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>Dropped the Grimoire edition
Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8588431/
/tg/ & /wsg/ Smut Archive
40k Kink Meme
Warhammer 40,000 Reading Collection
Warhammer Fantasy Reading Collection
Warhammer Audiobooks & Audio Drama Websites
Writefags, link your work in-thread so it can be added to the archive instead of posting for long stories (e.g. rentry.org). This is to prevent them from getting lost between threads. Drawfags, feel free to post original art. People especially appreciate it when you give them meaningful feedback and criticism, so make sure to do so. It is simple, and both writefags and drawfags will love you for it.
>I'm interested in writing, but I don't know where to start!
Write. Write. Write. The mega.nz links are there for a reason. The more you read, the more comfortable you'll be creating a story of your own. For any more questions, check the 'Writing Resources' post below or simply post a question in the thread.
>What happened to /tg/'s Weekend Smut Threads?
It's been more than three years. /tg/ used host their weekend smut threads years ago, but some anons were against it, believing smut threads to be not "true" /tg/ or disliking erotic fanfiction in general. As a result, any smut thread was spammed with so many shitposts that the threads stopped all together. More specifically, threads were banned because the shitposters kept ban-evading and spammed false threads all day long. As a result, the mods gave up and set the threads tagged with '/wst/' on autosage. This is not exclusive to /tg/, however. Many other boards like /v/, /tv/, and /co/ had anons shitposting in order to purge writers.
=== General Writing ===

Creating a Story

General grammar tutorials and key notes

How to Write from a Second Person Perspective

Tips for Writing Grimdark


Body language

Facial Expressions


Guide to Constructive Criticism


=== Erotic Writing ===

Smut 101: An Introduction

Writing Erotica

Smut Writing Tips for Aspiring Writefags

Thesaurus for Male and Female Sex Organs

Thesaurus for Sexual Action

Thesaurus for Erotic Description

How to write an Orgasm

/wfg/ Community Thesaurus
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Art Megas
>>https://mega.nz/folder/yn40jYbB#7qJ-ZAXEgFw-FixizevWBQ - Blindwildcat WH art
>>https://mega.nz/folder/H99m3IhY#SbpRVp2fghX8OABqHX5yOg - Lewdanon art
>>https://mega.nz/folder/8skznaBS#ibTA-IlvIaDtIl7asqOR9Q - Geabull art
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Just copying emerald's post for story time because I think that covers it.
The Sybarite is Loved
(F!Sybarite x M!Kabalites) tags: drukhari/deldar, bound/tied-up, physical abuse, free-use, drugs, choking, primarily M/F, some F/F, piercings, aftercare

If you like dark eldar stuff you'll probably enjoy it. Please let me know what you think, and thanks for reading it!

Also, here's my last two stories updated and put on ao3:
Ulthwe Exposure Therapy
(M!Eldar x F!Eldar and F!TwinSister x ThePsychicSensationsHerSisterIsFeeling), tags: shared sensations, public humiliation, squirting, impregnation)
It's the second story in a series, so instead of splitting them up into separate works like I did my Lexmechanics, I'm just going to include it as subsequent chapters to the old story. That works well for me since I intend on writing more of them in the future. Let me know how you like it!

and the side-story to Ulthwe Exposure Therapy:
Something Wicked
tags: (M!Eldar Guardian x F!Guardswomen), tags: rape/non-con, condoms, group sex, temporary domination loss
And that's all for now, since it's 1am here I'm going to keep the post short. Enjoy!

Seems like there's two more Femstodes stories
Ennui (complete)
Happless Guardswoman Quest:
Stowaways in Eden
>daemon princess OC

Queens Don't Quit
>Escher x Mastrain Genestealers

Ancient Evil smutty texts
SOB corruption

I don't have any reason not to repost it....
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>Monster Encyclopedia: 41st Millennium Edition

What's the one in the bottom right?
Nightsider iirc
>A guardsman has one goal, to have sex with every abhuman in the imperium
Banned from literally every site he has posted to for non-sexual *implied* rape.
>the image that broke reddit.
Posting Mossa will also get you banned on /tg/
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No surprise since /tg/ is basically reddit these days anyway.
>in the imperium, *you* rape the beast(wo)man
You fucking kidding me?
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I know I'm going to regret asking, but how did it "break" reddit?
(No I will not look it up myself, searching reddit blows)
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Some tard tried editting the beastgirl removing the scarring and giving her a smile. People still complained as reddit is want to do. The owner of one of the subreddit simply got tired of dealing with all the faggots bitching every single time mossa gets posted. That pic was simply the final straw but I think it was the orks killing/eating cute guard girls that actually set them off. In general, they don't like the graphic nature of his art which is fucking ass backwards considering it's 40k. At least this is my understanding of it, I dont use that shithole.
>the orks killing/eating cute guard girls that actually set them off.
What's the issue? Artist makes waifu art, then draws them being brutally killed. Of course that's going to set people off in a waifu art thread.
Sure, and people who jerk off to it ought to get their head examined. But the subreddit was not specifically for waifus. Also it's 40k, it's suppose to be brutal and honestly I dont think mossa gives a shit about reddit considering he hasn't changed anything. I'm more surprised /tg/ would care at al, and I still see his art on occasion there.
>but it's 40k
Just because it is 40k, it doesn't mean that people want to see your dogshit guro fetish.
There is a reason why all gurofags are ostracizes even on 4chan of all places.
Take it to /trash/ where it belongs.
>Just because it is 40k (blah blah blah)
Sure, and I'm not suggested it should be allow. Just stating what I know about what happened. But not all his works are explicit, and afaik that stuff wasn't even posted on those reddit pages. Mossa was banned for works outside of what's allowed.
>my hole
they are everyones holes
>What's the issue?
They simply lack the emotional maturity to understand what is real and what is not. Mossa's art and drawings are just that, drawinings, it's not real, it didn't happen. But the fact people get attached to her art means she's good in giving off empathy to her creations. It's good but at the same time bad for the artist.
I love, Love Mossa's art. Now that it pisses off reddit or moral fags is a bonus.
Why so many of you think Mossa is a woman?
Mossa art got banned because of the amount of drama and retards linking loli guro in the comments underneath every single post. That subreddit Has only one mod and guy was tired of deleting it. That's the official reason, at least, but if you seen any of these discussions it makes sense.
wtf? Meant to type amen lol
Mossa is a dude. He even seens to be anti-feminist too, bc when news broke out of the level of inceldom they had in south Korea to the whole world, he was talking trash about the women who were tweeting about their situation (the situation mind you, are minors having AI deepfake porn made out of them, thousands of telegram chats with regenge porn that was recorded without the exe's knowledge and pregnant women being disrespected by random men in the streets).
Even if a woman isn't part of the feminist movement, she wouldn't attack people trying to prevent little girls from having their faces used in AI deepfake porn videos. Mossa did.
>if a woman isn't part of the feminist movement, she wouldn't attack people trying to prevent little girls from having their faces used in AI deepfake porn videos
You overestimate women.
What else can you really expect from a korean incel?
I always forget that South Korea is only a marginally better hellscape that North Korea. Every time I hear news or testimonies from South Korea it's pure nightmare fuel.
Tried it and yeah, I got a warning even tho It was literally an on-topic artwork.
I really fail to see the interest in using AI deepfakes when they could use it on feminists and flood the net with hardcore porn of them, but noooooooooooooooo, lets just use it on random girls.
Not very creative.
I think we need to move back into slutposting about warhammer bitches. Before we devolve further into shit that should remain on social media sites.
lucchi won't post more art on twitter and now i won't see the inevitable pregnant Erda art...
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They have a bluesky dummy!
I hate creating accs in social medias. I used to have accounts in more than 9 sites, i deleted almost all of them a few months back, only left twitter and pixiv. Too much stuff to manage. Social medias are a bother to me nowdays.
So if she ends up posting the preg art, please share here for me? Pretty please?
What a shame, no eldar stuff anymore. I dont want dive into shitsky.
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I really want to post a shitty edit of the new stinger and ovipositor bug abdomen for my maria Deamon Prince, but im unsure if thats in bad taste. also im lazy even if it would just be recoloring and drawing a shity ms paint nurgle mark.
Imagine what we could get if that stupid policy wasn't applied:
>Pregnant Erda
>Leetu fucking her Eldar oc
>Eldar nsfw in general
Did the artist never make the flat belly version of this one?
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Still working on it friend Please be patient. I also realized her leggings are two short and am changing what her stinger will look like so it will take a bit of time.
I almost exclusively masturbate to the idea of being defeated in battle by a Warhammer monster (could be Skaven, Beastmen, Tyranids, or any other), taken as their woman, and raped repeatedly until I'm pregnant. I like to imagine stroking my swollen belly and feeling the inhuman limbs of their monstrous offspring pressing against it, knowing that I'm going to give birth to a monster who will do to others what its father did to me.

(I'm a man btw, idk why I find this shit hot. Is this agp?)
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i feel like they're just fucking with us at this point.
>Character spotlight
>Keri vs gutter runner
no fuckin way, they have to know
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All jokes aside, getting turned on by projection doesn't really mean anything. The woman is the hot part of sex.
NTA but I enjoy the idea of being the monster. I always find it easier to self insert as a monster than anything else.
Just because you don't look the greatest IRL you don't have to self-insert as an inhuman creature.
starting to think fartshart should be giving us gender options for ogryns
based on octosoup's ogryn girl
The smell of a Cadian woman after a full week on the frontline.
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5 day old corpses smell terrible anon.
Man imagine catachan women after a week
>Welcome to the Jungle starts playing when they unzip their pants
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>ugly one
Tities out
>cutie one
Covered tities
Should i blame Slaanesh, Nurgle, Tzeentch or Khorne ?
Funny that i think the one wanting to fuck would be Khorne bc he seens to be massive tsundere with the Chalice fable.
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If I saw this voxcast, I would kill the Commissar myself
This one looks better.
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How asian should Tau be, anons?
Clothing style only.
Tau are Chineses (visually), Eldar are japanese (culturally)
They should speak in engrish all the time
What do you think will happen?
>Knights her
>Gives her the cloak he's holding
>She returns to her life as a Serf except a rank higher
The fatness of her white ass concerns me though. No idea why.
Anal sex.
Here is part two of the corrupting SoB story:

Also part one, which was posted a few weeks ago:

Let me know if there is anything you want to see in part 3
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This is what femcustodes should be built like.
But anon, that's a woman.
What could have the guy looking so uncomfortable?
He has not seen the back of his eyelids since he got a tau wife
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>What could have the guy looking so uncomfortable?
Because happiness is mandatory under the Greater Good. If he ever for a moment gets unhappy, they will purge him.
pretty sure he's faking it so he keeps getting to sleep with all four of them.
His facial expressions aren't "real"
He's an actor in a propaganda reel, whose facial expressions and demeanor are supposed to have a humorous effect, "oh no, how shall I cope with such abundance!?"
It's a parody of communist propaganda from the early Cold War, and the jokes are deliberately bad to reflect what communist propagandists would find humorous and/or appropriate for propaganda.
For added metahumor, like a lot of the actual propaganda, he's not a professional actor, he really is just a miner who defected and is trying his best to act, in accordance with the wishes of the film director and his handler, which is why his acting is stilted and terrible.
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>But anon, that's a woman.
She doesn't have the right selection of OEM parts to service a Dark Angel.
It's just like the old adage
Only a primarch can kill a primarch
Only a astartes can fuck a astartes
An examination is unnecessary. I did one on myself and concluded everything's in order.
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RT should have more smut.
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I probably should have mentioned this one is a bit more hardcore than the first one and includes bondage, forced corruption, large insertions, nipple play, impregnation, tentacles, borderline incest, and some pretty vivid descriptions of a Slaaneshified garden, and later a Slaaneshified library
The woman will watch, of course.
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Marazhai seems to be the most popular character
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>Marazhai seems to be the most popular character
By volume, it is definitely Cassia
Agreed, it's the minimum, but I'll edit this to give her peak Emperor given physique
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The OG.
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Tau Goddess
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Needs Greater Goods!
Looks like Chaos. Maybe definitely Tzeentch. Hope you like you God-vagina to be full of tentacles.

Got a very specific fetish where Kerillian keeps on getting raped but escapes every time without consequence. Like Elftaker, but without the moral degeneration or body-modification. Probably Elf magic.
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>Hope you like you God-vagina to be full of tentacles.
But that sounds AMAZING!
It's the Greater Good Goddess, it's described to be basically a tau with having arns from the major auxillary races of the Empire.
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I wish. I keep seeing a lot of Marazhai fanart around, most of it probably isn't getting reuploaded anywhere
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Eths are flatties, Water caste has the titties.

Its canon that Water caste embassies have used brainwashing and genetic engineering to subvert alien leadership. They would produce some Water ladies built to attract human desire, wouldn't they?
Human men living on Tau worlds have a truly blessed life.
Bigger Boobs are the will of the Tau'va!
Would human would go for Tau men? If not, maybe that's why the Sororitas are so involved.
I'm sure human women want their big blueberry hubby
>Slaaneshified garden, and later a Slaaneshified library
I am now interested in your work. I'd read an adventure module entirely about exploring SLAANESHIFIED locations.
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Are you a fan of a plant motif for exodite armor?
The emperor plaps this in the warp
Do you think the Emperor had a girlfriend in all those millenia? Or was he chaste? I mean, Anatolia 10 thousand BC, that is a lot of time.
I would plap femboy Emprah.
That's Erda, anon
Which is his mum?
>Do you think the Emperor had a girlfriend in all those millenia? Or was he chaste?

No, the Emperor had Erda. A femboy, trap, if you wanna call it that,
>Goes up against Slaaneshi forces
>Suddenly the plant tendrils are also on the inside of her armor
Was Erda so effeminate that he couldn't be distinguished as male until his dick was out? If so, then yeah, trap if not, femboy.
First of yes, Looks amazing here.
Second, This is making me think of doing a Story of one of marias cycles landing her on an exodite world at some point. shit happens and triggers her memory lock and shit happens. doubt she would be able to fully corrupt a world spirit but would still be fun.
Thirdly unrelated to this im also thinking of a less Deamony form she takes when her psychosis puts her in a Manic Dryad mood.
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This woman followed the Emperor since the beginning of recorded history. That's his wife sir, and a very faithful one before shit hit the fan terribly
iirc both John Grammaticus and Erebus point out that Erda is basically one of the most beautiful women they have seen in their lives
In all the time I've been about 40k I didn't know she was a character.
Certainly not a femboy or trap though, a shame. Would have been far more interesting.
>In all the time I've been about 40k I didn't know she was a character.
It's because she's only existed since the last few Horus Heresy books, which turned the Heresy into something that can be summarised as "Karen took the kids"
Ah well that makes sense, retcon strangeness.
>Would have been far more interesting.
Would've made no fucking sense considering that Erda is meant to be the biological mother of the primarchs.
Uooh mommy erda x Shota emps porn when
>Certainly not a femboy or trap though, a shame. Would have been far more interesting.

Hard to understand with retcons and all, but it started off as a very effeminate boy, later turned out to be a woman. She was of middle eastern features, skin of the color cinnamon and her facial features are of Nefertiti's bust to say at least. It's not clear if Erda was a boy and the emperor's powers of the chaos void, turned into a girl or if she was always a girl to begin with.
As an unironic Erda fan, the situation is deeper than that. We simply get the "Karen took the kids" bc they didn't gave her any build up. If there was hints of her existence and she appeared in some parts priors we would've been able to properly "digest" her existence (like Cawl). When you take time to ponder about her situation and the concept of her character you can see she's an interesting character that was awfully implemented.
Erda was meant to be a trap???
T4T Emps/Erda?
Would make sense as a disguise. Just like making your most defining feature a mask or some ornate dress means you can disguise yourself just by removing it, no-one expects the Empress of Mankind.

Awful lot of the retcons/new lore can be described as that
>interesting character
>awfully implemented
Leagues of Votann, Cawl, Primaris, Erda.
All of these could be good ideas if they were introduced slowly, given care and allowed to rest and be digested properly instead of
>btw Girlyman actually made over 10,000 super-space marines before he went to sleep. Here they are.
>Squats are back.
ALL could have been introduced with less reactionary recoil if they had at least used their immense creative outlets to seed the ground. Free enovels following Erda, both from and aside of her POV, before she met the Emperor would have made her sudden appearance in a mainline series less jarring. Hell, the Femstodes bullshit could've been softened with a series of Custodes-focused books that drop hints that Custodes aren't necessarily all male. Instead they GW just can't physically stop shitting out new paradigm-changing information with all the subtlety of the UK GOV saying they're going to tax everyone more and spend less money inside of the UK.

Having said that, fuck Ollanius Persson. He was not an immortal, re-incarnating near-godlike being. He was mortal. He was human. He was as divorced from godhood as the Emperor was divorced from mankind itself. And yet he stood inbetween his Emperor and the arch-traitor and dared him to come no closer.
>she's an interesting character
I really, really disagree with you anon. With how she is even introduced into this story, it is unironically jarring.
You see, she would've had a decent character arc if, lets say, she gets called out for the literally throwing the primarchs in the warp. We then would have a character which had good intentions but executed them horribly, much like the emperor.
But no, the novels never treat her like that. It makes it as if she made the right call and everyone should agree with her actions which is fucking ludicrous because she was responsible for half of the primarchs falling to the chaos gods and damned the fucking galaxy to decay and zealotry.
>fuck Ollanius Persson
They can't help themselves, every event involving the "core" Imperium story has to be bigger and better than the event before it. Persson was supposed to be just a normal ass human with enough balls to stand in front of Horus, but they can't be happy with that.

The Horus Heresy is approaching the Star Wars Prequel problem, where its retcon'd that every character established in the original story is actually a supernatural being who's been shadowing the Emperor his entire life.
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>You see, she would've had a decent character arc if, lets say, she gets called out for the literally throwing the primarchs in the warp. We then would have a character which had good intentions but executed them horribly, much like the emperor.
This happens twice actually, once by John Grammaticus and the second time by Erebus.
>she was responsible for half of the primarchs falling to the chaos gods
They were always meant to fall anon
The more you look into the incident, the more you can see the Emperor wanted that Primarchs to be scattered. He was in the nursery during the scattering, he could've easily killed her, what he did? Prevent the walls from crumbling while she was doing her thing. The moment she opened the portal he could've snapped her neck, he did not do that.
He didn't even punished her after, and you know what he did to Amar Astartes when she tried to save "her sons". Erda went into exile yet was still given a water and the means necessary to live confortably (clearly by his decree). It's not a matter of she being right or being called out, she already despises herself for what she did and feels unworthy to be seen by her own sons. Her life was already miserable and she was going to exist like that till the end of time.
Also, Guilliman himself sees that the scattering was a plan of the Emperor, "to temper his sons into fine weapons".
>But the Emperor raged for days after the scattering
Ofc he did, he not only mind broke the woman who was by his side the longest, he tricked her into throwing their children into the warp. At the start he only saw them as tools, so throwing them into the warp would be whatever, but even Malcador got surprised when the Emperor started calling them his sons. His pragmatic side followed his original plan, while his human side raged... At himself, for having to "break" what he started to hold so dear, his Familia Humana.
Erda and her actions humanize the Emperor so much.
Anon, they probably didn't read Saturnine and/or Warhawk.
Might also add that John keeps blamming Erda after the encounter, when he's travelling with Leetu.
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>The body writing
always makes me wonder. Above and below the belt makes sense. But since you'd have to get someone else to write the text, who are you having scratching at your butt and possibly around your groin?

Anyway, >>8609780
picrel could be what you're thinking of, albeit primitive. Possibly something for after they pry her out of her overgrown armor.

I will admit to that readily. There's too much fiction to consume alongside my other interests so I'll have to be ready to adjust my arguments on new information. I will still maintain my position however until I found out what people think about Erda in the 41M. Or the Inquisition was able to successfully un-person someone so completely that not even myths remain about the Emperor's wife.
Personally? I want a novel from Erda's POV. I want to understand why she did what she did.
>Personally? I want a novel from Erda's POV. I want to understand why she did what she did.
So you basically hate her for the reason anon pointed out and you went agaisnt. Bc she wasn't properly implemented, anon even mentions enovels or stuff about her being mentioned here and there.
The Word Bearers have a shitload of slaves they can make do whatever they think needs to be done, but also Dark Apostles will just have passages of the Epistles of Lorgar randomly manifest on their skin. Which they then flay off their body to give to their chosen followers as gifts, which are in turn grafted onto the recipients' skin. It's the basis for a major plot point in the Word Bearers trilogy.
But also, it's Erebus. Don't accuse the man of having a single shred of decency or any sort of inhibitions.
This but unironically.
cool, let me know what you think of the story so far, the next part will have even more slaaneshified stuff
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First time publishing to AO3. I have a bunch of stories that I'll probably post there and share here in the coming days.

Enjoy, bros.

This is what we fight for
Woke up grinding my pillow and imagining being pregnant with Tyranid babies.
very cool! I'll give it a look.
no you didn't
Do it.
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Leandros did nothing wrong!
i'm not lucchi anon, i just have her Erda art saved
Well, Lucchi should do it then.
why are there so many pedophiles in this thread
Kinda sad. I once looked at her commission price sheet and there was written she wouldn't draw shota or loli nsfw.
Incendia was so hot. Top tier looks and first introduction at the midpoint.
I remember coming back to footfall and finding her basicly torturing the entire station while hopped on nothing but space amphetamin and criminal brains.

I should get the fic about her (and Argenta) raping and torturing Iconoclast Rogue Trader to near-death off the planning stage.
Same. Except that last line. That's deranged.

She gave me major "I can fix her" energy. Doubled when I learnt how she got to that point. Really wished I was playing Dogmatic so I had a reason to side with her. Maybe try corrupting her back into the hedonistic, near-heretical mold of her ancestor.
Just pay DMX or Sosoni to draw it.
They'll make it good.
Yeah the backstory is there for some scrappy hurt-comfort whatever (if you like those); the foreshadowing with the footfall priest guy was really good.

But I like keeping her like she is more. She really cashed in all the checks Argenta wrote but couldn't live up to. It was so sad to play the game and realize that Idira was much more attractive than Argenta.
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I would like to remind you that with time, fish-wife will become more like fish. But she will never cease being wife.
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>fish-wife will become more like fish
What makes you say that? None of the other navigators stayed in water.

I'm assuming that Cassia and the navigator from the intro are the same House, since they both have the gills.
How come there's not a lot of Slaanesh art?
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Finished the edit
For the full res png because it was too large.
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They have epilogues for the romance paths.
Also Cassia is 19 years old when you hire her and already mutated to heck because her power and talent come at the expense of stability.
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I don't really hate Cassia, but I hate how she completly overshadows actual best girl
[spoiler]Seriously what the fuck was Owlcat thinking[/spoiler]
The hornier something is on it's own, the least likely it will get lewds
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I can't stand Idira's voice acting, too bad.
why did you make her head smaller
Felt too large.
Cassia and Heinrix ended up being my least favorite companions for that very reason. I don't hate them per se, just the overexposure they get. Heinrix is especially bad because if you're a female player he's basically your only option for a regular romance. Doesn't help that his pairing with the RT became the most popular pairing on ao3 overnight. I got sick of him before I even had the chance to finish the game, because it felt like I was being told this was my only option while male players get to have their 3 girls to fight over amongst themselves.

Marazhai is a good non-Heinrix option but still. Male players can either have a princess waifu, a frigid waifu who warms up to you, or a swashbuckling waifu. Why do I have to be with the most cliche romantic hero or the bad boy? Could have at least given the female player Pasqal or Ulfar for more variety
Most video game players even today are still men.
It's a male dominated hobby, meaning devs will cater to that. Simple really.
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>Why do I have to be with the most cliche romantic hero or the bad boy?
This is Warhammer 40k motherfucker, we traditional power fantasy here. If you want genre-defying characters, take yo ass back to /lit/
Gaming is a feminine hobby. You sit at home, doing menial and nonthreatening tasks that no one will appreciate, then go to bed and do the same thing tomorrow. If you're a man you shouldn't be gaming. You should be signing up for the military or chopping trees.
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I was confused by your rant until i realized you were including Jae in the "three waifus."
Which, lol. Lmao.
But I do think you should have been given the chance to teach the old widower to learn to love again. He'd have been a fantastic romantic route. Especially if the ingress route involved buttering up his grand daughter to convince her to convince him to lay some fresh pipe in your wet walls.
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>no-one expects the Empress of Mankind
But I ALWAYS expect the Empress of Mankind!
I liked it.
Coming from Wrath of the righteous, it was perfect blend of Wenduag and Seelah
chaos warriors can have sex?
>chaos warriors can have sex?
Chaos warriors can't take their armor off, but where there's a will there's a way.

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