.

Demon boy, i think

Innocent Witches


House in the rift


Grandmas House, as stated in the image
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Probably gonna be next year, January if lucky but Feb-March if realistic, DPC got hit by the wegdev curse last month or something.
if I ever develop a cancerous tumor in my asshole I'm going to call it TimeWizardStudios
Thank you.
never heard of it
What is she from?
Come on now you can't be in wegger without knowing the most popular Weg. (It's called Being a Dik)
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>best friend got money from some mafia dude to buy some alcohol
>mafia dude is going full WHERE IS MY MONEY YOU LITTLE SHIT, apparently 1 day later?
>says the debt can be paid off by the best friend giving him the panties he stole from some woman, because there's a seller paying big money for panties
I can't even begin to describe how little this dev knows anything about anything, but he sure is working hard to get those weg cliches in there even though he doesn't comprehend any ofthem
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I meant a buyer, this game is turning me into an ESL just by reading the dialogue
does someone have the most recent version of Daily Lives of My Countryside to download?
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>MC gets caught trying to get the panties back from his best friend's house
>best friend's dad tells him to strip and fuck his wife
>game keeps cutting to both the best friend's mom and dad having thoughts like "wow this is awkward but for some reason it's turning me on"
They're the ones who told the MC to be the bull but somehow they both don't know what they were doing
I usually just skip the dialogue in LISC
I might at least have to skip everything that isn't the MC talking to a hot gobbo
The start is really rough. It gets a bit better later on.
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Another Chance - TimeWizardStudios
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why did the artist forget about gravity on the booba
He probably has never seen a real one
Must have got all his anatomical knowledge from Skyrim sex mods

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